"What went into this wand that even the Kraang can't recreate?" Shredder demanded.

"That's not the original wand, It's a replica, The original has a mind of its own and is too hard to control, but that one is missing something that I haven't been able to figure out." Donnie said, cringing away.

"A mind of its own... If this is a battle of will and not of science, then I might be able to bend it to my whim yet. After all, I was able to bring forth the techno-drome." He held up the wand

"Alright wand ... Give me what I want."

He pointed the time scepter at the middle of the room and waited.

The wand glowed, a time portal opened, a Roman fell out of the portal and landed in a heap in front of Shredder, looked confused for a moment, then ecstatic.

The man started chattering in Latin, and while Donnie wasn't as practiced as he'd like he was sure the man was saying "Thank you, my savior, if you hadn't brought me here with your magic I would have surely perished in the mouth of the lions."

Shredder grunted in disgust, then started banging the time wand against his chair.

Donnie cringed instinctively. He didn't know what would happen if you tried percussive maintenance on an artifact that could bend all of reality but he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer.

Suddenly the wand went berserk and spewed out a large stream of white energy that obscured half the ship from Donnie's sight. When the energy cleared a European-style dragon the size of a double-decker bus unfolded its wings and screeched before grabbing the screaming roman with its jaws, tossing him in the air and swallowing him whole.

"Who dares summon the dread dragon Deathfang, I am fire! I am death! I am-"

Shredder got sick of listening to it and picked up the missile launcher he had leaning against his chair, firing off a round he blackened the side of the dragon's face.

The dragon cowered before him. "I apologize greatly sir, I didn't realize you were a dragon too. I must congratulate you on your amazing shapeshifting ability, If I hadn't seen your fire I never would have guessed-"

"Stop sniveling and do something useful, go outside and patrol the border of the technodrome, Just don't fly so high airplanes can see you."

The kraang opened a window for the dragon to fly out of.

The dragon got stuck in the small space and started to shake the whole room with its flailing, the Kraang got behind the dragon and started to shove.

"Alright wand, I'll give you one more chance, Give me something useful."

He held up the time scepter, it started to glow. A time portal opened, Bebop and Rocksteady fell out of it holding a six pack of sodas.

The mutant Rhino fell on his but with a thump that sent reverberations through the room.

"I said something useful!" Shredder barked.

(scene break)

"Are we really doing this?" Leo asked. "Going to attack an alien mother ship with a tank, a dinosaur, and a pair of boots?"

"Those are magnetic boots, Leo," Rennet said. "They'll let you walk right up the side of the techno-drome."

"It's just- and so- I mean- Everything was so normal a few days ago."

"Just another average day for the three fingered people living with the giant rat that taught them ninjitsu in the sewers." Raph offered.

"I meant normal for us." Leo shot back.

"Dudes. This is off the hook. We're gonna be heroes." Mikey added.

"More importantly, we're going to get Don back." April reminded them.

"And the time scepter, there's no telling what kind of trouble Shredder could get into with that," Rennet added, "Fortunately for us, I've got the real deal, so all you guys have to do is get me there and I can do the rest."

"I'm not sure it's going to be that simple." Leo added, "I mean. Shredder is a master ninja, He's got both Donnie and the other scepter."

"Yeah," Raph replied, "And your great-and-powerful wand thingy only managed to get us a dino, a pair of boots, and an ancient tank from world war II."

"She's not feeling well now, I'm letting her rest because she'll need her strength for what's to come, but I know the real deal will beat out the faker wand, there's no way she can lose."

"Techno-drome in sight." Raph said, looking through his periscope.

The tank sped onward heroically, Raph's bravado started to fade a bit when he caught sigh of just how big the thing he was attacking was.

He tensed, "Incoming!"

The sides of the technodrome started opening up in places as the Kraang began to filter out of the sphere, Sitting inside smaller ships that looked like flying metal jellyfish.

Raph readied his shooter and blasted off a shot. "There's no way this is going to work, we don't have enough ammo for all of these."

"Hmm, Maybe she can help one more time before resting up," Rennet said.

She touched the end of the time scepter to the floor of the tank.

The tank changed under their feet, turning into a new tank filled with fancy controls and buttons.

Leo looked out a new periscope that popped up and cried, "move to the left!"

Raph pulled a lever and the tank immediately jerked to the side, dodging an energy beam.

"Now that's more like it." Raph said.

"The other passengers tried not to cry out too much as Raph jerked the tank to and fro, trying to dodge, they tried not to feel too sick after enduring the vibrations that went through the tank when each round was fired. (This was something that affected turtles more than humans)

"Getting in close now." Raph said.

"We're up Mikey." Leo said.

Leo and Mikey picked up the strange boxes Rennet had conjured earlier and placed them on their feet.

The boxes molded around the shape of their feet to form something akin to a pair of boots. Leo threw open the top of the tank and he and Mikey both leaped out.

They raced along the ground to the side of the tecknodrome, Leo reached it first and paused at the base a moment, trying to decide how to proceed. He lifted one leg and placed his foot against the side of the drome, sticking to it. He lifted his other foot, feeling wobbly, and placed that one on the drome too. He waved his arms for a second, feeling the need to help his balance in anyway he could. And tried to lift one foot and then the other to proceed up the side of the drome, attempting to ignore the feeling of gravity attempting to drag him back down.

"Woo-hoo!" Mikey cried, running past him, "This is co cool."

Leo swallowed and leaned forward as far as he could manage, then ran full tilt up the side of the drome.

"For Master Splinter" he cried.

"For Donnie!" Mikey cried.

They weaved in and out of the turrets that pulled themselves out of the side of the drome, Leo slicing down a few as he passed them. And they soon reached the midway point.

"Man, this is like clearing a video game on easy." Mikey crowed," I thought this was supposed to be the boss fight too, where's the challenge?"

"Don't count them out yet Mikey, we haven't got to the boss fight yet." Leo reminded.

"Yeah, but I thought there'd be some kind of challenge-?"


A dragon thrice the length of a Honda flew up alongside them.

"Dude! This better not end with a guy in a silly mushroom hat telling us our princess is in another castle." Mikey complained.

"Oh come on, The aliens and time travel weren't enough!" Leo exclaimed, "that better be a robot dragon or I am done."

"You are done for." The dragon quipped, swooping in and grabbing Leo in its claws.

(scene break)

"I'll get them, I'll get them yet." Shredder held up the time scepter.

"Hear me wand! Hear me and obey my command, bring me an army that will sweep aside everything in its path like a tsunami."

The wand glowed. a portal opened, and a giant wave of water crashed into the room.

"I said like a tsunami, Like!" Shredder snapped. But anything he said after that was lost over the roar of the water. Donnie sucked in a large puff of breath before the water swept over him, jerking him as the water wretched his arms against the manacles with enough force to dislocate the shoulders of a human. He chanced opening an eye, protected by the third eyelid, and saw a Krang bot getting swept by him.

He wrapped his feet around it and hugged it close to him.

The Kraang took this for an attack and opened it's shoulder hatch to deploy a laser. Donnie craned his neck and twisted to grab the sides of the laser it his teeth. Pushing against the Bot with his feet and pulling with his mouth he managed to pull the laser off its perch.

The Kraang was swept away by the water, Donnie tried to keep his hold on the laser, fighting against the push of the water and the pushback of the intermittently firing laser.

With a quick calculation and a stretch that put a crick in his neck, Donnie bounced the laser off the floor back at the manacles and blasted away the metal.

The water swept him away and he held out a fist as he was carried toward a whirlpool forming over a hatch in the floor.

"I wonder if this is what it feels like to be superman?" Donnie wondered before getting caught in the whirlpool.

"This part probably not." He thought, he crossed his arms over his chest and allowed the water to spin him.

The world dissolved into a blur as he was sucked down into the lower levels.

As water drained out of the control room, Donnie knew the roar of the water would obscure any sound coming from there, but he imagined the Shredder letting out a shriek of rage.

(scene break)

"Leo, no!" Mikey cried. He deployed the scythe from his chuck and spun the chain, letting go and letting it wrap around the dragons hind leg.

There was a metallic Shwoop, As the boots were pulled off the side of the technodrome, magnetic force or no.

In retrospect, he wasn't sure what he was expecting.

"I am fire I am Death." the dragon claimed.

"I am Michelangelo, I too have seen movies." Mikey answered.

Mikey clawed his way up the chain until he was at the dragons leg, then climbed up that until he was by the dragon's spine.

He tried to scamper on the dragon's back, its scales were rubbing his skin off and the spines on the dragons back looked really uncomfortable, so he gave up and tried something else."

"I am doom, I am your worst-"

Mikey swung his chuck round and round then let go, chucking it in the direction of the dragon's mouth.

"Nightmar-hrmmth." Mikey's chucks wrapped themselves around the dragon's mouth, clamping it shut.

The end of the chucks whacked the dragon in the face, surprising it and making it shut its eyes, blinded, it spun out of control and slammed into the top of the technodrome. Leo dropped from its claws, and Mikey fell off its back.

Leo rolled into a fighting position, still not quite used to the sucked down feeling he got as his boots reattached themselves to the drome.

Mikey did the same.

The dragon scraped its claws against the chuck stuck to its face and managed to fling it off. Mikey rolled across the top of the drome and managed to grab the pair before it fell over the side.

"Give it up, you- you- Seriously? Dragons?" Leo said.

"I will not be defeated, Dragon kind will flourish, mere kappa cannot vanquish us."

"Dude... He thinks we're from japan." Mikey said.

"We aren't kappa, we're ninjas." Leo quipped.

"No matter, the outcome will be the same." The dragon blew fire at them.

They rolled out of the way.

The dragon's fire hit the side of the drome, in a thin but powerful flame that sawed through the top of the dome like a laser, sawing a hole.

Mikey gulped. Leo repressed the urge to do the same, he didn't want to know hot that fire had to be to saw through something that was designed to hold up to the pressures of space.

Wait, maybe he could-

Leo charged the dragon from behind, he leaped at the back of the dragons head and kicked both of his feet into it, knock the dragon off balance and skittering its poorly traction-ed claws across the slippery top of the techno drome. Pitching it forward into the hole.

The dragon hit the floor below hard and the rolled over, falling down a large hutch in the floor that led somewhere downstairs.

Leo looked around as Mikey hopping in after him.

"This room looked like a hurricane hit it." Leo noted, stepping carefully across the waterlogged floor.

"It was that which is known as a tsunami actually." A voice answered him.

"A Kraang!" Leo accused, seething at the sight of the mandroid, He would have attacked, but the sight of the ripped-off arms and legs stopped him.

"Where's Donnie ?" Asked Mikey.

"That which is known as the turtle snuck away, Shredder left to go hunt it down."

"Donnie's running around in this place all alone?" Mikey asked.

Not for long if Shredder has anything to say about it, so we have to find him first." Leo said.

Mikey nodded and the Two turtles leaped down the hatch.

(scene break)

"Umpth." April said for the umpteenth time as Raph spun the tank away from another energy blast. "Are we ever going to get in there?" She asked.

"Patience princess, there's a whole lotta ugly out there to blow away. Might take a while." Raph said.

The team screamed as the tank rocked.

"What's happening?" Rennet asked.

"I don't know, we seem to be gaining air." Raph exclaimed.

"Gaining… Air?" April asked,

She and Rennet climbed to the top of the ladder

April threw open the hatch and poked her head out,

Rennet poked her head out on the other side of the hatch.

Two Jellyfish ships had grabbed the tank and were flying away with it.

"I think I see our problem." April said.

"Knock them off the tank." Rennet said.

"But we'll fall." April said peeking over the side of the tank, she could see the top of the technodrome from there.

"Trust me, I've got this. Rennet reassured.

April pulled out her tesson and whacked one of the ship's in the face, breaking the glass.

It should have been ineffectual, but it seemed to annoy the ships enough that they both let go.

April screamed, Raph screamed. Rennet held up her wand.

A large parachute attached itself to the top of the tank, jerking it to a bouncy stop.

Rennet looked at the parachute in confusion. "an angoian anti-gravity chute? I was trying to turn the tank into a helicopter.

Raph had covered his head with his arms and huddled down after the tank started falling, after a few moments of not going splat he slowly pulled his arms away from his eyes and peered into the periscope, then laughed madly.


He grabbed the levers and spun the spun the turret toward the at the kraang ships and fired, knocked them out of the sky, some of the smoking wreckages flying into other ships.

Another few shots fired pushed the tank over the tehnodrome.

"INCOMING!" April cried. As they approached the technodrome.

They landed on the technodrome and began to roll down over the side of it.

Raph blasted ships and turrets left and right. April and Rennet screamed, this was worse than a roller coaster.

They both ducked into the tank and shut the hatch as they plunged off the side of the drome.

The parachute's antigravitons helped them but it was still a rocky landing.

The remaining ships closed in on them.

"Might as well make this count." Raph said to himself and rolled the turret towards the drome, blowing a hole in the side.

"April! Rennet, I made a hole." Raph told them.

"Gotcha!" They called back, leaping out the hatch and scrambling up the side of the drome towards the hole.

April and Rennet made it to the hole and as soon as they did a floodlight fell on them, blinding them, they covered their eyes.

A swarm of Kraang approached them.


Casey Jones swooped into the room riding the Triceratops

The large dino preceded to smash apart the Kraang mercilessly.

Casey jumped off the Dino's back and lit a cherry bomb attached to his puck and hit it at the Kraang.

"Got your back, Red."

"Thanks, Casey."

"Yeah, thanks, Casey." Rennet added eagerly.

The two girls edged around the chaos to another room and raced along the hallway.

"Where are we going?"

"To the top of the technodrome… I think?" Rennet answered.

The girls glanced around. There was a surprising lack of Kraang inside the Kraang mothership.

They wondered where they had all gone. Did they really use up all their members in the fight outside?

They stepped into the next room.

Rennet ran ahead. April made to follow then started to slow, something isn't right, she thought.

"Rennet look out!" April cried, she threw her tessen at Rennet.

Rennet was surprised to see April attack her at first, then became less so as Aprils tessen bounced of Bebop in mid-air, causing the warthog to cry out. "Hey, that hurt!"

"Bebop!" April sneered.

"He's not the only one here." Tigerclaw said, moving into view.

"Do you know how to fight Rennet?" April asked.

Rennet smiled.

(scene break)

Donnie awoke to find himself floating face up in a poorly light space, aching horrible.

He must have passed out after spinning so much. whirlpools would make anyone dizzy.

He guessed he was in an engine room of some kind, He must have washed pretty far away If the Kraang hadn't found him in the time it took him to come too.

There was a hole far above his head, which must have been where the water brought him in here through, but he was having a hard time spotting anywhere he could escape the room from.

There wouldn't be an open hatch, the water would have gone through it if there was, but maybe there was a closed one somewhere.

He swam to the side of the room and started to feel alongside the walls. He found a hatch door, but there seemed to be special instruction for opening it and they were written in a scrawl. He would have a hard time reading it without a magnifying glass in a well-lit room. In this lighting, it would be impossible.

Maybe there was something he could find to create a makeshift booklight. He turned and swam towards the other side of the room, scanning what little he could see.

This damn room was as big as an Olympic swimming pool. And the water was much darker.

Donnie scanned the water until he spotted a light glowing softly near the bottom of the pool.

Alright! Something had finally gone right! Usually, his bad luck kept him from having good breaks like this. Sometimes Donnie thought the fates had decided that since Donnie had gotten most of the brains they would even the scores by giving his little brother all of the luck. Donnie usually was the living embodiment of Murphy's law. He mentioned this to Raph once and his brother had muttered something about having turtle luck and it probably ran in the family cause why else would they have gone through half of the things they did?

He swam towards it and ripped it out of its console, thankfully it seemed to have an independent energy source because it didn't blink out.

He grabbed the console and pulled himself to the bottom of the room, planning to kick off from the bottom when he spotted it. Could it be? It was one of Bebop's soda bottles, sitting next to something that was glowing softly under the water. If he poured it out and filled the bottom with just a little bit of water he could make a makeshift magnifying glass to read the scrawl with maybe.

He swam towards it and plucked it off the glowing panel, unable to believe his luck.

"The water is a lot warmer over here than anywhere else." He thought to himself as he poured out the soda. whatever was glowing must really be hot.

The glow started to intensify, it spat flames into the water. Really hot.

The intensified more and widened to reveal a large pair of pointy teeth.


Donnie kicked off and soared away from the glow right before the dragon let out a beam of fire that started to simmer the water.

"I need to get out of here before I turn into turtle soup!" Donnie thought.

He made a break for the surface. The dragon shot up after him, It was a faster swimmer than him!

Knowing he couldn't outswim it he spun to face it. Planning to grab his bo and shove it into the dragon's mouth to keep it from getting its teeth on him he reached behind his back and groped around for the weapon that wasn't there.

His eye's widened and his breath nearly hitched as he realized he was unarmed.

The dragon shot at him, It's fanged jaw widening.

Donnie tried to think of something to do, his brain switch from thought to thought like a channel surfer who could only find infomercials and static. The dragon was upon him, he pulled into his shell. The dragon grabbed his shell with its mouth and-

And he was stuck.

The dragon had bitten off a bit more than it could chew it seems, Donnie was lodged in its mouth like a billiard ball swallowed by a college freshman on a dare.

It pushed at him with its tongue, sometimes getting its tongue down his head hole and jabbing the top of his head with the slimy appendage.

Damn turtle luck. That's the only thing that could take a simple task like finding a light and a magnifier and turn it into a Race-for-life against one of the ugliest creatures known to earth. Did the others get breaks this bad?

It reached over with its claws and tried to get a hold of him with its claws, but they kept scraping along his shell painfully.

Finally, it managed to get a hold of him and gave a mighty tug.

Donnie grit his teeth as his shell was pulled out of the dragon's mouth, the Dragon's teeth etched deep stinging scratches along the length of his shell.

The dragon dislodged him and flung him away.

He shot out of the water and unfurled himself in time to grab one of the large heavy wires protruding from the ceiling.

The dragon lurched out of the water like a giant crocodile.

Donnie screamed and swung himself this way and that, trying to avoid its jaws.

The dragon unfurled its wings, trying to gain air. It's soaked wings beat against the sides of the engine room, knocking the beast off balance and sending it back into the water.

Donnie was still dangling from the wiring by one hand. He tried to reach up with his other hand to grab something but couldn't reach. He reached into his weapons belt for a Kunai but came up short. Drat, the Foot had already taken his pocket contents, and that included all of his smoke bombs and throwing stars. He patted his belt hoping for something they missed when he felt something metal embedded in the back of his weapons sash. He tugged it off to examine it.

It was a Kraang-bot hand, The one that had grabbed him must have lost it when he tossed it to the whirlpool. The dragon got impatient and blew its fire into the pool to release some of its frustration.

The water began to boil. Filling the now very-cramped-feeling engine room with steam.

Steaming in his shell didn't seem much more appetizing than being boiled in it.

He looked at the wiring above him, taking stock of which wires led to where, this process was interrupted by the dragon lunging at him again. He pulled in his legs to keep out of its jaws and held the Kraang hand under him. The dragon scraped its teeth across it then bashed into the side of the engine room and fell back in.

He examined the now jagged hand and threw the jagged end at the wiring above him.

The jagged piece of metal sliced through the wires, Donnie held onto the short end and swung to the side of the engine room. The long end fell into the water and hit the dragon.

The dragon jerked in the water, convulsing and slamming the water with its wings.

Donnie cringed away, hoping fervently none of the electrified water would fly off in his direction.

After a moment the dragon fell limp and floated belly up in the water, temporarily stunned.

Donnie swung onto the dragon's belly and waited for it to float past the water bottle, so he could scooped it up, and drift over to the escape hatch.

He poured most of the water out of the bottle and looked through the bottleneck at the bottom.

Good thing he'd managed to learn a bit of Kraang language before.

The hatch opened and he crawled through into the hallway.

He was on his way out, He was weaponless and all by himself. His arms felt like they had been nearly tugged out of their socket, he hurt all over, the deep cuts all over his shell kept sending stabbing pains down his sides, and he had a few burns, but he was on his way out.

No more fighting. He decided. He couldn't manage another fight anyway. Ninja stealth is the name of the game from here on out. "I'll stick to the shadows. And if I'm found... I'm lost."

(scene break)

Leo slid down the cold metal of the technodrome, Mikey following behind, the metal was even colder than he expected, the water soaking it might have something to do with that.

Everything was wet and slippery. That was something he'd have to keep in mind, it would make things more difficult if they were engaged by the enemy.

The other thing that caught his attention was the vertical nature of all the platforms, there was a complete lack of ladders and stairs, which made navigating more difficult. If Leo and his brother hadn't been ninja or at least Olympic jumpers they could have been stranded easily.

This obviously wasn't meant to leave space, everything seemed designed for floating occupants, not gravity bound ones.

Leo came to the bottom of the chute, landing on another platform, he stepped to the side and waited for Mikey to land beside him before looking down at what he had to travel through below.

The bottom of the room was submerged in water, It was like the ship had decided to abduct a chunk of the ocean. Did aliens do that? Guess those human conspiracy theorists were way off about the cows.

"Huh?" Mikey said aloud, hopping down onto a lower platform that was level with the top of the water. "I guess we had more common with those pink guys then I thought, think they're sea life too?"

A Kraang bot lurched out of the water, wrapping its hands around Mikey and pulling him into the water.

"Mikey!" Leo called, before sensing something above him, He glanced up just in time to see a mass of Kraang bots above him, clinging to the ceiling, they all let go at once, falling onto him and knocking him into the water.

He managed to inhale deeply before plunging into the water.

He elbowed the Kraang behind him in the face, making it lose control of its robot shell. He grabbed the Kraang and flung it at the others, knocking the air out of them. Knocking a marine animal into the water wasn't a smart move, but he wouldn't be surprised if the Kraang didn't actually know anything about the type of animal he was mutated from.

He tried to turn around in the water so he could look for Mikey when he caught sight of Fishface coming on fast.

Fishface opened his mouth to snap down on Leo's stomach. Leo put his hands on the top and bottom of Fishface's Jaw to keep the fish away from him. Fishface kept swimming forward, the water roared in Leo's ears as they flew backward.

Leo tried to Kick the fish but got his leg caught for his effort, Fishface swam into a wall, slamming Leo's shell against the metal painfully and pressing the air out of his stomach.

*Hiss* Karai flew into Fishfaces side and wrapped herself around him.

Leo started to swim up for air, he spotted Mikey tangled in a bundle of Kraan droids above him. He slashed several of them in half and sheathed his sword so he could grab Mikey's wrists and swim upward with him. They reached the surface and drew in a gasp of breath.

"Karai?" Leo asked, peering into the water.

Karai surfaced next to him.

"Karai!" Leo exclaimed, swimming over to hug her. "What are you doing here?"

"Want… Help." She managed.

"We'll get you help Karai, don't worry."

"No. Want… To… Help." She corrected.

Leo and Mikey looked at each other then back at Karai, they smiled.

(scene break)

Donnie stepped around the mass of coiled and wires. This room was a mess, it was like all of the wiring and ship guts that they couldn't fit into the walls or control rooms were stuffed in here.

"How am I going to find my way out of this spaceship when I can't even find my way out of this messy room?" He asked himself.

He glanced around a wall to see if he could spot a door out and saw Shredder kicking some rubble out of his way on the floor below. He backed away and flatted his carapace against the wall, heart pounding.

His palm began to sweat. "I need to get out of here." He thought to himself.

He turned his body away from the corner shuffling to the left but keeping his eye on on the corner in case Shredder came around the side of it.

Deciding that it would be a better idea to make a break for he looked away from the corner and sprinted back the way he came, running straight in front of the Shredder.

Donnie skidded to a halt three inches away from the older and gulped, cringing. Shredder looked down his nose at Donnie in disdain. Donnie entertained the thought of running away but only for a second, the image of Shredder stabbing his father in the back was still fresh in his mind and he had no doubt the man would do the same to him.

"Pitiful." Shredder said, "If you were Leonardo or the red one I'd kill you now, you don't seem to have the same will to dominate as they do." He said this as though this was a detestable moral failing.

"He's going to kill me." Donnie thought, his mouth going dry and his sweaty palm shaking.

Shredder put a hand on his head and pushed him down so he fell one one knee then pressed his head down farther so his palm hit the ground and he was bowing.

"I can't win this," Donnie thought, even with his weapons he would be outmatched, it would take more than a smoke bomb to escape from this position and he didn't even have that. Shredder was going to kill him execution style.

"Still, you might be useful as an experiment, even if you aren't a worthy foe to celebrate vanquishing.

Shredder reached behind his back and pulled the time scepter out of the makeshift holster he tied to it.

Donnie saw his chance, If he could grab the time scepter he might be able to make it obey his command instead of Shredders.

He batted Shredder's hand away and in one swift motion surged forward to make a grab for the scepter.

Shredder punted him off the platform onto the floor below for this show of insolence.

Donnie gasped in pain as he hit the ground, but unwilling to let himself freeze, he turned onto his stomach and crawled under the coils knotted above him.

Shredder landed behind him and made a grab for Donnie's foot.

Donnie inhaled sharply as the other man grasped a handful of the brown fabric he'd wrapped around his foot, they both pulled, something had to give, it was the fabric, it shredded in the older man's hand.

Donnie scrabbled over to a metal panel that hadn't been properly screwed in.

Behind him Shredder used the time scepter on the metal knots, rusting them away in an attempt to shrink them into nothingness, had he been planning to test the time scepter by aging Donnie to death?

Donnie pulled the panel loose and crawled inside, he re-attached the loose platinum sheet and crawled into his shell, waiting.

"Ok Donnie, the man that nearly killed your father three times is hunting you, don't move, don't even breath, you can live through this." He thought to himself.

Shredder slammed against the metallic interior of the techno-drome. Sending out an ear-shattering reverberation throughout the chamber Donnie was hiding in. It took every ounce of discipline he had not to gasp in shock and give away his position.

Did Shredder use his claws or the time scepter to hit the wall? He was getting really distressed about Shredder's complete disregard for the respect that should be given to any object that could warp the fabric of reality. His heart sped up until he started to fear that Shredder would be able to hear it attempting to beat itself out of Donnie's chest.

After what seemed like an eternity he sensed Shredder's presence move down the hall. He hugged his knees and let himself breath, almost hyperventilating. He willed his breathing rate to return to normal and fought back the urge to choke. "You can do this Donnie, It's only a giant fortress full of enemies."

He tried to force himself to relax but he was in such a heightened state of terror that any reverberation he felt run through the drome nearly sent him leaping out of his skin.

While he would never wish for any of his brothers to be in his position he couldn't help but feel that Leo would fare much better in this situation. He tried to emulate the eldest turtle's fearlessness and clear his head.

Donnie squeezed himself through the vent until he found a loose metal panel and fell through.

He fell on his side and let out a cry of pain as another wave of agony ran freely through his aggravated cuts.

He rolled over and dug his fingers into a groove in the floor, dragging his body forward. He continued dragging himself across the floor until enough pain had left his body for him to stand up.

"What I would give for my Bo now." He said, it would be good to use as a walking stick, if not a weapon.

"But at least I got away, now all I have to escape and I'm home free." He rounded a corner.

"If I can just get through here without running into anybody else-" he found himself standing in front of Rocksteady.

Turtle luck. Tur-tle luck.

Donnie looked up at the monster right out in front of him. "Okay, I know you're thinking. You're thinking I should really thrash that guy, but I think that there is a really good reason for why you really should not do that, and I think you should hear it out before you take me."

Rocksteady leaned forward until his nose was 2 inches away from Donnie beak, "and what reason is that?"

Donnie opened his mouth to give a very clear rational reason why they shouldn't fight, but all that came out was a terrified scream. He fled down the hallway waving his hands and shrieking.

"Hey, get back here!" Rocksteady exclaimed before giving chase.

Donnie kept running until the hallway cut out for some reason. -Why weren't there any railings in this place?- And he pitched forward, falling into another river of water leftover from the tsunami.

He resurfaced and swam across fast, still screaming until he got to another hallway and clambered up onto that one. He prepared to made another getaway sprint when he heard an explosion that reverberated throughout the hallways of the drome.

"What was that?" He wondered, maybe it was something he could use to escape, unlikely, but at this point, he was grasping at straws.

He walked along the length of the hallway, Tracing his fingers along the until he came to a door.

He poked his head through to see a large hole in the side of the drome.

He wandered over it to look outside of it, white flurries of snow falling on his beak, the nippy winter wind stinging his eyes. He looked down the side of the techno drome, if he had his climbing gloves with him he could use it to make his escape, but it was too high for that without them.

The sound of heavy footsteps reverberated through the metal hallway behind him, causing him to cringe, his eyes darted all around the room looking for something he could use defend himself with as Rocksteady entered the room. "There is no more place for running, you be coming quietly, Turtle."

Donnie searched through one more time before admitting defeat. Then sighed, "okay Rocksteady you got me, take me in." "Good turtle, now it's just-what?"

Rocksteady stepped out of the way as the grappling hook soared into the room through the hole and embedded itself in the far wall. "What is-"

"Woo hoo!"

Raphael swung into the room on the other end of the grappling gun, slamming both of his feet into Rocksteady's face as the gun reeled him past.

"Raph!" Donnie exclaimed.

He ran forward and tackled his older brother in a hug, causing his brother to stumble backwards a few steps.

He wanted to hold on forever and not let go, but his brother pushed him back by his shoulders, trying to get a good look at him, and he didn't like what he saw.

"You're covered in cuts." he gave Donnie concerned look, "What did they do to you, little brother?"

Donnie smiled shyly, "Would you believe it was a dragon?"

They heard another explosion. "What the heck was that?" Don asked.

"I don't know, but we better go check it out, whenever it was our brothers might've been involved."

"Mikey and Leonardo are here?" Don asked.

"Yeah, they came here to look for you. April and Rennet too."

"We need to find them and get out of here, Shredder is running around in here and he's looking for me too."

"Then we better be fast."

The hallway led to a catwalk overlooking a large room. Under their catwalk was another catwalk and under that catwalk was two large vats of mutagen.

There was a metal gurney with straps besides the two vats, the walls of the room were covered in glass cages filled with mutant experiments. One large cage had a mutagen worm in it. This must be a lab.

There was another explosion, a large strip of metal tore away from the ceiling curling in toward itself. Like a playground slide. Rennet, April, bebop, and Tigerclaw all fell down the slide.

"April!" Donnie called as they fell past the catwalk.

The four falling fighters all managed to grab onto the second catwalk below. They quickly swung onto it and faced each other.

"You won't get rid of us that easily." April said.

"Oh? Then dodge this." Tigerclaw snapped, kicking Rennet off with catwalk.

"Rennet!" April screamed.

Rennet gasped at the sight of the glowing green ooze coming towards her, she turned her back to it, curling in on herself and clutching the time chapter close to her.

The time energy opened a portal beneath her. She fell into the gray before it closed, sending the teenage girl the fates knew where.

"This is bad. We needed Rennet to defeat the Shredder. And now she's gone." Donnie said.

"And it's about to get a lot worse."

Shredder stepped onto the catwalk across from Tigerclaw starting to approach April.

Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Karai ran (and slithered) into the room on the ground floor, followed by a small horde of shooting Kraang.

Mikey looked up and exclaimed, "Oh no, April!"

"Yeah, I like these odds. You sure don't want to give up girl? Three against one and all that?" Bebop asked.

"Surrender would be prudent." Tigerclaw added.

"Yeah? Well, I've got an act up my sleeve that I don't think any of you three can follow." " April said.

She jumped up onto the railing and held her arms out so her body formed a T, then she allowed herself to fall backward, off the catwalk and into the vat of Mutagen.

"She can't do that! Can she do that?" Bebop asked.

Leo tackled one of the Kraang flying around him and pointed its lasers at the other Kraang, forcing them to fly higher to get maneuvering room to dodge. Then he aimed the laser at the end of the catwalk shredder was on, blasting it away bit by bit.

Shredder snarled as the catwalk began to shift under his feet, he hadn't seen Timothy and could only guess at what would happen to him if he fell in the mutagen pool, but he wasn't keen on finding out, he grabbed one of the Kraang as they flew past him and ripped out the power core of its saucer before throwing it at the cage holding a large mutagen worm. Smashing the cage open and allowing the worm to escape.

The worm lunged at the Shredder and he responded by throwing the core in the worm's mouth.

The worm bit down on the volatile energy source, blowing its head off.

Shredder leaped onto the worm's back before it could fall over and used it as a runway to dash down to the ground level and grab Leo by the throat.

He flung Leo through a plane of glass into what Leo thought was an empty cage, but realized was actually some type of chute when shredder hit a button, opening up the floor below and sending Leo falling into the room below.

Karai threw herself down the chute after him.

Leo shot out the end of the chute and fell into a shallow pool ankle length deep.

At first, he thought it was more water then realized this wasn't water, it was too thick and sticky.

The lighting in the room didn't help him identify it though, the strange lights flooding into the room gave everything a sickly pink glow.

Raph charged, Shredder swiped his claws forward, intending to slash Raph's face open.

Raph pulled his head into his shell so Shredder went past him, Raph slammed his elbow into Shredder's stomach, trying to wind the man.

This only partially works on a man wearing armor, Shredder did double over for the briefest second, but recovered immediately and threw Raph away.

Donnie ducked and rolled under the scythe as his little brother knocked Tigerclaw in the face with the blunt top of his weapon.

"What am I going to do?" Donnie thought, "I need to find a way to get rid of Shredder, wait, maybe I can… but I'll need to seal of the mutagen and get April out of the way."

"April! I need you to get high." Donnie called.

"Why?" April asked.

"I've got an idea." Donnie said.

April started climbing the ladder and Donnie ran over to the control panel in front of the mutagen tanks.

He sealed the tops of them so he didn't have to worry about the mutagen getting mixed in when he enacted his plan.

Mikey!" He called behind him, "hold Shredder still."

Mikey threw his chain at Shredder attempting to wrap his chain around the older man.

Shredder turned around and held up his arm so the chain wrapped around that instead.

Donnie leaped at his back and grabbed the time scepter,

Shredder slashed the chain holding him in place and spun to grab the time scepter before Donnie could abscond with it.

Donnie gritted his teeth. "Tsunami." He hissed.

The time scepter glowed and the dangling ends stood up.

Water filled the room, pouring in from parts unknown.

Donnie held his breath and kept his grip on the time scepter, Shredder refused to let go.

April climbed higher to escape the rapids, and everyone else gripped the walls and held their breath.

Donnie and Shredder were picked off their feet and carried around the room by the cascades.

Donnie glared at Shredder defiantly.

"You might be strong, your men too, but you can't outlast us turtles in the water, flee or perish." He dared internally.

Shredder stubbornly kept holding his breath and refusing to release his grip on the scepter.

They flew past a control panel and Shredder snaked out a hand to bang across it.

The hatch in the flush area Shredder had thrown Leo into opened, the water began to swirl into it, creating a small whirlpool.

"Oh no." Donnie thought as the two ninja got caught in the pull and were carried closer to the hole.

"Not again."

They spun around and around the drain.

Donnie kept his grip on the time scepter. The water raged around him and battered his abused body, aggravating his cuts even more. Shredder refused to release his grip on the wand.

They both concentrated, trying to will the wand to bend to their will.

It glowed, a Bo staff appeared in the water swirling around them and a sword appeared after it.

Donnie released his grip in one hand so he could snatch up the Bo. Shredder did the same, going for the sword.

They were flung out of the hatch, Donnie's gripped was wretched away from the scepter and he flew across the room, his abused body slamming painfully into a wall and then smashing through the surface of the water.

Donnie floated up on his back and lay still for a moment, feeling numb.

The water covered his ear holes so he couldn't hear anything, he tilted his chin up so he could look behind himself.

Shredder burst through the surface of the water, holding the time scepter.

Karai flung herself out of the water at him, he grabbed her wrists in one hand and spun her so he could wrapped her in a bear hug from behind, squeezing her painfully so she cried out.

Donnie flopped his hand around the surface of the water, somehow finding his way to his Bo staff and wrapping his fingers around it.

Leo burst out of the water, slamming to Shredder and dragging him back into the water.

Donnie managed to turn onto his front and started waving his arms through the water, dragging himself toward the wall.

Shredder floundered around in the water, surfacing and falling back into the water as he struggled with his two opponents.

Donnie reached the wall and attached the Bo to his weapon belt before ascending.

He clawed his way up the wall to the ceiling and pulled the Bo out, sliding it over an metal coils that ran across the ceiling.

Donnie curled his fingers around the Bo, each hand on either side of the coils and pushed off. Letting gravity carry him across the room, sliding his Bo over the coils.

He let go of the Bo midway and fell, landing on Shredder's back.

Donnie reached around grabbed the time scepter causing it to glow.

A portal opened up above them dropping Rennet into the pool with them.

Shredder snarled and concentrated. The scepter glowed again and a blast of energy blasted all of his opponents away from him. And cleared the water out of the room.

Leo, Karai, and Donnie all bounced across the floor painfully.

Shredder knew who the greatest threat was and wasn't willing to let her get a move in, he aimed his scepter at Rennet before she could get her bearing and blasted her, knocking her away from her scepter.

Shredder made a break for the time scepter, Leo did the same, Karai went for Shredder, jaws wide and fangs bared.

Leo rolled across the ground snatching up the time scepter and pointing it at Shredder.

Shredder raised his scepter and pointed it at Leo.

They both blasted as much time energy as they could stand at each other.

Karai got in the middle of their attacks and was swallowed by the time energy.

Leo and Shredder both gasped, before renewing their determination and pouring out every ounce of will they could manage, trying to use their scepter to bend the time energy to their will.

The energy abated, leaving Karai kneeling on the floor in her human form.

"Karai?" Leo asked.

"Daughter?" Shredder asked.

Donnie forced an eyelid open and glanced at his sister. "Are you with us Karai?" He wondered.

"You..." Karai started to say, "TRAITOR!" She leaped at Shredder and kicked him in the head.

"There is nothing in this world the disgusts me as much as the thought that some where out there in Japan is a fridge with my macaroni art on it saying 'I love you shredder' on it, this will shame me until I die and it's all because of you, you lying-"

"Karai!" Leo exclaimed, forgetting himself and dropping the time scepter to rush to Karai's aid.

Rennet shook herself and noticed the time scepters both lying on the floor.

She darted forward and grabbed her scepter, taking aim she shot another blast of time energy at the fake, reducing it to dust.

"Ok, one more adjustment." She raised her scepter high.

The Technodrome dissipated beneath their feet.

The occupants began to fall, Rennet used the scepter to surround her friends with anti-gravitons to keep them from falling.

The Foot fell, the Kraang continued to float around trying to shoot them.

Raph dispatched them with his Kunia, chasing the survivors away.

Rennet floated them all close to her.

"Looks like we've won the day, How about a change of scenery?"

One second later found them all standing in the living room of the lair. Casey looked around, seeming disappointing. "Ah, what happened to Rex?"

"I sent him back home, don't worry, he'll be happy there, I hope you guys are all happy here too."

"Is... Is it over?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah, it's over." Rennet said.

"Oh, goody." Donnie managed before fainting.

(Scene break)

"Donnie, Donnie."

Donnie opened his eyes. "What?"

"Hey, you're awake." Leo said. Raph and Mikey all crowded around him.

"What-" Donnie spotted Master Splinter sleeping in a chair across the room.

"What happened?"

"Rennet fixed everything, Shredder ran away to lick his wounds, Karai went back to her lair, and you fainted."

"Yeah, had us kind of worried there for a bit, little brother." Raph said, cracking a smile.

"Fixed everything… Does that mean?"

"We remember everything dude," Mikey chirped happily," Kraang and pizza gonzola's and Rennet-"

"And you too, little brother." Leo said affectingly. "I'll go make you some cocoa."

Donnie chuckled as his brother fought over who would get the second mug.

"I'm home," He thought, closing his eyes and relaxing back into his chair, "I'm finally home."

End Chapter

That was kind of a sudden ending, but then, this chapter is 17 pages long and the longest in the story so it was kind od dragging any way, I didn't really have a good way for this to end, which is why there's a slight downturn in quality.

If you thought this story was good, maybe consider going on to tv tropes and idioms and adding this fic to the rec pages. Please?

Well, it was worth asking anyway, I hope you enjoyed this fic.

What was your favorite part and why? Tell me in the comments.