Chapter 3: Setting the Stage

Although Regina had purged herself of the Evil Queen, (and crushed her dark heart,) shortly before they all left New York to return to Storybrooke, she felt some relief that the loss of her dark side did not make her any less of a threat in a dangerous situation. In fact, it may have actually made her even more lethal to those who threatened the ones she loved. For now, gratuitous sadism would no longer get in the way of her doing what had to be done.

The Evil Queen would have kept her hand in her victim's chest for several agonizing moments to allow them to fully appreciate what she was capable of doing to them before ripping out their heart and crushing it slowly. But the moment that Regina had Venger's heart, she immediately ripped it out to ensure that he would be fully under her control as soon as possible. And to Regina Mills, ensuring the safety of her son was more important than any simple revenge could ever be.

"Don't move!" Regina commanded as she spoke into a heart that was, were it possible, darker than even the heart of her mother Cora, or even that of Mr. Gold. And with no other option, Venger did as he was told.

Emma nodded to Venger, and said, "Old friend of yours from high school, Regina . . . ?"

"Save it, Swan," said Regina, who then spoke into Venger's heart once again, and added, "Now, order your shadow servant and guards to leave us and to not return until you call them back!" Again, Venger did as he was told.

When Shadow Demon and the orcs had left, Regina turned to her son and said, "Are you alright, Henry?" She then glanced sideways at Venger, and added, "Did this . . . person . . . harm either you or Violet or any of your other friends, here, in any way . . . ?"

Henry said, "Mom! Mom! Venger found out that I am The Author, and wanted me to write him victory over some guy named Dungeon Master. Venger threatened to hurt Violet if I didn't do as he wanted me to! But Violet got away, so Venger had no leverage to use against me! And in the meantime, I knew that both of you would come for us!"

Violet then introduced Regina and Emma to the six kids known locally as the Young Ones of Dungeon Master. "Mayor Mills, these kids are from the Land Without Magic. They've been here in The Realm for several years, now, and would like to come home!"

Regina shrugged, and said, "Alright by me." She then turned to Venger, and said, "But first, I have to deal with this fool who abducted and threatened my son!"

But before Regina could crush Venger's heart, a small man came out from behind Venger and said, "Before you do anything to Venger, Evil Queen, I would suggest that you look behind you!"

"Dungeon Master!" said all the Young Ones simultaneously.

Regina said firmly, "Do you take me for a fool, dwarf? I'm not taking my eyes off of either of you! Venger will pay for what he did to Henry and Violet . . . ."

"M-mom!" interjected Henry. "The portal back to Storybrooke is gone!"

"And it will remain gone, Author," said Dungeon Master nodding, "until the Evil Queen withdraws her claim on Venger's life."

Regina said, "You have no idea who and what you are messing with, Dungeon Master. Venger has trespassed on the most dangerous place anywhere in all existence: He has come between a mother and her son!"

"You have the truth of it," said Dungeon Master nodding. "Such a place is a dangerous one. But you should amend your statement, Evil Queen."

"I meant Emma, too," said Regina rolling her eyes.

"I was not speaking of the Savior when I advised you to amend your statement, Evil Queen," said Dungeon Master solemnly. "I meant that you should rephrase your statement to say, between a parent and their son; a place where the two of you now find yourselves."

"Wait," said Emma, looking from Venger to Dungeon Master. "You mean . . . . Seriously . . . ?"

Dungeon Master nodded. "Now, Evil Queen, do you relinquish your claim on Venger's life?"

"Very well, Dungeon Master," said Regina slowly. "But he still must be punished in some way. And in case you haven't gotten the memo yet, I'm not the Evil Queen. The Evil Queen is dead."

"Perhaps she is, Regina," said Dungeon Master, "or perhaps not. But your own foolish choices that do not involve my family are none of my affair."

"Alright," said Emma. "Regina won't kill . . . Venger. Now, how about returning our portal back home to Storybrooke?" Dungeon Master nodded, and when Emma looked behind her, the portal to Gold's shop was restored. The moment it was, Emma's cellphone rang, and Emma answered it. "Whoa, four bars! We're getting great reception here! It's my mom!"

"Your communications device will work so long as the portal between our worlds remains open," said Dungeon Master nodding. "Please give my regards to Snow White and Prince Charming, Savior."

But Emma ignored the small wizard, and said, "Mom?"

"Emma, what happened?" said Mary-Margaret. "The portal vanished for a moment. Zelena couldn't make it reappear."

"We're fine, mom," reassured Emma. "We have Henry and Violet, and we'll be back, soon."

"Good! We just got a call from Hank," said Mary-Margaret. "David went to let the visitors into Storybrooke with the Snow Queen's scroll."

"Hold up," said Emma. "What was Violet's dad doing outside of Storybrooke?"

"Not that Hank," said Mary Margaret. "Hank the Ranger - not Hank Morgan; and the other "Young Ones" are with him, too . . . . Oh, should I have said that, yet . . . ?"

Still good at keeping secrets, I see . . . . Regina thought to herself.

Emma looked over at Henry's and Violet's new friends and, noting the looks of surprise on their faces, said, "Mom, I'll call you back . . . ." Then Emma ended the call, turned to Dungeon Master, and said, "Alright, short-stuff, what's going on, here?"

"I am merely a father seeking to rescue my son, Savior," said Dungeon Master. "Venger has him imprisoned, in a manner of speaking, and if the Ev – if Regina crushes Venger's heart, my son will be lost to me, forever."

The Young Ones looked to each other in confusion. Dungeon Master never mentioned having a son; much less a son who was being held prisoner by Venger . . . .

"You are a fool, Old Man," said Venger, who winced slightly as Regina gave his heart a gentle squeeze. Dungeon Master shot her a look of caution, the portal back to Storybrooke wavered, and Regina eased up on her grip. The portal came into sharp focus, again.

Hank said, "So, we can't go home, yet." A statement, not a question.

"You cannot leave The Realm now, Ranger," said Dungeon Master flatly. "But I can guarantee that the six of you will one day return home."

Sheila said, "What's that supposed to mean, Dungeon Master?"

Dungeon Master merely gestured silently toward the portal leading back to Storybrooke. Eric said, "That's it. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going home." But when the Cavalier tried to pass through the portal, he met with resistance and was unable to pass through. "Alright, DM, what have you done . . . ?"

"This is not my doing, Cavalier," said Dungeon Master sincerely. "It simply is the way of things."

"Let me try," said Diana, who tried to go through and could not. Later on, Diana would describe the feeling to the others as how it felt to put two magnets together the wrong way, and they repelled instead of attracted each other.

Dungeon Master said, "Do you understand now, Acrobat, Daughter of an Astronomer?"

Diana nodded. The others looked to her for answers, and she said, "The problem is not magical, it is physical; quantum physical, to be exact.

"We cannot return to our world because we are already there; as adults. Isn't that right, Dungeon Master?" The old man nodded sagely.

Presto said, "Exactly when are you and Henry from, Violet?"

"Storybrooke is in the Year of Our Lord two-thousand sixteen," said Violet.

The kids all had a million and one questions. 2016! What was the future like? Did everyone have little walkie-talkies like Henry's mom Emma had? What were they doing? What kind of jobs did they have? Were any of them married, did they have children of their own?

But before Emma, Regina, Henry or Violet could answer; Dungeon Master said that their questions would all be answered in good time.

Diana then remarked that it was not a good idea to know too much about their futures. "Look, guys, now we know we get home, and for now, that has to be enough. Any additional knowledge could jeopardize even that outcome."

Dungeon Master nodded. "When you are finally able to return, it will be on the same day that you left. You will not have aged."

"Like the kids in the "Narnia" stories," said Presto nodding.

"So, what now?" said Eric.

"Now we get away from Venger's castle," said Hank. "He's sure to come after us the moment that Violet, Henry and his moms go back through the portal."

"How about this," said Regina. "We hold onto Venger for a couple of hours to give you time to get away from here. Besides, Venger needs to be punished for what he did to Henry, and I have just the way to do it. But Venger can't go to Storybrooke dressed like that . . . ."

Regina waved her hand, enveloping Venger in blue smoke. When the smoke cleared, Venger's robes had been replaced with an expensive Italian designer suit. His horned headdress was now a Bluetooth cellphone with a slightly taller than standard antenna.

"Not too bad," remarked Regina. "Kind of a 'Bond Villain' look; I think Zelena will like it . . . ."

"Zelena?" said Venger. "The Wicked Witch of Western Oz?"

"One and the same," said Regina. "She's my sister; half-sister if you want to be technical about it, and she can use a night out on the town to help her . . . unwind . . . .

"What say you, Henry? Does a date with your Aunt Zelena sound like a just punishment for Venger?" Henry smiled and nodded.

"That is not possible," said Venger. "I have an understanding with Maleficent that –"

"I would not bring up Maleficent when you are out with Zelena, if I were you, Venger," said Regina pleasantly. "Trust me; you don't want to make her jealous. You won't like her when she is jealous!"

Bobby whispered to Henry, "That sounds like Bill Bixby on "The Incredible Hulk." Don't tell me that your Aunt Zelena is She-Hulk, Henry!"

"No," said Henry. "But she has been known to turn green, on occasion."

Regina said, "Let's just say that my sister isn't the type who handles jealousy by curling up on the couch with a pint of Haggen-Dazs and Adele whining on the CD player . . . ."

"Who's Adele . . . ?" said Sheila.

"Wait," said Presto. "Have CD's really replaced cassettes in the future . . . ?"

"I probably said too much already," said Regina. "Now, back to business. We'll all be meeting at Granny's Diner when we get back. So where to send Venger and Zelena . . . ?"

"How about Tony's?" said Emma. "That's where Killian took me on our first date." Emma looked at Venger, and smiled. "Try the Shrimp Scampi; it's delicious!"

"Excellent suggestion, Emma," said Regina smiling. "Now, let's all be on our way. Oh, I should probably do this, first . . . ." Regina waved her hand and a business card appeared in a small burst of blue smoke. Regina took out a pen, and wrote something on the back of it before handing it to Hank. "This is Snow's email address and where to go in Maine on May 16, 2016." Regina checked her watch. "Call us around 3:00 pm, and David – Prince Charming – will let you all into Storybrooke and take you to Granny's Diner, where we will all meet again in a few moments and answer any questions that you might still have at that point.

Hank nodded as he took the card. He was about to ask what "email" was, but decided that it would be better to find out when the right time came.

"Now, let's all get back to Storybrooke. I have to help my sister prepare for her date!"

After the Young Ones said goodbye to Violet, Henry and his moms, they left Venger's castle as quickly as they could. Dungeon Master nodded goodbye to them as they left. He would contact them very soon, once again, with one more adventure for them to go on before they could return home . . . .

In Storybrooke, Venger ruminated that Regina Mills had an odd idea of what constituted "punishment." Her sister Zelena was beautiful and eloquent, and they had much in common. Taking up Emma Swan's suggestion, Venger did order the Shrimp Scampi, followed by a dessert of something called cannoli with a drink called "cappuccino" that he found delicious.

Then, Venger and Zelena talked about their shared experiences with their parents, and how Zelena reconciled with her mother Cora almost too late, imploring Venger to not make the same mistake with his father. Venger promised to "consider" what Zelena had told him. But when he was finally released to return to The Realm of Dungeons and Dragons, Venger found that he did not have too long to consider whether or not he should contact his father for a parlay. On his throne, Venger found a parchment scroll from Dungeon Master, requesting a meeting on the Plain of Dreams the following day . . . .

The next day, Dungeon Master stood among the fogbound ruins of the Plain of Dreams when he suddenly became aware that he was not alone. But Dungeon Master knew that it was too early for it to be Venger, meaning that it could only be . . . .


"I'm right here, Dearie." Dungeon Master turned to see the Dark One of the Enchanted Forest step from behind a crumbling menhir. "I just came to see if you feel that I have fulfilled my part of our deal to your satisfaction."

"My son has agreed to meet me here, shortly," said Dungeon Master nodding. "I did not think that he would agree to do even that. So, yes, Dark One, I am satisfied . . . ."

"Good," said Rumpelstiltskin sincerely. "I wish that I could do more, but the rest is up to you from this point onward."

"I am grateful for that much," said Dungeon Master nodding. "Thank you. Now, as to your payment, I believe that you specified that I owe you a favor upon fulfilment?"

"That you do," said Rumple. "And my request for payment is that you do not squander this opportunity that I have set up for you."

Dungeon Master blinked. "T-that is all that you desire of me?"

"Oh, aye," said Rumple. "I know what it is like to lose a son, Dungeon Master, and I have quite literally moved worlds to be reunited with him once again.

"You may repay me by doing no less to reunite with your son. Now, goodbye, and good luck, Dearie . . . ." Rumpelstiltskin then turned and began walking back behind the menhir.

"Wait!" said Dungeon Master as he hurried to catch up with the Dark One. "Should I ask my son . . . ?" But as Dungeon Master rounded the menhir, the Dark One was nowhere to be seen. Dungeon Master sighed and shook his head. "I suppose I had that coming to me, after all this time . . . ."

Slowly, Dungeon Master returned to where he had been waiting before Rumpelstiltskin had arrived, and continued to wait amid the desolation for his son to join him. Moments later, sensing that the time had arrived, Dungeon Master spoke the name his son had been calling himself by for millennia.


"I am here, Old Man."

Dungeon Master turned to see a burst of magic split a monolith that fell apart down the middle to reveal a tall, pale man dressed in black, red and grey robes decorated with enchanted dragon wings and a headdress with a single horn. Inwardly, Dungeon Master sighed. His son always did have a flair for the dramatic.

"Dungeon Master, you are a fool."

Dungeon Master wanted to reply that he was a fool. But that that, too, was an inevitable part of fatherhood.

Instead, he simply raised a polite eyebrow to his son in reply, fervently hoping that he was doing the right thing, and that he and Venger would fare better than Rumpelstiltskin and his son Balefire did with their own reunion.

And that with the help of his Young Ones; Dungeon Master knew that he and his son had a very good chance to do exactly that.

The End

Author's Notes

This story was something of an experiment for me as a fanfiction hobbyist. Recently, I was impressed by a short story (9,059 words long) posted on this site titled, The Temptation of Arthur Weasley, by dreamflower02. Until now, all of my own stores are in excess of 10,000 words in length, and I wanted to see if I could write a story, (not a "drabble" length story,) shorter than 10,000 words, myself.

Looking through my notes for my first "Dungeons and Dragons" crossover with "Once Upon A Time," I decided to resurrect one of my original ideas and update it for the current season of OUAT.

Also, I decided on a whim to post this story in the "Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon" category only, (which is already home to several crossovers with "Harry Potter," "Lord of the Rings," "Chronicles of Narnia," and a few others,) instead of as a crossover with OUAT in a shameless attempt to attract more readers who might otherwise shy-away from reading "crossovers."

Lastly, I would like to thank fellow FF hobbyists horacethepig and Esther-Channah for their input on my ideas for this project. I could not have done it without you.