A/N: I own nothing Marvel related. Purely for entertainment purposes.

Just a Quick Pinch

Like clockwork, Jaime gets it every year. He got better at it with age and now it was no huge deal. That is, until he acquired his Scarab 'friend'.

A flu shot was all he needed to see his family doctor for this time. That was it. It should've been simple, but Khaji-Da wasn't having it.

Attack imminent. Recommend preemptive strike.

His five year old self gave the doctor many 'preemptive strikes' in his panicked state, but it's ironic in a twisted way to see his Scarab reacting in a similar manner, but with actual hostile intentions.

Jaime decided to argue mentally as talking to "yourself" in a doctor's office would not be wise. Now was the best time since the medical assistant had to leave to prepare the injection.

'I get a flu shot every year since before I met you. It's fine.'

This scarab's antibodies are superior to any Earthen virus or bacteria. This scarab suggests evisceration and escape.

'I am NOT eviscerating anyone! It's a flu shot! A vaccination! It will help me!'

Jaime ignored the Scarab's response when the medical assistant walked into the room with the prepared needle and alcohol swab.

Khaji-Da's alert system was going haywire. Jaime figured that Khaji mistook the needle for a form of poisonous sword or something. He knew he shouldn't have peeked in on someone getting the shot in another room. 'That's probably what set Khaji off.' he mumbled aloud. The Scarab didn't know how the vaccination was administered at the time.

Staples through bones are most effective.

"Stop it!" Jaime growled.

The medical assistant giggled. "Are you still afraid of needles, Jaime? You had me fooled for all of those years!" she jokingly teased the boy.

"That's not it…" Jaime barely muttered as he felt Khaji trying to form a Gamma Ray emitter. He squashed the bug's efforts for the time being.

She is distracting you with small talk. Eliminate her!


"Jaime, are you alright?" the woman asked a bit concerned. What could be causing Jaime to revert back into his childhood fear?

"I'm…..I'm fine." Jaime stuttered when he felt Khaji try to form a blade.

"Alright. I need for you to hold still and give me your lucky left arm."

Since you are irrationally complacent, I am taking control, Jaime Reyes.

"Wai-" Jaime couldn't finish before his conscience was forcefully suppressed and "he" jumped from the examination table and stood in a battle-ready stance.

The poor woman stood stiff as a pillar in fear while the needle fell from her limp hand onto the floor. She had never experienced this type of behavior from the boy before.

Good. He had stunned his enemy into silence. Time to eliminate her before she called for reinforcements.

Before the Scarab could do so much as think about enacting his next move, Khaji felt his control slipping.

Jaime/Khaji ran from the room and out into the parking lot and took flight for home.

You are a fool, Jaime Reyes. The Dr. Siwakoti and its minions are bent on your destruction. The tubular blade the Danielle wielded would've paralyzed your left arm.

"Then why hasn't it happened before?"

The silence that answered him was beautiful.

Jaime could've danced in joy. He had stumped the Scarab! Until…

The prior doses have a cumulative effect. The more injections you receive, the more vulnerable you are for the oncoming attack.

Jaime cursed physiology for letting the human species have arms not being able to fully reach one's own back. He wanted to punch Khaji so bad right now.

As if you could.

'Great. You learned sarcasm.'

An ice blast interrupted their mini-spat. He'd have to settle for punching Icicle Jr. for now.

He'd figure out how to somehow apologize to Dr. Siwakoti and Danielle later.