Author's Note: Sorry it took so long for me to update. These past few months have been stressful. I hope you enjoy it! Kind of a short this time around, I apologize.

Disclaimer: I own none of the Dazed and Confused characters. Only Andy... And one other character.

Benny stared up into the unmoving eyes of John Lennon that seemed to follow him with every twist and turn in Andy's full-size bed. An occasional white, uncovered space peeked out from time to time, but her walls were covered floor to ceiling with posters and pictures. Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Doors, Janis Joplin, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, he could go on forever. One corner of the room was devoted to her vinyl collection which was stacked high in old apple crates along the wall. Her favorites were carefully placed in the highest one. Paranoid by Black Sabbath as well as Masters of Reality. Every Led Zeppelin album known to man, well… More like know to Austin, Texas. Dreamboat Annie was her newest obsession, buried alphabetically between Sabbath and Zeppelin. There was practically a small shrine devoted none other than the love of her life, Robert Plant, in the corner by the record player. Behind it hid her stash of weed and her rolling papers. The cover of Led Zeppelin II was propped up next to it close to an incense burner. The player clicked as the tracks ended.

Andy was currently wrapped up tight in her light blue comforter, leaving him to fend for himself. He was wrapped up in an old afghan blanket her great grandmother had given her for Christmas a few years back. Coach Bennett swore up and down the woman was over six feet tall and weighed over two hundred pounds. Six foot three, two hundred and fifty pounds to be exact, but Benny thought it was a joke, but him and the boys always wondered.

"Hey, babe…" Benny whispered, pulling her small form back against his chest. He ran his fingers through her wild curls. "Andy…" He nudged her gently with his knee.

"Whhhaaattt?" She whined, covering her head with a blanket. She was too damn cute.

"Is your great grandma really six foot three? Two hundred and fifty pounds?" He chuckled, propping himself up on his elbow. "Does she really drive a Mack truck?"

"Are you serious right now?" She grumbled as he pulled the blanket away from her face.

"C'mon, tell me!" Benny pouted, his hand resting on her hip.

"She's bigger than you. No, she doesn't drive a damn Mack truck, but it you tell anyone Dad'll kill me," she rolled her eyes and pulled him closer. "Was last night a dream?" She hummed.

"Nope. You're stuck with me now." He pressed his lips against her forehead.

"So, I really poured a beer over O'Bannion's head?" Chills spilled down her spine as his fingers moved slowly down her spine.

"Yup. With a smile. Andy-1. O'Bannion-0." He mimicked her soft voice.

"You read my mind. What time is it?" She yawned.

"Around nine. We slept for a grand total of three and a half hours." Benny's eyes slid closed as she nipped at his collarbone. "What're you doin', huh?" By the luck of the draw, he wasn't suffering from a hangover. Last night was one of the best nights in Benny's life. He was a senior year, top of the food chain. He had the girl of his dreams who just happened to be his best friend… And gave the best blow jobs.

"Benny O'Donnell?" Andy's high pitched tone mimicked that of one of the freshman girls. "Will you marry me?"

"What's in it for me, huh?" Benny's throaty chuckled tickled her ear. "Do you spit or swallow? Oh wait… I already know." He studied her wonderful curves and the way her breasts felt pressed against his bare chest. The feeling was unreal. He smirked at the memory of her mouth wrapped him around the night before and the small moans covered that his body in goosebumps.

She shrieked with laughter, her head resting against his warm shoulder. Her fingertips ghosted across the freckles that adorned his smooth skin. "What can I say?" She teased.

"You want me to marry you, Andy Bennett?" He pulled her close against his chest. He eyed his championship ring on his right hand. At seventeen years old, Benny had his whole life planned out. He was going to play college ball for the University of Texas in Austin then move onto the pros. Get married, hopefully to Andy and maybe have a couple of kids… All depending on his busy schedule or if he could bring himself to leave his mother and his sisters.

Marriage wasn't on the top of Andy's priority list, but all of a sudden her future flashed before her eyes. She see could herself with Benny. White picket fence, a kid, a dog… The whole nine yards. The part that frightened her the most was how clear it was. Her heart pounded in her chest. "Maybe one day." She responded with a quiet sigh.

"One day." He repeated, pressing his lips to her forehead.

"I gotta get ready for work." Andy grumbled. The fairy-tale had to end sometime, but Top Notch always picked the worst times to drive a nail in the coffin of her social life. Oh well. Money was money.

"Ah, hell…Me too." Benny rolled his eyes. He'd been working part time during the school year at his father's garage, but now that school was out, it was back to full-time. Long hot days in the Texas sun, at least until practice started. "What're you doin' tonight?"

"I dunno." Andy shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe you?"

"Don't go makin' promises you can't keep." As Andy crawled over him, he landed a good smack to her bottom. "Now get dressed."

"Wait, wait, wait." Benny's arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back against the truck door. "One more, please."

"You're too much." Andy pressed one more kiss to his lips. Then another. And another. She couldn't get enough. "I gotta go. I'll see you tonight, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am." Benny stole another quick kiss before his lips curved into a grin. "Now get goin'. Don't want you bein' late." With a wink, Benny O'Donnel sped off from the curb off Top Notch. He couldn't take his eyes off of her in the rearview mirror, grinning like an idiot since he was finally granted a moment alone.

"So, where have you been all night? You better be glad Mom and Dad went to bed early." Maggie Claire O'Donnell propped her bare feet up on the coffee table with a bowl of cereal. Her older brother was smart, always planning his overnight excursions just right. She wasn't one for parties, beer, or being around her brother's stupid friends. Except Pink, she could never get enough of him. He was just so… Cool. He was a dreamer and a poet. She wondered what he was doing hanging out with the likes of her brother.

"I don't have to tell you." Benny rolled his eyes. He loved Maggie, but she was a pain in the ass. "Now get your feet off the table. Ma's gonna kill you if you leave a smudge."

"That's why she isn't gonna know, now is she? Jackass." She mumbled.

"Smart-ass." Benny retorted.

"So, how'd it go with Andy?" Maggie sipped the milk from her bowl.

"What are you talkin'about?" Benny sighed. How the hell did she know? Did the whole damn town know? What about his parents?

"Don called." Maggie said simply as he slumped down beside her.

"That big mouth. I'm gonna kick his ass. It went fine, thanks for askin." He couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Look at you!" Maggie exclaimed. "You're almost as red as that mop on your head!" Her remark earned her a smack to the back of the head. "You've only been in love with her since you two were kids."

"Yeah, yeah… I know, Mags." Benny kicked his boots off. "Now that I got her, what do I do? Take her on dates? Buy her things?"

"She's not your first girlfriend, genius. Just take everything you did with the others… And throw it out the window. Don't talk about your truck so much. Or football." Maggie teased.

"Hey, she likes my truck." He defended.

"That's what you said about the others too." She laughed. "You're asking me for dating advice? The only date I've ever been on, Dad forced you to tag-along."

"Yeah, you're right." He sighed.

"Why do things have to change?' Maggie asked. "She's your best friend. Just do the same things you always do." There was a loud knock at the front door. "Oh, yeah… I forgot to tell ya, he's comin' over."

"Well answer the door." Benny huffed.

"No way! He's your friend." Maggie placed her bowl down on the coffee table, knowing it was a lost cause. She answered the door with a grin. "Hey, Don."

"Hey, Mags. So, uhh… You got plans later?" Don Dawson wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"In your dreams, Dawson!" Benny called from the couch.

"There he is!" Don praised as he walked through the door still dressed in the same silk shirt from the night before. He was a mess, stinking of stale beer and cigarettes. "So where'd you two go?"

"Same place we always go." Benny chuckled.

"And?" Don slid out of his shoes, careful not to get dirt on the carpet. "Did you get it in?"

Maggie wrinkled her nose. "I'll be upstairs. I don't wanna hear about my brother's sex life…"

"Good. Stay there." Her brother mumbled.

"See ya later, Maggie." Don winked her in her direction.

"Why you gotta flirt with my sister?" Benny rolled his eyes, slapping Don upside the head.

"Because she's a total babe." Don shrugged. He could never lie about a chick being a babe, even if it was Benny's sister. Since she hit sophomore year, her body was bangin'.He loved to imagine those strawberry blonde curls spread out across his pillow. He admired the way her full lips curled into a smile the moment he walked into the room. Even if she was calling him an ass, she was still beautiful. He loved all women, even the academic types. "But I wanna know. Did you or did you not get it in?"

"No, ya dick. So,what do I do? Take her on fancy dates and shit? Hell, I dunno." He sighed, kicking off his old boots.

"Benny, man… It's Andy. Since when does she do fancy?" Don raised an eyebrow. "I mean, you two just kick back and work on the truck, right? Or you're with me and Pink. Just go with it for now. Ya gotta go with the flow, big guy. It'll all fall into place."

"Coming from you, that's rich." He shook his head. "Beer for breakfast?"

"Beer for breakfast." Don nodded, sliding on the wood floor into the kitchen. He snagged two of Mr. O'Donnell's beer while making a note to replace them later. "I gotta tell you what happened last night."

"What the hell did you do?"

"Why you always blamin' me? I'm hurt." Don feigned a pained expression, launching head first into his thrilling tale of the night before. "Caught us right there on the 50 yard line. Had us waitin' there all damn night on Coach to show up. Ya know what Pink did? Balled that damn paper up and threw it right in his window."

"Jesus." Benny popped the top of his bottle open, welcoming the refreshing taste of Lone Star. His favorite way to wake up. Well, used to be. Waking up next that blonde little pixie topped a beer any day. "What now?"

"I dunno, man. If he plays, he plays. Worse things could happen." Sometimes, Don hated bringing up football around Benny. His best friend was passionate about the sport though his enthusiasm only extended so far. If he played college ball, he played. If he didn't, well… He'd have to get by on his good looks and what brain cells he had left.

"We've been waitin' on this for years." He huffed, kicking his feet up on the table just like he told Maggie not to. "He has to play."

"And what can we do if he don't? Sir around and mope about it?" Don shook his head. "Nah, man… Pink does things his way and you know that."

Benny knew he was right and he couldn't stand. He could talk to Pink until he was blue in the face, but it wouldn't matter. Hell, he could even scream, but Randall "Pink" Floyd made his own decisions. On his own time. He sloshed the liquid around in the dark bottle before taking a long sip. He couldn't afford to lose this season. They had to make it to state. His whole future was riding on a scholarship. Texas A&M, UT Austin, maybe even Louisiana State if he played his cards right. He couldn't admit to Don how much he was relying on Pink. Training a new quarterback would take too long and they would never be half as good Pink. He finally just nodded.

"Hey,you think too much. Ya know that? It's gonna be a great year. Pink's headed to Houston with Wooderson and some others to get some Aerosmith tickets. Fuckin'Aerosmith, man. Shew, I could crash any second. You think I could crash upstairs for a while? Mom'll be out for blood if I show up lookin' this good." Don chugged the rest of his beer with ease, placing the bottle down on the glass table top.

"Yeah, if you ever learn to throw shit away." Benny shook his head. "My room's open, man. I'll be up for a while."

"Don't think too much, okay?" Don rose to his feet, clapping his best friend on the shoulder.

"I'll do my best." Benny couldn't help the hushed laugh that escaped his lips. He kicked back on the couch as he heard his best friend climb the stairs. His thoughts kept returning to Andy and the events of the night before. She was a wild child, like a gypsy. Would he be able to tame her? Did he even want to? He admired the freedom in the way she moved. She was so much her own person and it blew him away every time. He hated to admit when Don was right, but this was going to be a good year. It was going to be his year. He could feel it.