This story takes place three years after the end of the Ghost Hunt manga. This is obvious but, I do not, nor will I ever own Ghost Hunt. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but please no flames this is my first story.

General P.O.V.

It's been three years since Mai lost everything, this was not the first time, but when He left, it was the last time. After he left, Mai made a vow to never become close to those that could hurt her again. If it wasn't bad enough that he left, Mai's new 'Family' left soon after, leaving her feeling more empty than when she lost her parents the first time. It wasn't that they wanted to lose contact with each other, but life is cruel, slowly causing things to come in between them forcing them apart. John decided to go back to Australia to take care of his sick sibling, Masako was never very close with anyone in the group so naturally she simply decided to leave them at the same time as him, Ayako and Bou-san (Monk) actually stayed together, but they left Mai to start a family, and Yasuhara (Yasu) was busy with college so Mai figured she would leave him be, no one bothered to try to get in contact with her after he left. In case you didn't know who he was, his name is Kazuya Shibuya, Oliver Davis, or even Naru.

After they separated, life was not kind to Mai, she was hit hard by the different things the world threw at her. Losing her job was probably one of the hardest things that hit. When he left, he wouldn't give her a recommendation, normally this wouldn't hit too hard to a person in High School, but as she looked for another job, none paid well enough for her to have one job and keep going to school. Mai was forced to move to another apartment in a terrible part of Tokyo, work two jobs, and try to keep up with school and not fall behind from the lack of time to do her class work. The second thing to hit was Mai's powers, now, three years after he left and finished with her schooling, Mai was showing signs of being a perfect medium, as well as the ability to use PK-MT and PK-LT. These abilities decided to show themselves one day during an English class (Mai believes this was God's way of punishing her for being alive) during the class, she was concentrating on her bookwork when all of a sudden, her frustration at not understanding the subject caused the books that were laying on everyone else's desks to be flung to the floor, that was the first time she tried to get in contact with someone to help her through her times. Funnily enough, it was only two months after he left that she called Monk and Ayako for help. When she finally did, no one answered, thinking they were busy she tried again days later with the same result. John was next on her list of those to ask for help, until she remembered that he no longer was in Japan, leaving her with no one else to turn to but him, she was desperate enough to call him though, he didn't answer the first time, the second he told her that she needed to figure it out herself, even she was smart enough to know he didn't have time to help her.

That was the day that Mai realized she was truly and completely alone in the world, not even the people she called family months before would help her after he left with her sudden increase of power. She learned that day, in life, you can only truly count on yourself in this world. After two years of struggling to manage her powers she had complete control. A year after that, was the start of her new adventure as one of Tokyo's best Paranormal researchers.

Naru's P.O.V. (Three years ago)

"Naru, I was wondering if you could help me with something, I wouldn't bother you if I could find someone else to help… I'll call you tomorrow to talk, please, I need you…" Mai's voice pleaded to my answering machine. 'Why can't she just let me suffer in peace, why should I help her, she loves my brother not me' I thought to myself. Shortly after I left Japan I realized how much the small girl meant to me, I regret every mean thing I've said to her, the thing I regret the most however, was the last question he asked her "Me or Gene?" When I saw the tears in her eyes, he knew the answer before she even answered, she loved his dead twin brother, she only thought she loved him. 'I love her, I can at least hear her request through, ne?' Looking back at my phone I notice the day her message was sent, 12/09/2013, today is 12/10/2013, she'll be calling back at some time today, and I'll hear what she wants to ask me.