Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

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Author's Note (31/5/2019): I have edited some of the past chapters that mentioned the Heiwaians using Xtranseivers. I have changed that to them using WristComs instead. WristComs are armbands with a computer and communicator in it. They can be used for Facetime calls, multiple-way-calls (max 10), send messages and alerts, access apps for maps, social media and emergencies. *During the editing, I accidentally erased the end author's notes for some of the chapters.*

Within Red's hideout, the young man was meditating with Lucario while Flygon flew lazy circles in the air. It was finally the day for his round 2 battle. And this time, it was against Tyson, his former opponent in the Ever Grand Conference years ago. While Red was fairly confident in his skills, Tyson was not someone to be underestimated and no doubt gotten stronger since then.

A beep from his WristCom rose him and Lucario from their meditation. Flygon landed beside him and allowed him to climb on while recalling Lucario.

Taking a deep breath, Red breath out, "It's time."

Tyson is someone strong, Arata and the others were certain of that as they watched both trainers rise from the platforms. As someone who won the Ever Grande Conference and beat Ash, Tyson also placed Top 4 in the Silver Conference and Top 2 in the Vertress Conference, thus his admission in the Millenium Tournament and acknowledgement of his strength and skills from various League officials including Heiwa which was rare as they have a reputation of being hard to impress.

Red called out Lucario and Flygon while Tyson had his Meowth and Druddigon. The field selected for the battle is the rock terrain. Observing his opponent's pokemon, Red smirked slightly at Tyson's Meowth, nearly regretting not choosing Pikachu for this round since he knew it would want a rematch against it. Nevertheless, he knew Lucario and Flygon will suffice, even if he knew nothing about Tyson's Druddigon for this round.

"Tyson would most likely use a similar strategy to what we've been planning." Red muttered to Lucario and Flygon. "Be ready to improvise our strategy at moment's notice."

Lucario and Flygon nodded though they didn't necessarily need that warning. All of Red's pokemon know by now that there was no point in sticking to one strategy in battle as Red tends to improvise new one's mid-battle to gain an advantage over his opponents.

The moment the referee brgouht down his flags, Flygon and Lucario dashed at their opponents without giving them time to blink. Meowth and Druddigon tensed and Tyson's eyes darted around before narrowing them.

"Stay calm! Use Water Pulse in front of you, Meowth."

Meowth created a light blue sphere and threw it on the ground before Druddigon and it. Flygon and Lucario were forced to slow down to a stop.

"Retaliate with Dragon Tail on the ground!" Red smirked as he directed Flygon. Instantly, Flygon slammed down its tail on the ground. Rocks and dirt were sent flying at the direction of the Water Pulse. The force of both waves caused a cloud of dust to fly up, hindering Druddigon and Meowth's vision.

Tyson gritted his teeth as his eyes darted around again. He knew that Lucario and Flygon had the advantage of aura and eyes that are used to sandstorms. So he had to be careful. Taking a deep breath, he called to Druddigon. "Dispers the dust."

With a strong flap of its wings, the dust was blown away, revealing nothing. Flygon and Lucario were no longer anywhere on the field.

"Lucario, fire down Aura Sphere!"

At that command, Tyson realized where his opponent's pokemon are. Judging by the expressions of his pokemon, they realized the same thing too and jerked their heads up only to be met with a bardge of Aura Sphere. Pearched on Flygon's back, Lucario was firing its signature move down on Meowth and Druddigon.

Unfortunately, Meowth and Druddigon did not appreciate being attacked from above. With the command from their trainer, they slashed at the Aura Spheres with Slash and Dragon Claw respectively to protect themselves.

"Hm." Red tapped his thigh thoughtfully. Tyson was as strong as he remembered. And if Red remembered correctly, Tyson's observations in battle meant that he was capable of adapting his strategy. However, if Red pulls out some of the surprises he has up his sleeves, he should take Tyson off-guard long enough to land a few hits.

Smirking, Red made a gesture for Lucario to stop and Flygon to return to the field. Flygon swooped down back to the field but its passenger did not disembark.

"Two can play at one game. Meowth, get on Druddigon!"

Red smirked as his predictions of Tyson copying his strategy was right. He flipped his palm at Flygon and Lucario. Narrowing their eyes, they nodded. With a strong swoop of its wings, Flygon zoomed forward at their opponents. This time however, Tyson is prepared and gave the same order to his pokemon. Druddigon flew towards Flygon but slower.

"Get ready to use Crunch and Iron Tail when you get closer!"

With both teams of Pokemon closing the distance, the audience were at the edge of their seats for neither of them is slowing down. Just as it seemed that both fliers are going to collide, Red yelled, "Now!"

Lucario immediately leapt off Flygon's back onto Druddigon's while Flygon ducked underneath it at the same time.


"Close Combat and Dragon Tail!"

Lucario unleashed a barge of rapid kicks and punches at Meowth who tried to defend itself with Iron Tail but failing to block most of the hits. Druddigon tried to Crunch Flygon's tail from underneath but fail to reach it. Flygon mercilessly struck Druddigon's under belly with Dragon Tail then barrelrolled out from underneath. Druddigon roared out in pain and bucked its passengers off.

"Iron Tail and Slash, back to back!"

"Swords Dance then Close Combat!"

Lucario initiated Swords Dance to raise its attack and deflected Meowth's Slash. Activating Close Combat once more, Lucario traded blows with Meowth while being mindful to minimize the impact of the blows since its Defense stats are lowered tremendously after using Close Combat twice.

Meanwhile, Flygon and Druddigon were engaged in an aerial game of tag above the stadium. Druddigon was trying to land a blow on Flygon but kept missing. Flygon hid a smirk as it soared on the winds to lift itself higher in the air when Druddigon flew at it with Dragon Claw. All of Red's fliers trained with Daimen on many occasions and learned to utilize air currents and winds to their advantage in arieal movements. And Flygon happens to be one of the best in Red's party.

Red shifted his glance from Lucario and Meowth's dueling to Flygon. So far, the plan to distract Druddigon so that Lucario can focus on Meowth was working. But he was right to expect Meowth to put up a fight before admitting defeat. Both Lucario and Meowth were panting hard and on their last legs.

"Thunderbolt, Meowth! Come on, you can do it!" Tyson encouraged the Meowth in Boots. With its trainer's encouragement and trust, Meowth summoned up the energy to charge up the attack. Electricity cracked around its body.

"Think you can use two more moves? Aura Sphere and Return?" Red asked his pokemon who dutifully nodded its head. "Alright, draw out Aura from me too if you have to. Just make sure that you block the Thunderbolt."

Mustering up aura from within itself, Lucario realized it had to draw out aura from its trainer as well. As it drew on Red's aura for the attack, Lucario smiled as it felt his trust, concern and love for it.

The trainers were tensed as they watched their respective pokemon finish charging up their moves. Up in the sky even Flygon and Druddigon were half heartedly chasing each other as they kept an eye on their partners though they did not interven without their trainers' orders.

A sweat formed on the brows of both trainers. It trailed down their faces and dripped down. The moment it hit the floor, Lucario and Meowth unleashed their attacks. Aura Sphere and Thunderbolt meeting head on. Everyone leaned forward in anticipation, wondering which attack will win out. But to the train eye of experienced trainers, they knew that neither attack will last.

The ensuring explosion created a massive shockwave that rocked the spectators and nearly blew the pokemon off their feet. Once it regained its balance, Lucario launched forward with its Return attack, knocking Meowth out.

"Meowth is unable to battle." The umpire declared.

Tyson pursed his lips as he recalled Meowth. By now, Druddigon and Flygon had landed back on the field. Lucario was panting heavily and could barely move. Analyzing Lucario's state, Red nodded at Flygon who nodded back. Not letting Druddigon a chance to land an attack on Lucario, Flygon swooped in and carried it back to Red's side of the field. After depositing it in a corner, Flygon turned back to its opponent with narrowed eyes. Until Lucario regained some strength, Flygon will suffice in battling Druddigon alone. Luckily, the Cave Pokemon was exhausted and moving slowly. During their aerial chase, Flygon's utilization of wind and air currents allowed it to conserve its energy.

"Kick up a Sandstorm!"

With strong flaps of its wings, sand, rocks and debris from earlier on kicked up and covered nearly the entire field with a Sandstorm.

"Stay calm Druddigon. Listen for Flygon's wings." Tyson called out normally.

Druddigon nodded and closed its eyes, ignoring the sound of the wind blowing, sand and debris flying and colliding, Lucario's panting…there, Flygon's wings beating. Druddigon cocked its head in Flygon's direction.

"Use Flash Cannon!"

Druddigon fired the move at Flygon's location and a grunt of pain can be heard in the sandstorm. Red narrowed his eyes as he watched Flygon shake off the effects of the Flash Cannon with his aura. The Flash Cannon was a surprise and he now knew that Druddigon knows where Flygon is in the sandstorm. Analysing Flygon, his eyes widened when he realized it was the beating of Flygon's wings that alerted Druddigon.

"Flygon!" He called to get its attention. He lowered his hand, knowing that Flygon can see the motion. He glanced at Lucario and saw that it was feeling better and it nodded back at him.

"Fire Aura Sphere at it to distract it."

Lucario closed its eyes and found Druddigon with its aura. It fired Aura Sphere at it continuously to get its attention and distract it so that Flygon can use Dig and get close enough to it without alerting it.

"Block the Aura Spheres and use Dragon Claw on Lucario!"

Druddigon's claws began to glow as it blocked the Aura Spheres while flying towards Lucario. It brought down its claws at Lucario but it rolled out of the way. The moment it touched the ground, Flygon burst out from the ground underneath it, taking it by surprise and lost balance.

"Flygon Use Dragon Tail!"

Flygon flipped in the air and slammed its tail down on its head. Druddigon collapsed and the referee make the call.

"Druddigon is unable to battle. Therefore, the victor of this battle is Champion Red!"

Red smirked and raised his fist in victory, making the cheers of the audience grow louder. He stepped on the field and clapped a hand on both his pokemon's shoulders.

"Thanks guys. You guys were awesome. Get some rest now." He said and recalled them. He turned to Tyson as he rubbed Druddigon's head and recalled it too. Red casually approached him and extended his hand. "Not many people can claim to keep up with my Pokemon in battle nor have the respect of the Elite Four and Champion of Heiwa. You're one of the rare trainers who has both."

"Thanks." Tyson shook his hand and smiled wrily. "I guess I have a long way to go before I can take on the Heiwa League."

"You have potential to make it to the Elite Four when you do. We'll be waiting for your challenge." Red smirked.

"And I won't lose." Tyson smirked back.

After getting his pokemon healed, Red had to run several errands for Arata and Mr. Goodshow before he flew back to the Heiwa League's penthouse and collapsed on the couch in the longue. "I. Am. Beat."

The Gym Leaders and Elite Four members present gave him sympathetic smiles. Reika hopped on the back of the couch for a seat. "Happens to all of his after Arata drags us into doing work after a major battle. This isn't the first time he did something like this."

Red sighed and tipped his head back with a groan. "Why must he be so workaholic during the tournament?"

"It's Arata we're talking about." Maya deadpanned from the dining table where she, Nick and Wataru were playing poker.

"Give him a break. He might be annoying for driving us to be workaholics like him, but we can't deny that his efforts pay off one way or another." Daimen shrugged.

Suddenly, Red lifted his head. "Speak of the devil…"

Arata made his appearance with several boxes of pizza. "I brought dinner!"

Everyone scrambled to their feet as the smell of fresh baked pizza wafted throughout the cave. Mouths watering, they quickly cleared up the dining table and dropped the earlier conversation. Arata might be strict and overbearing when it comes to work and training, but no one can say that he doesn't care for his friends, especially when it comes to their stomach.

"To everyone moving on to the 3rd round!" Red lifted his pizza slice. Everyone mimicked his action with similar cheers.

"It's a wonder that none of us have been paired up or matched up with other regional Champions for two rounds." Reika said as she munched down her slice.

"That might change in the next round." Red said and stood up. He cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "I know that we want to get to the victory rounds together but in the event that we don't, I just want to say right now that I don't care. As long as everyone gives their best and not go down without a fight, I'll still be proud of all of you."

"So will I." Arata raised his glass. Everyone exchanged smiles and raised their glasses.

As they were finishing up, Red's WristCom beeped. Checking the messages, he grabbed the remote for the TV. "The next round's match ups are out!"

Everyone scrambled to grab a seat on the couch. Those who could not get one sat on the floor or stood around the couch. Seconds later, the listing of the remaining participants of the tournament was up along with a line across the screen, showing who their opponent was.

"I got Lana!" Red smiled, excited of getting the chance to battle the Akala Trial Captain again.

"Heh, I got Hala. Elite Four members give better challenges than Trial Captains." Arata smirked smugly at Red.

Muraku read through the listing once he found his opponent. He stilled when he noticed one of the match ups. "Red, Anabel is battling Mia tomorrow evening."

Red's eyes shot to the match up and frowned. "It's at the same time as Clemont's battle against Bruno."

Several of the winced at the line up, more towards the revelation of who Clemont's opponent is than about the timing.

"That is very complicated. You're going to have to choose whose battle you want to watch then."

"I'll make up my mind tomorrow." Red sighed.

"Oh no."

Everyone's eyes turned to Maddie whose wide eyes were staring at the screen. Arata followed his girlfriend's gaze and almost felt sympathy for her opponent.

Red's mouth was in a thin line, but he gave Maddie a reassuring nod. "I'm not mad that you're battling her instead of me. I know that you can beat her."

Everyone in the room save Maddie nodded in agreement. Misty's fear of bugs was going to be her downfall in this tournament.


"I'm doomed."

Bonnie and Serena sweatdropped as Clemont kept muttering that under his breath. The poor inventor was pale and stiff as a board. He was not responding to either of the girls' efforts to snap him out of it. They had visited Bonjour Café for dinner on Bonnie's insistence and were in the middle of their meal when the announcement of the line ups showed up on the TV.

"Bad luck that big brother had to be matched up with one of the toughest Elite Four." Bonnie sighed in exasperation. Dedenne mimicked its trainer's sigh.

"Poor Clemont." Serena nodded in agreement. Analysing the match ups, Serena noted that Anabel's match is happening the same time as Clemont. "Bonnie, do you think Red would support Clemont or Anabel? Their matches are in the same time slot."

"Of course he will support Clemont." Bonnie stated matter of factly. "We all know that Red knows that Anabel can haddle herself, so it's logical that he'll come watch big brother's match to make sure he wins."

"You're right." Serena nodded, assuring herself that Red will not abandon their friend in his time of need. Cocking her head, she sweatdropped when she noticed that Clemont did not even react to their conversation. "I'm not sure if Clemont even heard all that."

Bonnie exchanged looks with Dedenne and a sly grin formed on their faces. "I know how to snap big brother out of his flunk."

"Oh Bonnie, no-!"

Dashing to the nearest girl, Bonnie got on her knees. "Will you be my brother's girlfriend?" She asked, much to the girl's bewilderment.

That did the trick and Clemont whipped his head at his sister's direction. He jumped and made a dash to get her away and avoid embarrassing him anymore. "BONNIE!"