Author's note: This story is just something fun i wanted to do. So it's just one shot bonus story that continues the story.

Leo opened his eyes in the middle of the night. The young ninja knew that a certain little brother will be up after watching a late night horror movie. The movie this time was about killer puppets and physics at a hotel. A weird one to say the least.

He got up, put his mask on, and head out. He froze. The ninja expected to find that certain brother outside waiting for him, but didn't, he found another brother though.

"Donnie?" Leo said as he saw his little brother laying in the pit.

"Oh, hi Leo." The purple clad turtle said with disinterested voice as Leo head towards him.

"Donnie, what are you doing out here?"

It's been a few days since Raph found and brought home there long missing brother. The younger turtle stayed to himself for the most part, working on some machinery in, unless they asked him something. Donnie told them that the Krang did horrible experiments, but remained vague on the details, though Leo could tell that it weren't a vacation for him.

While Leo was glad to see Donnie finally walking on his own now, this was a new one to him.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Why not?"

The turtle in purple sighed. "Because every time I do. I keep going back to when the Krang still held me prisoner. I don't want to go back, Leo."

"Hold on? Were you having a nightmare?"


"A Nightmare? You know when you dream terrible things instead of good ones?"

"Huh? The Krang never said anything about that. How do you get rid of it, Leo?"

"Don I-" He said as held out a hand, but Leo tell that his purple clad brother's muscles tensed up.

He back away and just as he predicted his brother loosen up. Master Splinter said Donnie was suffering from some mental scares. Raph was the only one that Donnie didn't appear too skittish around. Go figure; the turtle who was the most hot-headed was the one who found and saved their long lost brother. was going to try be patience, but seeing his little suffering like that and fear him touching him, it was hard just to keep himself restrained from comforting his brother.

"Why are you up, Leo?" Donnie questioned.

"Mikey have nightmares too." He replied.

"LEO!" Mikey's voice popped up mole in wack-a-mole.

"Right on Time."


Soon orange clad ninja popped up and ran for him.

"Calm down Mikey." Leo said, gesturing for his youngest brother to tone it down.

"Hi Donnie. Leo-"

"Another nightmare?" He asked knowing full well what his youngest brother's reply would be.

"Yeah, I had a dream where puppets where going to kill us all!"

"Alright, i'll stay up with you."

Soon Leo found himself in a bear hug. "Thanks Leo!" He heard Mikey uttered, too busy trying not to suffocate. Just as quickly as he was grabbed, he felt his brother letting him go.

"Oh, sorry Leo."

"You want to join in, Don?"

"Well, if it'll get rid of these-"

"YAY! This going be so cool. Maybe we-"

"Mikey!" Leo Keep it quiet Raph and Master Splinter are sleeping."

"Sorry Leo."

The three turtles sat around the T.V watching some cartoon that the youngest brother had stumbled on to. It was about superhero team fighting robot vikings who was freezing everything and a duck intent on changing his tittle. It was another weird one, but this one was also cool; Mikey seemed to enjoy it, however, Donnie appeared to be confused, though stayed all the way to the end.

After while Mikey already fell asleep; Donnie on the other hand was just getting to there, but fought it.

"It's alright Don. I 'll be here when you wake up."

"Promise, Leo?"


Leo sat waiting for Donnie to sleep. He soon felt something touching his shoulder followed by hearing lighten snores. He turned his to see Donnie sleeping.

Putting on smile, Leo placed a hand on his brother's head and pet it. Despite the scars he felt, making him regret, and not finding Don sooner, he was glad that Donnie was finally getting use to him, maybe someday he would be able to comfort his little brother with him being scared.