A/N: Here's the end of the story, as I had promised, but first I must inform you of something that might be obvious to some of you; this story is actually in the same 'dimension' as it were... as two of my other series, that being "Broken & Reborn, Stella" and its sequel "Breaking Bones and Hearts"... as well as my Darkwood trilogy, which is "Silence", "Yuki-Onna", and "Syndicate". Specifically, this story took place from early August 2015 to late March of 2016 in the respective story timelines for Silence and Insanity. Yuki-Onna and the rest of the stories involved don't happen for another 15 years after that, in the 2030's. Regardless, those of you that didn't notice that whole concept are now aware of it, so I'll stop running off and just thank everyone that reviewed, favourited and followed this story specifically since I started it. So enjoy this epilogue, and I'll see you in the next story I write. Cheers!

Two years later...

"How's business been, Koko?" Rock asked as she cradled her son, Blake, in her arms to let him breastfeed from her chest on his own.

"Now that Jormungand's active, business is booming, what with the shit show that apparently went on with the Umbrella Corporation last year. Turns out they're more corrupt than you were, haha!" Koko chuckled slightly, since the former business giant had been taken down by Tobias Darkwood, who was apparently some sort of bioweapon that they'd made called a T-Ghoul. She had a few people keeping her posted on the ongoing legal storm that Tobias had stirred up right after destroying an entire city, Raccoon City, the home of Umbrella's HQ, with a nuclear missile strike.

"Sounds like the world's still turning over here." Rock smiled slightly as she carefully reached for her cup of tea between them. "How's the clone of Jonah that Acidika made to stabilize things?"

"Acidika ordered me to never tell him about what went on. He even had to wipe everyone else's memories of you and the real Jonah when he detected a resurgence of corruption. Apparently I'm the only one immune to being corrupted that way, just like you are."

"Does the clone know who I am?" Rock asked, checking to make sure that the clone of her husband wasn't in the house with them.

"He knows your name, and that you're like family to me. He doesn't know about your Jonah at all." Koko shook her head slightly, since she was holding Malka, Rock and Jonah's daughter, in her lap, and she was sound asleep, already having shown the signs of her battle-mage heritage, just like her older brother's intense appetite proved he was a warrior.

"And I hear from a certain Liaison that you've switched teams since I left." Rock teased, her eyes glinting mischievously at Koko's little secret with the Jonah clone. Of course, Koko caught onto what she was referring to in an instant.

"Says the one that married the first one. You should know better than anyone what a catch he is." Koko teased right back, since she could see both of the dazzling jeweled rings on Rock's left hand, and the third - her wedding band - on her right.

"See, whether or not he and I were Lifelinked, I'd have still did my damnedest to get into his pants before you could." Rock winked cheekily as she sipped her tea and set it back down. "Which reminds me... You still bang Valmet, right?"

"Sometimes both of them together." Koko smiled mischievously.

"On the topic of clones, I hear the Hex clone is a real cunt now that she's back to being the CIA's rabid dog for Undershaft." Rock smiled knowingly. "They still trying that operation after all these years?"

"Unfortunately their minds were all wiped too, so Undershaft is back to being sad, pathetic and predictable again. It was so much more interesting when I had to juggle the five of you teenagers, work, keep Valmet at bay, run the household, and fool the CIA into thinking that they were the ones leading our little dance routine. Now it's just so... boring."

"You should go drag Valmet and Chiquita back to that spa. Did Acidika wipe those memories from them?"

"Not sure, to be honest." She turned to me pointedly just as I finished shimmering into sight and appeared in the empty armchair nearby to them in the living room. "Well?"

"It's a vague memory of the spa trip, they both remember going and that they'd had a good time, but neither remember anything that was said or that happened that's related to it in any form."

"Gonna stick around for some tea, big boss man? Or is there another crisis going on in your Multiverse?" Rock asked with a slight smirk tugging at her lips.

"Nah, I got time for tea. Besides, you and I both know I wouldn't be making a personal appearance like this if there was another crisis going on. In fact, you're the only real problem even occurring in the entire 'verse today. Corruption's a bitch, ain't it?" I chuckled, then caught myself. "Oh, my bad. Shouldn't be swearing in front of the kids like that."

"So, Acidika..." Koko asked with a cheeky smirk. "How do you take your tea?"

I smiled at the callback she was making. "Milk and two sugar, please."

Rock returned to the Badlands a few minutes ahead of her Portal Sphere's scheduled return time, and was pleased to find that Jonah was already waiting for her, sitting perched atop the barrel of her former home, big cannon, which was chosen as the usual return point for every visit with Koko they had.

"How're they doing?" Jonah fluttered down to greet her, and picked his daughter from Rock's very occupied arms with a smile, since she was finally awake and happily cooed to greet him, both of them looking so much like their mother, save for their silver hair and red/blue heterochromatic eyes, which were also opposing to each other in their arrangement.

"Malka slept like a mage, and Blake doesn't seem to share your love of backsides. He drank himself to sleep before I had even finished my cup of tea with Koko." Rock smiled at the sight of their daughter in his arms, already gurgling and cooing happily.

"And how's Koko?" Jonah smiled slightly, since his last visit had been out of sync with Rock's, he couldn't go to Earth for two more days.

"She's bored with the lack of teenagers to keep her entertained, although she's certainly keeping herself occupied in all the right ways with Valmet and that clone of yours." Rock's tone gave away what she meant, and Jonah chuckled knowingly.

"Why doesn't that surprise me in the slightest?" He shook his head for a moment and then sighed. "Shall we fly back, or should we use a Portal Sphere this time?"

"Sphere this time, then we'll put these two to bed for the night." Rock held up one finger and glanced over to where she wanted the Sphere to appear. "After you."

"So, wait... Koko's bored without a bunch of teenagers in the house?" Hex laughed slightly over dinner that evening with Empress, Osiris, Dead Master - with her proud new green vertebrae-shaped horns on full display -, Chariot, Strength and Beast all very curious about the bit of gossip Rock was sharing from this week's visit to Earth. "And Bookman's still trying to rope her in with Undershaft?!"

"Yeah, and your clone's gone back to being a loose cannon, so it makes the CIA even more predictable for her to outsmart them." Rock laughed too. "And, best part of it all... She's banging the Jonah clone."

"No!" Even Empress was giddy with excitement for that piece of news. "She had to have been joking!"

"Nope! Clone even came into the house while we were chatting and gave her a kiss right in front of me and Acidika!"

"When did he show up?" Osiris laughed heartily with the mental image of the open display of affection.

"About an hour and a half before I came back." Rock shrugged as she briefly paused to take a drink of wine, which was a new thing since her 18th birthday last month, that she had a glass of wine with her dinner every once in a while. "He even said that their romance wasn't his doing. It just happened on it's own!"

"The ring on my finger still isn't enough to throttle my raging sex appeal, and apparently neither is cloning." Jonah held up his hand that had his own wedding band. "And it's even funnier because I can't seem to control it when it happens either."

"Y'never know, Jonah... You might have more control over it than you think." Hex smirked slightly at him, and since she'd recently done the long, tedious healing ritual to fix her face, she was able to even add a little wink to her comment, which earned a snort from Rock.

"You're a flaming lesbian, I doubt he has that much sex appeal to make you switch teams like that."

"Koko did." Hex countered with a point of her fork. "And last time I checked, you swapped teams for him too, pretty much the moment you laid eyes on him too, I should add."

Rock tried to counter that, but couldn't come up with anything clever and let out a sigh of defeat.

"Okay, maybe Jonah does have that much sex appeal..."

"That's fine. Looking is free. But they can't touch what isn't theirs." Jonah leaned over and lightly turned her face towards his for a kiss, then when they separated he added. "Unless you're up for a threesome, of course..."

"Maybe I am." Rock winked cheekily as everyone laughed at their usual risque antics. "Or maybe White's going to need to keep an eye on the twins while I have my way with you tonight."

"I can arrange that." Jonah replied with a wink of his own while flashing her that special smile of his. One full of promises and mischief that she knew oh-so-well.