A huge thank you to goxeris for reviewing.

Disclaimer: I do not own Wizard101

Chapter Thirteen

The goons in front of us moved forward. I wasn't sure what to do it wasn't as if I had full connection to my powers. All I could do was wait until my guardian could get to me. Just think this could have happened to the cat girl. I shudder to think what would have happened then.

The guardian appeared near the back of the room where no one would notice him. That was when he started to move closer. I only knew this because I could hear him.

Suddenly one of the goons noticed me. Yes, me, the solid white cat.

I heard whispering and one of the goons went over and picked me up. I didn't have the common sense to run and hide. I was too terrified.

"Give the Krokonomicon to us and the cat lives," the goon that was holding me commanded. A knife was held against my neck. I could feel the sharp edge and smell the old blood. I knew that this goon wasn't kidding. I wanted to be anywhere but there.

I watched the guardian glare at the goon. It was a truly terrifying glare that I was thankfully not the person that was on the other side of. I felt the knife enter my body and the pain was almost deadening. My vision was becoming blurry. I concentrated on staying awake. A truly difficult thing when you're in so much pain. I knew the goon was talking, but I couldn't make out a word he was saying. I was scared. What if I didn't survive?

I watched the guardian move super fast to my side and scatter the goons. They were not suspecting him obliviously. He then used his magic to chain them to the ground.

"Stay awake Amy," was whispered into my ear. I just barely understood it.

"Who are you?" Sherlock asked.

"I am the guardian of the magics," the guardian replied calmly and then disappeared with me in his hands.

I was in a teleportation field. The blackness was a dead giveaway. I closed my eyes and let myself be moved to where the guardian wanted. I felt slightly sick and the pain was becoming unbearable. I would have been gritting my teeth if I could have.

My heart rate was off the roof. Should I really trust this guardian? What if he brought me to Malistaire?

"Welcome to our home base," the guardian suddenly told me. I opened my eyes once again.

"Guardian Allan, welcome back," someone said. "What is this," the person pointed.

"This, as you say it, is my charge," my guardian told him.

"What happened!?" the person asked in alarm once he noticed my bleeding.

"Someone stabbed her," my guardian replied. "Can you help her?"

"Of course Guardian Allan," the person said. "Just place her here." The man pointed to a table.

The guardian placed me down on the table. I closed my eyes. I felt hands placed over me and the pain ceased. I could now breath in ease.

"So what happened to turn you into a cat?" the person who had healed me asked. "Don't worry about me not understanding what you're saying. I'm the resident theurgist."

The guardian doesn't remember anymore but I panicked when I was kidnapped. He came to rescue me and things went down from there, I mewed.

"What do you mean by 'the guardian doesn't remember anymore?'" the theurgist asked.

Someone erased that part of his memory, I mewed.

"Guardian Allan, can I check you for something?" the theurgist asked the guardian politely.

"Is something wrong?" the guardian asked.

"Part of your memory may be erased," the theurgist told him. There was a pause.

"You may check for that," the guardian told him, alarmed.

The theurgist brought a hand to the guardians head.

"Someone erased some memories, let me see if I can retrieve them," the theurgist told him.

There was silence for a few minutes, before the words, "Oh my Bartleby," came out of the guardian's mouth.

"So they're back?" the theurgist asked.

"They sure are," the guardian replied. "We need to get Amy to her friends and then to Grandmother Raven; only she would know how to reverse this."

The guardian then disappeared.

"So is there anything else I should know?" the theurgist asked.

No, I mewed.

I got myself upright and sat down and in my own catty way sat down. I could now see that I was inside a Krokotopian type tent. I wasn't going to hop down or even look down, I did not need to scare myself anymore today.

The guardian appeared again, this time with Alexander, Vivian, and Wolf.

Alexander seemed the most relieved of the three with Wolf in second. I was surprised at that. I didn't think that Wolf would miss me, we had only known each other a couple hours. Then again I am kind of like a sister to him.

"Amy's a cat again," Alexander sighed.

"What do you mean by again?" Wolf asked.

"She was turned into a cat for her protection," the guardian answered for Alexander.

"Oh," Wolf replied.

"Can I see her?" Alexander asked.

"You may," the theurgist replied. "She's on the table."

Alexander moved towards the table until he was next to it.

"How do you always get into trouble?" he asked me.

That I just don't know.

Well, that's a wrap. Yes, the story's finished. The next in this series will be out sometime in June. Until then, I will be updating on my two other stories I have going; they are "The Shadow's Whisper" and "Abigail Dire and the Quest for Aphrodite's Mirror."
