AN: Sorry for the wait! I just started my new job and it is so draining and I really didn't know how I wanted to write this chapter.

Pls don't forget to leave reviews, they really help me write faster!

The Man

The Uchihas had relocated to the living room when Naruto finally made contact with Sasuke. Mikoto ushered her family away from the garden and broken glass and brought them all into the dining room. They sat around the table, Itachi seemed indifferent to the situation from where he sat as he checked his phone casually.

In contrast, Sasuke was deeply affected by the loss of Naruto. Every few minutes, he would shiver as if a cold breeze would sweep into the room. Despite the fact that vampires aren't affected by temperature, Mikoto wrapped a blanket snuggly around her son and brought him a mug of hot chocolate to try and keep him warm.

She sat on one side of him with a hand rubbing at his back comfortingly, on his other side was his father who kept his interlocked fingers on the table in front of him as his foot bounced ever so slightly under the table. They sat in a strained silence for the half an hour since Fugaku had given them a time limit.

Sasuke's body flooded with warmth within the second he felt Naruto reach out for him. He was on his feet in an instant and his family could only watch in shock.

"I feel him, he's there, he's awake." Mikoto squealed in delight as she took her husband's firm hand into her own and gave it a squeeze.

Sasuke was moving towards the door already, growling in frustration as he felt Naruto pull away from him reluctantly. He couldn't help but punch the nearest wall to him, leaving a decent sized hole in the plaster.

"What happened?" Fugaku questioned as he followed his son out into the hallway, the rest of his family not far behind.

"He pulled away," he explained through grit teeth, "I don't know who this Obito bastard is but he knows we're bonded and he can tell when Naruto's reaching out for me."

The elder Uchiha's exchanged looks from where they stood, "we still don't know if it's Obito Sas-"

"I don't care who it is." Sasuke's growl cut off his mother's soothing tone, "He has Naruto so I'm going to get him back."

He moved towards the front door, fully prepared to run straight to where he felt Naruto was. Fugaku moved so he was blocking the younger vampire's path to the front door. The patriarch almost flinched at the rage he saw burning in his son's eyes.

"You need to calm down and take a minute to think Sasuke, we don't know who this person is." He tried to reason with his son.

"The more time we waste, the less safe Naruto is, I don't care what happens to me right now."

Fugaku opened his mouth to reply but Sasuke held up his hand, "step out of my way before I have to move you."

He didn't really know who this Sasuke was. This was someone who felt like they had nothing to lose. His eyes practically glowed with anger but Fugaku could see the hint of fear and despair hidden very well. He could see that his son was no longer a boy, but a man who had found and then lost something he held dear to him.

With a resigned sigh, Fugaku sidestepped out of the way and watched helplessly as his youngest child left their home in a mere blink of an eye.

Mikoto approached her husband warily, she placed her small hands on his forearms and rubbed them soothingly, "do you think that was the smart thing to do?"

He shook his head, "surely not, that child is as stubborn as a bull." He chuckled, "something he got from you obviously."

Flinching slightly, Fugaku slowly pried off Mikoto's fingernails from where they were digging into his flesh, "the only thing we can do now is, follow him and hope he doesn't end up killing anyone."

Itachi sighed from where he stood, obviously forgotten. "I guess I'll have to come along on this adventure won't I?"

The parents turned to their child, both with one raised eyebrow, "oh no son," Mikoto refuted, "don't push yourself one bit if you don't want to come you can stay here."

The vampire looked up from where he was examining his nails in surprise, "really?"

Grinning mischievously, Mikoto nodded her head in a zealous fashion, "of course." He scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion at her tone.

"But you'll have to fix the training room." She giggled.

Itachi rolled his eyes at the fact that he actually believed her ruse for a second.

He pushed off of the wall he was leaning against, "you guys are so lame."

In an instant, the Uchiha boy had disappeared after his brother and their parents where chuckling from where they stood in their entryway.

Fugaku and Mikoto caught up to their children in no time but Sasuke didn't seem to even notice their presence there. He was on a warpath, nothing was on his mind but Naruto and getting to his side as fast as he possibly could. The others stayed a few paces back, making sure to keep a lookout in case they crossed the path of a human. Sasuke was taking a risky route, they weren't going through popular areas but there were high chances of human passing through. Mikoto was just relieved Sasuke was being somewhat cautious.

"Are you sure you're going the right way?" Itachi sighed, "This is taking a while."

Fugaku shot his older son a disapproving look when Sasuke replied with a growl.

"Itachi don't." Mikoto hissed at him, "your brother is stressed enough."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm just trying to lighten the situation."

"Well, you're not helping." Fugaku stated.

Sasuke stopped in his tracks suddenly causing the other three to slide to a halt. They looked around at the woodland they had ended up on the edge of.

"You can't sense him anymore can you?" Fugaku sighed.

Sasuke stomped his foot in anger, "that bastard must have put up a ward or something."

Itachi crossed his arms and a took a step back, "we can't go in there, that's not our territory anymore."

"We don't have the time to ask the Elder, Itachi." Fugaku reasoned but his son merely shook his head.

"You can't be serious Father."

"Itachi," the young man turned to his mother who looked at him with pleading eyes, "we have no other choice, if anything happens we can explain to the Elder, she'll understand."

He sighed and watched his little brother sniff the air in hopes of catching a scent. "I can't sense him, but I can kind of smell him, it's not strong enough for a trace though."

"Whatever it is we have to follow it before it disappears." Mikoto encouraged, "we won't get anywhere by just waiting here."

In the next instance, Sasuke had taken off again, his parents right behind him. Itachi sighed once more before entering as well, he really didn't want to into the forest, it was beyond the territory of their elder, whatever happened out there, she wouldn't be able to help them. He didn't think they needed the help, but it was a nice insurance to have.

They didn't run for long before Sasuke was able to pick up a stronger scent for Naruto.

"How did he even leave a trail anyways?" Itachi thought out loud, "I thought the kidnapper dude teleported or something?"

"Yes, you're right, but Naruto is still emitting a scent," Fugaku countered, "and the longer he stays in one place, the further it will spread around him and given how attuned Sasuke is to his scent, he's able to catch it at a much weaker state than we would."

The older brother looked contemplative, "how do you think he was able to tell when Naruto was reaching out to you?"

Sasuke spared a glance over his shoulder to look at his brother for a second before he gave a shrug, "I don't know honestly."

"I was thinking about this earlier actually," Fugaku chimed in, "the only way another person would be able to tell something like that is if there's physical contact between the two of them and he's using some sort of technique I'd say."

"Well, that explains that, but it doesn't really explain how he found Naruto or how he knew he was at our house." Mikoto huffed. "There are too many questions."

Once again Sasuke had stopped abruptly, "hopefully now we'll get a couple of answers." In front of him stood an old, decrepit cabin that reeked with the scent of Naruto as well as the kidnapper.

"A cabin in the woods, how original." Itachi scoffed.

Sasuke shot him a glare yet the man merely rolled his eyes uncaringly. Mikoto sniffed the air hesitantly, "this… this isn't Obito's scent."

Fugaku narrowed his eyes before taking a hesitant sniff himself, "you're right, someone's scent couldn't change that much, this is someone else." He took in a deeper breath, "and they're… human."

The Uchiha's were taken aback briefly, what kind of human would be able to evade a vampire for so long as well as use vampire techniques? It was unheard of.

"It doesn't matter who or what they are." Sasuke growled as he advanced on the building, "I won't go easy on them."

Without a second thought, Sasuke was at the front door in an instant and was kicking it down in one swift motion. He stormed in with his family right behind him, he felt the fire blazing in his eyes as he came face to face with the man who took his other half away from him.

He stood nonchalantly in the middle of the room, twirling what appeared to be a staff, a casual smirk settled on his lips.

"Who are you?" Fugaku asked while Sasuke's eyes searched the darkness for the familiar mop of blond hair.

"I think the better question is," the man's voice was deep and had a rough tone to it, "who are you?" His smirk dropped into a scowl.

Sasuke made out a slumped over figure on the floor a couple of metres behind the mystery man, he didn't even pause to think before he rushed over to the side of his human. But before he could make contact, the staff the man was holding was thrust in his path.

He followed the path from the man's staff to his outstretched arm and then to his face to see him shaking his head.

"Not until you answer my questions brat."

"We're under no obligation to reply." Fugaku answered before his son could.

The man scoffed, "oh I think you are if you ever want to see my Naruto again."

Sasuke's ears were ringing. His Naruto? Who the hell did the guy think he was? And where the fuck did he get the right to be calling Naruto his?

"Your Naruto?" He all but hissed.

The man seemed to merely glance down at him in boredom, "oh I'm sorry brat, did I hit a nerve?"

His sarcastic tones did nothing to help Sasuke's mood, but at that moment, all he wanted to do was be by Naruto's side and check that he was ok. Moving at a speed that was impossible for humans to see, he sidestepped around the staff and once again made his way towards Naruto.

Sasuke didn't even realise it had happened until he had been blasted halfway across the room. Luckily, he was able to flip around so he landed on his feet and skidded to a stop, but he could feel an ache in his ribs from where something hard had bombarded his side.

The rest of the Uchiha watched in shock from where they stood near the door at the speed the person they had assumed was human had moved at. It was completely unheard of a human being that fast or that strong, he merely gave Sasuke a shove to his side and yet had sent him flying.

Fugaku moved to take a step forward but the man held out his hand before he could, "I said, not until you answered my questions."

A beat of silence descended into the room.

Sasuke growled before once more making a break towards Naruto's unconscious form.

The man rolled his eyes, "fucking brat." He mumbled under his breath before moved. In two swift movements, he was standing by Naruto's body before Sasuke could reach him and had his staff lifted, ready to swing. With a smirk, Sasuke dodged the swing of the staff but was taken off guard by the heel that had slammed into his cheek.

He flew further this time and slammed into the wall of the cabin. He let out a groan, mostly out of shock, he didn't see that coming at all. His mother was by his side in an instant and helped him to his feet. She stood slightly in front of him and held Sasuke's wrist in a tight grip in hopes that he wouldn't try and attack again.

"Stay back Sasuke, you need to let your father handle this." He wanted to protest her words but the bone-crushing grip she had on his wrist made him think otherwise. With a reluctant sigh, he watched Fugaku step forward hesitantly.

"We just want to check if Naruto's alright." The Uchiha patriarch tried to explain, his hands up in a surrendering motion, "I don't wish to fight but you're leaving me with little choice."

The man flung his arms up in exasperation, "are you people even listening to me, if you just answer my questions and I like what you say, you can see him."

Fugaku quirked his eyebrow, "and yet you still give us no reason as to why we should trust you with that information."

With a snort, the man kicked his staff up from where he was leaning on it and held it behind his head with both hands, "listen, I don't know what makes you think Naruto is that brat's other half," he nodded towards Sasuke, "but I can assure you he's not so if you just let us go, we can forget all about this and let the bond fade away naturally."

While the rest of his family were frozen in shock by the information the human had just given them, Sasuke was filled with rage once more. He ripped his arm from his mother's grip, "don't you dare even try to take Naruto away from me, he's mine!"

The younger vampire was held back by his brother before he could reach the man. With a shake of his head, the man addressed Fugaku, "you really need to teach your boy some anger management, at this rate, he's going to burn out his eyes with how angry he keeps getting."

Fugaku almost gaped in shock, just how much information on vampires did this human know?

The man smirked at their obvious confusion, "look, I'll give you lot a bit of advice since you obviously seem to be very confused at the moment."

The family paused in apprehension, "stay away from Naruto." He rolled his eyes as the youngest Uchiha began to rant his discrepancy.

"I love the kid as if he were my own," the man continued, "but if you don't want any more trouble than the daily life of a vampire's may bring, let me take the boy now and you won't ever have to see us again."

Apart from Sasuke, who had resulted in hissing at the man, the rest of the Uchiha's had fallen silent. Did they really know who Naruto was? What kind of baggage did he have that they were warned not to get involved with him?

"I'd very much love to be rid of the human," Itachi spoke up from where he was still holding Sasuke back by his arms. He ignored the way his brother's head turned to try and glare at him, "he already has too much of my brother wrapped around his finger for us to separate them now. Plus, he seems to have some answers to questions my parents have been asking for a while, so I think we'll be keeping him around."

He looked the man dead in the eyes, "even if that means we'll have to take him by force."

The man rubbed at his face with a sigh, "I've got to say, I admire your stubbornness as a family," he shot them a grin, "but I can't let you take him, I have a couple of promises I need to keep."

The Uchiha's all readied their stance, surely, he couldn't take 4 vampires at once? They shot each other glances before one by one, they were off, each trying to reach Naruto in their own way.

It seemed they would just have to find out how good of a fighter this man actually was.

AN: Thanks for reading guys, don't forget to follow and fav and all that jazz, I really love to read reviews so leave one if you can.

Big thanks to PrinceOfShadows1 for your encouragement, it did really help :D