Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia

As America's plane landed, he wondered what collage he should attend. There were many great collages in his country. Plus, he didn't have to worry about getting accepted because of his government interfering.

America decided he wanted to go to Harvard. It was one of the best schools he had in his country, and he hasn't been there in awhile. He knows all he has to do is make a few calls, and he will have a place at the school.

America put in his headphones, and listened to 'Freak Show' by Set It Off. Sometimes he thinks his music is psychic, because it always plays music that suits how he's feeling.

I am a circus freak

Caught in a cage, caught in a cage

Staring without a blink

Swallow me whole, swallow me whole

Sometimes he feels that the act he puts on, will eventual consume him. But he's prepared for anything that could be thrown at him, even if it's his own family.

I am a circus freak

Cut out my heart, cut out my heart

Loveless and watch me bleed

Tear me apart, tear my apart


He knows, that they will keep attacking him. No matter what he does the nations only see America's faults. Instead of the cunning brilliance he keeps hidden.

I've lost myself in make-believe

I don't wanna go, I don't want to go, make me

Over and over I've deceived

I don't wanna go, I don't want to go

You want reform? I can't conform

Cause I can't take anymore of your tainted bliss cause

I've lost myself in make-believe

You can't break me

America has deceived all of them, and he knows it. Although Russia knows some, and Canada seems to be catching on, they will never know the true extent of his Mask.

I am a circus freak

So many scars, so many scars

I'm just the common creep

Something to watch, something to watch

Oh, you know you can't break me

After what happened recently, the others will pay more attention to him. That means even the slightest slip could be detrimental to everything he has worked for. All his scars, and secrets, could come to the surface at any moment.

I've lost myself in make-believe

I don't wanna go, I don't want to go, make me

Over and over I've deceived

I don't wanna go, I don't want to go

You want reform? I can't conform

Cause I can't take anymore of your tainted bliss cause

I've lost myself in make-believe

You can't break me

He will never back down though. If a country wants to fight, he will fight back with all he's got. He has never fled from a challenge, and he will not start now!

"Come one, come all

Step right up for the one, the lonely

Circus freak!"

You'll never break me

You'll never change me, no

La, da, da, da, da

La, da, da, da

You'll never break me

You'll never change me, no

La, da, da, da, da

La, da, da, da

I've waited ten long years just to look in the mirror

And to find just what I'm staring at

I've waited ten long years just to tell you I'm fearless

You don't understand, I've become who I am!


He has waited years for an opportunity to show others his true power, and while he showed it to Russia, He wants the world to know that he is mighty.

You know you can't break me

I've lost myself in make-believe

I don't wanna go, I don't want to go, make me

Over and over I've deceived

I don't wanna go, I don't want to go

You want reform? I can't conform

Cause I can't take anymore of your tainted bliss cause

I've lost myself in make-believe

You can't break me

America has finally made it to Harvard, after sorting everything out with his government. He made a fake identity, names 'Alfred F. Jones' and is studying for his next degree.

AN: I am so sorry this chapter was badly written, I've been having troubles focusing on actually writing. I kinda don't know where this story is going, and I ran out of inspiration. I decided this is the last chapter, I like where it ended. Again I'm so sorry this is kinda anticlimactic, I hope all of you will forgive me!