The Encounter

Akashi Senna is undeniably the most perfect girl in Rakuzan, with her perfect intelligence, perfect athletics, perfect family, overall perfect. She was the girl every boy wanted and the girl every girl wanted to be with her long straight crimson red hair and matching eyes. She was the president of the student council, star point guard of the girls basketball team, straight A student, and the sole heir of Akashi Corps. One of the most famous businesses in not just Kyoto, but Japan.

"Akashicchi!"a loud and obnoxious voice screamed as Akashi looked to see a young man around her age with golden colored hair with matching eyes, he was wearing the Rakuzan standard uniform.

"Yes, Kise?" Akashi asked, looking at the smiling idiot. Kise Ryouta was his name and he was undeniably just as gorgeous, being a model and all where all the girls wanted him, well other than herself. He was just a good friend to her. Kise grinned and shot her a smile.

"Did you hear about the new student joining the school?" he asked while walking with her towards the gym. Akashi looked back at him and rose her brows, as if he was completely stupid.

"I am the president of the student council, so yes, I did hear or better yet read about him." Akashi stated as Kise whimpered and shielded his teary eyes while walking in the gym with her.

"Oops I forgot." he murmured, looking up to see a basketball nearly hitting his face. Kise screamed before narrowly dodging it with a surprised expression before glaring at the chuckling dark skinned male in front of him. "Aohominecchi!" he exclaimed, pouting as the tan male with short navy blue hair and matching eyes blinked before growling, clenching his fists.

"Oi! It's Aomine you idiot!"

"You nearly killed me!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did n-"

"Shut up. Both of you." Akashi whispered as both males quickly clamped their mouths shut. A green hair male who was sitting on the bleachers, petting a stuffed duck merely sighed while pushing his glasses back to see his emerald green eyes.

"About time you came Akashi...I was about to kill myself being stuck here with Aomine and Murasakibara!" he exclaimed as a purple haired titan was sitting above him, snacking on potato chips.

"Shut up Midochin." Murasakibara mumbled as Akashi sighed. She was surrounded by idiots constantly, but they were her idiots nonetheless. She just wished for something to happen, something new, exciting, and different. It was until she heard someone cough is where she turned and noticed a pair of sky blue eyes looking straight at her and for a minute she thought her heart skipped a beat.

" this the basketball club?" the boy asked, innocently with void of any emotion. He had powder blue hair with sky blue eyes that were also dull of emotion with a pale complexion that worked for him. He also had a small and petite build to be considering joining the basketball club as he looked shorter than her. Kise and Aomine gaped at him like they saw a ghost while Midorima stared at him, unsure of what to say while Murasakibara continued to eat.

"Ah...yes...are you looking to join?" she questioned as he rose his perfect brows before tilting his cute little head, confused. Akashi does not know why she is thinking these strange things about a stranger.

"Hai...I am very interested." the male answered, nodding his head. Akashi rose her own brows, curious. It's obvious this male was curious about something, but didn't ask it. Midorima cleared his throat softly.

"So...what is your name?" he asked as the small boy blinked and nodded.

"Ah...excuse my manners, my name is Kuroko Tetsuya, I just transferred here from America." he explained, bowing his head softly as Akashi nodded, humming to herself. So, this was the mysterious new transfer student.

"Ooh~ Your the new student we were expecting! Nice to meet you! I'm Kise Ryouta!" Kise exclaimed, grinning before being jabbed in the gut by Aomine who simply glared at him.

"Shut up Kise, damn your annoying."

"So mean!" Kise cried while crying in a corner. Aomine simply rolled his eyes before smiling over at Kuroko.

"Yo! I'm Aomine Daki!" he exclaimed, grinning before pointing over at Midorima and Murasakibara. "Moss head over there is Midorima Shintaro and the tall lazy ass giant is Murasakibara Atsushi." he added as Midorima glared at him while clutching his stuffed toy.

"I am not a moss head!"

"Eh? Lazy? Your one to talk Aominechin." Mursakibara muttered as Aomine rolled his eyes but grinned. Akashi sighed and shook her head at the idiots around her, making her look bad in front of this cute boy.

"I'm Akashi Senna, nice to meet you Kuroko-kun." she said, smiling as Kuroko nodded, smiling.

"Nice to meet you too, Akashi-san, Aomine-kun, Kise-kun, Murasakibara-kun, and Midorima-kun." he greeted before looking around in interest, picking up one of the stray basketballs before spinning it on his finger gently. "So...may I try out?" he questioned before Akashi nodded, crossing her arms.

"Give it a shot, Kuroko-kun." Akashi gestured, smiling as Kuroko nodded, bouncing the ball a few times before making his way towards the court, looking over at the net before setting his right foot in front of him, his left foot back with his heel hanging as he moved the ball to his right hand, standing in a stance as if he was going to chuck the football.

"Eh?!" Kise and Aomine both exclaimed as Midorima and Murasakibara merely had their jaws dropped to the floor. Akashi's eyes were widened in surprise as she was not expecting this at all. Kuroko quickly released the ball, watching it land perfectly in the net.

"Was that good enough?" he asked as Akashi hummed.

"Well, it was beyond my expectations, but tell me, were you playing American Football before coming here?" she asked as Kuroko nodded, slowly.

"Hai, I was the quarterback." he answered as Aomine whistled.

"So cool." he muttered as Kise nodded.

"Can you shoot with a normal jump shot?" she asked as Kuroko shook his head with an emotionless expression.

"No, I can only shoot it like that, but I am good on the court, I played some basketball games where I am able to steal the ball and make some good passes." Kuroko urged while gripping the ball as Akashi looked him over. Despite his cute looks he didn't look all to threatening, she didn't notice him in the room until he got her attention as well, she could also see he has some power in his arms to have the capabilities to be a good basketball player.

"You know what? I think i'll take a chance on you, Kuroko." she decided, smiling sweetly making Aomine and Kise scream in fear while Midorima's glasses cracked and Murasakibara stopped eating. The feared captain was smiling!

"Arigato Akashi-san." Kuroko thanked, smiling softly making Kise fainted, Aomine's eye twitched, Midorima's glasses instantly shattered and Murasakibara dropped his bag of snacks. This seemed like a dangerous pair. Yet it was only the beginning.

My first story and my first attempt at Kuroaka/Akakuro. There aren't many FemAka! so I hoped to make one. All the help is appreciated in the comments, thank you.

Also in this story due to it being mostly Kuroaka, Kuroko will be OOC as will Akashi, so please do not point that out, all will be explained in future chapters.