A/N: Hi again! As much as I love way too much the crossover, especially the last episode, after one (...or 2...don't judge! *wink*) rewatching, I started to think it was a little bit too easy to see all the Dominators leave Earth so 'easily'. So here I am, adding a little AU.

Also found it weird that they released the bomb and everyone had time to get into battle position and fight before that thing was anywhere close to hitting the ground. So, I changed that too.

''We gotta do it fast. ''

The Green Arrow just waited there for an answer, anything, waiting for Barry to catch on to the speed pun he had just made, but the speedster just kept on looking down at the anti-Dominator Stein just gave to him without saying a word.

''What about the ships?'' Replied the speedster, causing all of Oliver, Stein and Felicity to frown.

''What do you mean?'' asked the young woman.

'''They're aliens, with spaceships, battle ships, don't you think they'll start to fire at us if we hurt their troops on the ground?''

The people surrounding him started looking at each other, nervously. Barry had a point and they thought about it, but in the time frame they had, there wasn't a lot that they could do about it. It was now or never. Time to fight, no looking back. Majority of the team was already on the field getting ready for the battle, ready to fight till the end, whether they win or lose.

''Felicity. '' He added, turning toward her. ''Didn't you say you and Cisco were working on something for that? When you worked on decrypting that device in Star City?''

The tech girl shrugged uncomfortably. ''Yeah we did, but Barry, there's no guarantee it's going to work.''

Oliver unconsciously made a step forward as he joined the conversation by speaking up. ''What isn't going to work? What are you talking about?''

''Cisco and I might have been working on a virus that could possibly disable the weapons system of the ship. In theory it would also affect the system shared by all the ships, but we had nothing to test this on. ''

''Great! Let's do it! '' The 'might' and 'possibly' passed right over Oliver's head, he knew the talent of this woman, especially when combine with Cisco's brilliant mind, if Felicity said it could work, it was going to. His thoughts were interrupted by Stein speaking up.

''How come it's the first time I hear about this?''

''Look, our virus isn't ready. And even if it works, and that's a big if, we haven't found a way to send it to the Dominators.''

''Can it be deliver directly in a ship? Would it affect them all?'' Asked Barry seriously, but the only one who actually noticed the expression of the young man was Oliver, as Stein seemed to only get excited at the prospect and started asking questions to the co-creator of the virus. Whenever the two of them were saying got lost on the archer.

''Barry…you're not thinking what I'm thinking, are you? ''

The speedster heard it, no doubt, his head slightly turning in the direction of his friend, in an almost imperceptible way, before returning his attention to the other two people, waiting for the answer to his question.


''Well…theoretically, yeah.'' Quickly answered Felicity. ''Wait, why are you…''

''Give it to me!'' Interrupted Barry, extended his hand, hoping the tech girl had the virus' support in her pocket.

''What are you planning to do?''

No need to ask the question since Oliver already knew the answer. ''You're turning yourself in, again. '' It wasn't a question.

''You are?'' Half-shouted Felicity, her voice tone stuck midway between worry and anger. ''I thought we already had this chat!''

''It's not like that. I'm coming back this time.''

''Oh really? How?'' The archer was as practical as ever.

''I get in, sneak the virus in their system and get out. And the best way to get in is if I let them take me. ''

''I don't think this is wise Mr. Allen.'' It's not like anyone in the room didn't know that already, but Martin still felt like he needed to voice his opinion.

''Barry, we both know it's nothing but easy. What are you going to do if they have a way to block your powers? If they knock you out and put you into the same pods they me put me in? ''

''From which you escaped.''

''That's not the point, you have no idea what they'll do, if you'll have any opportunity to escape! How do you plan to sneak away?''

''There's no time for this! They're going to release a bomb anytime now! It's our only chance!''

''Barry. '' Tried Stein, knowing there were running out of the time, but not yet ready to risk his friend sacrificing himself. ''For all we know, they could all leave if we just use my weapon on all the ones coming on the ground. You don't have to do this. ''

''Barry, just promise me you're not doing this because you feel guilty about all of this.''

''Are you guys willing to take that risk? Willing to risk the lives of everyone on our team? Everyone on this planet?'' He reached once more with his hand, deliberately ignoring Oliver's last question and answering Stein's.

Oliver clenched his jaw; his friend was right and right now, Star City Vigilante was thinking with his heart, his feelings, not his logical mind. Their best chance at succeeding was taking a chance with the virus, even if mean for the speedster to have a slim to none survival chance. That was if he even had a chance to disable the ships' weapon system and all of this was resting on the theory that all of them were actually connected to each other.

It wasn't without mentioning the guilt that was already starting to build in the archer's chest. How was he going to be able to look into Cisco's eyes and tell him his newly reconciled friend ran to his death after all the pep talk. There was no way….but there also wasn't any other way. One thing there was no debating; there really was no time to discuss it and even less time to bring back all of the team. The choice was his to make.

Or at least that's what his guilty mind was telling him. To be fair, the only thing keeping the speedster with them right now was the fact he was waiting to know where the virus was and how he was supposed to send it.


As soon as Barry dropped him and Stein with the others, the speedster took off in his usual mix of yellow lightning and wind. In all the action and the life or death situation, a normal day at Central City, nobody noticed the missing man, but Oliver dreaded the moment the rest of the gang would notice, mentally crossing his fingers his friend in red would be back before that happened.

Before anyone had the chance to realize something was awry, the Dominators decided to drop their Metabomb and give the signal to start the fight. Ray was right, having Barry in custody or not didn't changed anything in their desire to take the Earth's Metas out of the picture. Nobody gave up an inch, fighting toe to toe with the aliens race while Supergirl was busy putting the weapon on each and everyone on them on the site before moving up for the other landed ships.

''This is a job for Supergirl. '' told Felicity to comms to which Oliver mentally corrected *Supergirl and the Flash*, only to remember ….that.

Luckily, in the heat of the fight, no one realized that Felicity almost sold out the fact that the team was down by one man.

Moments later, here they were, watching the Dominators leave in a hurry, teleporting themselves back on the ship. For a tense second or two, it stayed at the same place.

''What's going on in there?'' Said Nate, tension in his voice.

At least, it wasn't firing at them, which was a good sign.

*Come on Barry, come back to us* Thought Oliver.

''Ground, what's your status?'' Inquired Sara Lance to the comms.

''They're retreating!'' Screamed Heatwave, already celebrating.

''We did it.'' Smiled Kara, standing on the right side of the archer who wasn't saying a word, looking closely at the ship that was moving away. The sound almost completely covered by the global cheering erupting from every superhero on the rooftop, all of them, except Oliver. It wasn't until the cheering died that Kara finally made herself heard again.

''Wait...where's Barry?''

A/N: Leave a comment!