Dear Readers

Since several of you have demanded more chapters of Ruthless, I decided I might as well give you a brief (well, fairly brief) update on its current condition and assure you that I haven't completely forgotten about it.

First off, 'Ruthless' has always been a working title for this thing, and I finally got around to finding the one I wanted - What Once Was Lost. Depending on how I decide to write this, I may or may not end up with a sequel (which will end the quote, "Now is Found"), which I hope isn't being too presumptuous on my part. But a sequel was never planned for the original, so don't hold me to that.

Ruthless (or WOWL) has been undergoing an extensive (and intensive) rewrite whenever I can devote sufficient time and energy to it, and the changes include (among other things) times, places, and battle plans. It'll probably end up looking nothing at all like the original Ruthless aside from the general idea and plot line, but I hope that it'll be far more accurate and realistic, and that's what I'm aiming for.

Unfortunately, it's been put on the back burner since school started up again, and my family just finished moving across country from the buckle of the Bible belt to Sin City, and we've only been here a week, so I haven't so much as glanced at it since I packed it. Worse, I've got mono, so I've been wiped out enough that I can't even do my schoolwork (about which my mom is not pleased at all). It's going to be a while before I can finish this thing, but I hope to start posting again before the end of next year. Plans change, though, so again, don't hold me to that!

Also, I wanted to see if I couldn't get a hold of Sam (The ORIGINAL Meathead). I can't say I've read 'Nimisha's Ship,' although I've read a lot of her other scifi stuff, including her Tower series. Have you read those? Or anything by David Weber?

Anyway, that's about it for now. You probably won't hear anything more from me until I start posting again, and that will be under the new title. See ya then!

avocado grin