Animegirl426: Aloha everyone! Now I know that the poll isn't over, but I really wanted to try my hand at an OC story...and what better way than my favorite game franchise's newest games? Another thing that motivated me was the fact that the pokemon story I am co-author for, Constant Box, has been around for so long and I wanted to prove that I could be a great writer like my co-author. So before I get the story started, here are a few things you might want to know in advance:

1. This story is set in Sun's time, but Pokémon from Moon (Drampa, Alolan Sandshrew, etc) will be available only through trading.

2. Pokémon battles will not be written in detail, unless they are boss battles. (EX: Battles against Hau, Trials, and Team Skull)

3. Since I usually spend time catching Pokémon, some of my pokémon will only be mentioned. (Like a Bonsly I caught in my free time may or may not be shown in the story)

And finally as everyone should be aware of, I do not own the Pokémon franchise.

Let's do it!

Chapter 1: Alola Adventure! The Sparkling Stone and Rowlet!



A young girl with blond hair continued to run through the building, holding on tightly to her poké-ball themed bag. She wasn't aware of how long she had been running, but she knew that she couldn't get caught.

She soon reached the elevator, quickly boarding it and catching her breath as she went up to the next floor.

"I think we're safe now..." she smiled gently at her bag as they reached the next floor, a small set of yellow eyes looking at her from inside the bag.

The blond quietly made her way through the halls, stopping when she heard footsteps that did not belong to her.

"Miss Lillie, stop!"

The girl turned, seeing two workers in white near her. They clearly did not seem to be happy with the current situation they were dealing with.

Lillie held on tighter to her bag, which was starting to shake. "No! I'm not letting you harm this poor Pokémon any more!" she shouted before taking off, the researchers giving chase.

Lillie continued to run, turning several corners in hopes of loosing her pursuers, but to no avail.


Lillie skidded to a halt when she saw the path ahead being blocked by another worker in white, backing up against the railing as the two researchers began to close in on her.

"Miss Lillie, just hand us the Pokémon and everything will be okay..."

A burst of light caught the girl's eye as she looked down at her bag, watching it intensify significantly.

"Ah, quick! Get it!"

The researchers attempted to grab the bag.

The light burst out from the bag, blinding everyone in an instant...

*Three Months Later*

A woman hummed to herself as she set down another box, looking at the work she had laid out in front of her. Her loyal pet Meowth sitting on top of one of the boxes grooming himself.

She smiled at the pet before heading to the porch, Meowth suddenly halting his grooming and following her outside.

The woman took in the scenery around her; A bright, vivid blue sky, lush green trees, and people and pokémon alike playing together.

She stretched out, "Ahh! What nice warmth! And under the Alolan sun, even better!" she cheered before grinning. "But before relaxation comes unpacking all of these boxes!" she told herself before looking inside and sighing.

"Still asleep even after napping the whole time on the plane..." she muttered before turning to her friend. "Meowth, be a dear and wake up Luna, would you?" she asked.

"Nya!" The Scratch Cat Pokémon let out a noise of understanding before heading back inside and up to the second floor.

The Scratch Cat Pokémon soon entered someone's room, the only fully furnished room in the entire house so far. Looking around, his eyes soon fell on the figure sleeping on the mattress.

The family pet gained a smile as his claws came out before crawling onto the figure, soon scratching the sleeping person's body.


Meowth was flung into a Ditto beanbag as the figure sat up in pain, her black hair a complete mess and her blue eyes still had a hint of drowsiness within them.

"Meowth! I told you no Fury Swipes!" she scolded the pet before getting up and getting dressed into the new outfit her mom had bought for her, soon rushing down the stairs as she finished fixing her hair into its medium wavy cut look.

"Mom, Meowth scratched me again!" Luna whined as her mother came inside the house, smiling sweetly at her daughter.

"You were out like a light, how else was Meowth supposed to wake up someone who sleeps like a Snorlax?"

Luna pouted before sighing. "So can I go now, please?" she begged.

"You really want to go meet those Alolan Pokémon, don't you?" Her mother asked.

"Of course!" Luna replied, her mother smiling.

"Good, because I want to as well! After all, these are the most beautiful islands that everyone wants to visit!" It was weird how this mother and child pair could be on completely different pages and then do a complete change on certain topics.

Luna's mom was cut short as knocking was heard on the door.

"Oh! That must be Professor Kukui!" she exclaimed before looking at her daughter. "Luna, please get that."

"Okay!" Luna made a dash for the door, jumping over a few boxes before reaching her destination and opening the door.

On the other side stood the very man she had seen in the videos on the plane ride, Professor Oak said that he called in a favor to have him show Luna the ropes; since she wouldn't be starting her journey in Kanto, but Alola.

"Hey there! You must be Luna?" he asked, coming in.

"Y-yes sir!" Luna replied, standing straight.

The man laughed. "No need to Bide yourself up." he spoke. "Name's Kukui. Good to meet ya, Cousin!"

Luna relaxed as he went on about jet lag and other things, he really was easy to talk to.

"Of course, Professor! After all, we just arrived yesterday." Luna's mother spoke as she came over with Meowth in her arms.

Kukui gave a smile. "No need to be so formal, just call me Kukui."

Luna's mom smiled in response. "I still remember watching you battle all of the Indigo League Gym Leaders back then in Kanto." Luna sighed as her mom began to remember the past. "Seeing those adorable Alolan Pokémon just got my heart racing so much, I just had to come here one day!"

Kukui gave a laugh. "Who would have thought that a research trip for Kanto pokémon moves would've ended up with me challenging the whole league; sure proved me wrong, those Gym Leaders were tougher than I expected!" He turned back to Luna. "Well enough about the past. Luna, why don't ya come with me to the next town over? The Island Kahuna is waiting and you must be ready to get yourself a Pokémon, yeah?."

Luna's face lit up in delight."A Pokémon, really?!" she asked in excitement before backtracking to the earlier part of the professor's statement. "Island Kahuna?" Luna asked, tilting her head in confusion. Didn't he mean Gym Leader? And wasn't the professor supposed to give her a Pokémon?

"I'll explain more later, but the Island Kahuna who lives over in Iki Town is always willing to give a kid his or her first Pokémon and go on an adventure." Kukui explained, "Ya better not challenge him though! The Kahunas are crazy-strong trainers."

Luna's mom smiled brightly. "He's willing to simply give my baby Luna a Pokémon? They must be worth meeting then!" she spoke up.

"I'm going then!" Luna spoke, making her way towards the door.

"Luna, don't forget your hat and bag!"

The female stopped and smiled sheepishly. "Right!" she ran over to the table, putting on her cap and slinging her bag over her shoulder before heading back out."Later!"

"Honestly, that child is as forgetful as her father sometimes." Luna's mom smiled as she watched her daughter leave.


Luna smiled as she came outside, watching bird pokémon fly through the skies before she saw the professor join her on the side of the road.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Kukui grinned. "This is paradise, cousin! The Alola Region! Here, people and Pokémon alike work and live together in harmony."

"It's so amazing...even better than the brochures!" Luna replied, looking around in amazement.

Kukui smiled before looking up the road, "Iki Town's just up the hill, so make an Extreme Speed run towards it and I'll meet you there!"

"Okay!" Luna replied before taking off up the hill."My first Pokémon...I can't wait!" she told herself in excitement.


"Luna, wait!"

Luna stopped before she stepped into the grass, turning to see the professor running up.

"I know you're eager cousin, but ya just can't step in the grass; a Pokémon's bound to Outrage on ya!" The professor explained.

Luna blushed. "Sorry...I just wanted to see what kind of pokémon were there..." she spoke.

Kukui gave a empathetic smile and patted her back. "Come on, let's get ya that Pokémon."

Luna looked up and smiled. "Okay." she followed after the professor.

After a while, the two finally reached the town, Luna looking around in amazement, it was very different than her home back in Kanto.

"This is Iki Town, where folks come to worship the Pokémon that watches over Melemele Island." Kukui explained.

"A Pokémon watches over the island?" Luna asked, Kukui nodding in response.

"Tapu Koko, he's the one who protects us all and keeps us happy!" Kukui told her before looking around.

"Lillie!" he called out, seeing no one in sight. "That's strange...I told them to meet me here...did she head for Mahalo Trail lookin' for the ruins with him?" he wondered.

"If you're looking for someone, maybe I can go find them?" Luna offered, wanting to know who the professor was talking about.

"Perfect! Then, can ya go find Lillie for me?" He asked. "She's my assistant, but she usually is looking for ruins." he explained. "She should be up there in Mahalo Trail." The professor pointed to the cave. "It's just past there."

"Okay!" Luna nodded and ran towards the cave, eager to meet this Lillie and see what she was like.


Luna looked around the area, trying to find Lillie. "I thought I saw someone come this way..." she mumbled to herself. The professor told her that Lillie was wearing all white and had blond hair, so she couldn't be that hard to find.

Luna soon came to a clearing, seeing someone; Blond hair...white clothes...that had to be Lillie then!

Lillie turned to see Luna, worry written all over her face. "Ah..."

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Luna asked, concerned.

"P-please help..." Lillie begged. "Please save Nebby!" she turned to look at the bridge behind her, a flock of Spearow attacking some strange creature Luna had never seen before.

"Ah! Hang on!" Luna didn't even wait for Lillie to give her an explanation, she needed to help that poor thing before the Spearow hurt it!

She began to walk across the bridge, whimpering when she felt the wood crack a little under her feet.

"Almost there..."

As soon as Luna got close enough, she kneeled down and covered the creature with her body. The Spearow didn't stop, however, continuing to attack.

"Gh! It's okay, I'll protect you." Luna told the trembling creature.

The Spearow began to attack again...

and the creature began to glow brightly, light bursting everywhere.

Lillie watched in shock as the Spearow fled, but became scared when she saw the bridge break."Nebby!"

Luna screamed as she began to fall, holding onto Nebby as she was falling further down.

The female opened her eyes long enough to see a bolt of lightning fly towards her, a strange looking creature catching her. Was this a Pokémon?

Either way, the creature had saved her. She was set down next to Lillie before their eyes met...a strange feeling surging through Luna's senses.

The creature gave out a call before vanishing into the sky in another bolt of lightning.

"...What was that just now?" Luna wondered as she stood back up, Nebby floating over to Lillie.

Lillie sighed in relief. "Thank goodness! Nebby, you know what happens when you use too much power; last time you couldn't move for weeks!" she gently scolded Nebby.

Nebby didn't seem interested in Lillie however, floating over to a sparkling object on the ground.

Lillie and Luna looked at it; a white, braclet-like object that was shining beautifully like pearls.

Lillie took hold of the object. "It feels...warm..." she muttered before turning to Luna. "I'm sorry...I wanted to save Nebby...but I was so scared..."

"It's okay." Luna assured. "I'm just happy your friend's okay." she told Lillie. "My name's Luna."

Lillie smiled. "My name is Lillie, and this is Nebby." she introduced herself and her friend."Come on Nebby, back in the bag."

Nebby gave out what seemed like a whine before floating into the blond's bag.

Lillie looked at Luna. "Um...please don't tell anyone about Nebby...It's our secret, okay?"

"...I don't really get it, but okay." Luna replied. If Lillie didn't want her to talk about it, then maybe it was a super rare Pokémon...she could only wonder.

"Come on, let's head back to town." Luna smiled, taking Lillie's hand and bringing her along.

"R-right..."Lillie spoke, surprised at how direct Luna was.


"Ah, Lillie! There you are!" Kukui grinned as he saw the two girls come over to him in the center of town. "Good work, Luna."

Lillie turned back to Luna. "Ah, you were supposed to find me?" she asked.

Luna laughed a little and gave a sheepish grin. "Yeah."

"The Kahuna's back!"

"Kahuna Hala's returned!"

The three cut their conversation short as they heard voices. Luna looked to see a middle aged (perhaps older) man coming into the town. He looked to be nice, greeting those who had welcomed him home.

"Sorry I'm late Kukui, there was a situation that needed my help." The man spoke as he came over to the three. "I am the Island Kahuna, it's my duty to help those in need!"

"No sweat Kahuna." Kukui replied.

Hala smiled. "Now before anything else, you mind telling me what you were talking about Lillie? I could have sworn I heard you talk about Tapu Koko flying about."

"It's true!" Lillie spoke, "Nebby was being attacked by a flock of Spearow on the plank bridge when Luna came and saved it, but then the bridge collapsed and then Tapu Koko came and saved them both from falling into the ravine."

"That was Tapu Koko?" Luna thought, shocked that the Guardian Deity of the Island, the Pokémon that the town worshiped, saved her.

"Now that's something you don't hear about everyday!" Kukui spoke, "Even though it protects us, he can be quite fickle." He told Luna. "The fact that it saved you must mean something special."

Hala gave a laugh. "Well, that's more reason than ever to celebrate!" He spoke before turning and throwing out three Pokéballs.

In a large flash of light, three Pokémon stood on the wooden stage. Luna looked at them in excitement.

The first one was small and bird-like, its body covered in beige-colored feathers. Its white stubby beak letting out a small yawn.

"This is Rowlet, our Grass-type starter."

The next one was a small black and red cat, its tail swayed lightly as its muzzle twitched. A small fireball soon came out of its mouth.

"This is Litten, our Fire-type starter."

The last one was a small blue seal, it was currently fixing the blue flap around its neck before posing.

"And this is Popplio, our Water-type starter."

"Wow...they're all so cute!" Luna spoke. "Is it really okay for me to have one?"

Hala nodded" Of course! Anyone Tapu Koko picks is worthy of a Pokémon and an adventure!"

Kukui smiled. "So Luna, have you decided?"

Luna looked at the three, slightly troubled. She wanted to pick all of them! But then, a certain feeing overcame her before she smiled.

"I want Rowlet!" she spoke to the three others, positive with her choice.

Hala gave a nod."Then, onto the stage." he requested, Luna doing so as he recalled Litten and Popplio.

Luna stood on one end of the wooden stage while the Grass Quill Pokémon stood at the other end.

"Now, let us see if Rowlet has chosen you as well!" Hala spoke, Lillie and Kukui watching.

Rowlet stared at Luna, anticipation welling up in the female. What if Rowlet didn't like her? What would she do?

A few more seconds passed before Rowlet cooed and flew over to Luna, smiling.

Lillie looked relieved as Kukui gave a small laugh of approval

Luna gave a big smile and gently picked up her new friend, holding him high.

"Thank you! I'll take good care of you, Jun!"

Jun cooed happily in reply.

Animegirl426: I think that's a good way to end the first chapter. I hope I did okay! For those of you who do not know, Decidueye (Rowlet's final form) is know as Junaiper in Japanese; so Jun's name is derived from that.

So before I end, I have a few more things to say;

1. As I am still in my college semester and I'm still in the middle of trying to complete the game, updates are going to take some time, especially since this is my first OC story.

2. Hate speeches and Flames will not be tolerated in comments.

3. Keep in mind this is my first OC story, so I'm still trying to get the hang of this kind of writing.

Thanks for reading and see you all next chapter!
