Main pairs: Steve Rogers/OC, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanoff/Clint Barton

Other characters: Bruce Banner, Thor, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, OC

Everything, which Marvel, isn't belong to me, but my OCs (characters and places) are my own imagination.


Tony Stark had fun. In spite of that he was horribly worried for his friend minutes ago. After all, Steve fainted on him in the middle of a fight, which have never happened before. He was a super soldier with a super serum, and yet, the captain fell, like a doll. Then the unfamiliar people came, speaking the most ridiculous explanation, that Steve has to go with them. Because Cap was his friend, Iron Man didn't leave him alone. He couldn't trust these strangers, who actually could fight pretty well. It became clear, when they temporarily encamped in an entrance hall of a slightly demolished office building. The mutants somehow found them, so Tony had to fight along with these strange people, while Steve was unconscious on a couch next to a woman. There was another woman, who made a comment previously, which implied, she thought, he is a robot. It was might an insult, and yet, Tony just laughed hearing this. Maybe the concern for his friend damaged his brain, because he couldn't do anything, than laugh. And more mutants came, and it was expected, that they got down on the floor. Iron Man quit from the fight unfortunately, but as he lay on the floor shakily, he forced his arm to move to shoot down a few mutants. Especially, who tried to sneak up on Steve and the un-known woman. It was damn difficult, when some from the enemy attack him again, while he was still on the ground – he declared this move very unfair. Then the other woman started to shout.

"Captain!" There was a short silence, then she called out again. "Captain Rogers!"

Tony thought about the situation, and then came to the conclusion, that maybe he would be very glad, if someone explain him some things. For example, why that woman knows Cap's name? In the next second she shouted again, and Tony had to roll his eyes. He clearly saw, that Steve was out, and he didn't think, that some shouting can wake up the captain. After a few minutes he was positively disappointed – Steve left arm swung forcefully, and hit the guy, who dared to approach him. And after that the mutants ran towards him, as if all of them would want a piece from his friend. Iron Man found himself alone in a fight, and this was freakingly weird. He wanted to help Steve, but the last electric shock was too strong, and he still trembled, and couldn't entirely move. And this was annoying. The other guys weren't any better situation. The first man, who wanted to jump on Steve flew back a few meters, while the shield hit a wall sinking in it. Rest of the mutants stopped, but didn't turn away their eyes from the blonde soldier.

"Give up, human," said one of them. Each of them stared at the woman on the couch, like a shark. Tony could see their hungry look, and surely his friend too. "You don't have much chance. Just give up, and your death will be pleasant. And after that we will have fun with the woman."

"Over my fucking dead body!"

Tony's brows ran up into his forehead, while he watched the whole scene. The mutants wanted Steve dead, and obviously wanted the woman, who still lay on the couch behind Steve. And interestingly his soldier friend wasn't too happy hearing this. The shield was in his left hand in a minute. Tony didn't see his face, but his posture was rigid. Over the years Tony learnt, if the enemy got the captain angry, not Steve was the one, who always came off badly. He was a super soldier, for God's sake! Iron Man just hoped, that his heart condition won't cause a problem.

"Guys, we found Collums' lab." It was Natasha. "The mutants have some kind of chip, which provides their electric talent. I think I just managed to shut it off. Do you copy?"

And the hell broke out. Or with other words, Steve jumped against the mutants. It seemed, there wasn't any medical problem at the tower, because the captain was as energetic as it was possible.

"Guys? Do I have to go to there? Are you okay?"

Apparently Black Widow didn't like, when no one answers to her. Tony suddenly realized, that he's grinning.

"We're fine, Widow," he replied with cheerful voice. "Really. Okay, not too fine, because I'm on the floor, but Cap's currently beating the shit out from these guys, and this is so beautiful!"

"Fuck me…"

Tony turned his head to his right, where one of the strangers kneeled. The man stared with wide eyes towards the fight, and it made Tony just grin more. The guy clearly was stunned.

"Were you hit with too many electricity?" Iron Man could hear the red headed assassin dry question. "Why are you on the floor? Why don't you help Cap?"

"Hey! Give me some credit." Tony slowly sat up, and leant down on his arms. As he looked around after this, saw, that everyone stared Steve's fight. He felt, that he have to share this with the woman. "If you want to know, is everyone sitting around."


"Yeah. Maybe I didn't mention before, but we have visitors, and they're actually pretty good."

There was a sigh in the comm, and Tony could guess, that he's going to get some smart retort, so he already opened his mouth to stop this, when Steve threw away his shield for the last time, then called it back immediately.

"If you say something, Shellhead, what I think, you want to say, I will hit you with my shield."

His blonde friend's drawling came suddenly, so he snapped up his head to gaze at the man. Steve stood in the middle of a mutant body heap, and he didn't even look tired. It was so calming. Tony slowly stood up – it was yet a little bit hard, because his nerves didn't work properly – grinningly, even if he knew, the man couldn't see his cheerfulness. He wanted to say something about his state, but the guy next to him prevented this.

"You didn't even pant!"

Steve's face turned red, and he looked down at his legs embarrassedly. Iron Man decided, that he could help him out.

"Yes, because he's a super soldier," Tony said, sending a proud look toward the man, when he realized, that the stranger couldn't see it, thanks to the Iron Man helmet. He groaned, then with cautious move, walked to Steve. "Hey, are you all right?" he asked him, who's answer was a small smile.

"Yes." Steve took a big breath, and his smile just got bigger. "Actually I have never been this fine."

"This is why you rampaged over these guys?" Tony pointed to the mass of mutant, who lay on the floor motionlessly. "Not if I don't mind. It was a lovely sight from where I sat."

"Shellhead." Steve was grinning now. "I'm not in pain."

Tony had to admit, he hoped, that maybe sometimes Steve's pain passes, even if he didn't know actually how he's going to cure his friend. His grin widened so much, that his face almost hurt, and started to open his mouth to say something funny, but he was interrupted again. This time there was a loud gasp, which made him and Steve too spin towards it. As it seemed, it came from the woman, who clearly woke up, then stood up from the couch. And stared at Steve with big eyes.


Her voice was hardly audible, then her eyes rolled back. Steve immediately dropped his shield, and caught the woman just before she could hit the floor. Tony reached down for the shield, while he watched as his friend gently lowered the woman onto the couch. It was weird, because he have never seen Steve so tender with someone before. Tony came to the decision, that he can't hold back his question anymore.

"Um, Steve?" He waited, until the blonde looked back at him, still kneeling on the couch, holding the woman's hands with his ones. "Care to tell me, what's going on?"

Steve's face bloomed with a wide smile, then he point at the woman with his head.

"She's my soulmate."


Abruptly Tony didn't know, how to react to Steve's declaration. It was just enough to hear something so strange like this from Thor – because technically he was an alien after all –, but hearing it from Steve also was too much. So he didn't say anything. Fortunately his friend didn't wait any answer, because he turned back to the woman. As Tony stood there, and watched the captain soft gaze, the other guys slowly came closer. He looked around them until his eyes stopped at the man, who previously was so stunned seeing Steve's fight. He had long, dark hair, which he braided together at the back of his neck. The man watched Steve and the woman for a few minutes, then he turned towards him.

"They can't stay here."

"Tony, can you tell me, what's going on there?"

As the man spoke, Natasha also trough the comm. He just realized at that moment, that there were noises of a fight on the other side. Probably this is why the woman didn't demand any explanation before. Tony moved his head to the strange pair on the couch, and suddenly didn't even know, how to tell the situation to Natasha. It was just his guess, that maybe the assassin has some suspicions, but otherwise neither she or Clint knew about Steve's condition.

"Hey, Iron Man. We can't find out, what's damn happening with you guys, so it would be nice, if you say something. Because Nat is kinda freaking out."

It was Barton this time, and when Tony wanted to shoot back some smart answer, there was another voice over the comm. Just that the previously persons wouldn't be enough.

"Stark, where are you? The jet's in Richmond."

As Nick Fury's sudden voice died away, Steve's face turned towards him with a frown. Because he lost his helmet somewhere, his disapproving look was clearly visible.

"Hey, don't look me like this!" protested immediately Tony. "I just did, what I felt the best for you at that moment."

There was a sigh coming from Steve, who shook his head, then gazed down at the woman. He stayed like this for a few minutes, before he raised his eyes to look around the hall.

"Where are we?" he asked quietly, with a questioning look. "I think, Shellhead, you perfectly know, where did you take me."

Maybe his friend resigned himself to accept Tony's decision. But Tony wasn't sure about this, yet, he couldn't pass this opportunity. He answered Fury.

"We are in an office building. The jet can land on the roof. Jarvis will send you our coordinate." Then he addressed his next words to his A.I. "Do it, J."

"Yes, sir."

"You know, we're still waiting for some explanations," chimed in Black Widow in the next second, which made Tony groan loudly. "Because apparently you're just relaxing somewhere, while we doing your job."

"Did you find something?" Steve's voice turned into serious, as he continuously kneeled on the couch. "Did you find Collums?"

"Not yet, but we suspect, where he can be," came back immediately Natasha reply, and the captain nodded.

"All right, Widow. If you find him, don't confront him alone. Tell us, and we go."

Hearing Steve's command Tony sighed. It seemed, that the blonde man didn't want to leave yet. When the dark haired man started to speak next to him, it became clear, that not just himself was the one, who didn't like this idea.

"Do you understand, captain, that Lady Lyanna can't stay here?"

"Of course." Steve looked up at the man with an easily readable expression – he maybe didn't like the assumption, that he would let the woman remain in the middle of a battle. "Iron Man," he gestured towards Tony, "called our boss, who sent a jet, which, I'm sure, is going to land on the roof in a few minutes. She can go away with it."

"But you have to go with her," cut in the other woman, and her voice was full of desperation. "If you separate from each other, you will be in pain again."

There was a long silence. Tony tried to process, what's going on, and possibly his friend too, because his face was tense by his thinking. Tony could guess, what's happening in Steve's mind. He knew him after all. Steve was a soldier, their leader, and had a big conscience, if he dealt with Avengers stuffs. He already knew, what Steve is going to say, before he even could open his mouth.

"But I can't leave."

Tony could feel the hesitation in his friend's words. It was evident, that as captain he felt, that he has to stay with his team, but he definitely didn't want his previous pain's return. Tony didn't want the pain either. He never wanted to experience again that horrible moment, when the captain was screaming in pain, then fainted. He started to search for something believable reason, with which he could persuade his friend into accepting Fury's help. He didn't really find any, however Natasha's next report made it easier.

"Guys, I think, we found Collums. And I don't think S.H.I.E.L.D. will be able to interrogate him."

"It's really-really disgusting," came Clint's voice too with a gagging noise. "Please make a note about this. Don't let yourself shock into death by a lot of mutants, who are able to create electric shocks, because it will be very messy."

"It seems, that his own mutants attacked him," took back the conversation Natasha in the comm, then sighed long. "But it isn't over yet. There are still mutants out there, and we still didn't check every room here. We should find them, before they break the whole city."

Tony watched as Steve still struggled with his thoughts, so he put his left hand onto his shoulder – carefully mindful of the gauntlet – to squeeze it.

"Hey, Steve." He waited until the blonde turned at him, before he continued. "Collums isn't our problem anymore, and because the mutants lost their most important weapon, we can catch them. Your absence won't affect us." He squeezed Steve's shoulder again, then pointed with his helmet at the strangers around them. "And I'm sure, that these guys will happily help us. Just take her to home."

He still had questions, but they could wait for a little longer. He hardly understood this whole soulmate thing, however if his friend has to stick together with the woman in the following minutes to avoid any pain, he was damn sure, that he won't let the captain stay with him.

"Go," he said.

"All right." Steve slowly straightened, after a short nod, but he didn't let go of the woman's hands. "Is there a leader among you?" he asked after that, while he looked around. His captain face returned, and maybe this was so effective, because the man next to Tony hurried to answer.

"Yes, I am the Nuria's, our ship's captain."

Steve nodded again, then reached into his right ear.

"Here." In his hand there was the little earpiece, which he held out towards the man in the next second. "Just put it in your ear. It will allow you to be connected with my team." Steve waited for the man to accept the little device, and when it happened, he nodded for the third time, then stepped closer to Tony to take back his shield. As the man put his famous weapon onto his back, he sent a warning look towards him. "Shellhead, please don't do anything stupid, while I'm not here."

"You wounded me, captain," grumbled Tony. He tried to play the affronted one, but his voice clearly showed his amusement. Thanks to his helmet his grin wasn't visible. "I never do anything stupid."

"I would say otherwise," replied Steve with a little smile, before he shook his head. "I know you, Shellhead."

"All right, you won," Tony raised his hands in submission, but he still grinned. "I promised, I won't do anything too stupid."

There was a long sigh, as Steve rolled his eyes. It was possible, that he didn't trust him, however he didn't forced the subject. Instead of he turned back towards the woman to lean down to pick her up into his arms. Tony had to hold back his snort, because he never saw the soldier move so gentle before.

"Steve," he spoke, before the man would start to walk towards the elevator, and the blonde looked at him questioningly. "Take care, okay? And don't be concerned with the debriefing. I'll speak with Fury, if we're done here."


After a short nod Steve stepped into the lift, which could take them up onto the roof. Tony waited until the doors closed, then he turned towards the little group around him. He was grinning, which unfortunately the guys couldn't see.

"Anyone wants to hunt some mutants?"

Nobody protested, but when he started to walk out from the building leading the strangers, he caught the only woman's uncertain eyes.

"Don't you need some repair? Or something like this, I don't really know, how you work."

So the woman still believed, that he's a robot, thought Tony, and he almost couldn't control his laugh. If they are going to come to New York with them – it was possible, that they will follow the other woman –, he will have so much fun. His grin widened until it almost hurt. He shook his head.

"Um. No," he replied, and he couldn't stop himself after that, so he added. "Because I'm a genius. A genius playboy, philanthropist robot."

He decided to leave out the billionaire part – that would be too incredible with a robot. Of course the woman stared at him with big eyes. It was funny, and made Tony laughing silently.

"You're a robot now, Stark?"

Clint's sarcastic question came in the next second, and because the strange guy already put Steve's earpiece into his ear, the man's brow went up questioningly. Tony sent a warning look towards him to keep him silent, when he realized, that the Iron Man helmet prevented this. Tony groaned, shook his head, then he answered with a growly voice.

"Shut up, Birdie!"

Just a quick note in the end:

Firstly: I just want to thank to those, who commented, subscribed and favorited this story. This means a lot to me. When I started this fic, I never thought, that I will write this much (and I didn't write the half of it yet) in a language, which isn't my first language. You keep me going, so thank you!

Secondly: Unfortunately the chapters won't come so often from now on. The first reason, because the school year started, and I won't have as much time as during the summer. The second reason, because I want to write other stories. For example my Stony fic, which I already started, and I'm writing it constantly along the Across the Worlds. And I want to write my own novel (actually I'm already writing this), which is in my own language. This last story is my favourite, maybe because it's mine, and I have been writing this for a few years now, and I really want to finish it. Currently I really want to concentrate on this, but I promise, that I will write the Across the Worlds too (I already started the next chapter). I think I'll be able to upload at least one chapter in one month. Thank you for your patience.