Chapter 1

The Woods

"Pant…..pant….pant" She was wisping through the forest like a wolf, trying to run away. Cold nights breeze began to blow of the dark woods, making her shiver.

"Where are you going! There's nowhere that way!"

She still dashed through the woods that was carted over with a midnight sky, making it hard for her to see.

"Please stop! I'm trying to help you!" Someone Cried from the woods.

But she didn't care, she still dashed from the person, growing farther apart every passing second. Jumping over the stumps, and weaving around the trees to avoid the thing chasing her down. When the Vines blocked her path, until she tripped when her foot got caught inside of it. Rubbing her foot up against the thorns gave her cuts all over her feet, dripping blood from her body.

"Hey! I'm trying to help you!" Voices drew near as she couldn't escape from her vine prison. Gnawing on the vine with her teeth, she broke the vine, letting her lose her only support. Realizing there was no support behind her, she fell down the cliff behind her, plummeting down the mountain.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Falling down the mountain, she got pierced by rocks, cutting her up like sushi. It all came to a stop when she hit the low level of the mountain. Cold and alone, she blacked out under the tree In a pool of dripping, cold blood. Minutes later, a wolf like figure appeared, hovering over the Espeon, he realized she was hurt. Whining when the Umbreon picked up the Espeon.

"Don't worry, I've got you, no need to worry." Umbreon carried the Espeon through the forest, back to his den. "What the heck happened to this Espeon…. it's cut up very badly." Umbreon thought to himself as he laid the Espeon down on his bed of hay. He immediately walked over to his bathroom and grabbed some medicine to help her cope with the pain, and mixed it with a tall glass of water. "I hope this makes her feel better.", the Unmbreon whispered under his breath. Hopping up on the counter, he grabbed a plate and filled it with berries for the Espeon, he put the plate next down to the side of Espeon, on the bed. After that he grabbed the bandages he applied them to her wounds. As The Umbreon saw the Espeon shiver in his bed, he came up to lay next to the Espeon, to prevent it from being cold.

When the Espeon stopped shivering, Umbreon fell asleep.

When morning came, light shone forth through the cracks, beaming into Espeon's face, waking her up.

"*Moaning* Where am I?" She Jumped up on the bed, and sharply stared at the Umbreon across the room.

"Well,well,well. Look who finally woke up." Umbreon said with a funny tone to his voice. Espeon freaked out and tackled the Umbreon to the ground.

"First off, I'm not here to hurt you, and secondly, would you like breakfast."

Espeon got off the Umbreon, and sat down beside him, looking around the den.

"Where am I?" Umbreon looked back at the Espeon as she spoke to him, while he grabbed the plate of berries.

"You're in the Viridian forest Poke' Village. I found you last night when you fell off the great cliff, that was quite a fall there, and how did you even get there in the first place. Oh, and by the way, my name's Soul."

Soul walked over to Espeon, setting the plate of berries down in front of her.

"I was running away from someone….. I can't remember who, but they wanted me for something, but I can't remember that either…. then I tripped on a vine, smashing into the sides of the mountain…..never mind that. My name is Spirit, and thank you for saving me."

Spirit dived face first into the berries, squirting pink and blue all over her fur.

Soul laughed out loud at the fact Spirit had blue and pink in her fur, Spirit turned around and gave Soul her purple steel gaze, that would make even a Glaceon freeze in her tracks.

"Woah! Why are you mad at me?! I didn't do anything!" Soul backed up against the wall, after seeing that, Spirit returned to eating her berries.

Finishing her berries, she went back over to get Soul.

"Are you done? You're not going to kill me?" Spirit giggled at Soul.

"Why would I kill you?! First off I just met you, and second off, you saved my life….."

Spirit walked up closer to Soul, to help him up.


Soul started to blush when Spirit wasn't looking.

"Do you have any idea where I can get more food? Cause I'm really hungry…. And is there any chance you have water?"

Spirits stomach started to grumble along with having a parched throat.

"Oh! You want more food? Then we need to go to the Pokemart. Come on! I'll lead the way to the Pokemart. If you want water though, I left a glass for you on the nightstand." Grabbing the crystal clear glass with her tail, she gulped all of it down to the last drop.

"Why does it taste so funny…...Soul is it?" Spirit asked Soul.

"Oh, I put some medicine in the drink, because I knew it would help you cope with the pain."

"Thank you Soul, I appreciate the help you've given me."

Soul and Spirit sauntered out of the den, walking into the Pokemart.

"So what exactly is the Poke'mart?" Soul turned around to the Spirit to reply.

"The Pokemart is basically like a store for all the Pokémon in Viridian forest.

See, humans don't come out here, it's a restricted no hunting zone, so humans can't catch us. Maybe that's why you were running away from whatever it was. Welp, here we are."

Tree branches loomed over the entrance of the giant cave called the Pokemart.

"Hey Spirit, anything you prefer? I…" Soul was interrupted by a giant fox in the process.

"Hey Soul! Who's this?"

"Oh hi Jenny. This is Spirit, she's an Espeon I found that fell down the mountain last night." Jenny was a beautiful Ninetails that had a rose in between her ear and hair, her long tails were a bright yellowish color that reflected the sunlight. She had long hair that was the color and scent of a cream orange strawberry.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Spirit." Spirit looked at Jennie's flowing hair and crashed down onto her back.

"It was nice to meet you too Jenny. Maybe when I get better we can hang out."

Jenny flipped her hair back over her head, sending her rose flying onto the floor, but she caught it with one of her tails and put it back in her hair.

"That would be nice!" She walked out of the mart, flaunting her tails to wave goodbye.

"Don't worry, she's really nice, she actually is a nurse in the local center."

Spirit looked back at Soul with a smile on her face.

"Then why didn't you take me there instead of your place?" Spirits head cocked to the side. Soul blushed, but had to come up with something quick to hide it.

"You were closer to my place, and if I would've taken you all the way there, you might've bled out."

Spirit then blushed, but concealed it by walking away to the berries section.

"Look Soul, these Oran berries look pretty good. Oran berries are my favorite!"

Soul was taking down mental notes of what Spirit liked and didn't like.

She loved Oran berries, Cherri berries, and Lum berries, but hated Chesto berries cause it keeps her up all night. Once they got everything they needed, they walked out of the Pokemart.

"Hey Soul, do you mind if we stop by the Poke'Center to get looked at? Cause my cuts are starting to hurt."

"Well….. it is on the way home…. yeah we can go." Hotness filled the air as the Sun heated down onto the ground through the trees. Besides this spot in the forest, every other part was in shadows.

"Well alright here we are Spirit, the Poke' Center. When you go inside, Jenny might be at the front desk."

Cold air rushed at Soul and Spirit, blowing back their fur.

"Oh. I guess Jenny's not at the front desk. Hey Lune. Where Jenny?"

Lune was a Blissey that was usually an assistant.

"Oh, hey Soul. Jenny was just at the Pokemart buying drugs. She should be back in an hour. Who's this?" Lune stared at Spirit for a while before Soul spoke up for her. Electric green eyes almost broke her, before Soul decided to break the ice.

"This is Spirit, she's an Espeon I found last night that fell off the cliff and rolled down the side of the mountain and fell by my den. I took her back to my den and treated the wounds. Then we just came back from the Pokemart, we saw Jenny walking her, but then Spirits wounds started to hurt even worse."

Lune walked out from behind the counter, taking Spirit to the back to examine her wounds.

"Alrighty, this might sting a little….. I'm going to have to open your wounds and clean it."

Lune took off the bandages using teasers and opened up the wound. Spirit was gritting her teeth in pain as hydrogen peroxide was poured into her wounds.

Blood dripped out and echoed throughout the room to make it sound like a pin dropping. Cleaning the wound, she then applied bandages on the wounds again.

"It may sting for a while, but it shouldn't hurt too much." Exiting the room, Spirit walked back over to Soul.

"Does it feel any better?" Soul asked Spirit. "It feels a lot better, she cleaned out my wounds and reapplied new bandages so it wouldn't get infected."

"Well that's great! I think we should go back to the den so you can get some rest."

Soul and Spirit walked out of the PokeCenter, following the trail back to the den.

Once they got there, Soul immediately set the groceries on the table and started to head to the kitchen, grabbing a frying with his teeth and sitting on the stove.

"So. What do you want to eat?" Spirit thought about it for a moment, but her mind was as empty as a wallet with no money.

"I have no idea. And shouldn't I be cooking for you Soul?"

"No way Spirit! I should be cooking for you. You're the one thats wounded here."

Spirit layed down on the bed.

"So… bout I make you…. Blueberry skillet cake?"

"You go ahead and make anything you like. I'll eat it."

Soul set the burners on high and gripped the frying pan with his jaw.

"Hey Spirit, can you pour the bread and berries in?" Spirit used her Psy powers to levitate the berries and bread into the pan, baking them golden.

"Thanks." Soul moved the pan around to make sure each and every berry was cooked in the crushed up bread.

"Your blueberry skillet cake is done." Jumping up onto the counter, Soul grabbed a plate from his cabinet and placed the cake onto the plate.

Spirit licked her lips as she saw the golden bread steam with blueberry scent, as she took a bite of it.

"This is good!"

"Thought you might like it."

She devoured the cake, leaving no evidential trace of any food.

"I think you should get some rest tonight. Cause I'd like to show you the village some."

"I'd love to go see the village!" Spirit walked over to the bed laying down under the sheets.

"Hmmmnn looks cute when she's sleeping." He went over to the seeping Spirit and pulled the cotton candy pink blanket over her.

While Spirit was sleeping he went to lie beside the bed, by her side.

With his final thoughts, the two drifted to sleep.

Authors Note

So I still need to go back and fix plot holes, but I fixed most of the grammar I used improperly, added some text, and just fixed some other stuff. I've been trying to improve as a writer, and hopefully will improve more than I did when I wrote this.