'My name is Lillie. Though I'm a new trainer, I've already gone on a fantastic adventure. I can never forget all my friends. Nebby, Hapu, Hau, Acerola, Hala, Professor Kukui... but of course I can never forget... him. I adore all of them so much... which is why I want to become strong, just like all of them.'

Lillie looked to the coastline from the boat she was traveling on. 'There it is, Kanto!' Lillie smiled to the new land, it was her new adventure. 'I'm going to be strong, then one day... I'll challenge and become the champion too!'

As Lillie got off the boat, some Pidgey flew by. 'Wow! There's new pokemon here!' Professor Kukui gave Lillie directions to meet someone named Professor Oak, since he knew Lillie was pretty bad at directions. She looked at a map on a billboard nearby, right now she was in Vermillion City and Professor Oak's lab was in Pallet Town, so that was quite far from there. Lillie sighed, but she knew she had to go there if she wanted to be a trainer. Lillie checked her inventory of Max Repels and then set off. It seemed the closest route to Pallet Town was through Cerulean City and then over Mt. Moon and then through Pewter, and then south from there would land her in Pallet Town. Though she could cut through the woods from west of Celadon City, going into the woods like that without Pokemon and Lillie's sense of direction made her refrain from that choice. This was one of the times Lillie wished Charizard was still on her dialer, but Charizard couldn't fly overseas to get her all the way in Kanto. Lillie made her way into the route between Vermillion City and Saffron City, it seemed it would take awhile to get to Pallet Town, Lillie could barely hold her excitement of getting a Pokemon partner.

Pokemon kept away from Lillie thanks to her repels, but Lillie had fun looking at all the new Pokemon. To her the Alolan Rattata and Raticate were natural to her, so it sparked her attention to look at some regular ones. Some Pidgey and Pidgeotto flew above, Lillie took out a sheet of paper and jotted down which Pokemon she might want to capture for her team, still there were so many to pick from so she wrote a lot.

It was true... the routes looked a lot shorter on a map than in reality. Lillie managed to make it to Saffron without trouble, but it took her almost 3 hours. But then again, Lillie did make a wrong turn... twice. She jotted down to get better at telling directions as well. She sighed as she finally entered Saffron City, it was a lot bigger than Vermillion City, but she didn't mind that. She just made her way through the city and now headed to Cerulean. "Ha..." Lillie sighed, she thought she would be able to set off on her journey immediately, but this was turning into a real bore just trying to get to the lab. She rests on a bench on the side of Route 5. After resting for about 20 minutes Lillie stood up, she nodded to herself and then continued walking. Then she instantly made a U-turn because she was going the wrong way and started running the right way.

"Hey? What's a little girl doing in the middle of this route?" Lillie gasped as two men in black suits appeared in front of her.

"Who... who are you?" Lillie asked a little frightened of them.

"Who do you think?" One of the men said. "We're Team Rocket... ever heard of us?" The other said.

"No. Never." Lillie mumbled, but that didn't matter since one of the men threw out a Pokeball.

"Arbok go!" The poison cobra appeared out of the Pokeball. "Now then... you're going to give us all your Pokemon... or else..."

Lillie sweatdropped in the midst of her panic. "But...I don't have any Pokemon..." Lillie mumbled.

This bumfuzzled the Team Rocket grunts. Lillie seemed like the type of person to have Pokemon, so that revelation was surprising. "Well then... then you're giving us all your money and items."

Lillie took a few steps back. This was going to be a repeat of what happened with Team Skull. Lillie began to run away quickly away from them.

"No you don't! Arbok use wrap!" Arbok jumped into the air and then landed in front of Lillie with a crash. It then hissed and wrapped Lillie using its long body.

"Eeek!" Lillie shrieked as Arbok binded her using its body.

The two men smirked as they walked up to Lillie. "Now then, you'll hand over your items like a good little girl, or else..." Arbok bared its fangs doused with poison. "Or else Arbok will..." The rocket member snapped his fingers and Arbok's wrap got tighter, Lillie groaned as it was getting harder and harder to breathe. Lillie gagged from the lack of oxygen and then she almost passes out, her body turning numb.

"Now then." The rocket member was about to steal Lillie's items when a random Hyper Beam comes in. The attack blasts the two rocket members backwards as well as Arbok off of Lillie. She lands on the ground coughing hard and taking deep breaths to try and breathe again.

"Hey what was that?!" One of the rocket members yelled out holding his hand to his aching head.

"It's not right to steal things that don't belong to you." Lillie looked up in the sky as a large Pokemon landed with a thud. It had red wings and a blue body, four legs and it looked very fierce. Jumping off that Pokemon was a girl, probably only 12-13 years old or so. She had white hair, gold eyes, she wore a white petticoat and brown skirt, white knee-high socks and brown shoes, it looked almost as if she was wearing a uniform from a school. But the most noticeable feature to Lillie was that she wore a bracelet on her left wrist with an odd-looking stone on it. 'Is that! A Z-ring?!' Lillie thought as she watched.

"You shouldn't mess with Team Rocket you punk..." One of the members said angrily with a glare. "Arbok use Bite and show her what I mean!" Arbok charged at the girl with its mouth open and ready to clamp down.

"Look out!" Lillie called out to the girl.

"Salamence, Hyper Beam." Salamence opened its mouth and unleashes a powerful blast at Arbok blasting it right back where it came from and knocking it out instantly.

"Arbok return!" The rocket member grunted as his Pokemon was defeated so easily.

"Why you!" The other rocket member angrily said. "Go Raticate!"

"And you too Golbat!"

The rocket members sent out Golbat and Raticate. Instantly an electric attack came from behind the Rocket members and zapped Golbat down instantly. As the rocket members turned to see who it was a small pokemon. It was colored black, white and yellow. Yellow cheeks and wings, a black tail and back, white body.

"Emolga, Thunder. Salamence, Hyper Beam." The girl said.

Salamence and Emolga did as the girl commanded. The Hyper Beam blasted Raticate down instantly and the Thunder attack zapped the rocket members.

"AHHH!" The rocket members screamed as they were zapped. "You'll... you'll pay for this!" They said as they returned their pokemon to their pokeballs and ran away like cowards.

Lillie panted still from the rush of adrenaline. She looked at the girl who offered a hand. Lillie nodded and took that girl's hand to help her stand back up. "Thank you so much." Lillie bowed a little to the girl for saving her.

"It's not a problem." The girl replied, her tone was oddly emotionless as if she didn't have fear or even happiness. "Do you not have any Pokemon?" She asked.

"No. I don't, I'm going to get my first Pokemon from professor Oak right now." Lillie replied.

"Professor Oak?.. doesn't he live in Pallet Town?" The girl mentioned.

"Yeah." Lillie replied bluntly.

"But if you continue to there, you might be attacked again..." The girl mentioned again.

"I suppose... but I have no other way to get there, so I guess I'll just have to." Lillie said with a sheepish look.

"Allow me to take you there." The girl said making Lillie a little interested. "I can take you there on Salamence." Salamence nodded and grunted to the girl's suggestion saying it agreed.

"Really?! Well... I don't want to intrude." Lillie said with a sheepish look again.

"I don't mind." The girl said. She went over and jumped onto Salamence. Lillie was a little frightened again, this time not only was she going to be at a really high place, but now she was riding on a Pokemon she never saw or analyzed before. 'No! I have to be brave! I have to be strong! This is another trial!' Lillie made the Z-pose for normal and then narrowed her eyes and jumped onto Salamence. Salamence took off into the sky with Emolga landing on the girl's shoulder. As Salamence flew, Lillie had to hang on tight so she didn't fly off, she had the urge to close her eyes, but she didn't. 'She's amazing.' Lillie thought as the girl she rode with didn't seem frightened at all.

"Oh, I'm Lillie by the way." Lillie said to the girl.

"My name is Akira. This is Emolga and this is Salamence." Akira responded.

"Emo!" Emolga said happily with a wave.

"Ra..." Salamence gently grunted.

The two flew over Celadon and over the woods. It only took a few more hours to arrive at Pallet Town Salamence landed on the path just in front of it. "We're at Pallet Town." Akira said jumping off.

Lillie jumped off too and thought to herself. 'Trial complete!' She nodded happily. "Thank you."

Salamence returns to its pokeball. Emolga just flies around Akira. "Hmm? Aren't you going to leave?" Lillie asked as Akira returned her Salamence to its pokeball.

"Since I brought you here, I'll see you getting a pokemon through." Akira started walking towards Pallet Town, Emolga gesturing for Lillie to follow.

Lillie gave a firm nod and then followed Akira and Emolga.

At the Pokemon Lab...

As Lillie and Akira walked inside, Professor Oak greeted them. "Ah, Lillie." Oak said with a greeting wave and smile.

"Hmm? How do you know me?" Lillie asked curiously.

"Professor Kukui told me you were coming. I've got some Pokemon prepared for you." Oak brought over three pokeballs, each with a pokemon in it. He opens all three of them. "Now take your pick of any of these three. The Grass Type Bulbasaur, the Fire Type Charmander, or the Water Type Squirtle."

Lillie thought about it for a minute. They all looked so interesting and tempting. Lillie looked towards Akira. "Which one should I pick?" She asked.

"Whichever you deem fit." Akira answered. Akira was already aware it was her job to not interfere with Lillie's decision.

"I choose... Charmander." The only real reason for that was because Lillie had ridden Charizards before, she she knew them well through research so she thought she could raise it with the knowledge she had.

"Okay." Oak gave Lillie Charmander's pokeball and then nodded. "Take this too, it's a pokedex. It'll give you data on every pokemon in the Kanto region." Lillie's eyes glowed with excitement. "Thanks professor!" Lillie happily exclaimed.

"No problem, I wish you good luck on your journey." Oak said with a nice smile and a thumbs up.

"Right. I'll do my best and I'll never give up!" Lillie exclaimed with a determined look and voice. "We'll be friends from now on, okay?" Lillie smiled at Charmander. "Char!" The Charmander enthusatically smiled back. Lillie returns it to its pokeball.

"Hmm... and are you here for a pokemon too?" Oak asked Akira who stood there stoically.

"No." She bluntly replied. "I'm already an experienced trainer." Akira said.

Oak shrugged. "Well, good luck to the both of you!" Oak waved as he got back to work in his lab.

Lillie and Akira walked out of the lab. Oak thought as they did. 'She reminds me a little of him...' Oak happily thought about that one trainer who had just the same determination and guts to never give up.

Somewhere outside of town. "Akira..." Lillie stopped in the middle of the road.

"Hmm?" Akira stopped as well and turned around to look at Lillie.

"Can you... um battle with me?" Lillie had decided who better than to have as an opponent than Akira.

"Sure." Akira nodded. The two moved to a plain field just nearby. "Okay Charmander, trial start!" Lillie had already given it some thought. That was going to be what she said when she called out a pokemon.

"Druddigon, your technique is key!" Akira sends out Druddigon. Druddigon fiercely roared as it was sent out.

The journey had just begun for Lillie! Stay tuned!

So anyways with Pokemon Sun and Moon out, I thought I would write this fanfic. Hope you like it! Read, Review, Follow, Favorite! I really encourage reviews because they're the main thing that get me pumped to write more!