Disclaimer: I only own what is mine. My OCs and Ideas.

A/N: OK, so on chapter one I don't usually have reviews to answer, but I wrote out some things from the Epilogue of Coming Together. Mainly the questions. So... Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy Chapter One!


1) (I guess an unasked question) Will Peter become a regular POV?
- No, but he will have a few chapters. (More than last time)

2) (From: Guest) Have you bee keeping up on the latest Iron Fist?
- Of course! Only 112 more days until it comes out. Also Lewis Tan is pretty cool (check him out!).

3) (From: NyanWolf) Journey of the Iron Fist hasn't been covered here yet so... maybe that'll be in the next one?
- Yup. I am already planning it out. I have some other surprises for that (maybe) so stay tuned!

4) (From: TheRandGirl) What will it be about?
- Season Two, and I plan to expand on the episodes focusing on the individual team members.

Chapter 1: Ava

I spotted something out of the corner of my eye, something moving. Clearly not one of the team.

"Spider, we got company here!" I call into my communicator. "Engaging at the east entry." I run after it.

Our company seems to be aware of us too.

Time for them to show themselves.

I leap toward it and a robotic arm slams into my side, throwing me off to the side with ease.

I hear Spider-Man jump to the crates around me I sit up some and hold my side.


That really hurt.

"Power-Man. Iron Fist. Tiger's down." Spider-Man says upon seeing me. "Any visual on an adversary?

He's been playing it really safe after everything that happened with the Helicarrier going down.

Luke's broken arm, and Danny's broken ribs and blunt trauma.

He's trying to make sure we don't get hurt again and fight at the same time. Not easy.

"I'm fine," I complain up to him.

Spider-Man jumps down and pulls me to my feet. "You guys really put yourselves in harm's way, I don't want my team getting hurt."

"Yeah, I can't believe it. But he's alive! And moving right for us." Power-Man calls back on the communicator.

"Look who's talking." I glare at Spider-Man.

There is a huge crashing noise not far from where we are.

"That must be them two, go check on them. Nova and I got this." Spider-Man says running off.

It's still hard to take orders from him sometimes.

But I am concerned about Iron Fist. We all have been. And I think it has actually been bothering him.

"You boys ok?" I ask as I walk over to them.

"We've good," Power-Man says pulling Iron Fist to his feet.

"You sure. You both had broken bones." I put my hands on my hips.

"It only takes about four weeks for ribs to heal, Tiger. It's been longer than that and I was given a clear." Iron Fist says annoyed.

"Yeah, we're tough," Power-Man adds on.

I have to roll my eyes.

"This is SHIELD. We have you surrounded!" Some loud voice calls. Coulson maybe?

"Let's go." We walk over to where Spiderman was talking to Coulson, Connors, and Fury.

"Have to give credit where it's due, Spider-Man. Your team has been on point lately." Coulson's voice is clear as we walk up to them. "The SHIELD Helicarrier may not be back up and operational yet. But you are doing us proud."

Nova lands next to us. "Oh, yeah. We're awesome."

"Couldn't agree more, Agent Coulson," Connors speaks up. "Securing Ock's experimental DNA compounds? Incredible work. Do you want to stay and lend me a hand testing these samples, Spider-Man?"

"Here comes the nerd-fest," Nova comments to us.

Power-Man gives a laugh. "You got that right."

"Do I?" Spider-Man asks quickly. "You bet Doctor Connors."

"Is anyone else aware of the time?" Iron Fist asks looking down at his watch.

Spider-Man seems to hear this. He freezes for a second.

He walks behind us and starts to shove all of us towards the door. "We gotta jet."

"Hey! No need to shove!" Nova complains.

"Hands off!" I add onto it.

I hear Coulson, Connors, and Fury's comments as we leave. "Teenagers."

"Assume position; Alpha 3! Hurry!" Peter orders as we enter the house. He jerks off his mask and frantically starts getting dressed.

I jerk off my gloves and throw my dress on over my top. I can leave my costume on. The strips are only on my shoulders, covered by the dress.

I jerk off the mask as I walk toward the couch.

Everyone else is getting in their spots too.

I sit down and pull off my pants. I conveniently slip my Amulet into the back of my sports bra and I pull out my hair tie and put it on my wrist.

My sandals are right where I left them next to the laptop, which I flip open to allow it to turn on while I slide on my shoes.

I throw my pants, mask, and gloves behind the couch quickly. You can hardly see back there. And you would have to be looking for them.

The lock screen comes up on the computer and I type in the password.

"Time!" Peter calls frantically

"I'm home!" Mrs. Parker calls as she lets herself into the house.

"Oh, hi Aunt May!" Peter smiles, he ever so calmly walks up to the door.

"Hey, Mrs. Parker." Luke waves from the kitchen where he was picking up his textbooks.

"Hey, guys!" Mrs. Parker smiles at us. "What's up? Any excitement today?"

"Who has time for excitement?" Peter ask her jokingly.

On the other couch, Sam gives a snort of laughter.

Unnoticed by Mrs. Parker, but the rest of us glare at him.

"Can I get on the computer, Ava?" Peter's voice distracts me from my math homework.

Did he really just ask me that?

I look up at Peter holding a brown box in his hands. "I'll be off in just a sec."

I look back down.

"I knew that was coming." I hear Peter mumble to himself.

He walks off.

Apparently, he does not need it that badly. If he is just going to walk away.

It's about three minutes later he walks back in. throwing things into his backpack.

"I guess you do not need the computer now if you are going somewhere?" I ask him lowering the screen to 45 degrees.

"Nope," Peter replies. "If Aunt May asks; I am at the library. If the team asks; I'm with Connors. Call me if you need me."


It was not even five more minutes later that I was disturbed again. "Ava, do you want to help Sam and I in the kitchen with Dinner?"

"Sure." I sigh closing the laptop. "I could us a break from homework."

Sam was getting stuff out from different places.

Luke was digging through the fridge.

And Danny was reading at the counter. He reads a lot.

Sam places a bunch of bowls and things on the counter right as his watch beeped.

He looked at me and his expression gave me the signal.

"What was that?" Mrs. Parker asked.

"I think it was my phone." Sam lied. "Let me go check."

I shrugged it off. Danny and Luke both got the hint.

"Oh, guys. Someone needs to go to the store and get some things for me." Mrs. Parker says. "We're out of breakfast foods, and stuff to make sandwiches with. I didn't get to go shopping after work."

"We'll go for you. You can stay here and work on dinner." I say quickly. "If we all go we can hopefully make the trip really fast." I smile at her reassuringly.

"Yeah. We'll take Sam with us." Luke adds in. "He knows what stuff to get."

"Danny?" Mrs. Parker asks.

"I could use the fresh air." Danny smiles.

"Alright. Luke, the keys are near the door. And Ava, I'll give you the money." Mrs. Parker says walking over to her purse.

Luke got his license not too long ago, which really helps with transportation.

As hero's we can speed through town taking shortcuts over houses. But… it's not convenient. People might see us coming or going from the house.

So, we strive to at least appear normal. This is one of those things.

Only having one car does not help things.

"He said sewers," Nova said as we all stood around in an ally. "I don't know where."

"What did he say when you spoke with him?" Iron Fist asked calmly.

"Something about a lizardry Doc Connors. And it being killer. And he mentioned Ock. He gave me coordinates. But I already checked. He's not there anymore." Nova shrugged.

"Maybe you should call him," I suggest. "He likely had to chase after Connors."

Nova nods and flies up to get a better signal.

"Spidey can you hear me? Web-head are you there? Web-Head do you copy?" Nova started to frantically spew questions at his watch. "Hello?"

He landed. "Nothing. I saw him, but he did not respond. I could see his mask and something maybe trying to choke him."

"Did you get a location?" Power-Man asks.

"A general one from the tracker. But… not a good one." Nova shrugged.

"Ok, we head that way and keep a look out then," I order.

The boys all give their nods in agreement.

"Let's move," I call to them taking off.

It wasn't much longer before Nova's watch lit up.

"Hey, he's calling me!" Nova shouted as he landed and we all walked up to him.

"Nova, please tell me you guys are close!" Spider-Man said. He looked to be running.

I pull up my map. And give Nova a nod.

"Yeah, kind of close." Nova shrugs.

"Meet me at Ock's lab where we recovered those samples earlier!" Spider-Man says.

In the background, we could hear two things.

One was a man's voice. "Hey, I'm walking here!"

And the second was a huge monstrous roaring.

"Need to go, get there soon." Spidey looked down at us and then hung up.

I look at my watch. "Let's go."

"You called Spidey?" Power-Man asked as we arrived.

Spider-Man was on the roof with the overgrown lizard.

"Doc's a lizard?" Nova asks as he lands. "Heh, cold-blooded."

"Already did that. And better." Spider-Man shoots back. "You all play nice now. He's still our friend under all that scaly scary. Back in a few!"

And with that, he jumps through a hole in the ceiling.

"Ok, so what now?" Nova asked.

"We don't let him go anywhere," Power-Man says easily.

"Right." Nova sighs.

Connors looks around each of us.

Before deciding Nova is his target.

"Why me?" Nova asked as he zipped all over the place. Connors chasing him. "Guys? Help!"

"You got it, Nova," Power-Man says.

Nova zips past us as Connors decided we might be easier than Nova.

Power-Man took the first swing. He attempted to wrestle the Lizard to the ground.

Iron Fist and I were about to rush forward, but the ground gave out under them as they fell to the ground blow.

Nova bolts down and I hear him hit Connors hard.

Iron Fist looks around and jumps down on a safe landing platform.

I follow him.

We both rush forward and He grabs Connors left arm and I grab the right. Trying to keep him pinned.

We both have to struggle to keep him pinned down.

But he almost two easily lifts us off the ground.

Nova and Power-Man each rush forward to help.

Iron Fist seems to have nearly immobilized the left shoulder.

I can't imagine how much that hurts.

"You have about two seconds, Spider." Iron Fists calls. The strain in his voice is evident.

"Make it count!" I yell at him.

I am able to turn my head to see Spider-Man rushing forward with something in his hand.

Iron Fist throws his weight around at the last second. Taking Connors by surprise.

He is able to turn him forward so Spider-Man can inject a substance into the back of his shoulder.

It makes since what Iron Fist did.

He likely saved Spider-Man from getting bitten in half.

"Everybody. Move!" Spider-Man orders as we all jump back.

It's horrible to watch as He twists and turns and shrinks back into a human size.

He is still for a minute and we are still all tensed up. Expect Spider-Man, who stands over him using his webbing to make a cloth.

Connors eyes slowly open as he breathes roughly.

That had to have hurt.

Connors starts to move and tries to push himself up.

"Doc Connors, are you ok?" Spiderman asks as he puts the webbing over Connor's shoulders.

"Where am I? Wha-What am I doing?" Connors pants.

"Oh! Dude! You turned into a big ugly…" Nova started to tell the story. He had moved his hands as he started to talk.

Webbing preventing him from telling the rest of the story.

"You were trying to help me," Spider-Man said helping Connors stand up. "Things just got a little out of hand."

Foot. In. Mouth.

Connors looks down at his amputated right arm.

"Oh! Sorry! Wrong turn of phrase." He apologizes, sounding disappointed in himself.

"No," Connors speaks up. "No, it's…"

He doesn't finish before passing out.

Spider-Man sighed. "Someone call SHIELD."

"Already done." Iron Fist nods in Spider-Man's direction. "They are almost here."

Spider-Man lays Connors down on the ground, keeping his covered up.

I bend down at though his forehead. "He's really cold," I comment.

Iron Fist bends down and studies him. "The effects of the poison in his system. It is still there. I can feel it almost."

"You can feel that?" Spider-Man asks surprised.

"Only a little." Iron Fist says calmly. "Whatever you did, Spider-Man. It did not fully heal him from what happened."

The doors fly open and SHIELD agents rush in.

"Team, come with me outside now." Coulson orders.

Once medics are around us, we all head outside.

Coulson talks to some agents for a while before walking back over to us.

We all stand to watch as Connors in loaded into a medic truck.

"Doctor Connors is lucky you found him Spider-Man," Coulson explains.

"We have to help him, Coulson. He's our responsibility." Spider-Man protests. "Part of our crazy big SHIELD family."

"Anyone looking at the time?" I question. "We said we were going to get some food. That does not take this long."

"We gotta go!" Spider-Man yells.

We all nods and take off running.

"Finally some quiet." I fall backward onto my bed. "Peace and quiet." I purr.

It's been a month and a half maybe since the team moved it with Peter. And it has been tough to adjust to. For all of us.

We all have our own thing, and we need out own space.

I'm just lucky I get a room to myself. I can lock myself away and hide

It's been so long since I had this feeling of my own room in an actual house.

And I am so happy to just try to be normal again.

I miss everyone back in California. But… it's for my own safety that I left.

With Kraven out there… I'm at risk.

I turn over on my side. And pick up my phone. We were in the news again.

SHIELD has a whole department that deals with the news and keeping an eye on reporters. They also handle most interviews and questionings.

They always send us the link to whatever news website we end up on.

Scrolling through it, there was not much.

A half-decent photo and our hero names listed out.

Maybe I am not that safe… anywhere.

All he has to do is google me and he can know I am in New York City.

I can't worry about him.

Things will be fine. Just fine.