Not more than two weeks later with the medics coming along nicely on their new training regimen, she got her chance to speak to the Third alone as he called her into his office "Third-sama you summoned me" Sakura bowed politely.

Still wishing she could sweep him up in a bone crushing hug and tell him how great it was to see him alive again "Yes, it's become apparent that your organization has done quite a lot for other villages and I was wondering if I might ask a favor of you" Hiruzen lowered his pipe.

Brown eyes locked with emerald "Anything Third-sama and I'll do it, in return there's something I request of you as well" the pinkette jumped at the chance to earn his trust in order to start enacting her plan to protect the future of all villages.

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes in response "Ulterior motives…no your to smart for that, I suppose filling out one small request wouldn't hurt anything, go ahead ask your request of me and yes the office is secure" the brown haired Hokage gestured for the young kunoichi to sit.

And she did so without an ounce of hesitation eyes burning brightly with a familiar fire "Before I speak there's something I need to show you Third-sama, you'll only be the third to have seen what I'm going to show you and fourth to know of my status" the emerald eyed kunoichi held out her hand.

It was then he caught sight of the seal that had been previously hidden by her gloves "Very interesting, I'll indulge you for the time being" the Third Hokage took her hand and was immediately slammed with memory after memory.

Moments later he pulled away sweat beading on his brow and looking sick to his stomach "And before you ask yes all of that is real, my memories and someone else's that I won't name because it's to dangerous" Sakura put her glove back on sitting back in the lone chair.

"You could come home be a Leaf Shinobi again" Hiruzen offered, Sakura shook her head "What of your request then" he sighed feeling a headache creeping up on him, which was promptly healed by the kunoichi before him.

Then suddenly she was hugging him unable to hold back on her desire to any longer "Forgive me it's just hard you know and right um I need to create a seal that will hold Black Zetsu forever, which means I need to speak with Kushina Uzumaki" she cleared her throat.

Reigning in her emotions and sitting back in the chair again, Hiruzen let his eyes softened "You sure you don't want to become a Leaf Shinobi once more, we would benefit from your skills, for my own request I believe Orochimaru is a traitor as well" the brown eyed man offered.

"Sorry Third-sama I made a promise and I can't abandon those three, besides I believe a shinobi is one who protects from the shadows, plus I integrated myself as a Rain Shinobi and I've grown fond of the Rain Village and of course I'll handle Orochimaru" the pinkette smiled sheepishly.

Playing with the headband tied loosely around her neck, "Very well then, but be warned you might have to reveal your status as a time traveler to her and her husband, no one else can know though, maybe Jiraiya is that understood" the Third cleared his throat.

Eyes boring into hers hoping that she understood the importance of secrecy "And what of Danzo, you know what he's done behind your back and if allowed to continue the entire Uchiha Clan will be slaughtered" Sakura frowned.

"I will handle Danzo myself, first though I must gather evidence of his betrayal before dealing with the problem and expect to come here next week as well, good day Haruno Sakura and may you enjoy it" Hiruzen nodded dismissing her.

Sakura blew out a breath and left the office if she was going to reveal the truth to those three she would have to steel herself for all hell to break loose "Where are you off to Sakura-san" speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Because suddenly Minato Namikaze was pacing alongside her smiling a closed eye smile, he was suspicious and had every reason to be suspicious, what she was going to reveal to him would be like a knife to the heart.

"Konan and I decided to let the medics handle themselves for the day, so I was going to take a stroll in the forest" the pinkette tilted her head at the gates in answer coming to a stop and he followed, if he came out with her, she wouldn't be able to inform Obito what had happened.

He seemed to sense something and narrowed his ocean blue eyes "Alright then, just make sure you stay safe out there" Minato waved probably intending on following her discretely, she wasn't dumb after all and hurried in the opposite direction.

She sighed quietly resigning herself to a normal stroll in the forest or at least that's what she was planning until a full hour later trouble caught up with her in the form of Root members "So you are the one who protects those Akatsuki scum, Sakura correct" the leader of the group stepped forward.

Instantly she narrowed her eyes "Watch who your calling scum, we're the ones straightening out your hospital don't forget that" Sakura spoke coldly trying to find an escape route to avoid fighting, now wasn't the time after all.

They had her completely surrounded which wasn't good "Minato what are you dragging me out here for, I'm not in the damn mood for a stroll around the forest" an obnoxious voice that could only belong to one person filled the air seconds later.

Just as the duo stepped out from around a tree, they froze feeling the tension in the air "Tch this isn't over girl remember that" and then the root members were gone, Sakura relaxed and pinched the bridge of her nose looking tired.

"What did you do to have root after you" Minato was immediately more suspicious than before, he'd followed her for about thirty minutes after all and she hadn't caused any trouble, but with what he'd just witnessed.

Emerald orbs glanced his way before alighting on the woman with him, there was that glint of sadness again before it was hidden away "I was just walking Namikaze-san really" Sakura held up her hands in surrender.

"Oh come on Minato your just suspicious of everyone new, I've heard a lot about you from Jiraiya, your Sakura-chan right, I'm Kushina and this little one is Naruto" Kushina introduced herself violet orbs bright and full of life while gently patting her swollen belly.

She couldn't stop herself from smiling "It's nice to meet you Kushina-san and yes I'm Sakura, that's a nice name for a little boy" and kami if her heart didn't hurt, to think she'll never get to be friends with Naruto the same way ever again really kind of sucked.

Kushina was about to say something else when chakra flared off in the distance speeding towards them, Minato cursed and so unlike himself tripped as the culprit was revealed to be a rogue, he just kept coming.

Brandishing a sword at the pregnant woman, Sakura didn't think just reacted and like before threw herself between the weapon and Kushina taking the hit before swinging her fist out and punching the rogue solidly in the chest with a loud bone crunching crack.

Minato stared in horror at the sword sticking out of the girl's back "Y..You crazy why did you I could have defended myself you know" the violet eyed woman shrieked, not understanding in the least why the younger female had protected her.

Sakura smiled reassuringly and with a deep breath pulled the sword free of her flesh and healed the injury she'd received "I'm alright Kushina-san and I didn't really think, just jumped" the pinkette laughed lightly.

"Like you did for Yahiko-san huh your strange Sakura-san" Minato spoke up in the resounding silence eyeing the dead rogue, with a single punch that's all it had taken, just a small hint of her abilities and they terrified him.

Her eyes softened "True I'm also a martyr and if someone truly deserved it I would throw myself in harms way time after time in order to protect them" Sakura stretched glad that the wound hadn't been to serious as they started back towards the village and signed in.

"The place the sword struck you that was your womb wasn't it" Kushina said as they continued to wander about the village together, she'd taken to the younger kunoichi, something about Sakura told her that it would be wise to have the girl as a friend.

Utter silence met this question for a moment "Correct I was able to heal myself though and besides it's not the first time I've been struck there with a sword, at least it wasn't poisoned this time like the last one" the fuscia haired girl shrugged carefully.

Keeping up a consistent smile, she wasn't worried, doubted she'd ever be able to have children because she might end up dead while tracking down Black Zetsu, Minato felt sick "Who was it that stabbed you with a poisoned sword" the blonde frowned deeply.

This girl before him was a contradiction "Oh I forgave him a long time ago so I'm not gonna name any names, ah sorry Kushina-san, Minato-san, Nagato is calling I bet Yahiko's gotten in some sort of trouble again" Sakura shook her head in amusement.

Feeling Nagato's chakra and prepared to head off just as a hand came down on her shoulder it took everything she had to not tense as her emerald met with innocent ocean blue "Let us walk with you this is our village and you'd get lost even feeling Nagato-san's chakra" Minato smiled.

Acting for all the world as if he hadn't done anything when in reality he'd marked the girl before him he didn't trust her in the least let alone in his village and he intended on getting some answers questioned that night once his wife had gone to sleep.

Sakura scowled inwardly she just had to let down her guard now she was marked with that damn formula for all time "That's right I'd like to see Jiraiya to if he's there" the red haired woman exclaimed exuberantly.

Now she had no choice because this was Naruto's mother and she'd made a promise to Obito to never let anything happen to the woman "Right let's go then" Sakura smiled brightly and they trekked clear across the village slowly.

Before arriving on scene and Yahiko had indeed gotten in trouble again with Konan, Nagato spotted her and her extra's first "I tried but they wouldn't listen Sakura" Nagato walked towards the female he was slowly growing attracted to.

At his nearness Sakura bit the inside of her cheek harshly "And their the ones nagging at us to get together, oi Yahiko, Konan get a room would ya already, pretty sure no one wants to see your lover's spat" she called in the most obnoxious tone she could to get their attention.

It worked beautifully as both adults turned beet red and flew apart unable to meet the others gaze in embarrassment now "That was mean Sakura-chan" Konan pouted once things had calmed down, though she still refused to look in her crushes direction.

"Yeah you devious prankster you" Yahiko sulked eyes glued to his feet, he couldn't believe she'd said that, and now it would take forever before he was able to meet Konan's gaze again, though he supposed that had been the whole point.

Sakura merely lifted a slender pink brow "If anyone's the prankster it's Nagato, because he knew exactly what I would do when I got here" the pinkette snickered thoroughly enjoying herself for however long it would last.

Behind them stood Kushina and Minato 'And there she goes again becoming a contradiction, I'm not sure whether to be suspicious or just weirded out' Minato frowned inwardly watching the interactions between the Rain Shinobi.

"Where's Jiraiya though" Kushina piped in looking every which way for her husband's sensei and not seeing him, Nagato pointed his finger to the left, her violet orbs trailed upwards and finally found him "JIRAIYA YOU DAMN PERVERT THAT'S THE WOMEN BATHS" she shrieked.

Startling the man from his perch followed by loud screams from the women he'd been peeping on which caused a stampede of towel clad women "Mean Kushina why are you always interrupting me while I'm doing research for my book" Jiraiya pouted.

Once it was all over and he looked like death warmed over, Sakura felt her heart jerk in response "Here Jiraiya-sama let me heal you" never mind that she was hardly trusted quite yet, she couldn't allow this man to die either.

"There she goes again selfless to a fault and willing to give up her life to complete strangers" the orange haired male sighed as his young friend kneeled, hands glowing a brilliant green to heal the damage done to his sensei.

Nagato pressed his lips together, as much as he wanted to say Jiraiya wasn't a stranger to her, it was the other way around because Sakura was in the wrong time line, he couldn't because he'd promised her that he wouldn't, so instead bit the inside of his cheek harshly.

"Amazing I didn't think there was another medic out there who could execute the mystical palm jutsu half as well as Tsunade can" the white haired sannin whistled not even feeling the usual twinge that accompanied being healed.

In response she shrugged "Just good chakra control that's all Jiraiya-sama" Sakura smiled holding out her hand, he took it and she helped him onto his feet before turning to those that she'd grown closest to since her arrival in the past.

"We're sorry for making a scene Sakura-chan, it's just Yahiko was complaining about missing home and I told him that this mission was important" the bluenette fidgeted, Sakura sighed and shook her head in amusement.

Emerald orbs softened in understanding "Yahiko no one understands better what it's like to leave all you know behind than me, it's hard believe me spending an inordinate amount of time from home and this little venture of mine will lead us all far, farther than you could have even imagined" she patted his arm.

Yahiko sulked even more in response "I just don't understand why are you so hellbent on doing all of this, I know our reasoning, but that was just for our own country, but you Sakura are trying to help the entire world why" Yahiko frowned.

"Because Yahiko that's just who I am, I didn't force any of you to come here with me, you made that decision, I could have left after helping you, done all this by myself and it wouldn't have made a difference to me" Sakura spoke jade irises burning straight into his soul.

"Intense as usual Sakura really Yahiko we've been over this already stop your whining already, this is a mission and missions often have you away from the village for years at a time" the red head at her side stated wisely.

Unable to say anything in response Yahiko huffed "Gah you guys are always ganging up on me, fine, fine I understand, I just wish there was more I could do to help instead of standing around yacking all the time with Nagato and Jiraiya-sensei" the brown eyed male pouted.

His crush rolled her amber orbs "Come on baka Yahiko" Konan grabbed his hand and then they were gone, Nagato trailing after them with a little wave, not more than a moment later Jiraiya was gone as well leaving Sakura alone with Minato and Kushina.

The red head immediately latched onto the pinkette "Let's have lunch together Sakura-chan" Kushina said in a tone that suggested the girl do as she say or face her wrath, Sakura didn't have it in her to refuse so off they went.

Minato trailing quietly behind the two females trying to figure the younger kunoichi out but he was drawing a blank before he could delve to deep in his thoughts "You two have fun I have something to do" the blonde headed off knowing he was being summoned.

Leaving the two females alone for an hour before they to split up, Sakura was all prepared to return to the hotel exhausted and ready for a nap when a familiar chakra filled her senses, she was wide awake in the next moment and heading for the gates.

Her mind whirring, what the hell was he doing, she'd told him to wait until she could meet with him, after signing out for the second time Sakura sped through the forest suppressing her chakra to avoid being followed and skidded to a halt in a clearing.

Seconds after her arrival the air rippled and then arms were wrapped around her waist "Sakura-san you told me to keep an eye on things and I just saw that snake Orochimaru kidnapping a child" Obito exclaimed holding tight to the only person who understood him right now.

A chill crawled down her spine and Sakura remembered her promise "Leave that to me Obito, alright and do try to be more careful from now on, your sensei is extremely suspicious of me right now" Sakura warned.

Obito peered up at her with his lone eye looking pained "Sorry about Minato-sensei, he'll get use to you, you are going to tell him right, who you actually are" the ebony haired teen asked wishing he could reveal himself but knowing it was dangerous.

"I am Obito now shoo and keep yourself safe you hear or you'll get a scolding the likes of which you've never heard" the pinkette put a hand on her hip sending the teen scrambling to get out of range and with a single use of his kamui was gone from sight and sound.

Though she was exhausted Sakura headed back for the village locating Orochimaru's chakra with ease steeling her nerves for the talk of the century with the Snake Sannin, it wouldn't be easy convincing him or swaying him to the right side again.

Not only that but she had to acquire Yamato, he could use wood jutsu at that point in time she was sure, he had yet to use it to escape, then send him off to be protected from Danzo until that man was taken care of, then both Obito and Yamato could come home.

Her search for Orochimaru led her to the tunnels beneath the Leaf Village to say he was surprised was an understatement "So you are the one from Rain that has come to deal with the Hospital" Orochimaru tried to act innocent.

"Cut the act Orochimaru, you and I both know what your doing down here, that is not the reason I sought you out though, I just want to talk" Sakura leaned against the only escape route, knowing he wouldn't try to escape yet as he was to curious.

Gold orbs narrowed "Very well then I will indulge you girl be warned if I don't like what you have to say I will kill you and not feel guilty for it" the Snake Sannin warned getting comfortable to listen to whatever was said.

Sakura passed a hand through her pink locks "Where to start hmm I know you feel as if the Leaf Village has used you and you want revenge on it, that right there is where you need to stop listening to bloody Danzo so much" the pinkette snorted.

This caused Orochimaru to frown "Danzo how do you know we are acquaintances let alone know that much about myself" the raven haired male glared furiously already ready to kill but something was holding him back.

"I want to tell you that but I can't, look no further than what's in front of you and you will see that all that Danzo has told you is not the truth, he is the one using you, not Leaf, he wants you to be a puppet for his schemes to take over the Leaf Village" Sakura pointed out bluntly.

Wasting no time in placing the blame squarely at Danzo's feet "I'm already a traitor and no one will believe me if I told Sarutobi-sensei that it was at Danzo's insistence that I do whatever I want" Orochimaru glared.

"Ah but what you don't know is that Danzo will get his just desserts here very soon, there is a way to avoid being ousted as an accomplice to his schemes, start getting rid of evidence, connect with people again, let the children you've kidnapped go, someone will find them and no one will be the wiser" she suggested.

Once again his gold irises narrowed "Why help me, I've been this way my whole life, if what your saying I might as well just turn myself in now and be done with it" the Snake Sannin spat not understanding in the least that this girl that he didn't know was just way to selfless.

What he didn't expect was for her to round on him or be hoisted up in the air by his shirt with nothing but brute strength "You listen to me Orochimaru everyone has good in them even you, you just have to find it deep within yourself or kami help me I'll beat the ever living hell out of you" Sakura snapped.

Skin paling as the girl suddenly reminded him way to much of Tsunade, Orochimaru nodded like a good little snake "R..Right g..get rid of the evidence" Orochimaru coughed as he was set down and he scurried off to get to work.

Glad that, that part of her task was done ensuring that the Snake Sannin wouldn't defect, Sakura let out a sigh of relief and hurried from the tunnels beneath the village and to the hotel to take a much needed nap.

Truth was she'd been pushing herself to get to this point and all those near sleepless nights were catching up on her finally, so once reaching her rented room, she removed her sandals and flopped down face first on the bed.

A few seconds after her head hit the pillow she was out like a light an hour after that wanting to find where her friend had gone, Konan poked her head into the room intending on asking the younger kunoichi something and paused before turning on her heel leaving Sakura to her rest.

"Well did you ask her what you wanted Konan" Yahiko prodded when his crush sat down next to him on his hotel bed, she shook her head "Why not oh she's sleeping isn't she…" he trailed off with a grimace.

Many times they'd heard her screams during the night, nightmares but she never remembered them it was heartbreaking how much trauma that girl had been through "Yeah and we all know how much Sakura-chan sleeps, very little actually" Konan sighed.

Hands clasped together tightly in a white knuckled grip "Just wish there were more we could do for her, after everything she's done for us" Nagato spoke up from the other bed in the room since he and Yahiko were sharing.

Nothing but the truth, Yahiko clenched his hands into fists "Konan teach me medical ninjutsu, no matter how long it takes I will learn, she needs us to support her fully and by the kami we're going to do it" the orange haired male demanded suddenly.

Konan stared at her hands "Alright no time like the present I suppose, let's go Yahiko, what about you Nagato" the bluenette stood amber irises narrowed in determination before looking straight into the purple ringed eyes of Nagato.

Fo a few seconds he was quiet "She needs more than just physical support, Sakura needs emotional and mental supports as well, I will be that pillar and as appealing learning medical ninjutsu sounds I don't think I'll do it justice not like her or you Konan" the red head shook his head.

Both of his friends knew this very well themselves "Either way Nagato, we can't just continue to stand around twiddling our thumbs waiting for something to happen to her" Yahiko stated, he liked Sakura as a friend, he didn't want her to be hurt anymore.

"Yahiko is right with as selfless as Sakura is she'd throw her life away for anyone if she thought there was good in them it would break her and she'd be even more fragile than she is now" Konan nodded in agreement.

It was truly odd to them how self sacrificing their new friend was but she fit in well with them the misfits of the Hidden Rain Village, all of them orphans "I know Yahiko, Konan, let me stay here with her keep an eye on things" Nagato wouldn't relent though on his decision.

Realizing it was impossible to drag their friend away from the girl he was crushing on Yahiko and Konan left the hotel intent on training until they dropped like Sakura did so that no matter what came their way they would be ready for it and be able to pull their own weights to help.

Meanwhile Nagato continuously checked up on the sleeping Sakura until two hours had passed, that's when he received a visit from his sensei "Your leader Hanzo is here, he wants to speak to that girl" Jiraiya stated.

And as much as he didn't want to wake her, Nagato knew that Hanzo wouldn't come all this way for nothing, something had happened and it wasn't good "Give me a few seconds to wake her" the scarlet haired Uzumaki said.

Heading into her hotel room and found her in the throes of a nightmare it was agonizing to watch " 's wrong Nagato" Sakura sat straight up in her hotel bed when he shook her shoulder gently knowing it wouldn't take much to wake her.

"Hanzo is here to speak with you" Nagato explained, emerald orbs filled with worry as Sakura hurriedly tugged her sandals back onto her feet forcing herself to wake up quicker with a jolt of chakra to her system.

Then she was on her way to the Hokage Tower for the second time that day "You called for me Hanzo-sama" the pinkette asked once she was stood in the Hokage's office, heart pounding in her chest and worried that something had happened.

"I'm very sorry to pull you away from your mission Sakura-san, but there's trouble in the Hidden Rain Village and I need one of my best to help take care of the problem" Hanzo wasted no time in informing Sakura what he'd come there to tell her.

Sakura put a hand over her eyes "Let us go as well to help out if we're going to be allies" the white haired male blurted suspicious like his student of the unknown and unfamiliar pink haired Rain Kunoichi.

"Just how long do you think it will take to handle this problem, what exactly is the problem anyway" Minato asked giving his sensei a small glare for offering them up but it would give him time to figure out the young kunoichi in their midst.

Hanzo considered the offer then glanced to the Hokage, who nodded "A week give or take a few days depending on how quickly you travel and a few rogue shinobi that I would class at S Rank, they are good at evading, one of them has red hair and wields puppets" Hanzo explained.

At the description "Leave it to me Hanzo-sama, I just have to go inform Konan, Yahiko and Nagato" Sakura said ten times more serious bowed low, turned on her heel and vanished from the office to the man's surprise.

Hiruzen frowned "Of course you two will be going along to help out as well" the Third Hokage relented to the request of his former student and his own student, so they two headed off to pack in the meantime Sakura had found Yahiko and Konan.

And told them what was going on "I understand Sakura-chan, I'll continue managing the hospital in your absence alongside Yahiko" Konan nodded seriously wishing she could go to, but knowing it was important that their mission there be completed.

"Yeah, Nagato and I will protect the Leaf in your absence Sakura" Yahiko grinned clapping the younger kunoichi on the back as she gave them a small waved and hurried off to the hotel where said red head was waiting.

He stood at her appearance having stayed in her hotel room "Is it serious Sakura" Nagato asked in concern because Hanzo being there couldn't be good news in the least, and as much as he wished it was good news it wasn't as she nodded seriously.

"It is someone that I know personally actually and if he's not dealt with now he'll just continue to be a massive thorn in everyone's side" Sakura announced packing her things only what she needed anyway quickly.

Nagato bit his cheek harshly "Right, I'll watch over the rest of your stuff and pay the rent to this room for you while your gone" the red head offered earning a very small smile and not really thinking about it.

Sakura stretched up on her tip-toes and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before body flickering off to the gates of the Leaf Village where Hanzo was waiting, moments later Jiraiya and Minato came speeding towards them and with that they all set forth to Hidden Rain.

"Can you tell us anything about the other rogues besides the one with red hair and a puppet wielder" Minato questioned once they were little more than twenty miles away from his village, the lone kunoichi in their midst as silent as a mouse and wary, tension rolled off her in waves.

Hanzo glanced towards the Yellow Flash "There are two others, though despite working together are as different as the four of us, they can't stand one another, the taller one has pale green eyes and uses all five elements, not like how you think and the last he's from Mist wields the Executioners Blade" he recounted.

Immediately he noticed Sakura's skin pale, the three rogues were bad news and she knew them inside and out, which wasn't good, it hit Hanzo then that he could possibly be leading the time traveling girl into a trap.

They must have known he would get her "My apologies Sakura, I'm leaving you in charge of dealing with them" the blonde stated, turned on his heel and hurried back to Leaf, Sakura gripped the lapels of her pack tighter in response.

"Sounds like it will be quite the fight if even Hanzo is running" Jiraiya whistled as they picked up pace in order to reach the Hidden Rain Village quicker, they walked for miles upon miles before coming to a stop for dinner.

It was then that Sakura felt it important to inform them "It's a trap someone's trying to separate me from Yahiko, Nagato and Konan, Hanzo-sama knows this and went back to keep an eye on them" the pinkette stated simply whipping up a quick meal for the three of them.

Jiraiya choked on his water "What but why your younger than they are what exactly have you done that would cause someone to physically remove you from their sides" the Toad Sage spluttered in response.

Sakura sighed "I was going to wait but I think it would be better if you two knew now rather than later, his name is Black Zetsu and my main mission here is to stop him before he can destroy the entire world with his schemes" Sakura removed her glove.

Looking incredibly exhausted those two hours hadn't been enough "Destroy the world what the hell are you talking about, you know I've been suspicious of you ever since the moment I saw you, just what are you planning" Minato glared.

Only to lean back as she held out her hand to him "Take it and you'll learn everything that is to happen, who these rogues are that we're going to fight, except for the one from Mist, I can't say for sure I know his skills, but two of them I know for sure" she said.

And as suspicious of her as they were, Minato and Jiraiya took turns holding her hand, only to pull away looking positively sick to their stomachs "My son dies because of that Black Zetsu Bastard, everyone does" the blond said utterly broken at what he'd seen.

"Not if we stop him here before the Fourth Ninja War ever comes to pass" Sakura declared seriously, eyeing Jiraiya who probably couldn't believe that the three orphans he'd trained would have become like that.

If she hadn't of saved Yahiko that is "Thank you, just thank you" the Sannin finally responded after a short silence, but at least they were no longer suspicious of her as they ate quickly, then lay down to try and get some more sleep.

Before they were on their way to Ame once again the following morning in time to prevent any destruction to the already war-torn village, the only warning they had immediately after arrival that they were under attack was the barrage of throwing needles, dipped in poison.

Having mentally prepared herself Sakura grabbed both Jiraiya and Minato, body flickered them out of the way and charged, Sasori didn't have a chance to dodge as he found his puppet body, the one he was hiding in completely shattered from a chakra enhanced punch.

Jiraiya and Minato paled "Guess she really was Tsunade's student in the future" Jiraiya shuddered seeing the redhead spread eagle out on the ground unconscious as Sakura then set her sights on the Kiri-nin wielding Kubikiribocho.

Who quickly joined the redhead from Sunagakure on the ground equally as unconscious which left the last person who revealed himself "We were offered a lot of money for you girl and I don't let opportunities for monetary gain pass me by" the pale green eyed man growled in a deep voice.

But Sakura put a hand on her hip "Do you really think you have a chance at taking me down, you saw what I did to your associates that will be you next and that's a promise" Sakura tilted her head at him defiantly.

Charging the rogue "Perhaps we should tie them up Jiraiya-sensei, that way we aren't entirely useless" Minato grimaced, inwardly glad that Sakura was on their side regardless of how she came to them, it would be terrifying ever facing her on the battlefield.

His sensei nodded and soon the two unconscious rogues were tied together so tightly they wouldn't be able to wriggle themselves out of their bindings easily or at all really so the both of them turned their attention on Sakura once more.

She was ducking and weaving in and out of the remaining rogues attacks like it was second nature to her, a calculative gleam in her viridian irises, when she finally spotted an opening that she took "SHANNARO TEME" the rosette shouted.

Aiming a particularly vicious kick to his family jewels fueled with chakra of course that threw Kakuzu up into the air where she met him and punched him back to the earth with a sickening crack complete with shattering the ground from the impact of his body hitting it.

With that Kakuzu was out cold "And there problem dealt with" Sakura nodded in satisfaction as she dusted her hands and turned to her travel companions who eyed her even more warily than before, probably because of where she'd kicked the rogue.

Not that she was going to let that get in the way of her mission "So what do we do with them" the future Fourth Hokage nudged Kakuzu with a blue sandal encased foot carefully just to test and see if the guy really was out.

He didn't so much as twitch "Send them back to their villages of course, what else would you do with a rogue ninja" the Sannin scoffed, silently wondering if the girl before him would ever reveal herself to Tsunade, it might just be what the woman needed to snap out of her depression.

To his horror Sakura adopted a contemplative expression "Could be useful actually, though I know better to think that their villages would just simply hand them over without a fight" the pinkette frowned in the next second.

"You would use rogue ninja" Minato intoned incredulously hardly believing his ears as the three rogues were sealed into a storage scroll and they began their trek back to Leaf, Sakura nodded grimly in answer.

Just before he could question her further "Even if you were Tsunade's apprentice in the future or rather alternate timeline seeing as things are already different, there's no way you'd be able to control all three of them by yourself" Jiraiya snorted.

Only to get that grim expression "Sasori's easy enough to handle, Kakuzu will need convincing it's just the other one I don't know much about, except for the sword, Kubikiribocho one of the Seven Legendary Blades of the Seven Ninja Swords from Mist" Sakura admitted.

Promising herself to learn more about the people in this current timeline that she didn't know about, neither Jiraiya or Minato said another word and a couple days later they were back and signing in at the gates of the Leaf Village once again.

Hanzo met them relief visible in his dark eyes for the time traveling girl "Sakura-san it was as I suspected, a trap, someone attempted to target Nagato-san of the Akatsuki, he was I believe to be that Black Zetsu from your memories" Hanzo informed.

Forcing himself to not take a step back when furious chakra threatened to suffocate him and the two at her side before it was suppressed "Of course he'd go after Nagato that fucking bastard, it's because of the rinnegan, Black Zetsu needs that dojutsu to complete his goal" Sakura hissed.

Trying to remain calm "To resurrect Kaguya Otsutsuki right, anyway you better go check on them, we'll handle reporting in to Hokage-sama" the blonde gently pat the younger girl on the shoulder before using his seal and taking his sensei along with him.

Leaving Sakura to tilt her head at Hanzo in acknowledgement, thanking him profusely all in the same breath and then stalk off to the hotel while he turned and headed back to Ame himself "Sakura your back" Yahiko popped up when she stormed into his shared room with Nagato.

Viridian orbs met his chocolate brown ones briefly before settling on Nagato "Hanzo-sama fended some freaky guy off from trying to steal his eyes" Konan explained no doubt Sakura already knew though and that's why she seemed so angry.

They'd all left her chakra earlier after all "If that bastard so much as tries to touch you again I'll knock him into next year with my fist" Sakura growled furiously, then sat at Nagato's side, who gently took one of her hands in his.

"For now Sakura it's good to have you back" Nagato sighed in relief, and it didn't look like the rogues had been to hard to deal with especially since it had only taken her five days to get back to them, with that Sakura lay her head on his shoulder and drifted off into a restful sleep.