First time doing this, I don't own any of the Marvel characters, or the story lines that are tagged along them. I hope you all enjoy, the most of the story will Rated T, and some of the chapters will be Rated M.

Chapter One

"You let them go, Nat"

"We played this wrong"

"We? Boy, it must be hard to shake the whole double agent thing, huh? It sticks in the DNA"

"Are your incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?"

"T'Challa told Ross what you did, so… They're coming for you."

"I'm not the one that needs to watch their back."

Natasha walked away, leaving the hospital, Tony needs to over this two-year old emotional tantrum he was throwing, which he is good at. Natasha thought to herself heading toward the parking garage. Once Tony gets over himself he will want to reconcile with everyone, to include Steve.

Natasha's pace slowed for a second while his name came a crossed her mind, images flutter along with Steve standing there in the hanger, following his heart and what he felt was right. Standing on the opposite side, facing the "One and Only" Captain America, she knew that the logical decision she made to back Tony Stark was the wrong choice.

Caught off guard by the standstill she came to, shaking off the thought, hopping into a small sliver Volkswagen, she found herself pushing off the thoughts of Steve. The windows were tinted black, this wasn't Natasha's usual style, but it was inconspicuous and would give her enough time to form a plan of action. Racing out of parking garage, she began making a mental check list. First Steve and Bucky, Second Clint and the others out of the Raft, and Third moved passed this whole mess. As much as Natasha enjoyed her isolation and being alone, she missed the family that formed with the Avengers. Before the Sokovia Accords the Avengers were a little family and had each other, She wanted to piece the puzzle of her family back together.

Mindlessly she dialed a New York area phone number. "Nelson and Murdock Attorneys at Law, how can I help you?" a soft voice answered.

"Matthew Murdock, please?" Natasha with a short tone.

"May I ask who is calling?" the soft voice asked.

"A widow he helped once with immigration." Natasha was not really lying.

"Matt Murdock" he answered.

"Matty, how I have missed you, been doing anything devilish?" Natasha teased him.

"Natasha? Nat, what are you…. Why are you calling me at work? Are you ok?" Matt rabble off.

"Matt I am fine, I had to call you at work, it will take longer for them to find out that we are working together and when did you hire someone so sweet to work for the devil of Hell's Kitchen?" Natasha teasing.

"Who is going to find out we talked? Are you in trouble?" Matt questioned.

"Matthew I don't just call you whenever I am in trouble. But this time Yes, I find that I am on the wrong side of the law with Accords. It's not just me Matt, I need a lawyer to get my friends and myself out of this der'mo mess." Natasha said, hearing Matthew sigh knowing he was half grinning.

"Nat…. ok let me do some research, let me see what I can find out. Can you lay low for a bit?" Matthew asked.

"Matty you're the best, talk to you in 2 days. BTW don't screw up the receptionist." Natasha jokily hanging up the phone.

Natasha turned off the main drag, down a dirt road, hidden behind the tree line was the quinjet. Getting out of the car and climbing aboard the silent aircraft. Sitting in the pilot seat, she ran a system check for any tracking devices to ensure no one will find where she is going. Unlike what Steve and Bucky, they didn't know she had placed a tracking device on their quinjet when she let them go. She wanted to be sure she could track them down even in stealth mode. Bruce made her extra protective, since she hadn't talked to him when he took off from Sokovia after Ultron.

Everything checked out, one last thing she had to do while the bird warmed up and Steve and Bucky's GPS coordinated were being located. She opened a cabinet a retrieved the large orange and black first-aid bag and rummage through it found a scalpel. Peeling off her jacket, exposing her right shoulder and making a small incision on the back side of the shoulder. Setting the scalpel down, she pushed a small rectangular object out of the opening, tinged with blood placing the object wrapped with gauze. While applying pressure to the bleeding wound. Shrugging her jacket on she walking towards the pilot seat, she popped out the side window out and tossed the rectangular object out the window. Thinking to herself, "I know Clint's intention were good, in case of being capture again he wanted to be able to locate me. But this could lead Ross and Tony right to Steve and Myself. Sorry Tony." Time to check item one off the list and Natasha took flight.