Chapter Three; Nobody's Perfect

"So wait a minute, you're saying that Sarah's a witch? As in Harry Potter, Hogwarts, and all that fun stuff?" Stephanie asked.

"Don't be ridiculous." Michelle began with a shake of her head and roll of her eyes. "She's an American witch so she's going to Livermorny." She told her.

"Cool!" Max exclaimed excitedly.

"No Max, it's not." DJ began. "First of all your aunt gets pregnant even before she gets married and now this. When will you stop keeping secrets from us?" she asked her.

"I'm sorry DJ, I wanted to tell you but I was afraid that you would be mad." She said.

"Why would Mom be mad at you? I think that this is one of the sweetest things that's ever happened to me! Harry Potter's real and my cousin is a witch! I mean, how could anyone not find that totally amazing!?" he cried.

"Because real magic is evil and against the Bible. We've already talked about this. No go to your room." DJ told him.

"Why am I the one getting in trouble!?" he hollered but she just simply pointed towards the stairs.

"Now Maxwell, I don't have time to play games. I need to talk to your Aunt Michelle alone." She told him.

"Fine! But I wish that I had magic powers that would make you stop acting like a jerk!" he shouted before bursting into tears and running upstairs.

"Wow DJ that was pretty harsh. After all, he's only a kid." Stephanie told her.

"Yeah well the sooner he learns the truth the better. There's no such thing as magic. And until you can finally tell me the truth, I don't want to see you again." DJ told Michelle before she turned around and walked away.

"Wait DJ, it is the truth!" Michelle called after her before turning over to look at the three men who had raised her standing beside her. "You guys believe me don't you?" she questioned them.

"Of course we do honey." Her father began. "But you haven't always had a clean honesty record, and I think that you just need to give DJ some time. After all I know you didn't mean to, but I think she's feeling kind of hurt." He told her.

"I know and that's why I apologized! She's the Jesus freak! Isn't she supposed to forgive me!?" she cried when all of a sudden Tommy began to cry.

"I don't know, but it would be a start to change Tommy's diaper for her." Stephanie suggested as Michelle made a face.

"You just want me to do it so you won't have to." She said while wrinkling her nose before she took a deep breath and walked over to her nephew's walker. "Come on Tommy, let's get this over with." She said as she picked him up and carried him upstairs.

"Hey Max sorry, it looks like I'm on diaper duty." Michelle said as she entered his bedroom.

"That's alright Aunt Michelle." Max said as he sat at the foot of his bed and heaving a heavy sigh.

"Are you alright?" Michelle asked him anxiously while placing his baby brother down on top of the changing table.

"I guess so." He replied with a shrug before glancing up at her questioningly. "Is Sarah really a witch?" he asked her while she started unbuttoning Tommy's onesie.

"Yes she is." She told him with a nod while starting to tear into Tommy's diaper.

"Then why won't Mom believe you? I mean it's Christmas, why do you guys have to fight?" he asked her.

"Because that's just what sisters do. Same as brothers. I mean you and Jackson fight all the time and you still love each other. Besides, I don't really blame your mother for being mad at me. After all, I had Daniel when I was a teenager. Nobody was really happy about that, and I can't really say that I was either. I mean I love him, and I always will, but I should have listened to your mother and waited until Teddy and I were married." She explained. "But what can I say? People make mistakes sometimes." She said while taking a deep breath.

"For instance, what was I thinking when I agreed to do this?" she questioned him as she quickly crumbled up Tommy's diaper and threw it in the trash as a big grin stretched a crossed the baby boy's face. "I know, you're getting a kick out of this. Now I know how Dad, Joey, and Uncle Jesse felt when they used to do this for me. You're lucky that you're just so gosh darn cute." She said while she leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Well, better start getting you cleaned up." She said as she grabbed a baby wipe and started wiping his bottom.


Aunt Becky placed Pamela inside her highchair when suddenly the phone rang and she rushed to go answer it. "Alright sweetie, Mommy will be right back." She said before she picked it up. "Hello?" she questioned.

"Hello Becky is DJ there?" Steve's voice asked her on the other line.

"Oh no Steve I'm sorry, she just went out to take Cosmo for a walk. She's been kind of upset lately." She told him.

"Really? Why?" he asked her back.

"Well you heard that Michelle and her family are in town right?" Becky questioned.

"Yeah, so? I would think that she would be happy to see them." He said.

"I know and she was, but that's before she found out that Sarah is a witch." She explained.

"Yeah, right." He replied.

"No really, it's true. And you know how DJ feels about witches." She said.

"Yeah but I've known Sarah ever since she was Max's age, and she seems like a really nice girl." He said.

"I know Steve and she is, but that isn't enough for DJ. Besides, she never really got over Michelle being a mother before her." She said.

"Well, why don't you tell her to give me a call when she gets back? I wanted to talk to her anyway. Maybe I can sort this whole entire thing out." He said.

"Alright Steve thanks, I'll let her know that you called, but right now I have to go feed Pam her lunch." She said.

"Alright Becky thanks, bye." He said as Becky nodded even though she knew that he couldn't see him.

"You're welcome Steve, goodbye." She told him before she hung up and walked back over to the kitchen table, pulled out one of the chairs and started feeding her daughter a jar of applesauce.