Hello everyone!

I apologize for not updating in a while. I have been very busy with life that I haven't found time to write.

This story is not dead , do not worry about that. I can only say that I will update it in my own time.

Thank you all and keep following my work!

I do not own RvB or RWBY

Outside the Freelancer Command facility, the soldiers were having absolutely no luck against the Meta. Despite their numbers and firepower, the Meta still managed to destroy and kill every opposition in front of it.

Still covered in the overshield, the Meta fired several more shots at the last few soldiers and two Warthogs in its way, blowing both vehicles up and killing the remaining soldiers.

Once it saw its work complete, the Meta prepared to head into the base, and claim what it wanted.

Team RWBY, JNPR, the Reds, Caboose, and South were making final preparations on their jeeps, with Caboose and each of the Reds driving one, and everyone else divided among each jeep. Ruby, Weiss, and Yang were with Sarge, Blake and South were with Simmons, Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha were with Grif, and Jaune, holding onto the Epsilon unit was with Caboose. Another passenger in Caboose's jeep was Church, who was standing in the back of the jeep.

After seeing everyone was set to go, Washington began to give them final instructions.

"Alright. Stick to the plan," Washington reminded them. "Just run. Get Epsilon out of here. Turn it over to the authorities the first chance you get."

"That'll be our job, right?" Sarge said.

"Yes," Washington said. "And whatever you do, make sure that South, Team RWBY, and JNPR are not seen by anyone."

"Why not?" Nora asked.

"Because South is still wanted by the UNSC for crimes committed by Project Freelancer," Washington stated. "And you eight are extremely dangerous teenagers from another dimension that they might experiment on."

"Yeah, let's not stay that long," Jaune agreed.

"Good," Washington said. "Now get ready." He then headed to the doors of the garage.

"I still think we shouldn't leave," Ruby said, pouting.

"This is the best course of action to take," Weiss assured her.

"The best action for us," Blake muttered.

"Quit complainin'," Sarge said. "That goes for all of you. We're leavin' and that's it."

"But Sarge, shouldn't we help him?" Simmons questioned. "He won't stand a chance against that thing."

"Yeah, let's kick this thing's ass!" Nora added.

"We've tried that before and it didn't work," Ren reminded her.

"We have our orders," Sarge said. "We have to think about the mission."

"He's right," Pyrrha said. "As much as we want to help, we need to look at the bigger objective."

"Finally an order I wanna follow," Grif said cheerfully. "Run away and live."

"Coward," Nora said.

"If that means I live, I'll take it," Grif said.

"If Agent Wash wants to face the Meta alone, that's his business," Sarge said.

"But he doesn't wanna face the Meta alone!" Ruby shouted. "It's just that some people won't help him." She fixed Weiss a glare after speaking.

"Hmph, I will not feel guilty for trying to keep us alive," Weiss said, turning away from Ruby.

"Now you two," Yang said. "I can't believe I have to be the reasonable one here, but I agree with Weiss. We focus on leaving."

Ruby pouted but said no more.

"We should at least do something," Simmons said.

"That's not our business," Sarge said.

"Good enough for me," Grif said.

Washington soon headed back to the group after inspecting the outside.

"Alright, right now, everything's clear. Remember, just drive," Washington stated to them all. "When the E.M.P. goes off-"

"You mean the Emp?" Caboose asked.

"Stop it," Washington said, not wanting to get into that conversation again. "It will destroy Epsilon if you're not far enough away."

"You got it Mister Washington," Caboose replied.

"We'll make sure that we're out of range," Ren said.

"South," Washington looked to his fellow Freelancer. "Stay out of trouble."

"Yes sir," South said as she gave a mock salute. "Make sure you kill the bastard."

"He'll get what he deserves," Washington promised.

"Wash..." Blake began to speak, but Washington turned away before she could say anything. She just growled as he headed to a panel beside the large door exit.

"Take care of yourself guys," Washington said to them all. "I know that's one thing you're good at." He then pressed a button on the panel, which caused the doors to open upward. As the door raised, everyone got into their respective jeeps and prepared to move out.

"The Meta's gonna be on you as soon as you clear the gate," Washington said. "Be ready to move. Protect the Blues' vehicle at any cost."

"Protect the Blues, right, yeah," Sarge said, in a very sarcastic tone. "We'll get riiight on that shit."

Weiss sighed. "We'll make sure nothing happens to Caboose."

"Good," Washington said. "Good luck."

As the Meta walked over the edge of the cliff, it soon saw the facility's doors open, with three vehicles making their way out. The Meta immediately recognized the occupants of the vehicles as the individuals that had gotten in its way. More than once.

It soon also saw Agent Washington addressing the others. Wanting to know what they were talking about, the Meta switched on its radio, able to listen in to the conversation.

"That's it," Washington said to the group. "Lead the Meta as far away from the base as possible."

As the Meta listened to Washington's words, it heard the many voices of the A.I. it collected, stating what they thought was going on.

"It's a trick."

"Get the A.I."

"We need them."

"I just hope there's enough time," Washington said before he headed back into the base.

The Meta growled. Washington must still have Epsilon, and he was using these people to lure it away from the A.I.. The Meta immediately made its decision and ran back towards the base.

Back to where Washington and the A.I.s were.

Upon seeing the Meta heading back inside the base, the others proceed to leave.

As fast as they could.

"He's fallen for it, gun it Grif!" Simmons shouted as he hit the pedal on his jeep.

"Hold on everyone," Grif said as he did the same.

"Let's move men!" Sarge shouted as he drove off.

Caboose did the same and followed the Reds.

"We'll be out of this mess soon," Weiss sighed in relief.

"We're still leaving Washington against the Meta," Ruby said sadly.

"There's nothing we can do about it," Pyrrha said.

"We could go and help!" Nora protested.

"Agent Washington already told us he didn't want us there," Ren reminded her. "We should respect his wishes."

"Respecting his wishes is going to get him killed," Blake said.

"Well, what can we do about it?" Yang said.

Blake didn't give a response. Yang was right. They couldn't do anything.

Knowing the Meta was close by and listening in on their conversation, Washington had devised a plan to make it look like he still had Epsilon. So after saying what was needed to be said, he was successful in tricking the Meta and having it chase him back inside Command, where he would be able to stop it and everything Command has done. All he had to do was keep running from the Meta, eventually bringing it to where the E.M.P. fail safe was, activating it, and taking out the Meta's A.I.s and all of the A.I.s in Command. It was a simple plan in thought and execution. Something that Washington would be able to do.

That is, if he was able to outrun the Meta. So far, it was proving to be quite difficult.

Washington ducked as another of the Meta's grenades flew past him, causing an explosion and him to back away from it, forcing him on one knee to the ground. This allowed the Meta to catch up with Washington, as it raised its Brute Shot and attempted to slice his head.

Before the Meta could swing down, Washington managed to pull out his handgun and fired several shots at the Meta's leg. The Meta's overshield was active, so it was unharmed from the shots, but the shot to its leg caused it to lose balance, which gave Washington enough time to get back to his feet and attempted to make a run for it and back to having the Meta chase him.

Attempted to anyway.

The Meta quickly recovered from its imbalance and shot at Washington with its handgun. Most of the bullets missed, but one managed to hit Washington at the back of his shoulder.

Washington grunted in pain, as the shot caused him to stop running. He turned around again and saw the Meta was getting closer again, and now he had an injured shoulder to add to his list of problems.

"This is not going according to plan," Washington groaned. "I'm not gonna make it that this rate." He began to realize that he may not be able to complete his plan.

That is, until several shots were fired straight at the Meta's back, the Meta's overshield protecting it once again

"What the hell?" Washington said in genuine surprise. He was pretty sure most of the soldiers inside were dead, and the rest ran to get help. Who the fuck was stupid, or insane, to even attempt to try and take on the Meta.

The Meta ignored the shots from behind and aimed it's Brute Shot at Washington, continuing what it started.

The Meta was enveloped by a black glow, suddenly pulling him away from his target and slamming the Meta towards the wall. After that happened, Washington was able to see who was his savior. Or in this case, saviors.

And he was not happy upon seeing them.

"You have got to be kidding me!?" Washington shouted.

"Nice to see you too!" South shouted back. Beside her were Blake, who was holding up Gambol Shroud in its gun form, and Pyrrha, who was using her Semblance and keeping the Meta pinned to the wall.

"I thought I told you to leave!" Washington continued to shout. "Why the hell are you three here!?"

"Ask her!" South shouted, directing his attention, and anger, to Blake. "She's the reason we're here!"

Blake gave a low growl, recalling why she, as well as South and Pyrrha, were still here.

Yang was right, Blake thought. They couldn't do anything.

Not all of them anyway.

At once, Blake stood up as the vehicles were almost out of the base's range.

"Hey, what's going on back there?" Simmons asked, seeing that Blake was getting up.

"Blake," Yang said, seeing her partner standing up. "What are-" Her eyes widened as she quickly realized what her partner was about to do. "Oh no you don't!" Yang grabbed Blake's leg before she tried to jump out of the moving jeep. However, the second that Yang grabbed her partner's leg, 'Blake' disappeared.

"What the-!" Yang shouted. She then saw Blake was already out of the vehicle and running back towards the facility.

"What is she doing!?" Weiss shouted.

"Going to help!" Ruby cheered. "Let's-" Ruby was cut off as Yang jumped out of her jeep and into the jeep that her sister was in, and proceeded to tackle her down on the jeep.

"Yang, what are you doing!?" Ruby shouted as she struggled against her sister's grip.

"I know what you're thinking and I am NOT letting you go back there either!" Yang quickly stated as she kept Ruby pinned down.

"We can't just let her go on her on!" Ruby protested.

"We need to keep movin'," Sarge said. "Those are our orders."

"But Blake could die!" Ruby shouted.

"Her choice," Sarge said.

"So we're just going to leave her!?" Jaune protested as well.

"No," Pyrrha stated. "We won't." She then jumped out her jeep and chased after Blake.

"Pyrrha!" Jaune shouted at his partner.

"I'll bring her back!" Pyrrha called out to them as she began chasing Blake.

"I am not turning around for her," Grif stated. "Just clarifying that."

"No more jumping out of vehicles!" Weiss shouted, directing it at everyone. "What is wrong with you all!?"

"You want that list in alphabetical order or order of insanity?" Simmons replied.

Weiss just groaned. "Well, is there anyone else who wants to jump out of their vehicle and run back to get killed?"

Almost immediately, South jumped out of her jeep, saying no words, and chased after Blake and Pyrrha. The action left everyone in shock.

"I give up," Weiss said as she hung her head in resignation.

"Well if we're all jumping out of vehicles," Nora said.

"Nora," Ren said, as he grabbed her hand to stop her. "Don't."

"Suuure thiing paaartner!" Nora said, her mood mellowing the second Ren held her hand, and her cheeks were a darker shade of pink. "Whatever you say."

"What now?" Jaune asked everyone.

"Like I said, we keep movin'," Sarge said. "And hope that they get back."

Once the facility was no longer in their sights, Yang got off Ruby.

"I'm still keeping an eye on you," Yang said as she pointed at her eyes and then pointed back at Ruby.

Ruby pouted, but knew there was no point in arguing.

"Good luck," Ruby prayed to Blake, hoping that she would be able to help Washington and they would all get out.

"Blake!" Pyrrha shouted as she trailed behind the Faunus.

"What are you doing? Go back!" Blake shouted back at Pyrrha.

"Not until you come back with me!" Pyrrha countered. "I'm not leaving until you do!"

"And what about her!?" Blake shouted.

Pyrrha turned around and was shocked to see South behind them.

"Hey, slow down!" South shouted. "I'm trying to catch up!"

"South, what are you doing!?" Pyrrha asked, confused as to why she jumped out of the jeep as well.

"Helping you kill the Meta once and for all," South stated, finally catching up with them.

"That's not what we're here for," Pyrrha said.

"Well, she clearly is," South said, addressing Blake.

"I'm here to make sure Washington doesn't get killed," Blake said. "That's all."

"Whatever you say," South said. "But I'm not leaving until I have the Meta's head in my hands."

"That is quite a disturbing imagination," Pyrrha said aghast.

"Let's just go," Blake said, not wanting to waste any time. She just hoped Washington wasn't in any trouble yet.

That was not the case, since they the trio just stopped the Meta, who was inches away from killing Washington, which led back to the current situation.

"Alright," South said., raising her rifle at the Meta, still pinned to the wall by Pyrrha's Semblance. "Keep him like that while I end this son of a bitch."

"No!" Washington shouted. "I need the Meta to get to where the E.M.P. is!"

"I can just kill it now and save us the trouble," South said.

"Um, guys..."

"No, we need the E.M.P. to destroy the A.I.," Washington said. "All of them, including the Meta's."


"Fuck you," South said. "We saved your life, so that least I can get out of this is some sweet payback!"

"South," Washington said, aiming his gun at her. "Step back, now."

"Oh, you wanna go again?" South said, turning her attention to Washington. "Bring it bitch."

"Both of you enough!" Blake said, getting between the two. "We have more pressing concerns!"

"Will you listen to me!"

The three of them turned to the shouting Pyrrha, who looked flustered at her outburst, as well as exhausted.

"I'm sorry," Pyrrha said, panting from exhaustion. "It's just... I can't keep my Semblance active for too long or it will-" She exhaled heavily as she dropped her arms down, her hands no longer glowing black.

Upon seeing Pyrrha lowering her arms, and her Semblance, they all turned their attention back to the Meta, who was no longer pinned on the wall. The Meta looked to the four of them and gave a low growl, aiming the Brute Shot at them.

"Run!" Washington shouted. He tossed several grenades towards the Meta, the explosions blocking it's line of fire and allowing the four of them to make a run for it.

"Great job wasting time," Blake scolded the Freelancers.

"It's your fault for coming here!" Washington argued.

"To save your life!" Blake said. "Which we just did!"

"I had it handled!" Washington shouted back.

"I had it handled," South said. "I was gonna kill the Meta and solve all our problems until Magnet Hands here ran out of juice."

Pyrrha's face turned red in embarrassment, both from her mistake and the weird nickname. "I'm sorry."

"Well it's too late to change that now!" Washington said. "Now I'm back in the same problem I had earlier!"

"Hey, we're in the same boat too!" South stated.

"Because you followed me here!" Washington reminded them.

"Because of her!" South said, referring to Blake.

"No one told you to follow me!" Blake argued.

"Less blame and more running!" Washington said. "Is the Meta catching up yet!?"

As they continued running, Pyrrha and Blake turned to see that the Meta at a large distance from them, but it was only a matter of before it caught up with them again.

"We need to divert his attention and slow him down," Blake told them. "Otherwise, he'll catch up."

"The priority is the E.M.P.," Washington said. "We don't have time to stop and fight."

"Then we split up," South suggested.

"What?" Pyrrha said.

"I'll stall the Meta," South stated. "While you three head to where the E.M.P. is."

"South, you can't fight the Meta by yourself," Blake said. "That's suicide."

"I'm not gonna fight the Meta," South corrected. "I'm gonna distract him while you three get away."

"You won't last a minute by yourself," Washington said.

"Well then I'll stay for less than a minute," South countered. "That should give you three enough time to put some distance between him."

"South-" Blake tried to protest.

"We have no time to argue," South said. She soon stopped running and turned to face the incoming Meta. She tossed several more grenades, her last few pieces, right towards the Meta, who backed away as the grenades exploded.

"Get out of here now!" South shouted as she reloaded ammunition in her rifle and began firing.

"We need to help her!" Blake, who wanted to turn around herself and stop South, shouted at Washington.

"No time," Washington said. "If we want to stop the Meta, we need to activate the E.M.P."

"But South-" Pyrrha began to protest.

"We activate the E.M.P., we stop the Meta and save South," Washington said. "We just need to hope that she can survive until then."

Pyrrha turned to see South still firing at the Meta, who began approaching her with the Brute Shot aimed right at her.

"She won't make it on her own," Pyrrha muttered. She then made the split second decision and stopped running, immediately turning around and running back to South.

"Pyrrha!" Blake shouted, stopping her running as well.

"Go on ahead!" Pyrrha yelled, her voice fading as she ran back. "I'll make it back soon. We both will!"

Blake clenched her fist, wanting to help Pyrrha and South, but also knowing that Washington would probably need her help more, even if he didn't want it.

So Blake did the practical thing and turned around, running once again and chasing after Washington.

Meanwhile, it had been already well over a minute, and South was still keeping the Meta back, with a lot of effort and pure luck. Thankfully, the Meta's overshield was drained, or damaged, she wasn't sure, so it couldn't carelessly attack and had to find cover from South's shots.

It didn't matter, however, because South was almost out of bullets.

"Shit," South hissed under her breath. She said that she was going to buy the others time to get away, but she couldn't pass the opportunity to avenge her brother.

And now she was paying the price for it.

Seeing that South stopped shooting, the Meta immediately went out of its cover and proceeded to fire back. South hid behind some crates, the roles now reversed.

"This is what I get for being nice," South said to herself. If she was being honest, besides getting some revenge, she actually wanted to help Washington and the others to get away. And now she was about to die.

"Well if I'm fucked anyway, might as well go out swinging," South said to herself as she loaded another round. She soon stepped out of her cover, prepared to fight until her inevitable end.

However, the moment she stepped out, a javelin zipped past South from behind and struck the Meta right at its shoulder. The Meta roared in pain as it was pushed back from the attack.

"What the fuck," South said in surprise.

The javelin soon had a black glow around it, pulling itself out of the still growling Meta and flew backwards. South turned to see the javelin back in the hands of its owner: a very concerned Pyrrha rushing towards her.

"South," Pyrrha called out to the stunned Freelancer. "Are you alright?"

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" South shouted. "I thought you went off with Washington! What, is Blake coming back next?"

"No... it's just me, Pyrrha said.

"Why are you here!?" South demanded to know

"To help you," Pyrrha simply replied.

"I don't-" South began.

"Yes, you do," Pyrrha cut her off. "I'm helping you and making sure you come back with us. Alive. And that's that."

South wanted to protest, but the growls from the Meta, who was somehow recovering from being impaled in the shoulder, drawing closer and preparing to attack.

"Just shut up and fight," South said, with Pyrrha smiling triumphantly. "I only have one round of ammunition left." She pulled out her knife. "I'll get close and you back me up. Got it?"

"Understood," Pyrrha replied. She transformed Miló to its rifle form and began to fire at the Meta, who defended itself by using the Brute Shot as a shield. "Go!"

South took the chance and rushed forward, prepared to end the Meta here and now.

While South and Pyrrha began their fight, Washington and Blake were, hopefully, close to where the E.M.P. was, and end all of this.

"How far until we get to the Emp?" Blake asked.

"It's E.M.P.," Washington corrected. "You should know that."

"We just abandoned South and Pyrrha to fight the Meta, so excuse me if I'm not prioritizing the accurate way of saying things," Blake shouted in a accusatory tone.

"We did not abandon them, they chose to stay," Washington said.

"Call it what you will," Blake said. "Whatever, makes you feel less guilty."

"Is there something that you want to say?" Washington stated, his tolerance lowering by the second. "Because if you do, just spit it out."

"Oh, where do I start?" Blake said in a sarcastic tone. "From the second you showed up, you've lied to us, kept secrets, almost killed South multiple times, and now we're risking our lives to save your sorry ass, even though you don't deserve it!"

"Yet here you are, risking your life and the lives of two more people," Washington replied. "That's on you, not me."

"Oh, and to add on the list of terrible things you've done, you had us abandon Pyrrha and South!" Blake shouted.

"For the last time, we didn't abandon them," Washington said. "They chose to stay behind."

"And we chose to leave them behind," Blake countered. "That doesn't bother you at all?"

"No it doesn't, because we have a more important matter at hand," Washington stated. "And that's stopping Project Freelancer."

"That's all you care about isn't it," Blake said, more as a statement than a question and not really expecting a response from him, because she already knew what he was going to say. "What about all the soldiers that died in the process of getting here? Aren't they important to consider? What about Pyrrha and South? They're risking their lives to make sure we succeed. Don't they matter?"

"I am not talking about this now," Washington said. "It doesn't matter now. What matters is ending this. At all costs."

Washington was then met with a fist connecting to his face, knocking him to the side of the wall. He quickly recovered and was now looking at an upset, and very angry Blake.

"What the fuck was that for!?" Washington shouted.

"You are the most callous and heartless individual that I have ever met!" Blake shouted, her voice full of fury and disdain. "I don't even know why I am trying with you! Delta was right about-" Blake cut herself off mid-sentence, stopping herself from revealing

"What did you say?" Washington asked. "What about Delta?"

"It doesn't matter," Blake said as she continued moving.

Washington pulled her back by her shoulder and asked her again in a tone of controlled anger. "What. Did Delta. Say?"

Blake sighed. "It was at the power facility. Church wanted to talk to me about a message that Delta left..."

"Excuse me?" Blake said, confused. Church had pulled her aside for some reason, wanting to talk with her about something. She was not prepared for what he said.

You heard me," Church said. "Delta left you a message. He told me to tell you to check your Scroll. That's it."

"That's it?" Blake said. "Just to check my Scroll."

"Yeah, that's it," Church said. "He was very insistent on that message before I left. Anyways, it's your choice. I just gave the message, so I'm done. See ya." He then left Blake with her thoughts.

Blake pulled out her Scroll and saw that there was a video message for her. She quickly decided to open it, wanting to know what the A.I. wanted to tell her. As she accessed the message, it showed the face of Delta.

"Hello, Blake," the Delta recording spoke. "If you are wondering how I was able to send this recording to your Scroll, I was able to access Weiss' Scroll when she and Caboose were unconscious before the Meta took me. I then proceeded to send this message to you."

"That made sense," Blake thought. Delta probably wanted to send some last message before he was taken by the Meta. The question was why he sent the message to her?

"I have already informed Church about what he should tell Agent Washington," Delta continued. "I can conclude that he will bring you to where your fight with the Meta, as well as Washington's own personal objectives, will reach its conclusion.

"Given all that, I would like to make one request. When you arrive at your location, I would like you to keep yourself close to Agent Washington."

Blake was surprised by the request. While she could tell that Washington wasn't exactly nice, or understanding, or sympathetic, or able to open up to anyone at all, he seemed capable enough to handle himself. She didn't see the point in keeping watch over him.

"You are probably wondering why I would ask you of this," Delta stated. "While it is true that Agent Washington is a capable enough fighter, the more pressing concern is his mental condition. I believe his experience with his own A.I. has left his mind in a very volatile state. If he continues on this course of action, it will lead to his death, and possibly the deaths of anyone who tries to help him."

Blake's face was pale, disturbed by Delta's information. She could possibly believe that Washington would be willing to give his own life for his goals, despite it being about revenge, but at the added risk of the lives of others, that was something she couldn't agree with. It reminded Blake of his methods, and it made her shiver.

"Just like Adam," Blake muttered as she kept listening.

"Given this information, I saw that it would be beneficial to all of you if you could make sure that he does not take any actions that could lead to this result," Delta stated.

Easier said than done. Blake could not see Washington even considering anyone, much less her, to help in wherever they were going. She didn't understand why Delta was even asking her to do this.

"You are probably wondering why I would ask you out of everyone else to do this," Delta said, echoing Blake's thoughts. "The reason is that I could tell from your interactions with Agent Washington that you two are quite similar in some ways. I believe that you might be able to understand one another and get through to him. Despite all my information and calculations, there are too many variables to predict the preferred outcome. However, I would have to trust that you, and Washington, can find some mutual ground and cooperate with each other. This is my final request, Blake. I hope that you can save Agent Washington from himself. Farewell."

The video stopped, Delta having finished his message.

Blake just stared at the screen of the Scroll, still processing what Delta said. Here was an A.I., a technologically advanced computer that depended on logic, hoping for two emotionally scarred people to understand and work together.

Blake shook her head as she kept her Scroll. She was going to keep an eye on Washington, just like Delta had requested, but she was really hoping that she the Freelancer had his act together, or at least enough that she wouldn't have to do anything drastic.

Like punching him right in his face.

Washington just stared at Blake as she finished revealing what Delta told her.

"Delta had no business telling you anything," Washington finally responded. Blake couldn't see his face, but she could tell that it was one of anger, something she was quite familiar with.

"He had every business to tell me that you're trauma is causing you to act like this," Blake stated.

"I do not have a trauma!" Washington shouted.

"Yes you do!" Blake shouted back. "Something terrible happened to you, and now you just want to end it with revenge."

"And that's wrong!?" Washington said. "They took everything from me and my friends, they deserve everything that's coming to them."

"At what costs!?" Blake shouted, her anger and frustration with Washington reaching its peak. "At the cost of your life? Of our lives!? You're willing to risk the lives of people who put their trust in you all so you can play out your revenge plan. Just like with South or Pyrrha, you really don't have any regard for our lives do you? You're just like- like-" She bit her tongue and held back any more words, frustrated by her outburst and unintentional slip of her tongue.

However, Washington was able pick up on her hesitation.

"Like what?" Washington asked. "Or rather, who?"

"It doesn't matter," Blake replied, her voice much quieter now.

"I think it does matter," Washington stated. "Ever since we met, you have been pissed off at me for some reason and I don't even know why. Now, as far as I can guess, that reason is that I remind of someone who you're also pissed at and are now taking your anger of him through me. Did I miss anything?"

Blake's expression once again turned into one of frustration. "You shut up. You don't know anything about me. You have no right to make assumptions about me-"

"Like what you're doing to me!?" Washington argued. "Assuming that I'm just like this person you're thinking about?"

"Well so far, you haven't proven me wrong," Blake countered.

"I am trying to stop an organization that has caused me and countless others untold suffering," Washington said. "I'll do what I need to do."

"Oh my God., you sound exactly like him," Blake said. "Prioritizing the 'mission' and the 'big picture', innocents be damned."

"I don't have time for you to displace whatever issues you have on me," Washington said. "You're just judging me based on someone who screwed you over in the past. Get over it."

"'Get over it'? Oh I'm sorry, should I be taking advice from the man who's hell bent on taking revenge?" Blake said sarcastically. "How about you try to 'get over it'?"

"This is different," Washington said. "I'm focusing on a very important mission, and dragging in your past is compromising it."

"Well, you acting like a complete sociopath isn't earning my trust," Blake said.

"I don't need your trust," Washington said.

"Good, because I don't want to give it to you!" Blake shouted.

"You do realize that while we're arguing, we're wasting time and the Meta could be getting closer as we speak," Washington said.

Blake was about to throw another retort, but realized that Washington was actually right. Though Blake wasn't going to give Washington the satisfaction by replying. So the two of them just stared at each other, both of them giving one another a look of contempt.

"So what, am I suppose to just look past all the morally questionable actions you've taken?" Blake asked.

"Right now, yes," Washington replied. "We both have issues with each other. Which we can address at a later time. Right now, we need to focus on the current crisis at hand. And after that, we can get into whatever argument you want, no matter how stupid and illogical it might be."

Before Blake could protest, Washington extended his hand, which caught her by surprise.

"How 'bout it then?" Washington asked. "Truce?"

"..." Blake was silent for a few moments as she stared at the Freelancer's hand. She knew that Washington was probably only saying these words so that they could hurry along and get to the E.M.P. faster. However, she also knew that having her personal feelings out in the open at a time like this was not the wisest decision she's made.

Blake took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as she took Washington's hand and shook it. "Truce."

Once again, South was slammed towards the wall as she was pushed back by the Meta. It had happened several times already that she lost count.

"South, are you alright!?" Pyrrha shouted in worry.

"Just... peachy," South wheezed as she grunted in pain. The plan was to keep the Meta occupied as long as possible so Washington and Blake could get away. So far, that was working. They had the Meta's full attention.

Which has now become the main problem as they had the Meta's full attention!

"Pyrrha, any way you can use your Semblance thing and push him, like, all the way to the moon or something!?" South asked hopefully.

"I... can't," Pyrrha replied, exhaling heavily from pain and exhaustion. Even though she and the rest of her team were informed that their Aura took longer to replenish, which meant the limited use of their Semblances, Pyrrha had continuously used her polarity to keep pushing the Meta back and keeping any projectiles away from South and herself. The result was an exhausted Pyrrha with no use of her Semblance at the moment.

"Just fuckin' great," South muttered as she got back on her feet.

"I believe that we've bought Washington and Blake enough time, don't you think?" Pyrrha asked. "We should fall back and meet up with them."

"Great plan," South said. "Except the second we turn around, the Meta's probably gonna shoot us in the back, and we're dead."

"Then what do we do?" Pyrrha asked, having run out of ideas keep the Meta away.

"There's only one way left," South said. "One of us has to distract the Meta while the other escapes."

"What!?" Pyrrha said, shocked by South's suggestion. "No, that is not an option."

"It's our only option!" South shouted. "At least this way, Wash has one more person for backup."

"Even if I would consider that plan, which I do not," Pyrrha stressed. "Which one of us is supposed to stay behind and-"

Pyrrha failed to finish speaking as South dashed forward and attempted to tackle the Meta. She failed to knock the Meta back, but South managed to grip it by its torso and, despite her body full of pain and exhaustion, she somehow prevented the Meta from moving another step.

"South!" Pyrrha shouted in panic for the Freelancer's action.

"Go!" South shouted. The Meta began delivering several punches to South's back in an attempt to knock her down, but she stood her ground, keeping her grip over the Meta and not moving an inch.

"But-" Pyrrha began, unsure of what she should do next.

"It's too late to change places now!" South shouted. "So quit thinking and start running, or we're both dead!"

"South, I..." Pyrrha's voice faltered.

"...I'll catch up, don't worry," South said in a whisper, the words said to comfort and convince Pyrrha as well as herself.

"I..." Pyrrha whispered. "I'm sorry." Pyrrha turned around and began to run to Washington and Blake's direction.

Once Pyrrha was long gone, South pulled back from the Meta, which growled at her.

"Alright, asshole," South said. "I'm paying you back for North."

The two Freelancers soon ran towards each other, both knowing that only one of them would be walking out of this alive.