Notes: IT IS DONE! Thank you all for staying with us through this, even when we didn't update for weeks at a time. Writing this was quite the adventure, but we are very relieved to be finished. We also have a few new ideas that we are working on, so keep an eye out! These are the epilogues, they follow the basic plot of what happened in the fantastic beasts movie, but with a few key changes ;) Enjoy!



3 Months Later

It's been three months since Newt and I found Saja, and I can hardly believe everything that's happened. Newt and I have spent many nights together, talking and learning about each other. I love Newt so much, and Saja. She called me Mama the other day for the first time, and I didn't let her go for the rest of the day.

Newt and I have been trying to learn Sudanese, while also teaching Saja English so that the three of us can communicate without a translator spell. Mama and papa were two of the first words she learned, so she started using them to refer to me and Newt. Although, Newt pouted most of the day because Saja called me Mama before she called him Papa.

Saja gets along wonderfully with the creatures so far, which is good because we have to feed all of them while Newt is outside the case. We're travelling to New York City and then to Arizona to bring Frank home, even though we'll all be sad to see him go. Newt has to be outside the case to put us on a boat, so we've seen very little of him the past few days.

"Mama!" Saja calls, and comes running over to me as I'm trying to get the erumpent to eat. (Newt says she's a picky eater, I think she just refuses to eat in order to spite me.)

"Mama look!" Saja says again, and holds up Niffler for me to see, beaming with pride. I turn to look, and the poor creature has a makeshift crown woven from leaves and twigs sitting on his head.

"Lovely. Did Pickett help you make that?" I ask her, grinning with amusement.

"Yes." She tells me, cuddling Niffler to her chest. Pickett is sitting on her shoulder, looking decidedly smug.

"Hmm. Be nice to Niffler, okay?" I warn, knowing how unpleasant he can be when he's unhappy. Saja nods seriously.

"I will, Mama." She promises.

"Did you feed the occamies?" I ask.

"Yes." Saja says. Then I notice something shifting across her shoulders, and one of the occamies pokes its head out from underneath her hair. The creature's dark purple scales blend easily into Saja's black hair, but now that I notice it I can see it's draped around her neck like a scarf.

"How many creatures are you carrying?" I laugh. Saja just grins at me and runs off. She and Newt are so much alike it surprised me sometimes. I walk over to Frank, and gently stroke his head, waiting for Newt to return.

A Siren, a Wizard, and a Baker, Oh My !

Where on earth is he? He should have come back down by now, and I am very worried because several of the creatures have gone missing. I walk over to the ladder, and just as I am about to climb up, the top opens and Newt descends.

"Where have you been? Saja and I were getting worried." I say, as he pulls me into a hug.

"Sorry love, but some of the creatures got free and I've been chasing them down," He says, looking a little annoyed.

I am about to reply, when a loud crash comes from behind us. I whirl around and there, sitting at the end of the ladder, is a man I have never seen before. I turn to Newt with a raised brow, and he grins sheepishly.

"Ah yes, Kai this is Jacob. He is a muggle that took my case by mistake and let out some of the creatures. Jacob, this is my love, Kaimana, and our daughter Saja is somewhere around here." He tells the ma- Jacob.

"Oh, well. Hello ma'am. It's nice to meet you." Jacob says. The poor man looks a bit lost, but he still addresses me politely.

"Hello Jacob, it's nice to meet you as well." I reply with a smile.

"Mama! Papa!" Saja comes barreling into the room, followed closely by her favorite moon calf that she recently named Sunshine. "Look I trained him to follow me!" She announces proudly, tossing a few floating food pellets behind her and watching Sunshine snatch them up. Then Saja notices Jacob and immediately hides behind Newt, holding tightly to his blue coat.

"That's excellent dear, maybe we can teach him to sit next. Jacob, this is Saja, our daughter. Saja, this is Jacob. He's my friend!" Newt explains to her with a wide grin. Saja peers around Newt and offers Jacob a small wave.

"Hello Saja." Jacob says, looking more confused by the second.

"Newt darling? Have you explained about all your creatures and magic to him? He looks very upset." I say, knowing Newt has a tendency to forget that not everyone knows what he knows.

"No ma'am he did not. He just walked right into his case of his and motioned for me to follow." Jacob tells me, and Newt shrugs.

"In my defense, I really missed you two and wanted to get back. Also, I thought he would be more likely to believe me if I just showed him," Newt tells me, patting Saja's head. I sigh and lean over to kiss his cheek.

"You are forgiven but next time, please explain properly." I say pointedly, and rub my legs, which are starting to itch like they always do when I've been out of the water too long.

"Momma are you gonna go back in the pond?" Saja asks me, immediately picking up on my discomfort.

"Yes sweetie, would you like to swim with me?" I ask her, since I know how much she loves swimming. She nods excitedly and takes off towards the pond. We all exchange an amused grin, although Jacob continues to look confused.

"I'm a siren," I explain to him. Jacob's eyes widen with shock.

"Really!? Can I—Could I see?" He asks tentatively. I smile, and nod.

I lead them over to the pond where Saja is already swimming. I dive in after her, my shimmering blue tail appearing as I do. Jacob lets out an astonished gasp.

"Mr. Scamander, you got yourself an amazing family." He says a little awestruck, and Newt grins with pride.

"Yes, I really do."

Newt Has Too Many Friends

"Kai! Saja! Come here! I have some people I want you to meet!" Newt calls excitedly, his voice echoing throughout the case.

I sigh and look up from the book I'm reading. It's been a very stressful week, what with the creatures escaping, meeting the muggle, Jacob, and having Newt outside all the time, undoubtedly getting into trouble without me there to stop him. Not that I could, but at least I could help get him back out of trouble. Really, all the excitement and stress has taken a toll on the creatures, Saja, and myself. The last thing we need is more people.

I set aside my book and pull myself out of the pond. Hopefully these new people will be as kind and polite as Jacob, but I've learned not to expect much from humans. I wander in the direction I heard Newt calling, hoping Saja heard him as well.

When I find him, he's talking sternly to Pickett, no doubt trying to convince him to return to his home tree again. Jacob is back as well, returning our lost demiguise Dougal to his nest. And standing off to the side are two more humans, witches, I believe.

One of them, a tall woman with curly blonde hair turns to look at me as I approach, offering me a kind smile that reminds me a bit of Nicola. I immediately want to like her. Beside her however, is a dark haired woman with a much more closed off expression that I can't quite read.

Newt notices me and gives me a bright smile.

"Kai! Meet the Goldstein sisters! This is Queenie," He says, indicating the blonde witch, "And this is Tina!" He gestures to the other woman. "Queenie, Tina, this is Kai!"

"Hello." I say, nodding politely to them.

"Oh! Hello, Kai! It's lovely to meet you." The blonde woman—Queenie, steps forward to shake my hand.

"And you as well." I reply.

"Yes, hello Kai." Tina says, looking me up and down with what seems to be disapproval. "Who are you exactly? To Newt, I mean." She asks.

"Well, I don't know what you'd call it exactly, but I help him take care of the creatures, we're raising a child together, and we're in a romantic relationship." I say, enjoying the way her eyes widen in surprise.

"A child?" Tina says, frowning.

At that moment, Newt walks over with Saja and Jacob, still grinning happily.

"Hey guys, this is Saja, my daughter!" He announces, and Saja waves at the Goldstein sisters shyly. Tina's frown deepens, and her eyes take on a hard glare.

"How is she your child? She doesn't even look like either of you?" She says, curling her lip in disbelief.

"Tina! How can you say that!?" Queenie gasps. Saja's smile fades, and she leans closer to Newt. I step closer to my family and growl a little. Newt looks upset, unsure of how to proceed.

"How dare you! How dare you come into our home and insult us! Saja may not be ours by blood, but that doesn't make her any less than our daughter! You want to know what I think? I think you thought that Newt would come in and change your life, and then you would wind up together, living happily ever after." I spit, pulling Saja into a tight hug.

Queenie furrows her brow, staring at her sister in disapproval.

"Tina—" She starts to speak, but Tina shoot her a dark glare.

"Stay out of my head." Tina hisses, before turning back to Newt. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, I was just surprised is all. I apologize." She says, stiffly.

Newt nods in acceptance, though he still seems troubled by Tina's reaction. I, on the other hand, am more than a little troubled, and not nearly as forgiving as Newt. I want her out of the case, and away from my family.

Jacob, sensing the awkward tension, tries to change the subject.

"So, uh. Shouldn't we be planning a way to stop that obscurial-thingy from destroying the city?" He suggests.

"What?!" I whirl around to look at him, fear suddenly pulsing through my veins like ice water. He jumps a little, startled at the force of my reaction.

"Newt? What does he mean? Is there another one here?" I fire off frantic questions, while Saja whimpers. Newt shushes her, and tries calming us both down.

"Yes, I am afraid that there is another one on the loose, and it has killed someone already." He tells me gravely.

"Newt, we have to help save the child." I say, and I hear a snort from behind me. I whip around to glare at Tina. She glares right back.

"What does a siren know about an Obscurus, let alone how to handle one?" She scoffs. I am so close to kicking her out of this case. Or maybe singing to her.

"I have travelled with Newt for many months. We encountered one not long ago." I snap at her, gripping Saja's shoulder protectively. "I know quite a bit about them from first hand experience, not to mention sirens are powerful, dangerous, magical creatures in their own right. I am quite adept at handling dark creatures. And any other threats." I say, baring my teeth at the witch. Tina narrows her eyes, but doesn't argue. I count it as a win.

"Where is the Obscurus now?" I ask Newt, who shrugs helplessly.

"I don't know, but we do need to find it soon. It's more powerful than even Sa—than even the one we found before." I look at him and the others.

"We need to help this child. Now." I insist. Newt nods grimly. We did this once already, I'm confident we can do it again.

The Struggling Child

After hours of trying to find the Obscurus, Newt discovered that it was a young teen named Credence. He is the oldest Obscurus that we have ever heard of, and because of it, he is even more vulnerable.

Newt decided that for Saja's safety and mine, we were to stay within the case as he and the others took off after the boy. It's not a decision I'm happy with.

I look over at Saja, sleeping peacefully in the grass beside my pond, and then I walk over to the Thunderbird.

"Frank, I need you to take care of Saja. Can you do that for me?" I ask him, stroking his head.

He chirps and goes over my slumbering child, curling a wing over her protectively. I smile softly at him, and nod my thanks. I know Newt wanted me to stay, but I can't stand on the sidelines while that child is in danger.

I exit the case, and find myself in some kind of… underground station? I believe it's what Newt once told me it was called. He must have hidden the case to keep it safe. I immediately notice the air is filled with black sand, the same dust that had surrounded Saja. It must be the Obscurus boy. I cautiously make my way over to where the boy is hunched over, shivering.

"Credence?" I call out softly. His head snaps up and he whirls around to stare at me.

"Go away!" He shrieks at me, but I don't back away. Instead, I kneel down slowly so I don't seem quite so threatening.

"I am not here to hurt you, and I am not a wizard. I am a magical creature." I tell him, and he stares at me in confusion.

"What are you then?" He asks.

"I am a siren," I say smiling slightly. I start singing a song I made up for Saja, and the boy slowly starts to calm down. I inch closer to him as I sing, approaching him as Newt would a hurt creature.

"Can you help me? I don't know what I am." He say, and trembles a little.

I move forward and wrap an arm around his shoulders when he breaks down crying. I pull him closer, rocking the two of us back and forth as I explain to him what an Obscurus is, and how Newt and I have saved one.

"Y-you adopted her? Even though she hurt all those people?" He asks me once I finish speaking.

"Of course, we did. She was just a scared little girl who couldn't control her magic. In fact, if you wanted you could stay with us too. I'm sure Newt wouldn't mind." I tell him, and he looks like he wants to be hopeful.

"You want me to stay with you? Even though I'm a monster?" He says, his voice leaden with suspicion and distrust.

"You are not a monster Credence! You are a boy that was forced to hide away a part of him. Your adoptive mother should have trained you, not hurt you." I tell him, and he breaks down again. I sigh and rub his back.

The black sand eventually dissipates back into him, and Newt comes running over, but I motion for him to stay back. He does, kneeling down slowly so as not to startle Credence.

"If you come with us, we can keep you safe. We can teach you to control your powers. And I'm sure Saja would love to meet you." I suggest. Credence hunches his shoulders, curling in tightly on himself.

"I—I don't know." He says.

"Please? You won't have to stay with us if you don't want to." I promise. He stares at me for several seconds, before nodding reluctantly. I try not to look too relieved. "Okay. Come on then, we'll take you to our home. You'll be safe there."

"Modesty." Credence says, sitting up suddenly.

"I'm sorry?" I ask.

"My sister. Modesty. She's alone. I have to find her." He says, stray black dust spinning through the air as he gets more upset.

"Okay, okay, we'll find her. We'll find her Credence." I assure him. I glance over at Newt who nods back, understanding without words.

"I'll be back soon." Newt says, apparating with a whirl of his blue coat. We're going to need a bigger suitcase, I think.

Visitors, Again


I glare down at the chessboard.

"How?! How are you doing that!" I demand, looking up at Modesty. She's been getting ridiculously good at this game, though I still manage to beat her on occasion. Today however, I am failing miserably.

Modesty shrugs and I sigh. There's no way I can win now.

"Kai!" Newt calls suddenly. I sit up so quickly I almost topple the chessboard.

"What time is it?!" I ask, glancing up at the artificial sky to see the sun is almost setting. "Oh dear. Be right there, Newt!" I call back to him. I completely forgot that Jacob and Queenie were coming over to meet the kids and have dinner.

"Modesty, get your brother and Saja please." I say.

She nods and takes off to find her siblings. Since Saja, Credence, and Modesty moved in we had to expand the case some, sectioning off rooms for the kids to sleep in. Saja loves to wander around the case looking after the animals, and Modesty likes following me or Newt around, but Credence keeps to his room a lot. Newt says that he needs time, that he'll come around, but I still worry about him. I want to be able to help him, I just don't know what to do.

The kids come out of their rooms, and I give them all reassuring smiles.

"Alright, if any of you don't feel comfortable with Newt's friends, let me know and we can go somewhere else okay?" I tell them. Credence and Modesty nod.

"Okay. I will tell you, but I want to try to meet them," Credence says, and I beam at him.

Newt walks over with Jacob and Queenie in tow.

"Hello!" Jacob says, smiling at the girls and handing them cookies from his bakery, which they accept happily. He walks over to Credence and gives him cookies that Newt might have mentioned were Credence's favorite. Credence accepts them shyly, mumbling a thank you.

"So, I heard you might want to learn how to cook." Jacob says, and Credence freezes up.

"Y-yes I do," Credence says.

I fight back a grin. Cooking is one of the few things Credence has shown an interest in since apparently, he used to cook for the other Second Salem kids. Unfortunately, neither I, nor Newt can cook very well.

"Well that's perfect, because Queenie and I are both cooks! Well, Queenie's a better cook than me, I do most of the baking." Jacob explains, and Queenie nods enthusiastically.

"What's your favorite dish, sweetie?" She asks with a warm smile.

"Chicken Alfredo," Credence says, and I frown in confusion. I have never heard of that dish.

"Mmm I haven't had that in a long time," Queenie muses. Jacob beams at him.

"Let's start making it!" He suggests happily. Credence nods a little and looks over at me.

"It sounds like fun. You can use the new kitchen." I tell him, and he smiles at me. My breath catches, and I try not to tear up. I have never seen him this happy.

"Well come on then! Let's get cooking!" Queenie says, flipping her hair and heading to the kitchen. The kids and Jacob follow after her.

"You know," I say, turning to look at Newt, "Jacob can't come over if he's going to give them sweets all the time."

"Aww, you don't mean that." Newt says, linking my arm with his and leading me to the kitchen. I sigh, and glare playfully at him.

"He didn't even bring me some," I say, pouting. Newt just laughs. The two of us stand by to watch as Jacob and Queenie explain what to do. Credence works diligently on the food, smiling softly the whole time.

"Momma it smells good!" Saja says, and Modesty agrees. I nod and notice Credence blushing slightly.

"Credence is awesome." Modesty says, looking up at her brother.

"He is, isn't he? It smells fantastic Cre." Newt says.

"Thank you." Credence mumbles. I look over Newt's shoulder into the pan. It does smell good, though I still have no idea what it is.

"It looks yummy." I offer, resting my hand on Credence's arm. "Good job."

He ducks his head in embarrassment, but I still catch the hint of a smile tugging at his mouth. A warm feeling of contentment spreads through my chest as I reach down to pick Saja up so she can see the food too. Modesty grabs on to Newt's hand and starts telling him about the chess game we were playing earlier, giving him a blow by blow of how she was beating me. Jacob attempts to explain to Credence how to tell when the chicken is done, while Queenie listens with a mixture of fondness and exasperation.

I don't know how I got this lucky. How I went from living in a tank for thirty years all alone, to living in a suitcase full of magical creatures with the love of my life and my three adopted kids.

Saja tugs on my hair and points to the floor where Niffler is trying to swipe at the sparkly gems on Queenie's shoes.

"Niffler…" I say warningly. The creature glances up at me, blinking his wide, innocent eyes. Then he steals the entire shoe, to Queenie's surprise, and starts running. And the chase is on, once again.

One Year Later

"Saja! Did you put on your dress yet!" I demand, marching over to the kid's rooms.

"Yes, Mama!" She says, opening her door.

"You are not wearing all that." I say flatly. Saja pouts and readjusts the heavy silver jewelry around her neck. "Where did you get those?" I ask.

"Nowhere." She tells me, and I see a flash of Niffler's nose hiding under her hair.

"Mama!" Modesty cries out suddenly and comes running over with Spike, her Nundu, in tow.

For some reason he's really taken a liking to her, which is both amusing, and terrifying. He hasn't tried to hurt her though, and he even comforts her when she occasionally freaks out and does accidental magic. He's always the first to calm her down if Newt or I can't.

Newt was very excited when Modesty did magic the first time, because he said once she hits eleven she will be off to Hogwarts, and I told him that there is no way any of my children are ever leaving me. He just laughed, but I was entirely serious. None of my babies are leaving me for some dangerous wizard school.

"What's wrong, darling?" I ask, turning to look at Modesty. She actually got dressed when I told her to, unlike Saja and Credence, but the front of her nice white dress is now covered in mud. "What did you do?!"

"I was playing with Spike, but I fell and—I'm sorry." She hangs her head and blinks away tears.

"Hey, hey! Don't cry! It's not a big deal, love. Papa will cast a cleaning spell when he gets back, it will be fine." I reassure her, kneeling down and pulling her into a hug. Spike steps forward to rest his head on Modesty's shoulder and starts purring so loudly it vibrates the ground.

"Mody, don't cry." Saja says, coming over to sit down beside us. "Do you want a necklace?" She asks, holding out a thick gold necklace with a ruby pendant. Modesty giggles and shakes her head. I let out a breath of relief. Everyone's tensions have been high today.

I let go of Modesty and stand up to go find Credence. I find him in his room, sitting on his bed petting Dougal, the demiguise. Those two really hit off as well, and I rarely find them apart nowadays. Usually they're off playing together, or eating the snacks that Jacob sends us.

"Credence? Sweetie, are you all ready to go?" I ask him.

"Yes, I'm just waiting for Dad to get back so he can help me with my bowtie," Credence says, and I nod. Honestly, Newt was the one most excited to be Jacob's best man at his wedding, but he's the one who's going to make us late.

It's then that Newt comes stumbling over to the kid's rooms, lugging armfuls of bags.

"I got everything!" He announces, and I sigh.

"Newt, you're going to make us late," I scold him and he smiles sheepishly.

"I know love, but I had to make sure we got everything set for the wedding!." He tells us, and Credence takes the bags from him.

"Dad can you help me with my tie? And Modesty needs a cleaning spell. She got her dress all dirty." Credence says. Newt nods and waves his wand, doing up Credence's bowtie. I call the girls in, and they come running. Newt cleans Modesty's dress, and hugs them all.

"Alright, everyone all set? Saja, I told you to take off the jewelry! And leave Niffler in the case, he'll just make a mess." I order. Saja pouts, but does as she's told.

"We should leave now, Jacob said the wedding will start in half an hour." I tell them all. We check over the creatures one more time, and head up the ladder into the guest room of Queenie and Jacob's house where we were allowed to stay for the wedding.

We go out to the backyard where everyone is rushing around making final preparations for the ceremony. It's a beautiful day, surprisingly warm for England in the fall, with clear blue skies above. It's a perfect day for a wedding.

The kids immediately take off, no doubt to cause trouble where ever they can. I swear, they're as bad as Newt.

"Newt, go find Jacob and help him finish getting ready. I'll go find Queenie." I say. Newt nods and goes to find his friend.

I go back inside to where Queenie is, and I find her in her room finishing up her hair. Her sister couldn't come for some reason or another (I think it's because she didn't want to see Newt), so Queenie asked me to be her brides maid.

"You look amazing," I tell her, and she beams at me.

"Thank you! I am so happy. Jacob is the perfect man for me." She says, and I truly believe it.

"Are you ready?" I ask. Queenie takes a deep breath and nods.

"I'm ready."

The wedding music begins, and we all get into place. Saja and Modesty are the flower girls, and Credence is the ring barrier. He was really happy when Jacob asked him.

The children walk forward, and then it's time for me and Newt. We link arms and walk down the aisle together, and for a split second it feels like it's our wedding.

I stamp down that thought as soon as it appears. Today is Jacob and Queenie's day, and I am happy for them. Newt and I make it to the end of the aisle and he squeezes my hand once before letting go and stepping to the side.

The music swells and Queenie steps into view, her glittering white dress flowing around her. Jacob practically glows with happiness and love as he watches his future wife walk towards him.

The ceremony is sweet, and fairly quick. After Queenie and Jacob share their kiss we all cheer for them, hanging around and catting for a bit before heading back to the case. Saja and Modesty quickly tire, and Credence is extremely uncomfortable with all the attention from the weddings guests. We say our goodbyes and congratulate the happy couple, but the two of them are so lost in each other that they barely register us. The reception will be tomorrow afternoon, so we'll have plenty of time to talk with them then.

After the ceremony, Newt starts acting funny. He seems jumpy and nervous, and I don't know why. He's acting like he usually does before he goes searching for a new creature.

The kids all go to their rooms to change into their usual clothes, and I take the opportunity to question him.

"Newt is something wrong?" I ask, and he jumps.

"No! I just seem to have misplaced something." He says, frantically searching his pockets.

"What did you lose?" I ask, starting to get very concerned now.

"It—it was just here!" He insists, pulling out vials and various papers from his coat. Suddenly, Pickett pops out of Newt's sleeve, squeaking loudly.

"What?" He asks, and Pickett holds out a small, shiny object. Newt immediately relaxes and smiles at the creature. "Thanks, buddy."

"Newt, what's going on?" I ask, slightly annoyed at this point. Newt looks up and meets my eyes with startling severity.

"Kaimana. Love of my life. Mother of my adopted children. Caregiver of my creatures. My best friend." He says, kneeling down and holding up the small object which I know realize is a silver ring. "Will you do me the honor of marrying this crazy magizoologist, who's madly in love with you?"

I gasp and can feel the tears prickling my eyes as I tackle him into a hug.

"Yes. Of course, I will marry you, you ridiculous wizard."