Author's Note: ANYONE ELSE SCREAM AT THE END OF 2x13?! My ship has SAILED!

For this chapter, we're just going to pretend that Mon-El hasn't had any non-alcoholic fizzy drinks.

Kara pulled a plastic container of ginger ale out of her fridge, grabbed two glasses, and tipped the amber liquid into both of them. Mon-El wandered into her kitchen, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "You're couch is seriously comfortable. I think you might have an alien in there, reaching out and grabbing me with it's claws, to drag me back into it's cozy recesses."

Kara snickered. "You're the one who wanted to sleep on the couch. Tough it up."

"Well, it was New Years, and it was late, and I didn't feel like leaping back to the DEO." Mon-El shrugged.

"You really need to find a better house." Kara sighed, and reached out with a glass in hand. "Ginger ale?"

He took it in one of his large ones, and studied the liquid. "Is it some sort of alcohol? A special kind of... gingery ale?"

Giggling, Kara shook her head. "No alcohol. Just... well, try it. I'm sure you'll like it. You like everything."

"I didn't like those- what were they called again?- the little brown grains-"


"Yeah, rice. I don't like rice." Mon-El nodded and satisfaction, and took a gulp of the drink. His eyes widened. "Whoa! That is- what is this stuff?"

"Ginger ale." Kara repeated, trying not to laugh at him. "Sorry, I should have warned you, it's fizzy."

"Oh, thanks a lot, Gilligan." Mon-El snarked. Then he looked very pleased. "Hey, did you catch that? I just made a reference to a human movie!"

"Television show." Kara correct, internally beaming. "And, yes, I did notice. I'm guessing Winn introduced you to that?"

"Alex actually." Mon-El said, straight faced. Kara raised an eyebrow. He grinned. "No, I'm kidding, it was Winn."

Kara lightly punched his shoulder, and grabbed her own glass of ginger ale. Mon-El took another gulp of his own, and his face contorted strangely as he swallowed. "Man.. that'll take some getting used to. Whooo... yeah. It kind of... burns."

Now she was full on laughing. "You can handle the strongest drink in- what?- the universe? And you can't even drink ginger ale?"

He shrugged. "Hey, what can I say? I've had practice for the first one."

"Yes you have." Kara shook her head in amusement, and took his glass. "Lets head to the bar. Get you some of that 'Strongest Drink in the Universe.' "

"You, Kara Zor-El," Mon-El grinned. "Have some very good ideas."