Haha! I am back! *bows* AND I AM SORRY! Blah blah blah more below! Oh and leave comments cause I would like to know if you guys enjoyed this^^ I tried writing a bit differently.

Disclaimer: Dont own nothin, and this will prolly border very dark, but also fluff and light. I hope to make it really good.

Hope you all enjoy~!

ALSO THIS IS SIX YEARS IN THE FUTURE. IZAYA IS 30 AND SHIZUO IS ALSO 30. But do not let that deter you from reading!


There is a weakness in everyone. Trivial, feasible, loving weakness. One that calls to them sweetly, and sends shivers from their very finger tips to their toes.

To Izaya this weakness was currently asleep on his plush black couch dress in a crumpled bartender uniform.

The informant wondered why, how, and when this came to be, and he mused at the thought of waking the beast with a cold splash of water. Of course though, he would not and walked into his apartment noticing a duffel bag, and three pairs of bar tending shoes. All black, all wore, all neatly placed next to Izaya's shoes.

Izaya sighed," I'm home~" he sang in hopes of ruining the sleep even a tiny bit, just to see those caramel eyes. The lights of the city broke the darkness, and he didn't bother turning on the lights.

It didn't work. The brute slumbered on, silently, and deeply breathing. The top few buttons on his dress shirt were undone, his hair was wet, his slippers had fallen off some time ago, and yet he slumbered on still as if he were not in Izaya's apartment.

"Shizu-chan, Shizu-chan, Shizu-chan..." Tutted the informant, strolling to the couch, kneeling before Shizuo. Softly he touched Shizuo's hair, squishing the water droplets out of it, and smirking to see such a calm demeanor around him." You could have just gone up stairs to bed." He spoke." It is not like you have not been here before..." he paused, stood and yawned." My speech is weird..." Mused Izaya again," I just came back from a meeting with a British man who speaks perfect, but high class Japanese. I am sure you would just get confused at most of our words..."

He walked to the kitchen, and Shizuo slumbered on. There was soft noise of pots, pans, sizzling, a sneeze, and sounds of daily life. Izaya cooked for one, it was very late nearing 2:28am, and he knew the blond could sleep through anything. Once again the raven wondered why Shizuo was there.

"You could have called me... I would have come back earlier." Pausing, sighing, Izaya managed to find his regular tongue and spoke again into the silence." It's nice to see you sometimes... It's been a while since we've talked normally. No street signs, no yelling, no little sisters... Just us. It's not something I crave very often, but it is nice every once in a while." On his hand a gold ring flashed in the light. It was simple, and sadly a wedding engagement ring.

Another pause, this time followed by the sounds of a plate being set on the dinning room table. Izaya put the dirty dishes into the dish washer and turned off the kitchen light, he walked to the plate setting and took his seat looking out the big windows of his apartment. Everything was silent, and oddly lonely. Even though he had company he had been craving, he was alone.

"My father called the other day..." Izaya went on, toying with his chicken and rice" just checking in. He asked about you, wondered when we'd get married." There was a dry laugh," he always makes the same joke. I'll probably never get married. I don't really have husband material, and us informants... We can't afford to get too attached to things, it's very interesting actually. One of my favorite pass times has become watching other informants. Humans are so beautiful when they try to deny themselves what they want~ I love them all."



"You're being too noisy." The beast rose, yawning and looked over the back of the sleek couch, eyes glaring at the epicenter of what disturbed his rest.

"You're being too intrusive." Izaya shot back, finishing his meal and standing." What are you doing here?"

Shizuo watched the raven move, and sighed standing and following Izaya to the kitchen." Got kicked out..."


"Fighting." He said, opening the fridge and taking a beer. Izaya frowned at that, he did not like alcohol." Apparently, it is frowned upon to punch your landlord's nephew, or whatever, in the face for being a brat." He followed Izaya again like an obedient dog, up the steps and into the master bedroom. Izaya didn't own much furniture upstairs. Most of his stuff was in the open in the room where he met clients so they would think of him as normal, but Shizuo knew the truth. Izaya was a very lonely man, and he didn't try to cure that loneliness which left house apartment empty.

Izaya was amused, but tired. He would pressure for more facts in the morning, and stripped to his red boxers, slipping on an over sized band tshirt. It made him look younger and innocent, Shizuo was a bit more sturdy. He took off his dress shirt and pants, climbing into the bed next to Izaya." I'll explain more in the morning... Just shut up for now flea."

"Fine fine, Shizu-chan. Just don't think I'm giving free room and board, you owe me."

Shizuo smirked, owing Izaya wasn't a bad thing. His hands touched the raven's waist gently, shifting to do what he knew the raven liked. Izaya liked the gentle touches, and turned around to be against Shizuo. He would never admit to being a cuddlier, but he always fell asleep quickly in Shizuo's arms. It was like he was being protected.

"Ok." Shizuo said, pulling back after pulling Izaya into his arms properly." I owe you."


"Yes, yes." Izaya was on the phone, twirling in his desk chair, smiling dangerously," ah~ for a price Hitoni-San." He paused, the smiling only growing as he backed the poor bastard into a corner." We all know that is not true."

Shizuo was sitting on the couch observing the other, he didn't have work that day. He liked to watch Izaya work, it was a sight at times. The bright spark in the raven's eyes, the kind smile that sometimes happened when Izaya was secretly doing something good. Though, Shizuo hated to admit, Izaya rarely did anything good. He growled, turning his face to the Tv reminding himself why they were enemies. Enemies with a strange friendship though, and when Izaya suddenly stood and unplugged everything, then closed the black our curtains Shizuo knew something bad had just happened.

"Shiki has been shot." Izaya grabbed his coat and keys, a case, file, knives and marched to the door." Shizu-chan, can you stay here?"

"Sure." Shizuo had given up on asking about Izaya's work long ago, and clicked the Tv to a movie.

"If I'm not back in an hour I left a note on the desk of where I went. Do not look at it until the hour is up." Izaya made it very clear and slipped on his shoes and signature coat.

Shizuo yawned, walked to the desk and looked at the note the moment the door had clicked shut. He read it, '10558-9514 Sikamore Rd.' an apartment or condo he figured, and close to the harbor too. He walked to the window, pulling the curtains aside slowly and looked to see if anyone were watching. Izaya had paranoid tics, but Shizuo hadn't seen him shut the curtains before and plunging everything into darkness on purpose. He shut the curtain again, thought about lunch, and wished he could smoke. He just hoped whatever Izaya was doing didn't kill him, it would be too much of a pain to go to a funeral, if Izaya would even be buried. he was sure that if Izaya were ever to die, and die not by his hands, the raven would be dumped off the bridge with a concrete shoes.

The thought didn't comfort the beast, who began to busy his time with making lunch. Izaya always had an abundance of healthy foods, the raven believed that a healthy smart mind had to have a body that is also healthy. Shizuo didn't really care though, and found the only pack of bacon and made the whole thing in one sitting. He ate, drank milk, and looked at the time.

"Only 22 minutes?" He said out out, getting annoyed," I better not have to fucking save him."

Slowly, another 30 minutes passed, Shizuo sat by the door staring at the clock his shoes on, and address in mind. He would be royally pissed if he did have to go and save the flea, his goal in life was to end Izaya's life. Not versa and be a hero.

Their friendship was based soul-ly on those facts. They would visit, help each other, owe each other, all based on the fact that they were to be each other's end. If Izaya were to die Shizuo would have no purpose, only he could kill Izaya and that was final. Anyone else would be treading on his turf and he would have to kill them in revenge. Izaya had a similar thought, and graciously allowed this friendship, it's warped reality and way, to be prominent in his life. He knew he could only die at the hands of the brute, and Shizuo could only die at his hands. He once mused if that would make them immortal since neither really would submit to the other. An immortal cat and dog chase.

The door lock clicked, and Shizuo looked up sniffing. It wasn't Izaya. He stood, cracked his back and stepped to the side as the door opened. A gun barrel was out, the man, dressed in a grey suit with a green tie, tentatively entered, not noticing the taller, angrier blond standing behind the open entrance. The intruder walked in, a case in his hands, not the same one Izaya had taken, but its contents clicked and rustled against each other like glass. He walked more into the apartment and Shizuo got very very annoyed. The man had entered, broken into Izaya's apartment with a gun, and now was walking around as if he owned the place.

"Yo." Shizuo's deep, and spine tingling voice filled to the brim with undiluted anger flew through the air. His eyes narrowed on the man when he turned, and he figured his anger was justified when the gun was aimed at him. Shizuo raised a hand, eyes locked on the terrified assassin caught in the act of planting poisons, then he moved fast, his hand slamming down against the light switches plunging them into utter dark, and he grabbed a tan plant vase sniffing fast, listening, and Shizuo smirked before taking the shot. There was a thunderous sound, followed by a crash and thud. The gun had been fired, it missed, but his plant vase did not. The blond took his time turning the lights back on, and sighed seeing the bullet was lodged in the kitchen wall, he figured Izaya would complain about it and that'd be annoying. Then he looked to the poor guy bleeding on the floor.

"What are you doing?"

He didn't answer, just clutched his bleeding head curled in a fetal position.

"Oi, I'm talking to you." Shizuo growled, pulling his hands from his face." What are you doing in this apartment?"

"K-K-Killing O-Orihara-s-san!" Came the reply.


The man shook his head, struggling to get away from the terrifying beast of Ikebukuro. When he realized he couldn't escape his eyes fluttered to his case. He was itching for something in it, and looked to where his gun had fallen. His luck was out, and Shizuo was getting fed up.

"I swear, if the flea is hurt-"

"I was ordered to!"

"By who?"


Shizuo sighed, then sat back letting go of the man." Why would Shiki want Izaya dead, isn't he sort of Izaya's boss?"

"H-He is, but he was shot. H-His back up plan includes killing this informant."


The man didn't know if he should say more, but his fear was getting the better of him." Knows too much." He answered, looking to his gun again, then to the brief case, his odds were running out with the more stalling he did. Shizuo was on a very short fuse, and the hour was up." H-He doesn't want Orihara spreading certain information, h-he knows that without pay Izaya will sell."

Shizuo knew better and growled," Izaya doesn't care about money. He thinks this is fun. That's all he cares for so try again. Why?" He paused," and don't fucking say that this was his fault, Izaya maybe a bastard but he wouldn't kill something he finds entertaining."

"It's because Shiki was shot! I swear!" He yelled," I-I'm not the only one b-being sent out to kill Orihara."

"Wrong answer." Shizuo grabbed the man by the scarf of his neck, slamming him against the wall violently. He glared the man in the eyes, daring him to threaten again.

"Th-The whole Yakuza is b-b-being hunted! I'm just a hit-man, please please don't hurt me. I-I'll pay you, please! I have a wife and t-three kids!"

"Three kids?" Shizuo's voice drew deeper," you have a family and are killing people? Does that make a good reason to spare you? Huh? A man who is paid to kill-"

"Down boy," Izaya's hand was suddenly on his, the raven's soothing touch stopping the hell that was about to be unleashed on the hit-man." Toyan-San won't come here again." he said, pulling Shizuo's arm and making him let go." But I will be keeping the case and gun."

The man scrambled away, dodging out the door terrified of his near death experience. As Shizuo turned to face Izaya they could still hear him button mashing the elevator, and then the panicked noise as he dashed for the steps crashing doors along the way.

"Looks like I'm in trouble Shizu-chan." Izaya said, walking to the front door and shutting it, then turning on the lights." Shiki is dead." He barely let that sink in before grabbing the brief case." He left all of his assets to me and Akabayashi. He didn't trust his family to take care of everything during the transition. We have to find someone." He walked to the computer and fired three bullets into the tower," he named his successor before he died, but it is a member of the Yakuza I have never heard before. Oh, right," he looked to the beast who was staring blankly," I need you to be my body guard."


"Yeah, a lot of people are going to be after me. I have the seal." He held up a small golden metal box," holding this makes you head of the Yakuza in tradition. Along with these papers," He shrugged and didn't show them," so I will be needing the protection while I find this person."

Shizuo didn't like it, he infact hated it." Why should I help you?"



Izaya laughed," we both know why Shizu-chan~." He was suddenly close, hands brushing against Shizuo's clutched fists, their lips tenderly close, and eyes slit and almost passionate," because... only you can kill me."


Red: Like I said I am terribly sorry! things happen and things happen, but I will be posting hopefully a bit more regularly. Oh! Also, let me know if you liked how this chapter sounded! I am trying out a different style, so I'm curious if you guys enjoyed it.