A/N: Sorry you've all had to wait so long for this chapter. In my defence I hadn't planned on a fourth chapter and this is why I couldn't post a multi-chapter story without finishing it first.

I couldn't do this without the help of Phoebe. Thank you, my friend, for your amazing editing skills.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five-0 or any of the characters.

Chapter Four

"One Kieki plate for the little guy, and for Gracie, Corn Battered Shrimp on a Stick." Kamekona smiled broadly at the two youngsters sitting alone at the table. "Where the dynamic duo at? I have a new recipe set aside for them to sample."

"They're over there." Grace pointed forlornly with her good hand.

"What's with the sad face, Gracie?" Kamekona sat down next to Charlie. "Come on, you can tell your Uncle Kamekona."

"It's nothing." Grace stared at her injured arm. Studying the mass of drawings and get well wishes covering the cast.

"You can tell me. Can't she, Kieki?" The big guy leaned forward, nudging Charlie playfully with his elbow.

The little boy nodded his head enthusiastically, his beaming smile a carbon copy of his father's.

"You have to promise not to say a word." Grace aimed a shrimp stick at each of them. "That includes you, Charlie."

Kamekona placed his hand over his heart. "You have my word, Gracie."

Grace sighed deeply, and started picking at her food. "Ever since my accident, they've been different with each other."

"Different how?" Kamekona looked over at the two men deep in conversation by Steve's Silverado.

"It's like how mom and Danno used to argue. And when they're not fighting, there are these long silences."

"I'm sure it's nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over. It's probably just work stuff."

Grace shook her head. "No, this is more than work. The first night I was home from the hospital, they had a massive fight. I walked in the kitchen and Uncle Steve had Danno in an arm lock and shoved up against the kitchen counter."

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Danny chewed on his bottom lip. Never taking his eyes off his kids as they sat with Kamekona by the big guy's shrimp truck.

"Stop worrying. We'll work something out." Steve stopped pacing to lean on his truck with one hand, the other rubbing the back of his neck. "Gracie will understand."

"Grace thinks we're splitting up. She asked if Lou was your new partner and if I was going back to HPD."

"You make it sound like we're a couple."

"If we're not, what are we? BFWB?"

Steve frowned at his friend.

"I'm not spelling it out for you. You figure it out, genius." Danny jabbed a finger at Steve's chest.

"I know what it means, Danno. And you know you're a hell of a lot more to me than that." Steve wrapped his fingers around Danny's wrist and brought his friend's hand to his lips, planting a chaste kiss on his knuckles.

"This isn't getting us anywhere." Danny pulled free of Steve's grip. "Today was meant to be a treat for my kids, and here we are again. Them over there, us over here. The only difference, if we were home there'd be walls to keep us from prying eyes."

"Is that what's got you so upset? People seeing us together?"

"No. I'm worried about my kids."

"You're overreacting like usual." Steve grinned and closed the gap to his friend. "You need me to take your mind off it?"

"Not now. I think my daughter's seen enough or have you forgotten our little kitchen incident already?" Danny glared at his partner.

"Hey, how was I to know Gracie was gonna get up?"

"You have a lot to learn about kids."

"You're over thinking this. Come here." Steve held his hand out for Danny to take. "I have an idea."

"That doesn't fill me with confidence. Your ideas usually result in me getting shot at." Danny reluctantly allowed himself to be dragged towards Kamekona's truck.

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"Eww." Charlie screwed up his nose.

"You not liking my garlic shrimp there?" Kamekona sat back as if offended.

"Uncle Steve kissed Danno."

"Don't be silly, Charlie." Grace rolled her eyes at her younger brother.

"Yeah he did. They do it all the time." Charlie looked towards the Silverado.

Grace and Kamekona followed his gaze, but both men were nowhere to be seen.

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"If you hadn't noticed, people can still see us." Danny glanced at their surroundings. A mix of tourists and locals soaking up the afternoon sun.

"I thought your issue was with Grace and Charlie? Two guys kissing isn't that big of a deal."

Danny allowed Steve to back him up against the side of the shrimp truck. He closed his eyes as the heat of the sun-warmed metal radiated into his back.

"May I point out that this doesn't resemble kissing? It feels more like a full on sexual assault is about to happen."

The hand pushing against Danny's chest went still.

"You gonna arrest me, Danno?"

Steve was a menace. There was something about his voice that went straight to Danny's dick. Now that he was allowed to indulge his animalistic desires, it was tough to resist.

Eyes still closed, Danny relaxed into the firm grip of his partner. Calloused fingers wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him those last few inches until Steve's breath ghosted on his cheek. He slipped his arms around Steve's waist and pressed his body against his best friend, letting him know just how turned on he was.

"No, but someone will." The last word barely audible as Danny slid his tongue between Steve's lips without any resistance.

Danny stopped the kiss with a gasp as Steve's hand crept beneath his T-shirt and ran through his chest hair before tweaking a nipple.

"Fuck, Steve. We have to stop." Danny pulled back a fraction.

"Couldn't agree more, brudda."

Both men broke apart as if they'd just been burned. Kamekona stood a few feet away, shaking his head. The look on his face went from amused to disappointed in a flash.

"I come to expect this behavior from some of my younger customers. But from you two..." Kamekona walked away leaving the two friends both feeling humiliated.

"I swear to God, Steven -"

"Whoa, don't you dare point the finger at me for this one. Takes two." Steve glared back at his partner.

"Hey, I wasn't gonna. But this has to stop. When did we become horny teenagers?"

"Okay, okay." Steve grabbed both Danny's shoulders and forced him to face him. "You done?"

"This is ridiculous, huh?" Danny let his forehead rest on Steve's chest.

"We'll figure it out, buddy." Steve pulled Danny into a hug.

"You are so busted." Grace stood by the back of the truck, cell phone poised to take a photo.

"Grace." Danny was too stunned to say anything more.

The two partners separated once again. Each as mortified as the other.

"We can explain." Steve looked to Danny for some backup.

"Where's Charlie?" Danny fidgeted uneasily.

"Sitting with Kamekona." Grace slipped her cell into the back pocket of her denim shorts. "Charlie must take after you, Danno. He worked it out."

"Grace, you are making zero sense." Danny frowned at his daughter and then at Steve.

Steve shrugged his shoulders. "Don't look at me."

"Do I have to spell it out?" Grace sighed and rolled her eyes dramatically. "I'm not your little Monkey anymore. You should have told me you were a couple. I was worried you had fallen out and that I wouldn't get to hang out with you both. Like today."

Steve grinned affectionately at his adopted niece. "I love spending time with you too, Gracie. Come here. Give me a hug."

"So you find this funny? My teenage daughter almost catches us..." Hands cutting through the air, Danny paced the spot in front of Steve and Grace. "I don't even want to go there. And my innocent little boy. We've probably scarred him for life."

"Danno, I'm fine. I get it now. You know how much I love you. And you too, Uncle Steve."

Danny deflated at his daughter's words and pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head. "I love you, Grace."

"That's gross." She pushed away.

"What's the matter now?" Danny tried and failed to hold on to her.

"The other day. I thought you were... oh and the night of my accident. Danno, how could you?"

"Hey, this isn't all your dad's fault." Steve gave Danny's arm a reassuring squeeze.

"I agree. That's why you both owe Charlie and me."

"We owe you?" Danny looked wide-eyed at his daughter as he pointed to himself and Steve.

"Yes. You remember the purse you said was overpriced? And there was that remote control car Charlie begs you for every time we're in the toy store."

"We get it, Grace. You win." Danny hooked his arm in hers and headed back towards the table where Charlie was still sitting with Kamekona.

"I hope you have your wallet on you, Uncle Steve." Grace shouted over her shoulder.

Steve trailed behind. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh, Danno?"

"And one last thing. Charlie isn't scarred for life. He thinks it's great you two being together. And so do I." Grace rested her head on Danny's arm. "I love you, Danno."

"I guess we're going shopping. Now that your Uncle Steve is paying, we could make a weekend of it." Danny grinned mischievously.

"It's gonna cost you too, buddy." Steve pulled out his cell and started an internet search. In more than just money.

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Danny tipped his head back until his tightly bound hands came into view. God was he happy the kids were miles away with their mother. They'd been effectively bribed along with Kamekona to keep their mouths shut. Now he was paying the price for having an insanely competitive - what were they anyway? Boyfriends? That word felt so childish for what they were doing right then.

His own belt was strapped skillfully around his wrists with a heavy metal chain snaking through the leather loop. Said chain was strung through a large metal D-ring welded to the floor.

Steve had blurted out classified before Danny could even ask how he'd become so adept at restraining someone with such rudimentary items. In the days since they'd first started fooling around, he seriously began to wonder if his friend could indeed read minds. Or was he that easy to figure out? Danny had to admit, though, MacGyver Steve was a fantastic asset when it came to the kinky shit. That side of their relationship was guaranteed to never get boring.

Danny lay completely helpless on an old lumpy mattress with the smell of engine oil wafting up every so often. He had protested about both, only to be threatened with having his own socks stuffed in his mouth if he didn't keep quiet. He was naked as the day he was born. His control freak of a partner had whipped off said socks before vanishing out the door.

An unexpected visitor had Steve deep in conversation merely a stone's throw away. The muffled chatter coupled with his lack of attire had his anxiety levels flying off the scale. What the hell could be taking so long?

Keeping still wasn't one of Danny's strong points, so he was relieved to hear the door swing open. Before it had even had time to slam shut, Steve was back kneeling over him. His thighs bracketing his own, he leaned forward and planted a sloppy wet kiss on his lips.

"Hey, get outta here. I'd get a dog if I wanted sloppy kisses." Danny turned his head trying to wipe the wetness from his mouth on his upper arm. "Animal."

"Yeah, and you love it." Steve pulled his shirt off and threw it to the side.

"Why'd it take you like forever to get rid of him?" Danny studied his friends torso as he rose up to remove his pants.

"The guy spotted the Marquis on the drive as he was passing by. He wanted to take a look. Asked if I was selling it."

"Seriously? That car is more important than this?" Danny jerked his restraints, desperately wanting to use his hands to emphasize his point. "Why didn't you say you were busy, huh?"

"That smart mouth of yours not working so well without the use of your hands there, buddy?" Steve grinned as he settled back down so he was once again positioned over Danny.

"Yep, and I hate to break it to you, babe, but it's not the only thing not working. All this car talk appears to have killed the moment."

Both men looked down at Danny's dick.

"Perfect." Steve reached around his back and grabbed the toy he'd sneaked in without his partner seeing.

"That's not a word I'd associate with this situation." Danny sighed and rested his head on the mattress. "I'm slowly dying here, Steven. Not being allowed to touch you is tantamount to torture."

"A small price to pay considering what last weekend cost me."

Before Danny had a chance to respond, the shock of something cold and wet smothering his dick had him arching his back and groaning. "What the hell is that?"

"Some lube for your new toy."

"Fuck, Steven. Give a guy some warning." Danny kicked playfully, catching Steve's shin.

He received a steely glare in return which told him to behave.

"This is an adjustable cock ring. It'll slow blood flow, making you last longer and cum harder."

"I see that. Don't put it on too tight, Steven."

"You have personal experience with one of these?"

"Steven…" Danny yanked on his restraints.

"I won't, okay. Chill out."

"Keep that up and you're forgiven." Danny stared wide eyed as Steve jerked him off a little, his erection growing.

"Good, because buying your kids presents is one thing, but investing in Kamekona's new subscription service in exchange for his silence went above and beyond. I'm gonna enjoy this." Steve glanced briefly at his friend before running his tongue over the head of his cock, letting out an agreeable hum when he tasted the cherry lube.

Forcing Danny's legs apart, Steve kissed and nipped his inner thighs, before licking the underside of Danny's balls, and sucking them hard, he relished the resulting sharp intake of breath. Moving up his body, he ran his tongue along his friend's rock hard shaft, briefly stopping to give his navel a playful swirl.

He then traced the scar running along the center of Danny's stomach. A permanent reminder that their love for each other was more than skin deep. Pushing down so his own erection rubbed against Danny's, he rocked into him, making his partner writhe and moan.

Steve wet his fingers, and reaching down, he nudged at Danny's hole. His fingertips circled the silky ridges, teasing the tight ring of muscle. He continued the torment with one hand as he grabbed the small tube of lube with the other. Making sure his friend was ready, he slid a finger in all the way. Danny hissed and grabbed Steve's hand.


"No." Danny shivered. "Right there."

The sensation was somewhere between pleasure and pain, leaving Danny feeling lightheaded for a few seconds as the slow, even strokes found his sweet spot. With the cock ring adding pressure, his throbbing erection felt like it was ready to explode. Steve jerking himself off as he finger fucked him was more than enough to make Danny cum.

The second Danny's orgasm hit, Steve felt his friend's body clench around his finger, he began to pump his own erection with renewed vigor. He watched his friend shudder as he came down from his release. Thoughts of his dick inside Danny pushed Steve over the edge, his body trembling, and he flopped down next to his friend.

Steve eased the ring off Danny's cock, tossing it to one side, before resting his head in the curve of Danny's neck, arm laid across his friend's chest. "Shit, that was hot."

"Any chance you could untie me?" Danny tugged on his restraints.

"Yeah, I guess so. You don't wanna be my sex slave for the rest of the weekend?" Steve released Danny.

"Fuck, that hurts." Danny rubbed his abused wrists. "Not if it involves having my hands tied above my head for hours. I think I lost the feeling in my fingers at some point."

"Sorry, buddy." Steve used his shirt to wipe them both down and then began to massage Danny's shoulders.

"I'm good. Here lay down next to me." Danny patted the mattress.

Steve leaned in and kissed his friend's neck tenderly before snuggling up against him.

"What's that?" Danny pointed up at the ceiling.

"An exhaust system for the Marquis."

"And that?" Danny waved his hand in the other direction.

"An air intake." Steve pulled Danny's arm down. "Why do you wanna know?"

"It's gotten dark outside. We'd be looking up at the constellations right now. This is the next best thing."

"Car parts hanging from my garage rafters? Not really the same, Danno." Steve smiled at his friend.

"Next time we need to find a secluded spot to park your truck, because you're right, this isn't the same."

"You? Mr. Paranoid. Wants to do this again - and outside? After what happened in the Camaro?"

"We'll be better prepared." Danny turned onto his side so he was facing Steve. "And next time I get to torture you."

"Is that a fact?"

"Sure is, babe." Danny kissed Steve on the lips. "Payback and then some."

"Can't wait." Steve returned the kiss.

"One other thing. Ditch the mattress." Danny picked at a dirty spot.

Steve covered Danny's hand with his own and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'll give you that one. It's not that comfortable."

"We're getting old. Too old to play around like horny teenagers."

"Speak for yourself, buddy." Steve jumped over the side of the Silverado. "Race you to the shower."

"Hey, that's cheating. You had a head start, you big goof." Danny yelled after him, a huge grin on his face.

~ the end ~