When Sherlock arrived to London Eye the clock was almost nine. He forced himself through the crowed with people who was out to celebrate New Years. All these people, living their meaningless and ordinary lives. Sherlock couldn't hate them more than he did right now. They were clearly in his way and all the stuff they're doing is not as important as the thing he's doing. London eye was lit up in clear blue this evening and the trees in front of it was also shining in blue. It took Sherlock 13minutes to reach the gate to London Eye. A guard stood at the gate.

- Are you Sherlock Holmes? The guard asked

- Yes I am, Sherlock answered.

- Then this is yours, the guard said and gave Sherlock a small note.

On the note small words was scribbled. Sherlock could see that the one who wrote it had been writing with his left hand, but was obviously right handed. The writer had used an ink pen with fine quality and the ink had been blurred in the rain earlier. The guard had been holding the note for quite a while and he had not been careful, cause the note was tattered. The paper was cheap and with not great quality. Sherlock read the few words written - "climb on board". Sherlock looked up from the note and met the guards eyes. The guard opened the gate and nodded to Sherlock. Sherlock walked slowly on board the carriage and sat down. He was alone inside. And then the wheel started to spin. Sherlock looked around in the carriage, and he noticed something under the seat in front of him. He reached down and grabbed something soft but scratchy. It was his hat. He hated this hat. Inside the hat there was another note, same handwriting, same pen, same paper. "Wear the hat, detective." Sherlock frowned not willing to wear the hat. Slowly he put the hat unwillingly on his head and at the same time the wheel was on its highest point. That's when the wheel stopped. Sherlock looked around as he waited for something to happen. Then he felt his phone buzzing.


"Holmes is stuck on his high horses. Watson is down on the ground. Will Holmes reach him? When the world is making this sound."

It's a countdown Sherlock thought. The world will make its sound at midnight, with all the fireworks. I must find John before midnight! He's on the ground, so definitely not here.

- Come on! It's a countdown. You can do better, Sherlock growled.

And at the same time his phone buzzed again and a 360 picture of London appeared. It was the same view as Sherlock could see. As he turned the phone so did the picture. He could see all around him both on the picture and in the carriage. Something must be different between the pictures and Sherlock need to figure out what. Sherlock turned in the carriage and looked at the picture, it was the same. He zoomed, he turned around and he knew that the clock was ticking. Usually he worked best under pressure but not this time. How many hours have John been tied up to that chair now? It hurt him to think about John, alone and helpless. The more Sherlock stared at the picture the more convinced he was that a there was nothing wrong with it! Nothing wrong! This made Sherlock more furious. Why give him this useless clue at all? He pulled off his hat and slammed it on the floor growling.

- Come on!

And as it had been a signal, his phone buzzed.


"Down once more to the dungeon of my black despair. Down we plunge to the prison of my mind. Down that path into darkness deep as hell!"


"Everyday I discover more and more beautiful things. It's enough to drive one mad. I have such a desire to do everything, my head is bursting with it."


"If love be blind, it best agrees with night"


"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us have a monopoly of wisdom"


"Just keep it simple Holmes. Times is ticking. Tick-tock, tick-tock."

Finally, clues, more clues. Sherlock felt a small trace of satisfaction. At last now he has a chance to save John. So what does these words mean. It was obviously quotes, but from where and by whom? This is where John usually steps in and help him. If Sherlock had read these quotes before he definitely had erased them from his mind. They hadn't been important before but they are now. The frustration inside him grew!

- Not such a show off now are we? Sherlock heard Johns voice in his head.

- Stop it, I'm trying to save you for God's sake.

He was annoyed with John for mocking him now. He need to figure out the quotes. The last one made him a bit irritated - "none of us have the monopoly of wisdom", ah, rubbish! The other quotes didn't mean or say him anything. He felt himself getting more and more frustrated and wanted to slam the phone on the floor.

- Stop it! shut up! I'm trying to think! Sherlock shouted even though there wasn't any noise in the carriage, no one there.

- You need to get a grip little brother, Mycrofts voice echoed in his head.

- Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

- There's no one there brother dear.

- I need to figure out these quotes!

- I know that brother dear, and what do we do when we don't know?

- Ask mommy?

- See, mommy isn't here is she?

- No, Sherlock said pouty, and she wouldn't have a clue.

- Now don't be mean to mommy. Look around. What do you have in here?

Sherlock looked around and saw nothing more than an empty carriage and the view of London.

- Nothing, it's nothing!

- Look again bother.

And Sherlock looked down in his hand and saw the phone he was holding. For a second he was embarrassed but mostly stressed. Still standing he searched the web. And soon he had all the details of the quotes. The first was from Andrew Lloyd Webbers musical Phantom of the Opera, apparently in the scene where the phantom was furious with Christine for lying to him. The second quote was from Claude Monet, the impressionist painter. The third one was from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, a line that Juliet says in the play. And the last one was said by the queen of England, queen Elizabeth II. Now when he had figure this out. What has the quotes to to with finding John? He needs to find the place where John is held captured. The place? Oh yes. They're places, of course. Every quote is a place on the map. Phantom of the Opera is played on West End, obviously. Claude Monets paintings is hanging on the National Gallery on Trafalgar Square. Shakespeare Globe is near Bankside. And the queen is living in Buckingham Palace. Now I need to eliminate the three incorrect quotes and thereby the three incorrect places. He sat down on the floor. The wheel hadn't moved since it stopped when it was on the top. Sherlock believed that it wouldn't move until he solved this. The clock was almost a quarter past ten now. It's taking too long. What is wrong with him? It shouldn't be this hard would it?

- Go back to the start Sherlock, maybe you missed something. Johns smooth voice echoed in his head.

Sherlock relaxed a bit when he heard it. John always knew when he needed to take a step back and look at what he's missing. So Sherlock took out his phone again and looked at the 360 picture. He decided to zoom in on West End, National Gallery, Shakespeare Globe and Buckingham palace. After just a few minutes Sherlock stopped.

- Oh! Oh! I know! I got it, Sherlock said loudly, BLUE! It's blue.

Nothing happened.

- Oh come on, do I have to explain everything?

Still nothing.

- The only two things that are light up blue is here at London Eye and Shakespeare's Globe. That's it. That's where I'm going. That's where you're holding John captured.

And then, the wheel started spinning.

Sherlock ran up the few steps to Shakespeare's Globe, the clock was almost eleven thirty now. Just thirty minutes left for him to find and save John. The adrenaline was pumping in his veins. He ran to the doors and pulled it violently. It was locked. He pulled at all the doors but all were locked. Sherlock growled and stamped his feet, he didn't have time for this. He is at the right place, he needs to get in. He started to jog along the globe and found a hidden door just where the stage entry must be. It was open! Yes it was open. Sherlock hurried inside. He came up on the stage and looked around. The theatre was empty. And as there isn't any roof on the Globe he could see up to the sky above him. He saw two doors in front of him, one at his right and one at his left. The door on his left opened slowly. Sherlock took a deep breath. This was it, he was gonna meet the one that had kidnapped John. He was ready. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and when he opened them he saw...

- Mycroft...! What the hell are you doing here?

- Take it easy little brother, it has an explanation.

- It better has brother, Sherlock twisted his head and put his hands into fists in his pockets.

Soon the other door opened and out came... John! Safe and sound and not tied up or anything. In his hand he held a leach and in the leach was a puppy. An Irish setter puppy. Sherlock couldn't twist his mind around this. He pulled his hair and spanned around trying to understand. What was this? Wasn't John in danger? What is Mycroft doing here? And what about that puppy? Then slowly Sherlock organized his rumbling thoughts and turned to Mycroft and jumped off the stage! He ran up to Mycroft and grabbed his jacket and smashed his forehead over Mycrofts nose. The nose started bleeding and Sherlock started to shake his brother.

- YOU! He growled! You were up to all this! You snake! You filthy bastard! And you are the one that I should call my brother!

- Sherlock stop! Stop it! John screamed and run up to him.

In the leach the puppy had its tale between its legs and was shaking. John put a hand on Sherlocks shoulder. Sherlock stopped shaking Mycroft and let go of him. He looked at John and actually calmed down.

- It wasn't Mycroft Sherlock, John said, this was all my idea.

- You? Sherlock said with a whisper shaking in his voice, but why John?

- I wanted to surprise you. And how do you get Sherlock Holmes attention? With a case of course.

- Surprise me?

- Yes, you fool.

- But why?

John smiled and took Sherlocks hand.

- Happy birthday Sherlock.

- But my birthday isn't until the sixth...

- That's why it's a surprise.

And then John put the leach with the puppy in Sherlocks other hand. Sherlock looked at the puppy who wasn't shaking anymore, it actually waved it's tail.

- I've bought you a new Redbeard Sherlock. For you and me.

- A Redbeard...? For me?

He looked down at the puppy.

- Yes. And I wanted to surprise you. And Mycroft helped.

They both looked over at Mycroft who was holding a handkerchief over his nose.

- He helped me with the riddles, with the clues. He fixed this place for us Sherlock.

- He... he helped you?

- Yes. Now go and apologize to your brother.

Sherlock looked up at his brother but didn't let go of neither the puppy or Johns hand.

- I'm... I'm sorry brother.

- It's ok brother, I should've waited until John had talked.

- Yeah, that would probably had been a good idea.

- Yes.

- All good?

- All good, brother dear.

John smiled at them both. So alike but so different. At this time the clock turned midnight and fireworks started to fill the sky above them. John took at step closer and kissed Sherlock. Sherlock answered the kiss. Smiling the looked at each other.

- Happy New Year Sherlock.

- Happy New Year John.