I saw a picture of a psychotic Denmark and this happened. I should not be allowed to see fanart either. First music, now pictures. What else will I use for sinspiration!? (Get it? sin-spiration ?) (... I should not be left home alone either...)

"So... What you're telling us is that... What, exactly? You don't know how we got here, what we're doing here, or how we're supposed to get back?"

"That is exactly what we're telling you."

The blonde country blinked at the little blonde human in a perplexed manner, then looked behind him at his brothers. The tall Swede's face was emotionless and his arms were crossed, but Denmark knew him well enough to know he was worried and just as confused as the rest of them, even though he tried to look sure of himself. Then little Finland was wringing his light blue shirt in nervousness, equally blue eyes flitting from one place to another, taking in their new and odd surroundings.

Denmark couldn't blame the little guy. Everything here was kind of odd. The writings on the few street signs he could see reminded him of Japan's own written language, but he had no idea how to read it. The shop they were inside was odd, too, because of the people inside. Most were dressed in a manner that further made him think of Japan. But some looked just... Well... Weird.

"But, don't worry, we should be able to find a way to get you back to your villages!" The whisker faced blonde smiled broadly, as bright as his shocking orange and blue jumpsuit.

If ever Denmark had seen a fashion monstrosity...

"You mean our countries." Norway piped up from behind Denmark, stepping forward with a steady and almost lazy glare.

Behind the orange clad blonde stood a girl with pink hair, red dress, and bright green eyes, and a boy with black hair, dark clothes, and a glare that could give even Norway's a run for its money.

"You're all from different countries?" The girl spoke up with curiosity, which made Denmark nod.

"Yup." These three were part of the ones that were dressed oddly... The other humans wore dull colors and one pieced garments. But these three were different pieces with colors that called attention to them.

"It doesn't matter, Sakura." The black haired one cut the girl off from whatever she was about to say, "We have to get back to Konoha and take these five to the Hokage."

Hokage? What was that? Sounded like some kind of food... Food would be nice right now.

Iceland was standing to Sweden and Finland's left, keeping his silence while Denmark and Norway talked to the kids that had greeted them to this new place with the same amount of confusion the Nordics felt. They were all dressed ready for another World Meeting, but something odd had happened.

They had all been standing at the doorway to the American hotel to go to the conference room when golden dust began to fall over them... And they had appeared in this odd new place.

"Then it's decided! We'll be taking these five guys back to the Hokage!" The blonde one announced, then pointed to the doorway out of the establishment they were inside of. "Let's go!"

Why they followed after the kid, Denmark did not know. All he did know, though, was that he was hungry. And the moment he was able to find some food, he'd take it!

"He's lost... He's always getting himself lost..." Finland shook his head slowly as they followed after the three teens that had greeted them. "How are we supposed to find Matthias if we're leaving him?"

"Don't worry about it! Sasuke's on the job!" Naruto's voice was loud and it kind of reminded the small man of Denmark's own. But more high pitched. "We're really close to the Hokage. Just a few more meters ahead and we should be getting to Konoha. We'll get there, then Sasuke will appear with your friend! Believe it!"

Finland sighed softly in worry, but felt slightly reassured when Sweden placed a warm hand on his shoulder.

From the small town they had appeared in, the Nordics had followed the three young teens to a lush forest with a dirt path wide enough to allow them to walk shoulder to shoulder. The trees were beautiful and sturdy, lacking the characteristic weakness that Finland had grown to expect from a world touched by a human's industrial touch.

But Denmark wasn't able to appreciate the view with them. Because at some point while they walked, he had left them and would undoubtedly be lost. He was always lost, after all.

"Matthias can take care of himself." The Swede muttered with an assured nod. "He'll be fine."

There was a scoff from Norway beside them, though, and both countries turned to look at him. The man had his arms crossed and his eyes closed, but there was a slight frown pulling at his lips.

"That idiotic Dane has the self-preservation skills of a blind panda." He told them matter of factly, which made Finland giggle slightly.

"I just imagined him as a panda rolling down a hill! It's so cute!"

To Finland, it truly was an adorable and hilarious thought. Panda-Denmark gnawing on a tree branch, seated on a stump, only to sneeze and fall over and begin to roll down a hill! But, from the way the Norwegian looked at him, the Finn could tell he didn't share in the amusement.

He was lost... And he had no idea how this place worked at all... And he totally blamed Norway's magic for ruining his sense of direction all those years ago!

The blonde Dane was currently making his way down a sandy road, all kinds of buildings on either side of it, and he was looking out to see if he could find his brothers or the little kids that had found them.

Spoiler alert, he didn't.

With a sigh, the man shoved his hands into the pockets of his black coat. His right hand grazed the picture he kept in there at all times, but he didn't take it out. He should not be focusing on the past, he should focus on the present. Because if he didn't try and find his brothers now, chances were he would never be able to see them again other than in that picture.

"Lord Jashin wanted me to sacrifice the sniveling bastard!"

Huh? Lord Jashin? What was that? Some kind of king or noble or something? Did they have a royal hierarchy in this place?

"I don't give a damn what your stupid Jashin might want. We needed to hand that bounty in alive."

Denmark blinked in confusion and intrigue at the gruff voice growling at the one that had shouted about a lord. The first voice had been animated, angered, and somewhat high pitched. But this second one was extremely low and kind of scary sounding.

Time to go investigate the odd voices!

Norge had always said he had zero self-preservation skills...

Making his way over to where he had heard the voices, Denmark found himself wandering over to where he heard the voices, behind a rickety building at the very edge of the small town he now found himself in. When he looked over the corner of the building, he found two men growling at one another. One had medium length white hair that was styled back with what was undoubtedly too much gel, and he wore a ripped black and red coat that exposed the left half of his upper body. The other man wore a matching cloak but it wasn't in pieces. And he also had most of his face covered... Although he had the coolest eyes Denmark had ever seen.

"You should be less of an ingrate, you bastard!" The white haired one hissed, waving a triple bladed scythe threateningly and thrusting his face into the other's personal space. "I'm living proof that my god is real!"

"You're living proof that fanaticism is more powerful that logic!" The other one growled back, then raised his hand, placed it on the shorter man's face, and pushed him back forcefully. "Get the hell away from me and stop being a nuisance!"

Denmark flinched slightly at the force behind the man's push, seeing how the other was forced to stumble a few steps back before he could regain his balance.

Still, when the man regained his balance, he glared at the one that had pushed him. But, instead of going after him, he merely scoffed, crossed his arms, and turned away from him. "That's the answer I would expect from an uneducated heretic! There must always be reason!" When he finished saying this, he opened his eyes... And found Denmark looking back at him with wide eyes. "Who are you?"

"There's someone there?" The other man sounded slightly alarmed, "I felt no chakra level's close be!"

But the white haired man ignored him. Instead he glared at Denmark, took a step towards him, and raised his large (and very scary, now that he got a good look at it) scythe.

It was at this point that Denmark regretted not having a single ounce of self-preservation.

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