"Ash" Normal Speech

'Greninja' People's thoughts

"Charizard" Other being's speech

'Mewtwo' Other being's thoughts

[Pokedex] Pokedex entries

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. It belongs to The Pokemon Company, Nintendo, Game Freak and Satoshi Tajiri

AN: This chapter had yet to be beta-read


The Battle for One's Dreams

Kanto, Indigo Stadium

"Ladies and Gentlemen I think I speak for everyone when I say that so far this has been one of, if not the greatest spectacle that this battlefield has ever witnessed!" a man's voice resounded in the whole stadium, earning a deafening cheer that could probably be heard miles away from the stadium.

"But this is far from over people! The climax of the battle is about to come and the question still remains: Will Kanto get a new Champion?!" even more cheers erupted from the crowd, which was filling the whole arena to the brim.

It wasn't honestly that surprising, considering how much of an historic moment this day could become and the reason for that being the two trainers that were right now facing each other, each one on his own side of the field.

On one stood an imposing figure that looked to be on his late twenties. Black clothes with red highlights covered his body, with him also having spiky red hair and brown eyes; however his most striking part must be the black cape he was wearing, being moved by the wind.

His eyes expressed nothing but focus and seriousness, however for those that knew the man personally they could be able to tell you that there was something else there, a sense of enjoyment that trainers of his level only showed when they were pushed to their limits.

And boy was his opponent doing that just now. A small smile appeared on his face, even if the outcome of this battle didn't end on his favor he couldn't deny how this was probably the greatest battle he ever had, only matching the one he had many years ago in this very place, to obtain the very same title he was now defending.

That didn't mean he was going to go easy, such a thing didn't exist now after all.

Just in front of him, standing inside of the marked arena was a majestic beast. Powerful would be the perfect word to describe the creature, his wings moving slightly as well as his tail, his eyes also sporting a fiery determination that mirrored the one of his master and partner.

These two were of course none other than Lance, Dragon Master and current Champion of the Pokemon League of both the region of Kanto and Jhoto, and his loyal and strongest partner Dragonite.

However, while the sight of the Dragon trainer was definitely something to never scoff at, there wasn't a doubt on anyone's head that the current star of the show was none other than the fourteen year old teen standing right at the opposite side of the field, his eyes glued to the passed out form of one of his strongest team members that now resided on his arms.

Said young man had spiky black hair and clear brown eyes, a blue zipped up jacket with white highlights over a black shirt covering his torso, while he also sported grey long pats and red shoes. A red hat with white details also rested over his head, his hand also covered with black fingerless gloves. Besides that the only other thing worth mentioning was the strange looking bracelet that he had on his right arm.

However right now his eyes were clued to the small creature that resided on his arms, a small yellow mouse to be precise, his eyes showing nothing but concern and pride for the unconscious little fellow.

"I couldn't have asked for a better friend to start my journey with" the teen said, a small sad smile appearing on his lips "You did your best, Pikachu, now lets us handle the rest"

With that the black-haired youth slowly rested the electric type down, using his backpack, which was already on the ground, as a bed for him.

This young man was none other than Ash Ketchum, aspiring Pokemon Master, and someone that knew that he was just from one victory to finally complete that dream.

His eyes went from Pikachu to his opponent, Lance being without a doubt the toughest one he had ever faced to date, which was saying a lot considering this wasn't his first time facing a Champion. His eyes shinned with determination, his hands clenching into fists as he took slow calming breaths, doing his best to zone out the cheers of the crowd.

He couldn't get distracted now, too much was on stake. It was all of nothing he knew, not only for him but also for everyone that had supported him and for his Pokemon that had stood with him for years already.

He wasn't going to lose.

"Challenger Ash, please choose you next Pokemon!" The referee said for the whole stadium to hear.

Just then Ash closed his eyes and released a quivering breath. He knew he shouldn't let nerves get him like this but it wasn't easy. His hand moved to his belt, retrieving a small sphere.

Lance narrowed his eyes at the sight. He knew that the real battle was about to become, as just like he had Dragonite he knew that his opponent also had his own ace.

Ash suddenly opened his eyes, determination as bright as a smoldering flame shining on them while he looked at the Pokeball in hand. They had been through so much together, as even if Pikachu had been his starter, this one was truly his first Pokemon.

And of course it was only appropriated for them to reach their dreams together in one last battle.

So with a mighty throw he released the Pokeball, watching as the Pokemon that resided in it was released, a sight that he couldn't be more used to by now.

It was now time to show the world just how strong they really were.

"Let's do this, Greninja!"


A few moments later

"This leaves them both on their last Pokemon…" with a grim voice a tall man, who looked to be on his early twenties, said, his squinted eyes focused on the sight of his best friend down in the arena.

"Geez really? I wouldn't have noticed it" another voice said in a sarcastic tone just besides him, this one sounding much younger. This just got an annoyed look from the older man, however he had no time to retort as another voice interrupted them.

"Would you two stop fighting for just a second?!" this time it was a feminine voice that snapped at the two, earning a grunt from both guys.

"Sorry…" Gary Oak said, his eyes shifting from his side to the arena in which his formed rival was having the most important battle of his life.

"No problem, I understand" on the other hand Brock just waved the apologize of, knowing just how tense everyone was right now

"Good!" the girl, a fellow Gym leader of Kanto just like Brock, only that she specialized on Water types, said "Besides don't forget who Ash has yet to use. Those two are unstoppable when they fight together"

This group of people was sitting on what could be considered the VIP section of the stadium, which pretty much were just the seats closest to the actual arena.

Of course they weren't just those three, no, after all if there was one quality that everyone agreed Ash had was his ability to become friends with pretty much everyone he knew.

Just besides Misty, and behind Brock and Gary, sat two other girls, both of them had their eyes glued towards the boy that they had traveled with together, one for months and the other one for at least a year already.

Serena Yvonne and May Mapple stared with worry, frowns present on their faces. They knew that this battle was everything for Ash now, and they wanted nothing more than to see him win.

"Ash has come a long way…" an older voice said, earning everyone's attention. It wasn't rare to be honest, considering how important Professor Samuel Oak was "It honestly feels like just yesterday when I gave him that egg… to think that he would come this far…" then he looked at the woman sitting to his right "You should be truly proud of your son, Delia"

"Believe me Professor, I couldn't be more proud of my boy right now" Ash's mother said with a proud smile. To think her own son had reached the point in which he was now facing the Champion of their region.

She always knew that if someone could accomplish such a dream as big as become a Pokemon Master it was her son, she never doubted that.

"I have never seen a Pokemon as strong as that Dragonite" another one that had once traveled with Ash said, trying to be optimistic as everyone else but finding it hard, even if he knew just how strong Ash really was.

"Don't get all pessimistic on me now, Tracy!" It was Misty the one that spoke again with a huff "Besides once Ash and Greninja get rolling even that Dragonite won't stand a chance" then she looked at the girls by her side "Right? Serena, May?"

However it was as if the two girls were in their own little world, their eyes still glued to Ash, who was now putting Pikachu down.

At seeing this Misty just let a sigh, knowing that at this point they just weren't going to listen.

"I wonder how much of that is you just wanting a Water Pokemon to be the one defeating Lance's strongest dragon…" Gary muttered, looking at the girl with a deadpanned expression.

"What did you just say?!" This of course got a glare from said girl.


"That's what I thought"

"Guys" this time it was Brock that stopped them from fighting "It looks like it's about to start"

As soon as he said that everyone in the group focused on the sight in front of them, and even May and Serena looked even more concentrated, almost as if they were trying to send a message towards the black-haired teen with their minds.

There was no doubt in what that message would be though.

'You can do it, Ash!'


Back with Ash

"Let's do this, Greninja!"

And with a flash of light the Pokeball opened, the being inside appearing in the air just before landing on the ground in a crouch, using three of his limbs as support while the other arm was extended to the side.

The dual Water/Dark type Pokemon eyed his opponent for just a second before looking back to his trainer, his eyes also trailing towards the resting Pikachu, his gaze narrow a little bit at the sight.

"Let's go, partner" his trainer, best friend and partner said to him, earning a swift nod from the Kalos starter, who went back to face directly at the mighty Dragon/Flying type on the other side of the field.

"Then let's end this once and for all, Ash Ketchum!" Lance announced with a swing of his arm, his cape following his movement, Dragonite mirroring his trainer with a mighty roar "Dragonite use Dragon Claw!"

If there was one thing that you could call Lance's Dragonite, it was fast, since as soon as he heard the command the orange beast flapped his wings and dashed at an astounding speed towards his target, his right claw covered in dark blue energy.

However he wasn't the fastest Pokemon in the field.

"Jump!" it might seem like a simple enough order, but for Greninja that was all that he needed.

A soon as Dragonite got into range he slashed straight at the frog, but in just a split second Greninja was already in the air, spinning his body to move behind Dragonite.

"Follow with Ice Beam!"

"Take the skies Dragonite!"

As fast as he could Greninja shot a torrent of ice straight from his mouth, but Lance had made his move too, knowing that an ice attack like that would be devastating for his Pokemon.

The ice ended up hitting the ground below Dragonite as the dual Dragon/Flying type shot straight upwards, avoiding the hit.

"Water Shuriken!"

With an affirmative grunt water formed itself on Greninja's webbed hands. It took less than a couple of seconds for the water to gain the form of stars, and even less for Greninja to throw them towards the flying Dragonite.

"Don't let him hit you!" Lance of course wasn't going to let the projectiles reach the dragon "Dodge them and use Dragon Claw to destroy them!"

The sky was truly Dragonite's territory, and it showed as he maneuvered out of the way of the shurikens moving towards him. For the few that he wasn't able to dodge he simply blocked them with his claws, pretty much nullifying the damage.

"With that distance… there isn't much we can do right now except…" Ash muttered, his eyes going from Dragonite to his partner "Greninja get ready!"

Just as he heard that the Kalos starter stopped his barrage of attacks, both of his webbed hands coming together in which some people would recognize as a hand-sign.

This action made Lance's eyes narrow. He didn't know what his opponent was planning, but he wasn't going to let him do it.

"Dragonite use Extreme Speed!" the Champion ordered, watching as the dragon's body gained a small silver aura just before he moved at least twice as faster than before, directly down towards the Greninja.

Not even a fast Pokemon like him would be able to dodge something like that.

And just like Lance predicted Dragonite's body slammed straight at Greninja, who hadn't even made an attempt at dodging.

In fact the frog didn't even cry in pain or anything, something that send alarms on Lance's head, his eyes widening as a sudden thought appeared on his head.

His suspicion was confirmed once a second later Greninja dissolved in nothing but smoke.

"Dammit it was a Substitute! Dragonite watch out!" However Lance's warning came too late, as the real Greninja seemingly materialized from Dragonite's very own shadow, a completely black kunai residing on his hand.

"Night Slash now!" Ash's order was met with an upward slash from Greninja, the weapon on his hand meeting Dragonite's back in a swift but powerful motion.

"Push him back with Dragon Tail!" even Dragonite's roar of pain didn't distract the Champion, although he cursed himself on his head for making such a mistake.

"Grab him!" Ash also barked out his command, making Greninja pretty much hug Dragonite's tail as soon as it met his body, a gasp of pain escaping the Water/Dark type by the impact, while the Dragonite made growl of annoyance.

"Shake him off quickly!" the Champion knew just how dangerous the current condition could be, but Greninja didn't let got for even a second as Dragonite thrashed him around, determination pouring from his very being.

"Now Ice Beam!" this was the moment Ash had been waiting for, and as soon as he saw the opportunity he took it. Greninja suddenly let go as one of Dragonite's tail swings took him to the air, his hands in front of his mouth as the beam of ice shot out of it, this time its target having no chance of dodging it.

To say that that the attack had hurt the dual Dragon/Flying type would have been an understatement, as he released a massive roar of pain, the attack actually sending him backwards towards his trainer, while Greninja landed as gracefully as he could on the other side of the field.

Ash smiled at seeing this, knowing how much an ice attack would damage a Pokemon like Dragonite. Just by landing that their victory seemed so close he could almost feel it.

However those high hopes were washed away once he saw Lance's face. He expected a worried or even a panicked expression, but the only thing he got was an impassive one, a glint on the man's eyes telling him that this was far from over.

It was definitely confirmed once Dragonite stood up, dusting the remains of ice out of his body. You could pretty full feel the anger oozing of from the Kanto Pokemon, the orange dragon sporting such a threatening glare that actually made Ash gulp a little bit in fear.

"I'll admit that you got us there, Ash" Lance suddenly spoke, his voice somehow sounding over the entire stadium, the multitude of people watching looking at the scene with rapt attention "However if you think that will be enough to win then… maybe the title of fool would suit you better"

Ash's just gritted his teeth in frustration, not being able to say anything as he knew the man was right. This battle was far from over; he couldn't get over-confident just because he landed a few hits. No, the only moment in which he could celebrate victory was once that Dragonite was completely defeated.

Sadly for him Lance's next order just made it even harder.

"Dragon Dance" he didn't even yell, he just gave the command with a tone of finality, intending to show the young trainer in front of him their real power, and just how big was the difference between a Champion and the rest of the Elites Ash had defeated already.

With a mighty roar Dragonite was covered in dark blue energy, an aura of power covering his body. The ancient power of a dragon cursed through his whole body, and he was more than ready to unleash it.

And Lance was more than happy to oblige.

"Dragon Claw!" Dragonite shot like a missile towards Greninja, the speed being so much that both trainer and Pokemon released an unintentional gasp.

"Dodge it quickly!" Ash ordered, and no one could say Greninja hadn't tried, but before he was actually able to do anything Dragonite was already on him, the back of his paw slamming straight at Greninja's torso, sending the Kalos starter flying to the side with a cry of pain.

"Don't let him go Dragonite!"

"Greninja meet him with Night Slash!"

The frog did his best to make a good landing, a black kunai appearing on his hand as soon as he did. He moved it in front of his body, just in time to meet Dragonite's claw in a struggle of power.

However it was more than obvious who the winner there was.

With a mighty push Dragonite broke Greninja's weapons, the Water/Dark type having no time to react as Dragonite's claw buried itself on his stomach with ruthless strength just for the dragon to throw him on the opposite direction a second later.

"Greninja!" Ash yelled in panic, the whole crowd also gasping at the sight.

"If this is as far as your strength goes…" Lance talked just as Dragonite landed close to him, apparently giving both Ash and Greninja a time off "then maybe this is as far as you go, Ash Ketchum… you might have defeated the other Kanto Elites, but a Champion needs more than just that!"

Ash's whole body was trembling, Lance's words hitting him deep in his heart. Was this really as far as they could go? Had all of their hard work and sacrifice being for nothing? No! That couldn't be, he had promised himself and his Pokemon that they would reach the top together but just now the difference in strength between Lance and him felt too damn big.

"Grahhh!" however if Ash had any doubts they were swept away as soon as he heard his partner's call, his brown eyes meeting the ones of Greninja, who was giving him a stare that he recognized perfectly, it was after all not the first time that he had seen that.

Greninja was pretty much asking him if he was so weak that he would just give up like this.

"What the hell is wrong with me…" Ash muttered, his eyes never leaving Greninja's "How can I call myself a trainer if I just give up here, after everything our friends did to reach this far…"

Just the thought of giving up at this point would do nothing but disrespect what his other Pokemon had done to help him accomplish his dream, how could he have been so selfish? They all had done even better than he had expected, and yet here he was, having a crisis just because of some words his opponent was sprouting.

Misty was right, he was really still just a kid.

His Sceptile had faced Lance's Flygon to get them here.

Snorlax had overpowered Lance's Altaria just to help him reach this far.

His Mawile had battled Aerodactyl head on.

Pikachu had put himself to his limits just to beat Lance's Red Gyrados

And Charizard had showed everyone who was the strongest dragon as he matched Lance's Salamance, both Pokemon being boosted beyond their limits by the power of Mega Evolution.

And now Greninja was doing his best to keep up with Dragonite, just as he had done so plenty of times before whenever they faced someone stronger than them.

He couldn't let them down.

He wouldn't.

"Don't underestimate us, Lance!" Ash suddenly yelled, shocking the crowd, even those that knew the young man personally.

"Gekkooo!" even Greninja let out a scream as he stood up, even if his whole body ached in pain he wasn't going to stop until that Dragonite was out.

"Let me show you just how strong we really are!" and it was as soon as Ash declared those words that something inside him clicked. It was something that he was used to it by now, but even then the surge of power that swept through his body was something that always impressed him.

And just like that a torrent of water suddenly formed itself around Greninja, the vortex shutting upwards in such a show of power that even Lance released a small gasp, his eyes going wide for just a second before a small exited smile formed in his lips.

"So this is the strength you kept warning me about, Steven…" he muttered before raising his voice "It looks like the real battle if about to start, right Dragonite?"

In response the Dragon just left out a puff of smoke followed by a nod, eyeing the vortex of water with anticipation.

It took a few more seconds but then the vortex suddenly disappeared in a small explosion, water raining out everywhere in the ring, revealing quite a sigh to be beheld.

A changed Greninja stood on the middle of swirling water, red and black highlights now covering some of his torso and head. Just then the swirl of water condensed itself on Greninja's back, taking the shape of a massive X.

To say that the crowd was left speechless would be an understatement. No one there knew what just had happened, even those that were considered experts when it came to Pokemon were left shocked by the sight.

Even the people watching the battle in their houses were left in awe at the transformation. The whole world was watching this battle, after all it wasn't every day that a trainer managed to defeat all the members of the Elite 4 and then challenge the Champion.

A historic moment indeed.

"We refuse to lose, so bring your best, Lance!" Ash declared as the newly transformed Greninja entered in position, a black kunai, looking even more deadly than before, already forming in his hand.

"Then let the real battle start now!" and with that both Dragonite and Greninja dashed at each other, their objectives being the same.

To become the victor.


Just before, in another part of the Stadium

"Hm, Lance isn't pulling any of his punches, is he?" an old woman said, her eyes trailing the battle below her as she sat in an special area that only VIP members could access.

"Of course not" a muscular man said beside her with a gruff voice "Doing so would be nothing but disrespect both his own Pokemon and his opponent"

"Still…" This time it was a younger woman, looking to be on her mid twenties, the one that spoke "Do you think that young Ash even has a chance?" even if said young man had actually defeated them all, Lance was on a whole different level than even them.

"You'll be surprised by what that kid can do" a voice from behind the three said, earning their attentions, their eyes widening as soon as they saw who it was "Agatha, Lorelei, Bruno, pleasure to see you all again"

"Mr. Stone!" It was Lorelei the one that reacted first, quickly standing up from her seat to greet the Champion of Hoehn properly. However this just earned a chuckle from the silver-haired trainer

"Please just Steven will be fine; Mr. Stone is my father after all" the man said with a smile, his eyes meeting the ones of the Kanto Elites before going straight to the field below him "Quite the spectacle, isn't it?"

"So the rumors were true then?" Agatha said, eyeing the silver-haired man with curiosity and respect "You really did took that boy under your wing"

At hearing that Steven just shook his head, an even bigger smile forming on his lips.

"I just put him on the right track" he answered, to which he earned a raised eyebrow from the Ghost expert "It was the least I could do" however she did not gain the explanation she was expecting.

"It was you who gave him the bracelet though, weren't you?" Bruno asked while crossing his arms over his chest, remembering just how much power that boy's Charizard gained once it Mega Evolved.

"Maybe…" the man answered cryptically once again just before releasing a small chuckle "He found that stone all by himself though" his eyes then widened as soon as he saw what was about to happen in the battlefield, his surprised expression drawing everyone's else eyes to what was currently happening to Greninja.

"What's going on?" Lorelei muttered in shock, confused as to what she was seeing.

Steven's last comment didn't help her confusion either.

"It looks like we're about to see history in the making"


Meanwhile with Ash's friends

"What the hell?!" Gary couldn't help but to say, utterly shocked by what he was seeing. Whatever transformation Greninja had went through was definitely something he had never seen on his life. It wasn't Mega evolution that was for sure, but then what was it?

Even Professor Oak, who thought that he couldn't be surprised by anything Pokemon-related at by now, had his eyes wide in shock at the sight.

Their confusion was increased once they heard May muttered something loud enough for everyone there to hear.

"Ash-Greninja… they're really going all out" May said with a worried frown, knowing both how strong that form was but also how risky it could be.

"Wait, you know what that is?" Serena asked in shock, her eyes now on May.

"I-I, well" May stuttered, knowing that she should have kept quiet about it, specially by the looks everyone was giving her "I can't say, Ash made me promise not to!" she finished while lowering her head.

"What? Why?!" Misty asked confused. Why would he want to keep a secret like that?

However judging by the guilty look May had on her face it was obvious it was because of something big.

"I'm sorry but… I can't" May just muttered again, not wanting to betray Ash's trust by telling them of the side-effects of the transformation.

She just hoped this didn't last for too long. She knew just how dangerous this could be. She still remembers the last time she saw the result of it.

Her heart couldn't bear to see it again.


Back in the field

"Greninja use Night Slash!"

"Dragonite match him with Dragon Claw!"

Both Pokemon met at the center of the field, Dragonite sweeping his claw as soon as he reached Greninja, however in a show of superior speed the Water/Dark dual type ducked under the attack just before slashing at the dragon with his own weapon.

However Dragonite was no slouch, as he quickly parried the attack with his other claw.

Each slash of claw what met with a slash of the kunai, both Pokemon matching eachother perfectly, neither of them letting the other gain even a slight advantage over the other.

However both of their trainers knew that this couldn't continue for much long.

"Dragonite use Thunderbolt!"

"Cut his vision Greninja!"

Sparks suddenly appeared around Dragonite's antennas on his head, however just before he was able to launch the attack Greninja threw a small object right at his face, said object suddenly exploting, creating a massive curtain of black smoke.

Dragonite shook his head and launched the attack; however he wasn't even able to land it as he was trapped inside the smoke, now allowing to see properly.

Lance too was unable to see properly, and in any other situation Ash would have been in the same predicament; however in the current state he shared with Greninja such a thing wasn't a problem to him.

"Dragonite fly out of there!"

The dragon listened and was about to follow the order, but a sudden slash to his side stopped him. He turned around; expecting to face his current opponent, but the only thing he got was another slash on the opposite side.

This time he didn't even bother and just flew upwards, escaping the cloud of smoke. His eyes then trailed below him, trying to find his opponent as he was hidden.

It was then than at least a dozen or so of shurikens made out of water came out from the black smoke, all of them aimed straight at Dragonite.

"Block them!" Lance had not expected that, as he hadn't heard Ash muttering any command, so his response came barely in time, with Dragonite using his arms to block the assault, each start hitting him with a watery explosion.

"Let's get rid of that distraction Dragonite. Use Extreme Speed on the middle!" the dragon swiftly moved, understanding his trainer's command, and with a burst of speed he landed roughly into the center of the cloud, the force if impact sending a shockwave of power strong enough to blow away the smoke.

"Dammit" Ash cursed as soon as he saw Greninja being revealed "Jump back!"

"Don't let him, use Extreme Speed!" Greninja tried his best to make distance between the two, but Dragonite's movement was simply too much for him, as the dragon once again slammed straight into Greninja's body, sending him flying backwards.

"Guh!" Ash grunted in pain, one of his hands going to his stomach. He knew how dangerous this technique was, but it was all or nothing right now.

He could already picture May yelling him for doing something so reckless, alongside Misty and Serena once they figured it out, and let's not even start with his mom, he would probably be grounded for the rest of his life.

Greninja stood up, although a little bit shakily, his gaze falling into his trainer, knowing the consequences of battling like this.

"Don't worry buddy!" Ash assured his Pokemon with a thumbs up, even if it was obvious that he was in pain "Just focus on that Dragonite"

Greninja looked at his trainer for just an extra second before nodding, his gaze once again meeting Dragonite's, who looked more than ready to attack.

"Use Thunderbolt!"

"Match it with Ice Beam!"

Both Pokemon launched their respective attacks, electricity meeting ice in an impressive show of power that even left a little bit of mist right at the meeting point.

"Move with Extreme Speed and land the Dragon Claw!" Lance knew that he still had the upper hand when it came to close range, so with his order Dragonite shot like a missile, but Ash had seen this one coming, so he order came just as fast, if not faster.

"Shadow Sneak and follow with Night Slash!" with a movement Ash actually crouched, almost as if mirroring Greninja's very own movement, and as soon as Dragonite reached him the Water/Dark type actually sank into the ground like a living shadow, avoiding the attack, and appearing just behind the dragon.

That had been a mistake though.

"Thunderbolt in area, now!" Lance barked as Greninja's kunai slashed at Dragonite, the attack hitting the Dragon square on his back, but even so that didn't stop him from unleashing a shockwave of electricity around him, repealing Greninja as if he had been hit by a force field.

"D-don't stop, Ice Beam now!" Ash ordered, his whole body trembling

"You're too predictable…" Lance muttered, and as soon as he saw Greninja about to shoot his attack he gave what he thought would be his last order "Outrage!"

Greninja's icy beam was shot straight at Dragonite, but as soon as the dragon heard Lance's command it was as if a switch had been turned inside of him, for the dragon was completely covered in purple and dark yellow energy just before flying directly at Greninja's Ice Beam.

The attack landed, but if there was something that Lance knew was just how strong his Dragonite was.

Even if the attack was beyond effective on him, in his current condition… Greninja stood no chance.

Dragonite slammed directly into the Ice Beam, a roar escaping his mouth, although if it was from pain or rage it currently unknown, but that didn't stop him as he moved towards Greninja like a hunter going for his pray.

"Jump quickly!" Ash commanded, and Greninja followed swiftly with a jump that, in another situation, would have been enough to dodge the attack.

This was not that kind of situation though, for Dragonite suddenly shot upwards too, his claw clamping on Greninja's leg before he was able to get out of reach, getting a gasp from both Ash and Greninja.

The next thing both trainer and Pokemon felt was pain as Dragonite, with one mighty swing, slammed Greninja right into the ground.

Ash actually kneeled in pain, but his eyes refused to leave the battle.

"Make a Substitute!" Ash tried to command his Pokemon, but Dragonite was far from over. Just then the dragon threw Greninja into the air and with a spin he hit him with his own tail as if he was ball, sending the Kalos started flying right towards his trainer.

Said trainer couldn't even stand up now as he was now on his knees, his whole body trembling in pain, his vision hazy. He felt as if he would pass out at any second now, but not even for that did he took his eyes away from Greninja, said Pokemon lying on the ground in an even worse state than that of his trainer.

"C'mon Greninja… please" Ash whispered, refusing to let this end like this. They couldn't.

This couldn't be the end.



"Ash!" May yelled, tears threatening to escape her eyes as she saw the state of both Greninja and Ash, knowing what was causing it. That was the reason she had begged Ash to never use that again, but she should have known better.

This needed to stop, it wasn't worth it, no title was worth if Ash got seriously hurt or even worse.

"What's happening to him?!" Serena asked, having no idea of the side effects that Greninja's transformation could 'cause "May answer me, what's happening?!"

However, just like the rest of the group, May had her eyes glued to the young man that had become so important for everyone of them.

Hell, the only reason Delia wasn't going down there to stop this was because of the hand Professor Oak had on her shoulder, after all it was obvious to everyone watching that it wasn't only Greninja the one in pain.

Their hearts and thoughts were al send to the struggling duo.


Back in the field

"It's over" Lance declared, with Dragonite landing just in front of him. He didn't know what was happening to Ash, but he had the suspicious that it was related to Greninja's new form. He would have to ask for details later, but right now it was pretty much obvious who had won the battle.

He looked at the referee, who was looking between both trainers, and gave him a nod of finality

"Greninja can no-"


However Ash's hoarse voice stopped the man right on his track, everyone now watching how not only the young man slowly, but surely, managed to stand up, but how he was followed by his last Pokemon.

"We… aren't done yet!" even though it was obvious that both Pokemon and trainer were at its limits, Ash voice managed to come as strong as possible.

"Part of being a trainer is knowing when to give up, both for your own sake and for your Pokemon" Lance lectured, honestly a little impress by the resolve both Ash and Greninja were showing "Your Pokemon could get seriously hurt if you let this continue… are you really alright with that?"

This was something Lance had to ask, after all there was no way he would let someone that didn't care for his Pokemon well being become a Champion.

"Of course I'm not…" Ash voice came out between ragged breaths "But…but how can I ask Greninja to give up now… when he still has so much fire inside of him" he finished with a tired smile, the crowd witnessing how slowly but surely Greninja once again entered in position, only that this time his free hand moved towards his back.

"I can't force him to give up, that wouldn't be fair…" Ash continued, his body actually mirroring Greninja's movements "That's why… We'll battle together to the very end!" at this the giant start on Greninja's back shinned in a blue color as Greninja removed it from his back, slowly but surely becoming bigger on his hand.

"That's just how we do stuff" and with those last words a swirl of water suddenly covered Greninja like a protective vortex.

"Then let me see that determination of yours!" Lance suddenly declared, honestly impressed by his opponent's will, but even so he knew that he would need more than that to just win.

"Greninja freeze the water!" with the command Greninja slammed his other hand on the massive shuriken he had, slowly but surely freezing it.

A plan had been formed in both of their heads, and it was all or nothing now.

"Finish him with Outrage!" Lance, already figuring out what they were thinking decided to put an end to this, knowing that they wouldn't be able to dodge another attack like that.

They wouldn't have to though.

Once again covered in raw power Dragonite flew directly towards Greninja, the Water/Dark dual type ready to meet him head on.

And so he did.

"Now Mat Block!" they had saved this for the end, knowing that once they used it Lance would prepare himself to counter it, but now it was the perfect time.

Dragonite slammed against Greninja, sending a cloud of smoke around them. The audience gasped, thinking that the frog was done, but once the cloud disappeared they were greeted by the sight of a struggling Greninja, using what looked like an actual carpet to keep Dragonite at bay, the dragon pushing against it with all of his strength.

"Dragonite break it with Dragon Claw!" Lance had not expected for Ash to save a move like that until the very end, but he wouldn't let such a thing beat him.

"Shadow Sneak to dodge!" Dragonite's claw went straight through Greninja's shield, however it never reached said Pokemon, as Greninja sank into his shadow, actually appearing over Dragonite's back just a second later.

"Thunderbolt again!"


However before Dragonite was able to attack Greninja used the dragon's back to jump away from him, the strength of Greninja's leg push actually being enough to make the dragon lose balance.

It was time.

"Throw it Greninja!" Ash commanded just as his partner spun in the air right before throwing the ice shuriken straight at Dragonite, the massive shuriken flying like a missile, spinning so quickly that is almost looked like a beam.

"Block it with Dragon Claw!" knowing that there was no time dodge Lance gave his command, Dragonite making a jab with his claw straight at the flying start, however instead of breaking it like he expected the attack kept pushing against Dragonite's claw as the dragon growled, feeling the power behind the move.

Worse was yet to come though.

"Hydro Cannon!" with one last yell Ash gave his last order, the water surrounding Greninja suddenly focusing between both of his hands for just a second before a massive vortex of water was shot from Greninja's hand like a beam straight towards the struggling Dragonite.

"Dragonite move!" Lance ordered with wide eyes, being this the first time he had seen such a powerful water type move, however Dragonite was unable as the ice shuriken actually pushed him back, the Hydro Cannon meeting both struggling forces just a second later.

It was magnificent explosion of both water and ice as the whole area in which Dragonite had been in was covered in a thick mist, water falling everywhere as if it was raining, actually soaking both trainers and referee in the field.

Greninja's landing was less than gracious this time though, as the Pokemon, completely exhausted, felt face first straight into the ground, but even so he did his best to stand up, slowly and shakily, honestly looking as if even the wind would knock him out at this point.

But even so Ash couldn't have been more proud of being his trainer as the teen struggled to stay awake, just like his partner.

Everyone's eyes were on the mist, waiting to see the result of the last attack. Ash knew however, that they were in their last leg. He could tell, their bond made it so, that Greninja was only standing through sheer will power.

They had done their best. Greninja had done his best, so even if they ended up losing this was one battle they would never forget.

Even if they lost here he wouldn't give up on his dreams. Never, he had promised it to Greninja back when he was nothing but a small Froakie and he himself was nothing but a small kid, that they would reach the top together, even if it took their whole life.

However once the mist finally disappeared everyone was left with their eyes open wide, mouths hanging open as half of the stadium gasped.

Tears feel from the eyes of some of Ash's friends, his mother doing her best to stop the sob that threatened to escape.

The Elites watching were left speechless, not being able to believe what they were watching, while the Champion of Hoehn simply gave a proud smile.

Ash felt to his knees, everything around him feeling surreal right now. He had this dream plenty of this whenever he felt asleep, dreams of grandeur and recognition, but it was always just at this moment that he woke up.

This time however it was all real and the world itself released a massive cheer as soon as the next words were heard.

"Dragonite can no longer fight! The winner is Ash Ketchum!"


Well this was fun to write. Honestly I just had to write this every since I got Pokemon Moon. Fantastic game, and it was one of the reasons I wrote this, the other ones being how much I liked the XYZ season of the anime and how much I enjoyed the whole Ash-Greninja concept, even though I understand why some might dislike it.

Now this was just a test chapter, mostly to see if someone actually likes the idea. I might continue it if it does.

I think it's pretty obvious but just in case yes, the timeline (if you could call it that) is different here. I won't go into details yet, but I will point out pretty much some key factors:

1) Ash's first Pokemon was a Froakie that came from an egg that Professor Oak gave him when he was a child. More of this will be explained later.

2) Ash has traveled through Kanto, Jhoto and Hoehn, but he has yet to go through Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos or Alola. Of course the events during his travel were different as it was implied in the chapter.

3) Serena travels with Ash earlier than in canon.

4) Ash has some different Pokemon, as it was implied in this chapter.

Thank you for reading this