A/N: This is it, the 21st and final chapter of Earning Her Back, thank you for being the amazing readers you are. I probably wouldn't have ever finished this without your amazing reviews, so thank you for telling me your thoughts, and for the encouragement. There will be a sequel called Helping Save Her, but it won't be up for a while due to my class schedule along with my work schedule. Without further ado, here is the final chapter, Chapter 21: The Exorcism.

Mai's P.O.V.

After leaving to find my father, I took down the protection charm that I put up when I first came here. Slowly the world around me became more clear, my senses were heightened and I saw everything around me. Looking around, I found my father in the most sensible place, the office that at one point in time was his bedroom. Walking towards the room, I slowly thought through the plan, deciding what the best thing to say to him would be, how I could get him to move on peacefully, without having to destroy his spirit, he may have hurt me as a child, but that does not give me a right to hurt him after death. Walking into the room, I trapped him inside a barrier and faced him. "Will you tell me something, so you can move on and be with my mother?" Without saying anything he nodded, almost excited to see my mother again, almost as if he was waiting for this moment to cross over, to be able to see his one true love again. "Tell me, what exactly was the deal you made with my Uncle, what did he do to create me?"

"Your Uncle, or rather your entire family is well known for their supernatural powers, he had the power of creation, your mother destruction, and your aunt the ability to see what is to come. Your aunt had a twin, from what we know, she could see the past, we could never confirm it, for she died when they were young. Your uncle was also in the womb with your mother, you see, they were twins. Due to your mothers' gift, she was unable to have a child, so we made a deal with your uncle. He stood in front of us and told us that, once you were 18 years old, we would have to give you to him. Though this deal was unpleasant, I knew that we could do so, which is also why I was such a horrible father, I chose not to get attached, I knew you would be taken away from me. But this is beside the point, we made the deal, well technically I made the deal, which is why, when I died you got your eyesight. The only way to complete this deal, your mother had to give her gift to you, so that is how you got part of your powers, the rest come from being the last of your line. Your uncle determined that he would abstain from having a child, for though you were technically not his, he determined you would be his, though you don't have his gift currently, you may have his as well when he dies. Your aunt's both died before having an heir to receive their gifts, leaving you, the most powerful of your line. Your uncle wants you for this reason, for if he has you, he has all the powers in one form, that was why he wanted you when you turned 18. For this reason, I blamed you for your mother's death, even though, it was never your fault to begin with. When you were born blind, I swore it was a sign that you would bring us nothing but pain and for that I am so sorry. I blamed you for things that were not truly your fault, your powers were given to you by your family line. They say that your line in the past were given these powers to help stop the evil that was spread into the world by God. These powers were given to one of your ancient relatives, and as time went on, and children born, they received the gifts to the point where they would only have one each. It is said, that when a girl is born with all of the powers, that this will be the time that the world needs these powers again, that she was sent to cleanse the evil that surrounds one person. Her soul mate would also have powers, but they would not be as strong as the girl, as you. You are meant for great things, I only wish that I had known that when you were younger and I was still alive. Can you forgive an old man for the things he did when he knew that he lost his soul mate?" Tears in my eyes as I finally know the truth behind everything that had happened to me throughout my life, why I had to lose my memories, and most of all, how Naru was connected to me. I nod my head, showing that I do forgive him for everything that has happened, he started to softly glow, the next thing I know I couldn't sense him near me.

Looking at the door, I see Naru leaning there, surprise written all over his face. "Is what he said true? You have a soul mate? Do you know who he is?" When he asks this, I see a tinge of sadness. "Am I going to lose something that I never had n my life?" With that, I see the red string again, only this time I know for sure that this means that Naru is my soul mate. I walk up to him grab his neck and plant a kiss on his mouth. We kiss for several minutes before we decide to pull away for air, he looks flabbergasted. "Why would you do that, you just learned that you have a soul mate out there somewhere, don't you want to be with him instead of me?"

"Ne, Naru? Have you ever noticed a red thread when you are near me? There is a story behind that thread if yes." He just looked mildly confused, this is when I remember that my narcissist grew up far more quickly than most, he probably never learned about the red string of fate. "Well, they say that people are connected to their soul mates by a thread of fate. Have you ever heard of that?" He nods, still not quite getting what I'm trying to say at this point. "Naru, you are my soul mate, that thread proves it, it's the red string of fate. I found my soul mate, and it's you." With that Naru grabbed me, kissing me senseless, we hear cheering in the background before we break apart, people shouting finally. This is how I know, that no matter what happens to me, if my family is around, nothing can stop me.

A/N: That was the last chapter of Earning Her Back, I say this with tears in my eyes, I hope you enjoyed the story. If you did, remember it's not over yet, a sequel is in the works. Give me time and patience. With all my love, Lizzie.