Alright, so that last chapter was a unique one and to one VenomSpawn54, glad I can make ya recall Basic unintentionally as it may be. And I use glad in a loose term.

But anywho, let's get back on track.

Lots of crazy shit to come as we are four arcs out from the end of season 2 and the three arcs post season 2 in between… so we have seven arcs left until season 3. Lot of shit then to cover.

You know what the worst part about this is, when talking about future content? I have the four outlines of the seasons I have planned and it's a hodgepodge of stuff from all seven seasons of the Clone Wars, Legends Material and the MCU plans. I overlook them every single time I work on Infinite Wars and it kills me knowing how much awesome shit that is in store for you guys way off in the distance.

God I wish I had lightning fingers. Still, it gladdens me to know that I can get there sooner than later thanks in no small part to Jebest who has had many ideas of his own in the story, same as BulletStormX.

Hope you guys are ready for it. Things are gonna go off the rails.

Let's get to it.

Rate Read and Review and as Always Have Nice Day.

Avengers Infinite Wars Chapter 42: Droid Army Rampant.

"How are things on your end, everyone?" Sam asked, standing at a holo table where Steve was on the other side, standing with War Machine, Aayla Secura and Commander Bly.

"There's unrest all around." Steve admitted, crossing his arms with a frown.

"We've had several skirmishes with Separatists and the Death Watch." Bly pointed out with a frown visible, helmet under his arm.

"They are probing us and testing both the Republic and the Duchess's government." Aayla said, shaking her head. "They're definitely planning something. It's bad enough that the citizens don't want us here."

"Really? They don't want you there?" Sam asked rhetorically. "I can't imagine why."

"We made a mistake." Said a sage voice from behind.

Sam looked behind him to see Obi-wan with Cody in tow coming back from the front of the bridge.

"Obi-wan." Aayla greeted, nodding her head at her fellow Jedi.

"How are things on Mandalore?" Obi-wan asked with a slight tinge in his tone.

"Well, the Citizens sure as hell ain't happy with us being here and we've gotten into a few scuffles with the Seppies and Emo Watch." Rhodey said dryly. "All in all, real chipper."

"The appearance of the Republic forces are dividing Satine's people by either siding with the True Mandalorians or staying with her." Aayla said.

"Might be the reason why Death Watch is pushing harder on their actions. They hope people would side with them, but that's highly unlikely." Steve pointed out.

"Speaking of, how's progress with Bo-Katan?" Kenobi asked with War Machine answering.

"Matt says it's been a very slow process. No real success at the moment."

"And those Protectors that made their proclamation?" Obi-wan asked.

"Not much of a response nor even a showing." Bly said. "There's really no telling what will happen here in this sector."

"Isn't the rest of the Mandalore Sector occupied by those Protectors?" Sam asked.

"It is." Aayla nodded. "But… they're out of jurisdictions."

The flat look displayed by the Avengers was all that was needed for the Jedi to show a level of sheepishness.

"These Protectors are unlike the Death Watch." Obi-wan remarked. "I'm surprised they haven't made their appearance yet to Mandalore itself."

"Mandalore is in too much a state of turmoil and flux. Though they may perhaps have the greater numbers and resources, we have yet to find out as likely as it may be."

"Heard things haven't been going that well in some of the other sectors of Republic space either." Sam brought up. "Hey Obi, Cody. Didn't you guys say Anakin was assigned someplace else right now?"

"Yes." Obi-wan confirmed. "He was sent out to Tatooine where there was a powerful Separatist fleet that engaged Jedi Master Ferroda and the 369th Battalion."

"Seems like we're being stretched thin everywhere." Steve remarked, crossing his arms.

"Indeed they are." Aayla remarked. "Master Ferroda has mentioned that he had intercepted several fleets attempting to gain a foothold in Hutt space on top of them outsourcing and selling droid battalions to any willing buyers."

"They're getting bolder." Cody noted with a grim tone. "With how stretched thin we are, to think they'd attack territory like that."

"Scott and Hope chimed in that they had finished repelling a Separatist fleet with Master Koth. Their second one." Steve added, making Falcon blink.

"Second?" Sam was obviously concerned. "The two tic-tacs alright?"

"Scott, Hope and Master Koth have reportedly been replaced in their position by Masters Plo Koon and Kit Fisto with Quicksilver accompanying them." Obi-wan stated. "Koth and his forces are currently recuperating before returning to Coruscant to reform and bolster their lost forces."

And speaking of Koth…

The Zabrak Jedi Master stood within the bridge of his flagship Venator the Steadfast, surrounded by his faithful Clone Battalion named Horn Company.

The name always brought a small smirk to his face at the thought of his Clone Troopers choosing to abandon their old designated numbered battalion and go with his personal features instead to distinguish themselves among other battalions and legions. Showed a level of loyalty to him one he always returned in full.

These past few days had his fleet get put to the test with Horn Company suffering great losses, especially in the last attack.

Right now, his troops needed time to rest and recuperate.

"Hey Eeth, how're ya holding up?"

A grin found its way back onto his face as he turned to see one Scott Lang AKA Ant-man walking up to him, a snack bag in hand. The Zabrak could not recognize it but he has been hearing about these Earth based foods beginning to spread within the Republic army as well as apparently making its way throughout the populace.

"I am well, Scott." Koth said in a friendly manner. "How are you and Hope?"

"We're ok I guess." Scott said, shrugging. He held out the bag towards the Jedi Master. "Wanna try? Finally got the recipe right after a thousand tries."

Raising an inquisitive brow, he reached into the bag and pulled out some strange thin crisp of sorts with some sort of powder on it.

"What is this?" Koth inquired, inspecting both sides.

"Chips." Scott answered. "Sour Cream and onion… or the closest this galaxy has to it."

Popping the 'chip' into his mouth, Koth was pleasantly surprised by the zingy and salty taste.

"This is pretty good." Koth admitted, Scott offering him more which he gladly accepted.

"Yeah, they're really tasty but slightly unhealthy." Scott admitted. "Then again with how much running around we all do, pretty sure we burn off the calories and fat."

Koth only chortled aloud when alarms blared, startling the two.

"What's happening?" Koth asked aloud.

"There's an enemy ship coming out of Hyperspace." A clone pilot announced.

Koth held up his wrist comms. "Captain Lock, battle stations."

"Yes General."

Scott contacted his other half.

"Hope?" Scott said in concern.

Down within the hangar bay, Hope Van Dyne ran about with her fully suited with her suit sporting new streamlined wristlets.

"I'm good down here, Scott." Hope said through the comm link, running over to a clone who was injured from the prior battle and helped him on to a stretcher for Clones to take him to the medical bay of the ship.

"We've got an enemy ship incoming."

Back with Scott on the bridge with Eeth Koth, the two stood at the front looking out into the vastness of space as Separatist ship appeared out from Hyperspace.

"Engage all guns." Koth ordered, defensive turbo lasers blasting away at the Confederate ship, the enemy vessel returning fire.

Scott's helmet formed around him as the ship began shaking about.

"That ship looks way bigger than the ones we took out from last time." Ant-man said nervously.

Koth had to agree with the statement, looking down at one of the Clone Pilots.

"Send out a distress beacon immediately." Koth ordered. "We're heavily outgunned and outnumbered." The Clone nodded, Koth contacting his Captain once more. "Lock, what's your status?"

"Horn Company is armed and ready." Captain Lock declared.

"Sir." A clone spoke up, gaining the Jedi's attention. "The enemy ship is closing in for a boarding party."

"Boarding?" Koth immediately recognized these tactics. "There's only one who would openly do such a thing. General Grievous."

Hearing that, Ant-man turned to depart from the bridge.

"I'm heading down there." Scott said to Koth yet it appears that Hope had overheard the statement.

"Negative Scott." She said sharply. "If it is Grievous boarding, he's gonna make a beeline for the bridge and for Koth from what we've heard about him. Stay there and help back up Eeth. I'll stay here with the Clones and keep them company."

Scott wanted to object yet the ship violently jolted, looking out the window to see the Separatist ship was now right next to the Venator.

"Here we go." Koth said.

Down below, Hope stood with Horn Company facing a door where the Droids would use to enter the ship.

"Get ready, men." Captain Lock said aloud, multiple blasters pointed at the door.

Wasp's eyes narrowed behind her vizor, her wings sprouting out from her back as she shrunk down and flew towards the door.

Just as it opened, multiple super battle droids came marching through with the machines firing at the clones. Several were taken down yet a moment later, the first dozen supers were dispatched by small bolts aimed at their head with the door closing a moment later.

A small figure zipped up to the front of the Clones before Wasp appeared in front of them.

"Is everyone alright?" Wasp asked with some Clones only letting out relieved sighs.

"We could have lost more, Miss Van Dyne." Lock said appreciatively.

They heard the sound of burning metal, the Clones and lone Avenger turned to see a red glowing blade protruding out from the hinges of the door. It was slowly cutting its way around the door.

"Fall back." Lock ordered.

"I'll hold them off." Wasp said in complete seriousness, halting some of the Clones.

"You heard me." Hope said sharply, momentarily retracting her helmet to give off a look of complete seriousness. "Go and regroup. We're not fully prepared for this attack. The least you could do is fall back to a more defensible position."

Just as Hope had finished saying this, the door fell over to reveal a Mirialan woman garbed in black with a red Lightsaber in hand. Her yellow eyes immediately fell upon Hope with an intense glare of recognition burning through them.

"You?!" She snarled out viciously.

"Oh great, it's her." Hope muttered to herself, recognizing the Mirialan before her to be one of the Acolytes of Dooku that she had encountered a while back with Natasha.

Chezo Niva.

"I haven't forgotten Cato Neimoidia, you little gnat." Chezo all but snarled.

Hope on the other hand.

"Gnat? Really? That's your best insult?" Wasp goaded, getting into a stance.

Chezo only growled, calling back to the Droids behind her. "Get the Clones. She's mine."

"And what makes you think tha-AH"

Wasp suddenly found herself sailing through the air, completely caught off guard by the invisible push that sent her skidding down on the ground. She looked up in time to see the Sith Acolyte jumping at her, Lightsaber raised over her head.

In an instant, Wasp shrunk down just as Chezo's lightsaber sliced into the spot where she once lay. Looking around with the intent to kill, she briefly heard the buzzing of wings when she felt a sharp miniature kick to her gut.

Having the wind knocked out of her, Chezo grunted with an arm around her stomach only to be punted by a small superheroine to the chin. Falling to the ground, Chezo now held her jaw when there was a metallic footstep from behind and rushing of air with a soft *Tink* above her head.

She looked up to see General Grievous retracting his fist back to his side. The droid general was looking down at her with his yellow slitted eyes with annoyance.

"What are you doing, you fool?" Grievous metallic voice rasped. "Do you not realized we are in the middle of a mission?"

"There is an Avenger here." Chezo hissed, rising to her feet.

"Yes, I am aware." Grievous said impatiently. "I just struck a small insect that appeared to be a human."

"That was her." Chezo whirled around to see if she could spot her.

"I took care of that insignificant speck." Grievous said with a gruff tone. "Move. We have a mission to fulfill."

Chezo snarled but complied nonetheless.

"Be on the lookout for a small insect flying around here." Chezo ordered within the comms. "Small as she may be she is lethal and dangerous and can cause great damage to us."

Back on the bridge, Eeth Koth with Scott Lang were contacted by Captain Lock.

"Status report." Koth inquired.

On Lock's end, the Clone Captain was in the middle of a firefight. He was backing away while firing repeatedly at the oncoming wave of droids.

"There's too many of them!" Lock cried out, gritting his teeth in anger and frustration. Several more Clones perished around him yet they fought on.

"Where's Hope?" Scott asked with great concern.

"She's told us to fall back while she takes on one of those Acolytes." Lock informed.

Scott froze up in fear when he felt a hand upon his shoulder.

He looked over to Eeth Koth to see the Jedi giving him an assuring glance.

"Trust in your partner, Scott." Koth stated. "You Avengers stand apart from most. She knows how to take care of herself."

Though he wanted to argue, Ant-man knew that Koth's words held truth especially in the case of Wasp. She got separated from them when they first arrived in this galaxy and managed just fine before they found her.

Koth all the while returned his attention to Captain Lock. "Get yourselves to the escape pods. I'll deal with Grievous here."

"But, sir, you can't face all of them on your own." Lock argued.

"And risk having all of my men get killed? I think not Captain." Koth countered with a tone that left no room for arguments. "Now go."

Lock hated this. He wanted to go and help his general but Eeth was clear. Get all the men out of here.

"All Troopers, head to the evacuations pods immediately." Lock ordered. "Ms. Van Dyne. Where are you?"

Wasp flew towards the bridge of the ship, avoiding blaster fire directed at her. These Commando Droids were proving to be living up to their names as they made sure to constantly have a barrage of bolts in her direction.

Right now she needs to reunite with Scott and Koth and get the hell out of this ship.

However, she stopped in midair as she heard Clones shouting in panic. Turning back, she saw Clones fleeing with several of them being injured being pursued by droids both Super and Commandos.

Gritting her teeth, she flew straight at them and fired her stingers. She got them right in the optics and joints, her stingers being upgraded since arriving in this galaxy to take out their usual metal foes.

All the while, Eeth Koth and Ant-Man awaited the oncoming attack on the bridge with the clones within the room all pointing their weapons at the door. They heard the metallic sounds of footsteps on the other door with the clones tensing up while Koth opted to ignite his lightsaber.

Scott's helmet formed around his head with his thumb hovering over the button to shrink him down.

A blue lightsaber impaled the door from the other side and slowly began to carve its way through the metal, making a circle large enough to breach the room.

The room was tense and silent, blasters all trailed in the direction of the door. Upon reaching a full circle, there were a few moments of metallic tapping heard upon the other side which made Scott squirm whilst Koth held firm.

Suddenly, the door burst forth from its hinges with Scott instinctively shrinking down whilst one unfortunate clone got struck and was knocked back.

Scott grew to full height again, looking to the entrance to see one General Grievous walk in with his arms clasped behind his back.

"Jedi." Said the Droid General before gazing upon Ant-man. "Avenger."

Ant-man couldn't help but wave nervously back yet he remained strong knowing he was in for a fight.

"Grievous." Koth held his lightsaber tightly as Grievous stepped aside.

In walked several Commando droids that raised their blasters up with the clones firing at them. Immediately, Scott leapt into action by shrinking down and punting the head off of two of the commandos with the clones and Koth taking out the others.

However, Magnaguards now entered with them making quick work of the clones yet Koth and Scott fought on.

It wasn't until Grievous's hand shot out and grabbed a jumping Ant-man and threw him to the ground. Though Scott's body took the impact of the fall, he inadvertently had the growth button strike the floor.

Now back to his full size again, Scott had several Magnaguards surround him and point their electrified staves at him.

Koth had been disarmed with Magnaguards grabbing his arms with one behind him wrapping an arm around his neck. The Jedi Master watched as Grievous jumped onto the holo table, form shadowed which accentuated his slitted yellow eyes.

"Eeth Koth, isn't it? I've been looking forward to meeting you." Grievous said with a maniacal laugh.

"Your reputation precedes you, general." Koth said calmly. "The reputation of a coward and a murderer."

"Murderer?" Grievous rose to his full height, grabbing two of his lightsabers. "Is it murder to rid the galaxy of you Jedi filth?"

"Well that would just label it as genocide." Inputted the Avenger.

"General Grievous."

The Droid General looked back to see Chezo Neva walk in with the Acolyte immediately looking down at the Avenger. She sneered at him and kicked his head.

He was glad for his helmet but still kinda hurt.

"What is it?" Grievous asked impatiently.

"It's the other Avenger." Chezo said. "She's gone. None of the other droids can't seem to find her."

"You let her escape?"

"In case you've forgotten, she could shrink down and make herself difficult to see." Chezo shot back.

"And yet, I had succeeded in catching one with the same set of abilities." Grievous countered.

Chezo's face twitched in anger yet she knew there would be no point in trying to argue with the blood lusted General with her only waving at the Magnaguards.

The droids electrocuted both Avenger and Jedi into unconsciousness. All the while, from a discreet area within the bridge, one Hope Van Dyne watched from behind a vent as Koth and Scott were carried off by their captors.

Gritting her teeth, Wasp opted to stay out of sight as she followed after the Separatist forces that now had two valuable hostages in tow. She held up her Avengers ID card and pressed on the emergency signal, quickly following Grievous and Chezo into their ship.

-Scene Cut-

Steve Rogers stood within the bridge of Aayla's flagship with the aforementioned Jedi by his side along with Commander Bly. The trio surrounded the holotable of the ship with them attending an emergency meeting called upon by the Jedi Council.

On the other end, multiple other Jedi, Clone and several members of the Avengers were present.

At the Jedi temple itself, Anakin had returned from his campaign at Tatooine as well as Obi-wan from Mandalore. Falcon, Widow and Spider-man stood with the Jedi as they were observing a message sent to them by none other than General Grievous. And within his grasp were Master Koth and Scott, who appeared to be quite battered.

'So this is what the emergency broadcast from Hope was about.' Steve internally mused with a grim expression as he gazed upon Scott who looked as though he had been beaten several times now.

"Greetings, Jedi. It would seem, once again, one of your Order has lost his way. And even better, a leading member of your Jedi Council with one of your Avenger allies." Spoke the cyborg general while holding up Koth and grinding his foot against the back of Scott. "Listen to me, Jedi, I do not care about your politics. I do not care about your Republic. I only live to see you die."

Once throwing Master Koth down beside Scott, a pair of Magnaguards appeared and thrusted their staves into their backs. They groaned in pain from the received shocks.

"But death will not come so easily for Master Koth. I will make him suffer endlessly because I know that is more painful for you all."

"As for your Avenger." Grievous reached down and grabbed Scott by the neck, hoisting him up. The former convict reached up to grasp at the general's hand in a vain attempt at releasing him. "Whilst I would love nothing more than to kill him right here and right now, his capabilities and technology would do wonders for the Separatist cause. He will live up to a point."

Scott was then tossed down to the ground again.

"Until his use is fulfilled."

The transmission ended with conversation picking up from all lines.

"He's a monster."

"How do we save them?"

"How'd he even capture them?"

Yoda only hummed aloud, looking at Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee and Peter Parker who were present in the room. Around them were several Jedi younglings, all of which were clearly frightened by the display of torture by the Droid General.

"Away with the younglings. Much there is to discuss." Yoda instructed.

Getting the message, the three teens ushered the younglings out of the room and made the attempt to distract them from what they just witnessed.

There was a clear sense of dread looming over the assembled crowd.

"Sick bastard." Sam commented with a growl. "The hell are we gonna do about him?"

"That's easy." Anakin piped up. "It's time somebody finally put an end to that monster."

"On that, agreed we are." Yoda stated. "How to find him, the question remains."

On one end with Plo Koon and Kit Fisto, Commander Wolffe approached his Jedi general and began whispering into his ear while the rest continued their conversation.

"After engaging Grievous, we lost contact with Master Koth. He could be anywhere." Kenobi said.

"Cap." Anakin looked at Steve. "You guys have your own means of communicating. You mentioned your ID cards and Tap helping you out to get across galactic communications."

"We've been having a bit of trouble on that part." Widow said in place of Steve. "Sometimes, whenever a ship that's not recognized as friendly entire hyper speed, it takes a while for us to get a pin on the card."

Anakin frowned, crossing his arms in frustration when Master Plo spoke up.

"Commander Wolffe has found a message in the holo-transmission. Playback the message."

The message was played once more, going through the motions until focusing on the part where Koth and Scott were being electrocuted. It paused before playing back again two more times.

"Look." Anakin pointed to Koth. "Hand signals."

True to Anakin's word, Eeth Koth was showing a series of hand gestures which made everyone gaze upon it more intently.

Peering in closer to the holo-message, Obi-wan inspected the hand gestures coming from Master Koth. "I admit my skills are rusty, but… Saleucami System, sector J-19. Zero-eight, zero-five, two-nine."

"Saleucami?" Adi Galla said in confusion. "But intelligence reported Grievous has no ships near that sector."

"Yes, but so often inaccurate our intelligence is." Yoda pointed out.

"So what's our game plan then?" Sam asked aloud. "We've got a missing Avenger with a Jedi Master and another Avenger captured."

"He's baiting us obviously." Windu said.

"Then the question remains. Who shall take the bait?" Plo asked.

"I shall go." Obi-wan stated. "My men are still prepped and ready for action."

"So will I." Anakin added. "My fleet is in orbit over Coruscant right now.

"Don't forget about me." Sam jotted in. "Someone's gonna need to pull them outta there."

"In agreement, we all are?" Yoda asked all present with no objections being raised. "Then go. Go with the Force."

"We will not fail, Master Yoda." Kenobi promised.

Soon enough, the fleet of the 501st and 212th were departing from Coruscant with Obi-wan leading the fleet overall.

Within the personal ship of Skywalker known as the Twilight, Sam stood behind the Jedi and Captain Rex with the rest of the Domino Squad and Clone medic Kix.

Currently, they were speaking with Obi-wan with Commander Cody by his side.

"Are you ready?" The Jedi master inquired.

"Ready and waiting." Anakin responded back to Obi-wan as he, Sam and Rex sat in the Twilight's bridge while Domino Squad were in the back.

"I shall engage the Separatist fleet and send you the coordinates of Grievous' command ship."

"Just make sure you get it right." Anakin quipped.

"I always do."

Sam soon voiced an inquiry. "How do you plan on getting Grievous aboard your ship?"

"Not to worry. The good general and I have a history. I'm sure he'll want to even the score face-to-face."

"Meanwhile, we'll jump in undetected and board the command ship."

"Leaving the rescue of Koth, Scott and Hope to us." Sam said confidently.

"Hopefully by the end of this mission, we will save them and captured General Grievous."

Ending the transmission, many Republic cruisers jumped into hyperspace with the Twilight hanging back for an untold amount of time.

-Scene Cut-

Scott Lang was kept within a separate holding cell inside the primary ship of General Grievous with the Sith Acolyte Chezo Niva before him. He had been stripped of his suit leaving him in only his briefs which was… A rather compromising position to say the least.

The Mirialan barely kept her eyes off of him with him looking back unflinchingly though making a face.

"So are you just gonna stare at me like that all day?" He asked. "If so, would you kindly stop that?"

"And why would I?" She said with a smirk.

"Cause then I'd have to start charging. "What's the currency here again? Credits right? Five credits a minute."

Chezo only chortled with a menacing smirk on her face as she gave him a dark look which sent a slight shiver down his spine. She was eyeing him like he was a piece of meat.

"Seriously, stop that. It's creepy." Scott grunted out. "Great~ now I know how women feel being looked on."

Chezo only stood from her seat and walked over to the captured Avenger. She placed a finger upon his chest and trailed it from his peck to his back as she began walking around him.

"Consider it a compliment. A fine man such as yourself should be flattered." She said with a sensual edge to her tone. "A man like yourself who is built just right but not a walking hunk of mass."

Scott squirmed and laughed off her comments. "I would if it weren't for you wanting to shove your lightsaber right through me after you have your way with me."

She brought her fingers up to the underside of his chin before grasping it fully with her hand. "Oh I will most certainly have my way with you. Prying all your knowledge of your unique technology out of that handsome head of yours."

"Bondage." Scott hung his head once he was let go. "I see. You're into that sort of information extraction."

"I have many ways, my dear." Chezo leaned in and proceeded to lick Scotts cheek which made him spasm about, wiping his face with his bicep. "And I can't wait to try them out on you."

Lang only shuddered as she walked out of the cell. And with an extra sway to her hips to boot.

"Boy, if Hope were to see this…" Scott muttered.

While in the bridge of the Separatist ship, Grievous strolled into the room as the tactical droid spoke up of the latest reports.

"Sir, we have entered the Saleucami system." The Tactical Droid stated.

"Begin preparations for our landing." Grievous ordered, not before gazing upon the captured Jedi Master hovering in the middle of the bridge. The general, after all, wanted to keep his prize in close contact until further notice.

"Yes, my lord."


"Uh, sir, there are several ships coming out of hyperspace." A droid at its terminal said aloud.

"Are they Republic or Separatist?"

No sooner had Grievous asked did a fleet of ships appear from out of Hyperspace before the general's fleet.

"Republic. Three cruiser-class, four escort-class."

Grievous only turned to his captured Jedi, speaking to him condescendingly. "You see? Your compassionate friends have come to rescue you, just as I knew they would."

The escort ships all flew directly towards Grievous's ship with the General gazing upon them intently.

"One of the Republic ships is hailing us, my lord." The Tactical droid spoke up.

"Put him through."

A video feed appeared on the main monitor above, showing the Separatist general the visage of Obi-wan Kenobi himself.

"General, I knew one day I'd catch up to you."

"Kenobi. What a surprise. I assume you are here to bring me to justice." Grievous said tauntingly.

"You know me too well."

"Indeed I do." Abruptly ending the transmission, Grievous barked out his orders. "Prepare to fire all cannons. And be alert. Whenever there's Kenobi, you will always find Skywalker not far behind."

"The enemy ships are faster and more maneuverable. I suggest caution." The Tactical Droid advised.

"Draw them in. I want to board that vessel. I shall kill Kenobi face-to-face." Grievous instructed before contacting the Acolyte on his ship. "Chezo. The Republic fleet is here to rescue our hostages. Be prepared. The Avenger that we failed to capture will undoubtedly be making her move soon to liberate her comrades."

"You don't need to remind me, Grievous." Snapped the Acolyte before ending the call.

He only shook his head, finding these acolytes irritating to work with.

With Kenobi, the Jedi master watched as the Separatist fleet began firing upon his own.

"Well, we certainly have his attention." Obi-wan wryly stated, holding up his writs comm. "Admiral Yularen, keep Grievous' fleet occupied so Anakin's arrival is undetected."

"Yes, General." Yularen responded. "Deploy the fighters. All weapons fire at will."

The two fleets engaged one another with Republic Starfighters backing the corvettes as they blasted away at the enemy fleet.

"Commander Cody, do we have the exact coordinates of the command ship yet?" Kenobi asked his second-in-command.

"We're patching them through now, sir."

With Anakin, he sat within the pilots chair at the ready with Sam leaning upon the back of his chair in anticipation.

"We are receiving the coordinates from General Kenobi."

"So Anakin, what kind of jump is this one gonna be?" Sam asked, knowing the Jedi's tendencies of flying by this point. "How close are we gonna be on Grievous' ship?"

"Hmm. Pretty close." Was all Anakin responded with. "Buckle up, boys."

"Define 'pretty close'." Sam said in a dry tone. "Like, close enough to still be in the fight? Or close enough to be on his ass?"

"Close enough to get the job done." Anakin remarked with a sly grin.

"That's not helpful at all, Sky guy."

Anakin's brow twitched at the sound of the clones chuckling at his nickname.

"Aren't you a pilot yourself?"

"I fly with a wingsuit, Anakin. Totally different."

"Totally suicidal, if you ask me."

"And you're flying isn't?"

Anakin smirked. "Touché."

With that said, Anakin entered the ship into hyperspace, the stars stretching out before vanishing altogether.

Back over the planet of Saleucami, the battle raged on with both forces firing upon one another with everything they have.

Aboard the flagship of the Confederacy side, Grievous walked down the ramp within the bridge while his sickly yellow eyes gazed upon his targeted ship.

"Get me a tractor beam locked onto Kenobi's ship and prepare a boarding party."

The droids complied with the order as not long after, Kenobi's ship shook with many of its occupants thrown off their feet.

"Tractor beam has us, sir. Shall we fire on the source?" Spoke Commander Cody.

"Uh, no, Cody. Let them think they have us." Kenobi informed the clone. "We need a diversion for Anakin."

Back aboard the Twilight, Anakin was checking the monitors as he soon voiced his readings.

"Coming out of hyperspace. Hang on." Anakin announced aloud.

Several moments later, they came out of FTL with them flying headfirst into the battle that was currently underway. Anakin managed to weave in and around the main Separatist flagship until turning the Twilight upside down and attaching it to the bottom of Grievous' ship.

"Primary power down." Anakin said proudly, looking back to Sam. "So how was that for you?"

"How in the hell are we not falling down right now?" Sam asked.

"Safety belts." Anakin patted his own.

"Yeah well, with how you came out of hyperspace, I'm amazed we weren't flying in the hallways of this ship."

"Eh, next time."

Within the interior of the ship itself, several droids walked down a path on patrol. They passed by a circular piping of some kind, entirely missing the blue lightsaber that came out from within and cut a circle out for Anakin Skywalker and Sam Wilson to enter.

Stepping out into the corridor, Anakin saw the droids round about a corner and disappear out of sight.

"Coast is clear, Rex." Anakin gestured for Rex and the rest of the Clones to come up out of the pipe.

"Copy that, sir." Rex said, guns out. Fives, Echo, Cutup, Hevy and Kix all surrounded their means of escape with Anakin and Sam gazing down the hallway where the droids came from.

"Stay here and guard the entrance. This may be our only way out." Anakin ordered.

Sam looked at the surrounding hallways and soon voiced the question floating in his and Skywalker's mind. "Where do you think Koth and Scott are at?"

Anakin held up his wrist. "I got a lock on Koth. He's being kept on the bridge of the ship right now. What about Scott's Avenger ID?"

"Nothing on that end." Sam said, pulling out his own.

"And Hope?"

As if the universe wanted to answer the question… something small flew into the current hallway before zipping straight towards the Republic rescue team.

"Sam!" Hope said aloud in absolute relief as she grew to full size in front of them.

"Hope!" Sam exclaimed, the two Avengers quickly embracing.

"Anakin! Rex, Domino." Hope saw the others, expression beaming. "I'm glad to see you all come to the rescue here."

"It's good to see you're safe and sound, Hope." Anakin said with a grin as he patted her shoulder.

"Miss Van Dyne." Rex and the other Clones nodded their heads respectfully.

"Ah, come off it guys." Hope scoffed with an appreciative grin at the clones. "I think we're well past that point."

"I'm glad you're alright, Hope." Sam said. "But where's Scott?"

At the mention of her boyfriend, Hope's expression darkened slightly. "He's being held in a separate holding cell by one of those Acolytes by that Dooku guy. They took his suit and have it elsewhere on the ship. No doubt hoping to study and reverse engineer my father's technology."

"Which Acolyte are we talkin'?"


"The one you and Nat encountered on Neimoidia?" Sam asked for confirmation with Hope nodding.

"An entire army of droids and Seppies with your abilities?" Anakin muttered, not liking the idea at all.

"I know where the suit is being kept as well." Hope said.

"Then we're gonna need three teams." Anakin declared, looking to Rex. "Captains take two men with you to retrieve that suit. We can't have that falling into enemy hands."

"Echo, Cutup, you're with me." Rex said. "Hevy, Fives, keep our exit safe. Kix, go with Lieutenant Wilson."

"Yes sir!"

"Where to, Miss Va- Hope." Rex corrected himself.

She walked up to the captain, holding up her ID card before tapping Rex's writ comms.

"There, the location has been locked in." Hope stated with Rex nodding in appreciation.

"Hope." Sam spoke up. "You go with Anakin and get Koth back here. I'll get Scott out from his cell."

Hope blinked at that statement. "Are you sure about that, Sam? What if you encounter Chezo?"

"We'll take care of her if we run into her." Sam said confidently.

She wanted to object but Anakin placed a hand upon her shoulder making her turn to him.

"He'll be fine." Anakin assured, with Hope not responding for a moment until she nodded.

With the teams formed and separated, they rushed off to their respective destinations.

Captain Rex ran down a long corridor towards his destination with Echo and Cutup right behind him. They knew that they were inside an enemy ship and whilst a more subtle and quieter approach would be preferable, the amount of noise three separate groups were about to make…

Well, discretion is advised by this point.

"So what's the plan, Captain?" Cutup asked as they were running towards their objective.

Rex didn't respond at first, mulling over his thoughts on their plan of retrieval. This was a very important piece of technology and if the Seppies were to get away with it, one of the advantages the Republic had been enjoying would be in enemy hands. To say that the changing tide of battle being drastic would be underselling it.

The Captain of the 501st momentarily glanced back to his two brothers before pulling out a small disk with a blue glowing center.

"If all things go south, we have our equalizer." Rex said confidently, tossing the disk up in the air in order to grab it and held onto it tightly.

"Just don't waste it… or lose it, for that matter."

"What do you take me for?" Rex shot back though he grinned.

He recalled the time when Scott had handed him one of his unique growing and shrinking disks as he stated that it was to be used in case of emergencies.

Whether or not this qualifies as one remains to be seen.

Elsewhere on the ship, Sam Wilson and Clone medic Kix were running down their own set of hallways towards the holding cells of this ship.

Unlike their other companions that were on this retrieval operation, Falcon and Kix had encountered resistance upon arrival at the detention area.

Sam had one wing out and around him as a defensive barrier as he and Kix slowly made their way down the hall to Scott's cell whilst shooting down multiple droids.

They were close. Just one more corner to turn and they would probably find him.

Kix was ready to round about onto the next corridor yet Sam held his arm out as a silent message to wait and held up his tactical wrist-pad. Pressing down on the top button, Sam's bird shaped drone Redwing was deployed.

Floating in front of the next hallway for a brief moment it returned back to Sam, hovering between him and Kix.

Sam had Redwing captured a quick picture of the defenses in the hallways and saw them through his goggles.

"Ten B1's and five Supers with two Magnaguards." Sam said with Kix tightening his hold on his rifle.

"So what do we do?" Kix inquired.

Falcon instead punched in a few commands for Redwing while preparing two missiles from his wingsuit.

"Rush in." Sam stated. "Redwing will cause our diversion and I'll handle the two Magnaguards. You focus your fire on the rest of the droids. I'll be right by your side."

Kix only nodded, managing to get on the opposite wall without being detected by the droids and awaited Sam's signal.

There was a moment of silence between the two before Redwing was sent flying in. it began firing rapidly at the droids all of whom spotted it and were rattled by its bullets.

Though the droids were mostly resistant to slug throwers, one B1 droid in particular had the unfortunate luck of having had several shots to the neck.

The force of the bullets were enough to disjoint the head and make it fall off leading to the droids now raising their weapons in the direction of Redwing.

Sam nodded at Kix and the two ran in, weapons raised and firing everything they had.

Falcon unleashed his two missiles at the Magnaguards, catching one at full force whilst the other only got a brunt of the damage.

Not to be deterred, Sam yelled out for Kix to duck and with the Clone going down to the ground.

Sam was thankful that this hallway was large enough to unfurl one of his wings to their full length which allowed him to slice right through the Magnaguards that was still standing. In the ensuing swing, Sam made sure to take out several other droids with Kix shooting down the rest.

With the coast clear, Sam helped Kix up, the two exchanging nods with one another and moved to the cell that's supposed to be containing Scott.

The door to the cell opened up to reveal…

"Hey Sam. How's it hanging?"

Sam Wilson could only stare in utter bewilderment at the sight of his friend and comrade being suspended in the air by some sort of energy binds with him only being in his briefs.

A moment later, Sam began guffawing aloud with Scott giving him a flat look.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up bird person." Scott griped, with Sam and Kix walking over to him. "That crazy Chezo chick was the one who stripped me down like this and was planning to do some weird shit to me."

"You know, most people would kill to be in your position right now."

"Oh ha ha, Sam. Very funny. Now get me out before Catherine Trammel comes back."


"We'll tell you about it later." Sam cut off the 501st medic. "Kix, help me with this."

"I've got him sir."

The two freed Scott from his bindings with the Clone medic injecting some Bacta into Scott's neck while making quick patch ups and Bacta sprays over his body.

"Kix was it?" Scott groaned. "You're a lifesaver."

"Let's get moving." Sam said. "No doubt more droids would be on their way here right about now."

"Where's my suit?" Scott asked.

"Captain Rex, Cutup and Echo are taking care of that." Kix informed the Avenger.

"Ah man." Scott bemoaned. "I'm glad that you guys are going to retrieve it but I basically have to run around an enemy ship in my underwear."

"Could be worse." Sam said, having walked over to grab one of the blasters of the B1's and held it out for Scott. "You could be naked."

"I might as well be at this point."

While the three separate retrieval operations were being conducted within Grievous' ship, the corvette that Obi-wan had occupied had been brought up to the side of the confederate vessel for boarding.

This was to be expected with Kenobi and Cody readying the 212th for their defense against the Droid General.

"Remember, we need to keep Grievous on this ship until General Skywalker is clear." Kenobi ordered the surrounding clones, nearing where Grievous will board them.

Getting into positions, heard a large clunking sound, signaling the Separatist ship has docked with theirs. It wasn't long after when four lightsaber points appeared on the wall as they moved in a circular motion. In a moment's notice, the newly cut piece of steel was pushed forward.

"Look out!" Cried out one of the clones as they all dived out of the way from getting hit.

This action proved to be a bit of a distraction for the Republic troopers as a contingent of Commando Droids came out from the newly made hole and started firing upon the clones. With Kenobi jumping into support, deflecting and reflecting much of the enemy fire. As this occurred, several Magnaguards entered the ship with Grievous following right behind them.

Spotting the infamous Jedi General further down the hallway, Grievous pulled out a pair of lightsabers and activated them.

"Kenobi." Came the cyborg's gruntal growl.

Inside of the Separatist ship, Anakin and Hope were running towards the bridge as they hadn't come across any droids just yet.

"How we doing?" Hope asked the Jedi, who held up his wrist-com to keep track of Koth's location.

"We are close."

Rounding the corner, the pair came across a half dozen droids coming their way. Without hesitation, they whipped out their respective weapons and went to work.

Back on the Republic ship, Kenobi was surrounded by the Magnaguards as he was currently staring down the Separatist general.

"So, Kenobi, is everything going as planned?"

"That depends on your point of view, General."

Several Magnaguards lashed out with their electro staffs, prompting the Jedi to twirl around and block the strikes before retaliating in his own manner. When one droid thrusted it's weapon, Kenobi avoided the blow as it struck another droid square in the chest. As it spasmed from the ongoing currents running through its system, Obi-wan cleaved through it.

"You wouldn't come here without a plan, and you wouldn't come alone." Grievous pointed out. "Tell me, do you think Skywalker has rescued Master Koth yet? Or that Avenger comrade of yours?"

On the bridge of the Separatist ship, the Tactical Droid was observing the fight occurring outside. It was at a stalemate of sorts with neither force gaining any real ground, as it were. The CIS forces were doing everything they can to take down the Republic forces. Said party could've ended this bout sooner, given the numbers they have. Yet chose not to, given the current circumstances on who exactly was being kept on this ship. One such person was not far away from the Tactical Droid. Another was elsewhere in the prison block.

The doors leading into the bridge parted ways as several pieces of dismembered droids slid across the floor before stopping right behind the Tactical Droid. Turning around, it saw General Skywalker of the Jedi Order and Wasp of the Avengers entering the area.

"Surprise." Anakin said aloud.

"Not exactly."

Upon the Tactical Droid speaking this, about a dozen Commando Droids leaped up from the lower floor and landed around the two Republic fighters with their weapons trained right at them.

"Well, at least they aren't destroyer droids." Anakin remarked.

"Yes, at least they aren't that." Said a female voice that made Wasp tense up.

From the lower floor of the bridge, the Sith Acolyte Chezo Niva walked up the ramp, her yellow eyes glaring at the Avenger in particular.

"We've been expecting you."

"The general's description of your tactics have been 100% accurate today." Spoke the Tactical Droid. "Very impressive, even by my standards."

Hope was worried now, her eyes shifting between Koth and Niva.

"I would have thought you'd be guarding Scott with the way you were acting around him." Hope said, making Chezo laugh maniacally.

"Oh you saw that?" Chezo said with a taunting, coy look. "And what? You didn't like my hands all over your boyfriend?"

Wasp's emotions flared, with her expression becoming murderous now with all semblances of fear being disregarded.

"You know, I take it back." Wasp stepped forward; eyes set solely upon the Acolyte. "I'm glad you're here. I was hoping I'd run into you personally and punt your head straight off your shoulders for putting your hands on my man."

Anakin stared at Hope momentarily, being very taken aback by this aggressive version of Hope and even feeling him sweat nervously.

"I'd like to see you try." Chezo said challengingly, igniting her lightsaber.

Meanwhile, Captain Rex, Cutup and Echo were currently blasting away at several droids within the supply room of the ship. It wasn't heavily guarded, most of the droids being B1's with the trio of clones being able to dispatch the droids with relative ease.

"The clankers brought the suit here?" Cutup asked aloud after the last of the droids were taken care of. "Why?"

"Probably thought the suit wouldn't be as important." Echo said with a shrug.

"That doesn't seem right." Cutup countered. "We've seen how crazy the Avengers tech and abilities are. Figured they'd keep it in a more secure location."

"Then we'll take the stroke of luck we'll have." Rex said, opening a crate which indeed contained the "super suit" of one Scott Lang. "Got it."

Quickly grabbing it, Rex folded the suit up as neatly as he could and tucked it under his arm.

"Let's move." Rex said with Echo and Cutup simply nodding silently and following after their captain.

"General Skywalker." Rex said through the comms. "Lieutenant Wilson. Our objective is complete. On route back to the Twilight."

"Good to hear, Rex." Sam replied. "Got Scott and we're on our way back as well."

"Any news from the General?" Rex asked.

"Nothing so far."

Rex only shook his head. He'd like to think that his general was alright but knowing him, he was in the middle of an intense fight or a comedic one depending on your point of view in rescuing Koth. he just hoped that they could continue this mission without Grievous discovering their presence aboard his ship.

And speaking of Grievous...

Blocking, parrying and avoiding the strikes from both electro staffs and opposing lightsabers, Kenobi was having a bit of difficulty. He was trying to find the means of gaining better ground against his opponents.

"Your plans have come to ruination, Jedi." Grievous taunted.

"I hear a lot of talking, general." Kenobi rebutted, blocking more strikes from the Magnaguards. "But in the final accounting, what does all the talk get you? A futile quest for power, a mutilated body and your place as Dooku's errand boy."

"I'm no errand boy. And I am not in this war for Dooku's politics. I am the leader of the most powerful droid army the galaxy has ever seen."

"An army with no loyalty, no spirit, just programming." Corrected the Jedi as he saw the opportunity.

With a sweep of his legs, he uprooted a Magnaguards off its feet and caused it to tumble. Before it could hit the ground, Obi-wan cleaved it in half before grasping it's electro staff with his other hand. Not losing any momentum, he swung around and stabbed the Separatist weapon into the last Magnaguards, short circuiting it and leaving it out of commission.

"What have you to show for all your power?" Questioned the Jedi. "What do you have to gain?"

Grievous gave his answer shortly after separating his two arms to make four, which grasped two additional lightsabers before igniting them. "The future. A future where there are no Jedi."

The cyborg general rushed forward with his lightsabers spinning in his grasp. Kenobi quickly blocked a few strikes with his lightsaber and brought up the electro staff to halt the coming blow. It only worked for a little bit as the preferred weapon was destroyed. Before another opposing swing could be properly given, the Jedi leaped over his opponent. The moment he landed, his back was kicked, causing Kenobi to tumble onto the ground.

"The story of Obi-Wan Kenobi ends here."

While the Jedi Master shook his head to get his bearing back, Anakin and Hope remained surrounded by Commando Droids and one Acolyte who had her lightsaber ready.

In that time, the tactical droid had violently electrocuted Koth several times to deter any movements from the two. Anakin moved forward only for Koth to get shocked again.

"One more step and your friend will die." The Tactical Droid said with a mechanical laugh as a means of gloating.

Frowning, Anakin threw his hand out and Force pulled the droid close to him. What the Jedi did not expect was for Chezo to use her own Force Push, accelerating the droid to collide into Anakin.

In an instant, Wasp fired at the two closest Commandos with her upgraded stingers and shrunk down.

The tactical droid that was flung at Anakin was sliced in half upon his recovery, moving to eliminate the other droids.

Chezo moved forward, her eyes on the small speck that was the Wasp and began swinging her lightsaber in several sweeping arcs. Hope weaved around each swing, narrowly avoiding the crimson blade. The last horizontal swing Chezo missed made Hope disengage her wings and fall to the ground.

She quickly grew to full size once more and landed a swift uppercut to the Acolytes jaw.

Though she fell to the ground, Chezo managed to sit back up and unleashed a Force push that sent Hope flying back.

Thankfully, Wasp reflexively shrank back down with her remaining in the air and flying towards Chezo only to be intercepted by a commando droid that had managed to set its sights on her. She evaded the droids sword with Chezo joining in a moment later.

She was now moving around two blades that were intent on killing her, moving in between both at the same time. Since the Commando droid was closer, Wasp flew right up to its head and fired both her stingers which blew two separate holes into the mechanical humanoid's face. It fell a moment later, unmoving.


Hope then flinched in the air, looking back to see Anakin holding back Chezo's Lightsaber with his own.

"You got two enemies to pay attention to, Acolyte." Anakin barked out, shoving the saber back and clashing with her several more times.

Wasp then flew forward and zipped up and around Chezo, zapping her repeatedly.

The Acolyte jolted about in pain, gritting her teeth until she saw Anakin spin around to gain momentum with the intent of cleaving her in half.

Shakily, she raised her Lightsaber in time to take the full swing head on. With Anakin's own strength coupled with some enhancements from the Force, Chezo was sent flying back and down to the lower level of the bridge.

She landed hard on the ground and after a second of movement, slumped, unmoving.

With Chezo and the Commando droids now taken care of, Anakin and Hope were around Koth with the former using his lightsaber to disrupt the bindings that held the Zabrak master.

Falling into the arms of Hope, Eeth grunted in pain but managed a subtle pat of thanks to Hope.

"I see you got my message." He said in a strained voice. "Where's Grievous?"

"If everything's gone according to plan, he's on board Obi-Wan's ship." Anakin said

"He's been captured?" Koth asked hopefully.

"If we can cut off his escape, there's a good chance of that." Anakin declared.

"And what of Scott?"

"Sam got him." Hope said. "Now let's get you out of here."

Hope and Anakin both slung an arm around their shoulder and began to depart from the bridge. What they failed to realize was the form of one Sith Acolyte beginning to move.

A moment later, yellow eyes opened with a sinister intention in mind.

With this portion of the mission accomplished for the most part, the last aspect of it was dealing with Grievous.

Suffice to say, Obi-wan was still facing a bit of a snag with how determined the general seemed to be in killing him.

Bringing down his lightsabers, Grievous almost cleaved Obi-wan into several pieces. But the Jedi used the Force to help propel his body away from the killing blow. Landing some feet away, Kenobi had no proper time to get a little breather as he had to jump out of the way from an incoming attack. The opposing lightsabers slashed through many nearby equipment as Obi-wan put in a lot of effort in staying alive against the Jedi killer. Clashing their weapons together, Obi-wan was forced to bend backward, mustering much of his strength so Grievous won't gain any more ground in his personal space.

"Your friends shall die, Kenobi, and you shall soon follow."

"You'd be a fool if you actually believe that." Obi-wan said, re-engaging his enemy with renewed vigor.

Trading the occasional blow and blocking before parrying each swing, the two combatants kept going at it. As he spun around to avoid yet another powered thrust, Obi-wan saw the prone body of the Magnaguard some feet away. Using the Force, he flung the dismembered droid onto Grievous. The blow was surprising, causing the Separatist general to crash right over the chairs of the pilot seats and onto the front window.

About to get back up, Grievous saw Kenobi's blue lightsaber coming close to his face.

"Surrender, general."


Swinging his lightsabers, Grievous knocked Obi-wan's weapon away. Instead of continuing their current fight, the cyborg leaped away from the Jedi general and made his escape as he crawled on all four of his limbs.

Obi-wan soon went after him, not wanting the Separatist cyborg to get away yet it was too late as the door before him closed and it appeared Grievous had locked him in.

He shoved his lightsaber into the door while also contacting the rescue squad. "Anakin, Sam. I hope the two of you rescued Master Koth and Scott, because Grievous is headed back to his ship."

On their end, Sam, Scott and Kix linked up with Captain Rex, Cutup and Echo. Having had his suit returned to him, Scott was now suited back up and awaited Anakin and Hope's arrival with Koth supposedly in tow.

Suddenly, the group tensed at the sound of running.

Metal on metal running.

"We've got incoming!" Fives said aloud, blasters drawn with both Avengers getting into prepared stances.

They realized that the clanking sounds of metallic footsteps were coming from one hallway in particular, so they pointed their weapons in that direction primarily.

The metal footsteps grew louder until at last, several lines of Supers rounded on the corner and held up their wrist blasters.

Reflexively, Sam spun round with his back facing the droids. His wings spread out with the suit taking the shots of the blasters.

The Clones used Sam's wings for their cover, firing upon the droids taking out the first few in the front.

Ant-man jumped forward into action, shrinking down and running towards the droids. Using the enhanced strength of his shrunken form, Scott leapt into the air bringing his knees up to his chest.

Upon reaching his first Super battle droid, Scott planted both of his feet upon its ovular head piece. The piece was dented heavily inward, with the droid collapsing upon the ground.

Using the droid as a platform, Scott began jumping about from droid to droid either destroying or disabling them upon every strike. The chaos he sewed in between the droid lines were capitalized by Sam and the Clones with the former recalling his wings.

All six men stood together and unleashed a torrent of non-stop blaster fire that destroyed the rest of the droids.

With the area momentarily secured, the Clones and Avengers checked themselves over and were uninjured for the most part.

Save for Scott who promptly grew back to normal size and slumped against the wall, sliding down to the floor while breathing heavily.

"Scott, you alright?" Sam went over to him, Kix and the other Clones surrounding him.

Ant-man's helmet retracted, revealing a tired Scott Lang with a sheen of sweat upon his forehead.

"I-I'm good." Scott waved off, wiping away some of his sweat. "Guess I shouldn't have jumped into the fire like that after that shock therapy, huh?"

"Jesus man." Sam along with Kix helped him to his feet. "Let's get you to the ship."

Upon hearing that, Scott shook his head and shoved them away.

"Hell no." Scott said vehemently. "I ain't leavin' till Eeth Koth and Hope are back."

He gave the Clones a wry grin. "Don't have to worry about Anakin. Pretty sure he'll force himself back no matter what."

"Scott." Sam's voice was more firm this time. "Look, I know you could still fight but for how long till you can't?"

"Would you ever leave Cap behind?" Scott's question certainly silenced Falcon, the ex-convict looking to the clones. "Or would any of you leave your brothers, General or Ahsoka behind?"

He was met with silence that made him grin shakily.

"Thought so." Scott remarked. "I'll be fine guys."

"If you say so." Sam said unsure but deciding on dropping the matter for the moment. He'll let Hope chew him out.

"Anakin, Hope, what's your status?" Sam said, fingers over his earpiece. "We're waiting on you two and Koth."

The response they got was the sound of Anakin Skywalker sounding a bit strained.

Hearing this, Rex quickly spoke up. "General, is everything alright?"

Over with Anakin, Hope and Koth, the Hero with No Fear was currently dueling with a very determined Acolyte who had apparently recovered quickly.

"Having a bit of trouble on my end." Anakin grunted, holding back a vertical strike.

Hope was behind him with her supporting Koth as they tried to get back to the ship as fast as they could.

"Just let me pass, Jedi." Chezo said with a manic gleam in her eye. "You are not the one I wish to kill."

"Yeah, sorry but can't really allow that." Anakin quipped back, pushing her away and clashing with her several more times. "See, Hope has become a friend of mine and I rather value my friends and would rather see them live a full life then have it cut short by some knockoff Sith wannabe."

Chezo only grinned, striking Anakin's saber with her own with a powerful force enhanced swing. Anakin grit his teeth, stumbling back slightly which was the opportunity Chezo was looking for as she kicked the Jedi in the stomach. He fell to the floor, keeping his lightsaber up yet it was for naught as Chezo ran by him towards Hope and Koth.

"Hope!" Anakin called out to her.

She looked behind her with Koth blearily doing the same and was about to use her stingers just as Chezo jumped forward towards her. However, Chezo seemingly halted in midair struggling to move.

Hope looked past the Mirialan Acolyte to see Anakin with his arm outstretched, using the Force to keep Chezo in place.

Taking the chance Anakin had given her, she fired a disk at Chezo's chest which latched on to her and electrocuted her.

"Come on." Hope called out to Anakin. "We gotta keep moving."

Anakin's brow twitched. "Right, right, it's not like I didn't just save you after getting knocked down at all."

"Oh please, Koth here was tortured." Hope shot back, making Anakin jolt in realization.

"Er, right. Sorry."

"No worries." Koth said with a pained smile. "We'll call it even when I get a nice bed to rest on."

"Working on it, Koth." Hope said, now having both her and Anakin assisting Koth once again.

"Wonder if Obi-wan's managed to catch Grievous yet." Anakin remarked.

Within Obi-wan's ship, currently, the rest of the Clones were still dealing with a small contingent of Droids that remained within the corridors.

With a small number of the 212, Commander Cody was assisting in cleaning up the number of Seppie forces in the nearby hallways. Just when the last of them were piled up, the commander's wrist-com went off.

"Cody, come in."

Hearing Kenobi's voice got him to immediately respond back. "Yes, sir."

"Grievous is headed your way."

Upon the mention of the droid general, Cody heard a rapid succession of loud clankings coming in closer and closer. And he wasn't the only one as the rest of the 212 were attentive. Whipping out their blasters, they got into position just in time to see Grievous skidding into the hallway they were currently in.

Firing off a volley of blaster shots, the clones did their best to take down Kaleesh cyborg. Yet it was all for naught as the feared Jedi Killer pulled out four lightsabers and ignited them, deflecting the incoming shots. He sped past the clones and still used his lightsabers to give himself some defense.

Upon reaching some distance away from the clones, Grievous contacted a B1 commander droid on his ship. "Open fire on the Republic ship. Target their engines."

"But, sir, the ships are still attached."

"It doesn't matter. Prepare all troops for our landing on Saleucami."

Once giving out his order, the Kaleesh cyborg saw the airlock hole he made earlier on his arrival. Once he makes it through there, Grievous can somewhat be in safe territory. But before he could make it to the last leg of the length of reaching it, he was snagged from behind.

For the briefest of moments, he thought it was Kenobi, using the Force to hold him back. That wasn't the case as he felt an electrical shock running through part of his systems with him being roughly tugged back. Stumbling, the feared Jedi Killer took a brief glance behind and saw the 212 clones were tugging on a grappling line with all their might to keep him in place.

It wasn't long before a number of 212 clones broke off from the rest, charged forward and dogpiled on the cyborg general. He roared in fury, whirling around to throw off the clones before using a lightsaber to cut the grappling line. Once freed, the Separatist ran back to the airlock.

Nearing his destination, the Republic ship violently shook as the space vessel was sustaining a lot of damage.

Leaning against the wall for support, Grievous looked to the side and made eye contact with Kenobi. Glaring at his rival, he was briefly tempted to continue their fight, but chose not to as he needed to get off the ship immediately.

Running through the airlock, Grievous could already tell Kenobi and the 212 clones were giving chase as they didn't want to lose track of him.

Making it halfway through the docking tube, the Republic ship shook violently once more. With the tube still connected, it affected it as well as everyone inside fell onto the floor, especially Grievous, due to the connected ship losing its stabilizers.

As the tube tilted downward, Grievous skidded down. When he turned onto his back, he saw Kenobi holding up his lightsaber ready to cut him down once close enough. He would've died then and there if it weren't for him igniting his own lightsabers to block the killing blow. Quickly rising to his feet, Grievous fought back against the Jedi General before the connection tube started shaking once again. In the brief moment of distraction, the Kaleesh cyborg kicked Kenobi away before crawling on all fours and making it to his ship.

Standing up on the other side of the docking tube, Grievous glared at the Jedi. "Until we meet again, Kenobi."

Once done gloating, Grievous ran away as he searched for the nearest escape craft for him to use to get into hyperspace or onto Saleucami's surface.

It was when the Kaleesh cyborg left, the docking tube started breaking away and snapping it's connection with the Republic ship. Kenobi and many 212 clones quickly grasped onto any possible surface they had nearby as the tube opened up to the cold vastness of space. Some clones weren't able to get a good grip as they were sucked out and would drift along and suffer a grueling demise.

Not wanting him and the others to perish, Cody whirled out his grappling gun and fired towards the airlock into the Separatist ship. Once connected with a firm hold, everyone remaining in the docking tube grasped onto the line and climbed their way out. Once the last of them made it out, Cody shut the airlock so everyone can finally get a brief moment of reprieve.

Kenobi was the first to recover and onto his feet. "Hurry. We can still catch him."

"General." Cody halted Obi-wan's coming action. "The others are no doubt finished with their mission. If we go after Grievous now, we'll be trapped on the ship with nowhere else to go."

Knowing the clone commander was right, Kenobi decided to abandon his intention of pursuing the feared Jedi Killer.

"Then we best get moving." Kenobi said onto the remaining 212 clones. "I believe there's a hangar bay nearby. We can take one of the gunships and get out of here. Hopefully with no more casualties."

With the new orders given, the group rushed towards their new destination in mind.

Rounding about a hallway, Anakin, Hope and Koth were greeted by the sight of Sam, Scott and the Clones of the 501st all rushing over to assist them.

"Took you long enough." Sam commented, moving to help Koth.

"We were being chased by a psychotic Sith lady. Cut us some slack." Anakin shot back.

"Like her?" Fives pointed behind them nervously.

Everyone turned behind them to the hallway Hope and Anakin had just come from to see none other than Chezo standing there.

"Oh my God, will you just leave us alone already?" Hope barked out in irritation now.

Chezo only snarled, holding her lightsaber up beside her face.

"You'll just have to kill me if you wish for me to stop."

Sam stepped forward; weapons pointed at her. "Don't tempt us."

The Sith Acolyte ignored the aviator Avenger, instead keeping her eyes on Hope.

"It seems you don't understand the lengths in which I will go in order to get to you." Chezo stated, pointing her saber at Hope.

Hope found herself growling in anger now.

"I would sooo~ like to have a restraining order placed on her, if that's not too much trouble." Scott muttered out.

"Perhaps we can get Matt and some Senators to help move that along." Anakin jotted in.

Chezo suddenly cackled loudly, unnerving the group before her as she stared at Hope before looking back to the clones.

With a grin, she threw her hand out and with the Force pulled them towards her. The Clones all collided with the Avengers and Jedi in front of them sending them all stumbling down to the ground.

With Hope landing right before Chezo. She cried out as the Acolyte stepped on her hand, preventing her from instinctively shrinking.

The Avenger looked up in time to see Niva with her lightsaber over her head, crazed smile in place.

"Say goodbye Aveng-OOF."

What Hope did not expect was Eeth Koth tackling Chezo with all his might, some of his horns digging into the Mirialans chin and face.

Chezo cried out in pain, shoving Koth's face away as she reached up to her own face.

"You Jedi filth." Chezo snarled murderously, seizing Koth by the throat via the Force and without hesitating, plunged her saber right through the Jedi Master chest.

The corridor froze, with the Clones, sole Jedi and three Avengers staring in shock at what they had just witnessed.

"KOTH!" Scott yelled out, rushing to him.

"NOOOO!" Wasp cried out, glaring daggers at Chezo. "You fucking bitch!"

Wasp immediately shrank down, flying straight at Chezo at full speed and delivered a flying drop kick to the Acolytes gut which sent her careening back.

Though she was now injured heavily, Chezo still had the wherewithal to throw out another force push just in front of her.

Though it was broad, the push was enough to disrupt Wasp's flight path.

Scrambling to her feet, Chezo ran as fast as she was able to with Wasp ready to pursue when Scott called out to her.

"Hope, stop!"

She turned back with her expression falling at the sight of Koth's body being held up by Scott.

Flying over to them, she turned back to her normal size with her helmet retracting back to reveal tears forming out of the corner of her eyes.

"Hang in there Eeth, we'll get you to-"

She was cut off by Koth grasping her hand and giving her a calming smile.

"Worry not nor weep for my death, Hope." Koth said softly. "Though our time together may have been brief, we fought together and won together. In that time, I saw how important you, Scott and all the Avengers will be to the galaxy. The Jedi are lucky to have you as friends."

His eyes trailed over to Anakin and the Clones and let out a strained cough yet continued smiling all the same.

"And of course, our fool hardy Skywalker and our fearless Clones." He said cheerfully. "I know the Galaxy is in good hands."

Anakin said nothing, only gritting his teeth and tightening his fists. But it was only brief as he nodded towards the dying Jedi Master.

Koth nodded his head before his eyes closed, body slumping, unmoving.

There were no words exchanged, nothing said. Only the group staring down at the body of Eeth Koth.

Scott and Hope shared a look with each other, mournful and filled with remorse.

"Come on. We need to get back to the Twilight." Sam said before grasping onto Koth's arms. "Can I get some help here?"

Some of the present clones were quick to respond to Sam's request as they helped carry the recently deceased. Even Anakin joined in, using the Force to help out on the burden.

It felt like a long time for the group, even though it was only a matter of minutes, for them all to get back into the Twilight. When everyone was ready and secure, the Republic ship detached itself from the Separatist vessel.

Piloting their way back to one of the Republic ships, Anakin had to contact Kenobi on recent events.

It wasn't long before his former Master answered. "What is it, Anakin? I just received word from Admiral Yularen that several crafts from Grievous' ship detached and ended up on Saleucami's surface."

"Master Kenobi?" Anakin spoke with a somber tone. "We got Scott and Hope out of Grievous' ship."

"That's good to hear, Anakin." Obi-wan said with approval though it was a second later that he took note of how his former Padawan's tone. And how there was one other individual excluded from his report. "What happened to Master Koth?"

"Dead." Anakin said with a bitter tone. "The Sith Acolyte Chezo Niva was on the ship. She killed him just as we were about to make it out of there."

"I… see…" Kenobi muttered out. "I'm sorry to hear of this. He was a good friend."

"That he was." Anakin simply said. "We have him with us if you're wondering. Can't just leave him back there."

"Then at least we can give him a proper burial when we return to Coruscant."

"That we can." Anakin said, tightening his hands around his controls.

"Anyways, we need to get to the medical frigate. Chezo did a number on Scott before Sam got to him."

"Of course." Kenobi said. "Right now, we're preparing to get onto Saleucami's surface to hopefully capture Grievous."

The rescue team landed within one of the venators of the Republic fleet, medical staff awaiting their arrival.

Once they landed, the back ramp opened with Scott being helped down by Kix and Hope.

"We got him." Several Clone medics took Scott into their own hands, having a stretcher ready for him as they carried him away with Hope remaining by his side.

"We took a big risk rescuing Scott… and Koth." Sam stated, crossing his arms with his head down in defeat.

"This is a war." Kenobi reminded with a grim tone. "These types of days will happen whether we like it or not."

"I know, I know." Sam waved off. He felt a shoulder on his shoulder, looking to Anakin who gave him an understanding look.

"It's hard to accept losses like this." Said Skywalker.

Nodding his head in appreciation, Falcon looked back to Obi-wan.

"You said that Yularen saw a few ships headed down to the planet, right?" Sam asked with Kenobi nodding.

"Yes, several tanks and landing parties have been prepared."

"Then count me in to join with ya."

"Me too."

"No Anakin." Obi-wan rejected. "You're going to be needed up here to direct the space battle. Sam and I will pursue Grievous."

"There could be a number of sites to choose from." Anakin said. "Are you sure you want to handle this by yourselves."

"We'll manage, Anakin." Obi-wan stated with a small smile.

"We'll get him." Sam said with a determined expression. "We'll do it for Koth and all the Jedi and Clones Grievous has killed."

"Then good luck to ya, Falcon."

"We'll need it, Skyguy."

"I'll allow that… just this once." Anakin said, walking away as Sam and Obi-Wan turned to the AT-TE tanks that were being prepared.

"Let's get that metallic bastard."

"Not how I would say it, but yes, let's."

Alright, so, this one took a bit longer to come out from the usual weekly/bi-weekly schedule but needed some time to slow down after having updated this story so frequently the past 6 months. Jebest and I have been sort of lucky with this quarantine and such essentially giving us A LOT of time to work on this as well as other stories and all.

I may have lost my job for the time being but I took the time to relax cause my god, it felt too surreal to be able to do shit outside again.

Jebest4781: Work's been quite drainful for me as of late and with me wanting to get back into some old stories have been preoccupying my thoughts on what free time I have.

FMW: Then again, if I don't have a job, I myself get antsy so thankfully I got myself another job recently with better pay and will be starting very soon. And to add on to what J said, I've also been getting back into some neglected stories as well as working on Spirit Unto Dawn with BulletStormX who has recently released a spinoff story that focuses on untold stories within Infinite Wars that will not be able to be told in this story. There will be references within the story that allude to what's going on in the spin off. Aside from that, there's also the stories I intend on helping Jeb out with whenever I can so I'll be having my hands full again very soon.

So… yeah, Koth is dead and Chezo killed him.

And mind you, there's still more divergence to come.

We're just getting started people.

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