The radio had been playing holiday music since November, but now that it was December, Jack got into the spirit—Ianto didn't approve of premature celebration, and Jack had eventually caught on.

He'd gone out and bought tinsel and started looking for where to buy a tree. They'd use fairy lights and ornaments from previous years, but Jack knew that he'd buy ornaments to celebrate his and Ianto's first official Christmas together, anyway.

Jack had wanted to buy a radio into the Hub, but Owen had put his foot down, even if Gwen had backed him up.

Jack looked at the charge on his credit card. Ianto usually handled his expenses, but he'd done this one himself and wanted it to be a surprise. Satisfied with his planning and purchases, Jack leaned back in his chair.

Now to actually ask Ianto to spend Christmas together…

Time me for another drabble collection! Just for December, holiday/winter snapshots of the team (and Jack and Ianto, of course)! I'll update every day for the duration of the month :D