Happy New Year guys! Thought I'd round the year off with something adorable and fluffy. I hadn't seen the end of the series when I wrote this so I had no idea this basically happened :D) Anyway hope you all enjoy, thank you so much for the reads and reviews - you're all amazing! - and I hope that you all have a wonderful new year whatever you do and a great 2017 3

Or Where Victor Has A Question There's Only One Answer To

The rest of the week from Christmas leading up to New Year is mostly spent in bed, with very little clothing. Victor showers Yuuri with praise and kisses as well as wanting to christen every room in the flat with a round of hot, filthy sex. The handcuffs really had been a stroke of genius – and something Yuuri had never realised he was into – and they feature quite prominently every time Victor throws him down and fucks him.

Finally the end of the year rolls round and, much to Victor's chagrin, they have to put on clothes and head over to Yuuri's family onsen for a New Years eve party. The place is packed with people so by the time they've said hello to everyone neither Victor or Yuuri have had that much of a chance to speak to one another.

Something has been playing in the back of Yuuri's mind, ever since they arrived, a niggling doubt that seems intent on worming its way into his head and playing over and over when he's left alone with his thoughts for too long. Victor's been oddly reserved tonight and Yuuri can't work out why. All manner of reasons spring to mind and Yuuri begins to wonder if Victor has lost interest in him. It's a ridiculous thought – he knows it is – but the longer the night goes on and the more they seem to get dragged away from each other the more it keeps creeping to the forefront of Yuuri's thoughts.

It's ten minutes to midnight and he's leaning against a wall, taking a breather after another long conversation about his skating career, when he feels a hand slip into his and hot breath at his ear.

"Alone at last," Victor says, his voice low and silky. "Can I have a quick word?"

"Sure," Yuuri replies, his voice catching in his throat as his traitorous brain floods him with thoughts of the worst case scenario.

He allows Victor to drag him through the crowd by their linked fingers, and out the back where they are alone and there is no chance of them being disturbed. All the while Yuuri's brain goes a mile a minute with the worst kind of thoughts – why do we have to be so far away from everyone? Is he going to break up with me? Am I that bad in bed? Is he breaking up with me because I'm a bad lay? Does he just not love me anymore?

Yuuri can feel himself beginning to fall apart with this awful, irrational but totally plausible thought that Victor has taken him out the back so that he can break up with him and not cause a scene. Victor stops, turning to see the terrified look on Yuuri's face. He chuckles.

"Why do you look so serious?" he asks.

"I... I'm just cold," Yuuri lies. He barely notices the nip in the air despite his lack of jacket, all he's thinking about is what is going to happen next.

"Don't worry," Victor says taking a step towards him, "this won't take very long and then we can go back in the warm."

"Okay sure," Yuuri says, trying to swallow his nerves. I can't do this, I really can't do this... not now.

"So you and I have been together for a whole now and we've known each other even longer than that," Victor says.

"Yeah..." Yuuri nods. Where is he going with this? If he is going to break up with me is he going to drag it out?

"And we've been through quite a lot as well," Victor says.

"Yeah..." Please stop dragging this out and just tell me that it's over already!

"There something I've needed to do for a while and I was trying to work out when would be the right time but it never seemed it so this seems as good a time as any."

Yuuri bites his lower lip. He can feel himself trembling (and not from the cold) and tears prick the corners of his eyes. He knows he's going to fall apart. If Victor tells him it's over he's not going to be able to handle it, totally convinced that that is the reason Victor wants to talk to him away from everyone.

So it is a complete surprise to him when Victor pulls something out of his trouser pocket and sinks to his knee in the snow.

Yuuri's eyes widen as Victor opens a small black box to reveal a simple silver band sitting inside and gleaming in the moonlight. Suddenly all Yuuri's doubts fade away like smoke on the wind.


"Yuuri Katsuki from the moment I met you you have continued to surprise me at every turn. I realised pretty quickly that I didn't ever want to let you go and I still don't. When you told me you loved me it was like a dream come true and it's one that I never want to wake up from so will you make me the happiest man in the world and say you'll marry me?"

The tears that have been forming in Yuuri's eyes during Victor's speech start making tracks down his face. He can't quite believe what he's just heard and it feels like he's in a glass bubble that might shatter at any second and bring him back to the real world where none of this ever happened and Victor isn't kneeling in front of him, holding a ring asking to stay with him forever.

"Yes," he says so softly that his voice is lost in the sounds from inside as someone opens and closes a door.

Victor stares at him for a second, worry written all over his face as the tears still fall down Yuuri's face, and Yuuri realises that he's still waiting for an answer. He clears his throat and wipes away some of the tears with the back of his hand before flashing Victor a radiant smile.

"Yes," he says again. "I'm yours."

A smile splits Victor's face and before Yuuri realises what is happening Victor is on his feet, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him into a fiery kiss. Yuuri reaches up to clutch the front of Victor's shirt as if he might collapse if he lets go. He is faintly aware of the sound of fireworks exploding in the distance and the choruses of 'Happy New Year' from inside but he doesn't think about that. All he thinks about is Victor, all he has ever thought about is Victor.

After what seems like an eternity Victor pulls back. He smiles down at Yuuri before he takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto the fourth finger of Yuuri's left hand. He brings Yuuri's hand to his lips and presses a kiss to his knuckles.

"Happy New Year Yuuri," he says softly.

"Happy New Year Victor," Yuuri says.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Victor pulls him in for another kiss and Yuuri melts into his embrace. This right now, he thinks, this is the most perfect thing in the world. Tomorrow they can deal with a new year, tomorrow they can deal with telling people, tomorrow they can deal with anything because Yuuri knows that he'll have Victor at his side and that is all he could ever have hoped for. It's pure perfection.


Final AN - I know nothing about Russian or Japanese proposals and this is more how people propose in my country (crying and everything), hope it's okay :)