A/N: This is the first (second, if you count the "Beyond Forgiveness" arc, but I'm not sure that it counts) completely original AU I've made, so keep that in mind while you're reading.

This AU contains a male Frisk and female First Child.

One million times.

One million resets.

One million alternate universes pursued for practically no reason.

Frisk knew he'd probably gone crazy a few times, losing and regaining and losing his sanity again and again as the morass of parallel worlds flowed past him.

None of them had been the same. Each time he had killed at least one person, except for the last thousand or so, yet none of them had gone to the extent of slaughtering the entire Underground.

Now, he would undergo reset number one million and one.

And I'll probably lose my sanity again. he thought dazedly.

He sensed her in the back of his head. Angry at him.

She had been angry at him for all of the resets except the last thousand, and even then she was angry at him for resetting again and again and pulling everyone back underground.

But she couldn't stop him... could she?


The same patch of flowers. Frisk could feel them beneath his body. Yet... something seemed different.

Was it how brittle his body felt? Or was it the flowers?

Pushing himself upright, he winced as pain echoed through him. Odd... This has never hurt before...

Nevertheless, he forged onward.

And then he flinched back in surprise. So did she.


There was something wrong.

"I'm Flowey!"

Something very wrong.

"Flowey the Flower!"

And it was in the form of the white flower in front of him.

"I'm your new best friend!"

Flowey grinned cheekily. "That fall down must've really messed you up! I bet you're so confused! Here, buddy, let me teach you how things work in this world!"

Frisk's soul suddenly pulsed in his chest, glowing a vibrant red.

But a single hairline fracture had traced itself down its center.

What? My soul's never been like that!

"Wow, your soul's pretty beat up, pal." An unnaturally wide grin spread across the flower's face. "How about I help you out with that?"

A little green pellet rose from the ground next to the flower.

"Now this here is called a friendliness pellet." Flowey smiled happily. "Run into this! It should patch up your soul and get it back to full health!"

Knowing all too well what came next from so many resets, Frisk dodged it.

"What's wrong, pal?" Flowey tilted his head. "Lemme explain something: This will help to heal your soul. It won't hurt it or anything. Please just trust me."

A single green bullet flew past him. He didn't even need to dodge it.

Flowey's face crumpled. "Why? Why won't you trust me? C'mon... I'm trying to help you out here..."

His face hardened. "Well, then, if you won't take your medicine, I'll just have to make you!"

A ring of pellets lifted from the ground and surrounded Frisk. Flinching, he braced for the impact-

But instead of hurting him, they dissolved with a warm feeling on his skin.


The fracture in his soul closed up, and a refreshing sense of revitalization stole over him.

"There, that wasn't so bad, now, was it?" asked the white flower. "And now you're all healed up."

Footsteps sounded behind them, and Flowey turned his head behind to watch, then back towards Frisk. "Well, you'll probably be in safe hands with her. See you around, friend!" He vanished into the ground.

"Oh! You've fallen down, haven't you?"

The monster tilted her head and reached out with a gloved hand. "Don't be afraid, my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. Here, please come with me. It's not safe for children to dawdle around here."

Frisk followed her from the room. Chara, do you have any idea what's going on?

No. I don't. She said no more.

The doorway opened up onto a light purple room with rotting leaves packed tightly into one corner. They were slightly scorched.

At the front of the room was a white marble door. Toriel walked confidently up to it and placed her hand against it. It slid into the wall with a grating sound.

"The Ruins are full of puzzles like these put here by the creators in order to keep the inhabitants safe." Toriel explained. "Although there aren't quite so many of us here nowadays, they still are quite useful as a staple of our entertainment and as a result are found just about everywhere. Please adjust yourself to the sight of them." She walked through the door into the next room.

Why is everything different? Frisk was so confused.

My best idea, Chara butted in, is that your resetting one million times must have been too much for the world to handle, and as a result everything changed drastically from what it was originally.

Well, that's not good.

Of course not.

But at least Flowey seemed to be somewhat nice.

In the next room, the hall took a sharp detour to the right. A long bridge spanned a bubbling stream of water that passed through one wall and into another. Some monsters were sitting around one end dipping nets into the water.

"Hello, Toriel!" someone called out.

"Greetings, my friends." Toriel replied. "What are you looking for this time?"

"We're panning for artifacts in general." replied a Loox. "Maybe we can get something good this time..." They focused on Frisk. "Who's this?"

"This child is lost." Toriel responded. "I am helping them through the Ruins."

Losing interest, the monsters refocused on the flowing water before them. Toriel and Frisk walked past them.

In the next room, the color scheme changed considerably. Everything went from light purple to a tranquil dark blue.

*The sight of these friendly colors fills you with determination.


"Follow me." Toriel walked ahead, and Frisk followed her, wondering what else had changed with this reset.