Naru felt miserable.

Sadness lingered at the edge of his mind, and he just couldn't pinpoint what was causing it.

The only clue he had been given was that every time he looked at Mai, he felt an odd pang in his chest. It pained him so, to the point where there were times he just couldn't bare to look at her.

Confusion became a constant feeling whenever she was around, and it was driving him mad.

He was Oliver Davis, for god's sake, he wasn't one to be confused. He was supposedly a genius, an intelligent man who excelled in almost everything he attempted. He wasn't one to be stumped by something so simple as his own emotions.

Alas, here he was, looking towards Mai as she made his tea with that very same feeling of despairity drifting in the back of his mind.

Perhaps it was the fact that her heart belonged to another.

Perhaps it was the fact that her heart belonged to his dead twin brother.

Either way, Naru couldn't stand it, and he felt as if he was about to explode.

Mai turned towards him, tea ready in hand. Noticing his gaze, she smiled, causing butterflies to fly around in his stomach.

Suppressing his feelings, he nodded towards Mai as she set his tea down on the desk, as if he was saying "You did well," or "Good work." Mai beamed from the silent praise whilst walking back towards the others.

He could feel the corner of his mouth twitch slightly at her reaction, before turning back to look at the case report.

Naru sipped on his tea whilst reviewing the report, this time making sure to pick up on any small details or contradictions in what information and accounts they had collected.

It apparently started on a day in January. January 23rd, a very unmemorable date with pretty much no signifigance.

A/N: Okay, so I'm not sure whether I can even call this a chapter. Perhaps it's like a prologue part two? Are double prologues even a thing? Probably not.

I'm sorry this is extremely short, but I do have an explanation, I swear!

I've been having trouble writing this story, I must admit. I'm a HUGE perfectionist, and whenever I look at my writing I just want to write it over and over and over and over.. until it's perfect, which is absolutely impossible.

Unfortunately, Naru is a character that seems to be difficult to capture. I want to get him just right, but I always seem to find a fault in my portrayal of him.

That's why I decided to give myself a week or so before writing him, in hopes that I'd gain an epiphany. Alas, I did not, and until I gain such a thing, I'll leave this here for now.

I want to make him up to your expectations, for this is the first fanfiction I've ever really loved and posted. The positive feedback I've seen made my days wonderful, so I really really want to make this special for you.

Hopefully, I'll be able to write something I love and update a full blown chapter before Christmas or perhaps on Christmas as a little gift from me to you.

Until then!

- imNarcissistic