Emil liked dinner at Sve's because Sve knew how to cook, unlike his brother or Denmark. And Sve made a huge dinner for
everyone. Sometimes Berwald made too much and they would take containers out the ass home. Tino could cook fairly well and
usually he would be the one cooking dinner for the other Nordics but tonight was Berwald's night to cook. It wasn't even
a special occasion, the tallest Nordic just felt like doing it. Emil wouldn't tell anyone else this, but having dinner with\
all of his family was one of his favorite things in the world.

"Ice-man, glad you made it!" Tino greeted him when he arrived. Emil gave him a hug though he pretended not to like it.

"Yeah, you too," Iceland said without thinking.

"Mum lives here," Peter piped up, giving his uncle a wink. Emil wasn't sure what that was about but it didn't matter. All
the Nordics gathered in the living room, save for Berwald who was finishing up dinner. Lukas refused to sit next to Matthias
causing both Peter and Emil to sigh.

"We all know you're in love so just kiss and shut up," Peter said. Emil raised an eyebrow but he agreed with what his
nephew had said. Tino shushed his son.

"I am not in love with that stupid Dane, Peter. It's rude to make such accusations," Lukas frowned, crossing his arms.
Matthias made a face that Emil could only descibe as hurt. The young Nordic rolled his eyes, though secretly he loved the
drama. Now if only they could publicly admit their feelings for one another. All the other Nordics knew, even Peter for
crying out loud. There was no point in hiding it anymore.

"Norge, what the hell?" Matthias whispered, avoiding Lukas's eyes. Lukas didn't answer and Denmark turned on his heel
and went to the kitchen. He sunk into a seat beside Emil who only sighed.

"You're an idiot," Iceland murmured.

"I know," Lukas murmured back, head in his hands. Emil could do without his brother being miserable.
He's sure they'll make up soon enough, though Matthias was really hurt this time.

"You should go talk to him," Emil said softly. He hated seeing his brother so upset. He did love his brother, but sometimes
he was very stupid, despite trying to be the smart older brother.

"Will he talk to me?" Norway asked.

"I think he will. And stop hiding," Emil said, pushing his brother out of his seat. Lukas followed Matthias into the
kitchen. Hopefully things would work out. He took out his phone, lookingh to see if Leon had texted, which he had.

[3:12pm]I made it home safe!

That message was sent a mere five minutes ago. Iceland eagerly responded.

[3:20pm] I'm really glad! What's up?

Emil hoped he hadn't sounded too eager. I mean, the two countries had just met today for crying out loud!

[3:23pm] Worried about me, eh?

Iceland blushed. It wasn't like that at all!

[3:25pm] As if.

[3:26pm] You wound me, Em.

[3:27pm] Em?

[3:30pm] A nickname I came up with. You don't mind do you?

Iceland's face is beet red. That is literally the cutest thing.

[3:34pm] Not at all! I don't mind! Can I call you Lee then?

[3:36pm] How cute. Yes, you can.

[3:37pm] Thanks. So um... what're you up to?

Emil couldn't believe how awful he was at texting. It's just a friend, honestly. At least Norge was in the other room so he couldn't see his younger brother's face right now. He would be all over him and probably ban him from texting or something outrageous like that.

"Who you textin'?" Peter asked, sitting next to the young Nordic. Emil turned his phone away so his nephew couldn't see.

"It's nobody," he flushed.

"Well, I don't think it's nobody. Is it Hong Kong?" Peter smiled. Iceland only blushed darker and Sealand gave a soft cheer.

"Are you two dating?" Emil choked.

"Absolutely not. I just met him," he said, rather irritated. Peter rolled his eyes and turned back to his legos. Iceland let out a sigh of relief.

[3:46pm] I'm hanging out with my family. It's my sister's birthday today.

[3:50pm] Wish her happy birthday for me?

[3:52pm] Of course! Thanks for saying that. You'd like Mei.

[3:55pm] I'd like to meet your family. They seem less crazy than mine.

[3:58pm] Would you like to come over? Tomorrow maybe?

Emil blushed darkly. This was basically like asking him out, right?

[4:03pm] I would love that! I'd have to ask Lukas though.

[4:05pm] Is that your brother? Are you twins?

Iceland rolled his eyes. Lukas and him looked nothing alike. They got that all the time. It pleased Lukas but annoyed Emil.

[4:09pm]No. He's just my older brother. We get that a lot. I don't really see the resemblance.

[4:10pm] Ah, I see. Well, I hope he lets you come over! Then maybe I could meet your family. I'm sure sensei would love that I made a friend.

[4:14pm] Lukas is extremely possessive of me. I'm his only brother after all.

[4:16pm] I'm sure if he met me, his heart would rest easy. ;)

His heart fluttered in his chest. That was so cute.

[4:19pm] If only you could. He hardly even leaves me alone with my own nephew. The only reason he left me alone now is because he made his boyfriend cry.

[4:23pm] I hope everything works out for them.

Emil looked into the kitchen, his brother clutching Denmark's hand, whispering something to him that made him smile.

[4:25pm] I think it will.

"S' that you, Emil?" Sweden asked, looking at him out of the corner of his eyes. The young Nordic tucked his phone away.

"Yeah it's me, Sve. What do you need?" he asked, coming up to stand beside him.

"I need ya to set the table, seeing as I asked those two to do it twenty minutes ago," the bespectacled Nordic said, a sly smile on his face. Iceland just rolled his eyes and grabbed the plates from the cupboard, setting the table.

"Looks like Peter gets the lucky plate," he informed Sve.

"He'll be happy. Tell 'im it's his choice for dessert," Berwald smiled. "And let everyone know dinner is just about ready." Iceland nodded, going back to the living room, ignoring Denmark and Norway locked in a passionate kiss.

"Peter. You've got the lucky plate," he told his nephew. Sealand lit up, he usually never got it, especially when family came over.

"Fish fingers and custard!" the young nation declared. Iceland inwardly groaned. His nephew had been on quite the Doctor Who kick as of late and now all he wanted was to eat dishes from the show.

"Peter, darling. Mama told you that he was going to make that for you tomorrow, didn't I?" Finland stepped in, making Emil relieved.

"Oh, yeah! Sorry. Um... key lime pie then!" Iceland nodded. That was much better. It wasn't his favorite but he could deal with something that was actually made for dessert.

"Also, Sve said dinner is almost ready so yeah... we should probably get in our seats." Each of the Nordics had their own unspoken assigned seats. Emil and Lukas always sat next to each other. Matthias would sit on Lukas's other side. Tino would sit next to Peter and Peter would be next to Berwald, who was on Matthias's other side. Once all the Nordics were settled down into their proper seats, Sweden carried out dinner.

"You've really outdone yourself, my love," Tino smiled. Peter made a gagging noise and Iceland was inclined to agree. Norway kicked Denmark who winked at him. Sweden blushed.

"Twas nothing," he said, taking his seat next to his son. After a short prayer of thanks, everyone dug in. Iceland sneakily checked his phone to see if Hong Kong had replied. He hadn't. This bothered him only slightly. He must be having fun with his family. That was more important that Emil could ever hope to be.

"No phones at the table, Ice-man!" Matthias grinned.

"Shut up, Dane," Norway and Iceland said together, the latter blushing profusely.

"Little brother, do I have to confiscate your phone? Or maybe I'll just let Sealand have it."

"No," Berwald and Tino said, while Peter clapped and said, "Yes!" Iceland stuck his tongue out at his brother but put his phone away.

"Peter tells me you've made a friend, Emil. That's wonderful!" Tino smiled. Iceland knew his nephew and his friend meant well, but it was still very embarrassing to have the entire family looking at him as he tried eating his dinner.

"It's no big deal, just another nation." Even saying those words felt like betrayal to Leon. He was totally much more than that, not like he'd tell anyone, much less with Lukas right there.

"Yes, he represents Hong Kong," Lukas piped up.

"Hong Kong is a very nice boy. I've met him on several occasions when I went to work with Arthur. Very well mannered. I don't think Emil could have picked a better friend," Tino said cheerfully, though his eyes were cutting at Norway, as if to silently tell him to cut his shit. Norway made a noise, kicking Matthias again. Peter changed the conversation when he began talking about what he was learning in school. Sweden and Finland homeschooled their son as he couldn't go to regular school like the other kids he was friends with. Iceland was just glad the topic had changed away from him. He hated when he family asked him questions, as if he were some young nation who needed guidance. He's old enough to do whatever he wants now!

"Can I make an announcement?" Matthias asked. Everyone else quieted down. Lukas started to say something but thought better of it. Emil raised his eyebrows. This should be interesting.

"I just want everyone to know that Norge and I are dating and have been for the last 50 years!" Denmark declared. Norway turned an interesting shade of red, muttering to himself.

"Is that all? I thought you were going to tell us something new," Berwald said, not even looking up.

"Was it really that obvious?" Denmark asked.

"Yes," the other Nordics said in unison, leaving both Lukas and Matthias baffled.

"Well, anyway, yeah," Matthias murmured.

"You really are a stupid Dane," Norway said, leaning over and kissing him. Emil looked away.

"Gross," Peter said.

"Not at the dinner table, please," Tino added. Norway pulled away and returned to eating, like nothing had even happened. Hopefully they wouldn't do this when and if Emil decided to bring Leon over. But at least they didn't have to hide anymore. Lord knows why they would anyway. Even thought Lukas was strong and silent and Matthias was... Matthias, anyone could see that they were literally meant to be together. Duh. Iceland hurried up and finished his dinner so he could see if Leon had replied.

[4:59pm] So sensei was telling me about Norway. Dark magic huh?

[5:04pm] Oh no I've offended you, I'm sorry.

[5:06pm] It's okay if you don't wanna talk to me anymore.

[5:12pm] Sorry.

Aw, no. Iceland excused himself from the table so he could text his new friend back.

[5:35pm] I was eating, so sorry! And you didn't offend me. It's not dark magic, it's friendly.

The response was immediate.

[5:36pm] Thank goodness. You don't know how much it scared me that I might have like offended you or something because I totally wasn't trying to.

[5:38pm] It's fine, like I said. I'm used to weird questions about my brother. And I hear people say totally wrong things about him. It's like, "Okay only I can talk shit about my brother and if you do it, I'm kicking your ass." Ya know?

[5:39pm] I totally get what you're saying. It's a family thing I guess.

[5:40pm] I may not approve of everything my brother does or says, but damn it if I don't love him. Of course, it's a sacred rule as a teenager not to say things like that.

[5:42pm] A rule? I don't think I've ever heard of a rule like that. I know my family annoys the hell out of me but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't tell them I love them, because it might be the last chance.

[5:45pm] I never really thought about it like that, but I suppose you're right. I'm sure Lukas would get a kick out of it.

[5:46pm] It makes me feel better and I bet it'll do the same to you! Like, you know they love you, it's just nice to hear the words, ya know?

"Iceland, dessert is ready!" Tino called from the dining room.

"Be there in a sec!" Emil shouted back.

[5:48pm] I gotta go. It's dessert time. Talk to you later, yeah?

[5:49pm] Have fun with your family! And yes, I'd love to talk to you later.

Iceland's heart thumped in a weird way as he smiled and went to eat dessert with his family.