Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Fairy Tail. The former is owned by Tite Kubo, and the latter by Hiro Mashima.



Lucy Heartfilia hated it when her sixth sense was right, and she hadn't followed its warning.

Apparently the Salamander was running a slave ring, using forbidden charm magic to attract stupid young women to him, and taking them on his ship for a supposed party there placed them under a sleeping spell before taking them to Bosco to be sold off. If it weren't for the fact that between her…abilities, and that charm magic was useless against anyone who knew the user was using it, she'd have been taken in as well.

I really wish I hadn't given him a second chance, and that I should have seen this coming.

"You know," Lucy said aloud with evident disgust. "I'd call you a petty criminal, if it weren't for the fact that lumping slavers like you with petty criminals would be insulting to them."

Salamander just laughed in her face. "Fine words," he said before holding up her keys. "But did you forget that Celestial Spirit Wizards are useless without their keys?"

"You coward…!"

Salamander laughed again. "Maybe," he admitted. "But you know, I think there's nothing more pathetic than a sore loser. There's no escape little girl so you might as well just give up."

Lucy growled, and then smiled in her turn, taking more than a little satisfaction at seeing his smug smile slip ever so slightly. "Think so…?" she asked. "Unfortunately for you though, I'm not just a Celestial Spirit…"

Lucy was cut off as something smashed through the roof and fell into the cabin, and was quickly revealed to be the boy Natsu from earlier. "Hey aren't you…?" Lucy began only to break off with a grimace as he collapsed, apparently from motion sickness. "What the…?"

Salamander laughed at the sight, causing her to growl again. "I'm getting really sick of hearing that guy laugh." She thought darkly.

"Lucy!" she heard a childish voice call her name, and she looked up. Her jaw dropped as she saw Happy – the talking cat that was with Natsu – flying on a pair of wings sprouting from his back. "What are you doing here?"

Lucy closed her jaw, flushing and looking away in mild embarrassment. "No," she said. "It's a long story. I um, I got tricked."

"Okay, I'll get you out of here then." He said cheerfully, swooping down and grabbing her with his tail. "Hold on!"

"Hey wait…!" Lucy shouted as she was lifted up into the air and through the hole in the ceiling. "No, never mind me, but what about Natsu?"

"He'll be alright!" Happy said cheerfully. "You'll see!"

"After them…!" Salamander shouted. "They'll tell the Council! No, I'll take care of this myself!"

The wizard spread his arms, and deploying a magic circle between them aimed at Lucy and Happy. "Prominence Wind…!"

A blast of purple fire shot up at them, only to be nimbly dodged by Happy. "They're shooting at us!" Lucy shouted, as repeated blasts of purple fire shot up into the sky.


"That's not something you should be saying right now!" Lucy shouted, struggling with Happy's tail. "Running won't solve anything we need to stand our ground!"

"Hey stop that! That tickles! Lucy!" Happy protested while trying to dodge Salamander's constant attacks. His flight growing slow and erratic, Salamander steadily narrowed his aim, and finally managed to land a glancing hit, causing Happy and Lucy to fall fast and hard from the sky. "Lucy!"

"Hold on!" she shouted, holding Happy tight and pumping ethernano through her veins like her mother had taught her. Or, as her mother had called it: spiritual particles.

Salamander looked on as the girl and the flying cat smashed through the front of his ship. He spat in disgust. "What a troublesome catch we've got this time." He snapped. "I'll have that little brat and her friends work their bones down to pay back the damage to my ship with interest."

He whirled and turned to his men. "Hurry and tie those brats up, and don't forget their cat can fly!" he ordered.


"Wait, damn you!" the girl shouted from behind him. Salamander whirled, and he saw the blonde girl standing on the edge of the hole her 'landing' had left in the front of his ship. She set the slightly-singed cat down on the deck beside her. Salamander narrowed his eyes as he saw what looked like black, vein-like patterns on her skin fading away.

What are those? Body Enhancement Magic…? Is that how she managed to avoid getting hurt from falling from so high?

"You alright, Happy?" the girl asked.

"Aye!" the cat answered surprisingly cheerfully. "But, what are you…?"

"It'll be fine." The girl replied. "I did say we should stand our ground, but I guess I should have added we should only do that, when we can actually stand our ground."


"Little girl," Salamander began mockingly. "Do you really…?"

There was a flicker of movement, and the girl was right next to him. There was another flicker of movement, and then she was gone, and her keys with her. Salamander whirled in alarm, spotting her standing on the stern railing, holding one of her keys aloft. "Damn…!" he cursed.

"Open, Gate of the Water Bearer: Aquarius!" the girl shouted, and in a flash of light, a mermaid-like Celestial Spirit appeared.

"A fish…!" Happy exclaimed at the sight.

"Sorry for the short notice," the girl said. "But we really need to get to shore…"

"Humph," the Celestial Spirit snorted. "And I was about to go on a date with my boyfriend too. You need to get to shore that badly, huh? Fine, I'll give you a hand."

"Huh? No wait, there's no need to…Aquarius!"

Shouting loudly, the Celestial Spirit raised the jar she was holding, the waves rising in tandem. And then she swept outwards, water spilling from the jar and together with a massive wave swept over and past the ship towards the shore.

Hargeon Port was usually a sleepy little place at night, the sound of the crickets soothingly mixing with the murmur of the waves on the shore. It thus came as a complete surprise – to those awake such as the watchmen – when the waters receded for a few minutes from shore, and then returned smashing the harbour, the ships docked therein, and much of the shorefront to ruins.

And sweeping a capsized ship to shore, where it broke apart and spilling panicked, shaken, and tumbled men out to shore. Dozens of women too, one talking cat, and a blonde nineteen year-old who found herself kicking her way out of a pile of rubble. "Damn it Aquarius," she said angrily, black, vein-like patterns on her skin flickering and fading away as she got to her feet. "Do we have to keep doing this each and every time?"

A blast of purple fire shot at her and she nimbly dodged. "Salamander…!" she shouted.

"You little brat…!" Salamander shouted and his magic circle bright with the wizard's anger. "Do you realize what you've done? I'll kill you!"

Several jets of fire blasted out at her, but Lucy dodged them all with seeming ease. "I'd like to see you try!" she shouted, pulling the cross on her necklace free. Clutching it in a hand, she manipulated the spirit particles in the air, and with a flash of light she was holding a longbow in her hand.

Dodging several more attacks, she flashed back to a more stable position, drew back, and let fly, several glowing arrows manifesting from a single shot. Salamander dodged them, and narrowly avoided a second salvo aimed in the direction of his earlier dodge. "You bitch!" he swore.

Lucy aimed and fired, her arrows gouging streaks through the ground where they landed. And then a flicker of motion to the side caught her attention, Lucy turning in its direction. Salamander did likewise, the two combatants staring at Natsu as he stood on the ship's gutted hulk. "You say you're a member of Fairy Tail?" he asked.

"What's it to you?" Salamander shouted before gesturing at his men. "Get him! Leave the bitch to me!"

Shouting their assent, the thugs rushed Natsu, Lucy narrowing her eyes at the sight. Going by what she'd seen of him so far, she should be worried, but…

…once again, her sixth sense was telling her there was nothing to worry about.

And it was quickly proven true, as Natsu punched out the thugs with ease. And then he pulled off his cloak, revealing a very telling tattoo on one of his arms. "My name's Natsu and I am a Fairy Tail wizard!" he shouted. "I've never seen you before!"

Lucy could only gape, as did Salamander and the remaining thugs. "Mister Bora!" one of them suddenly shouted, pointing at Natsu. "It's the real Salamander!"

"Idiot…! Don't say my name so loudly!"

"The real…wait, Natsu's the Salamander?" Lucy gasped out. "Then who the hell is that Bora guy?"

"Bora the Prominence," Happy supplied helpfully, suddenly sounding very serious. "I heard he was kicked out of the Titan Nose Guild for bad behaviour a couple of years ago."

Lucy snorted at that. "Well," she said. "He's certainly beyond bad behaviour now."

"I don't know what your business here is," Natsu said ominously as he strode down the ship's hull. "And I don't care if you're a good or bad guy, but I won't forgive you dirtying Fairy Tail's name!"

Bora laughed. "And what are you going to do, stop me?" he asked mockingly, his magic circle flashing. "Prominence Typhoon…!"

There was a blast of purple fire, even bigger than those before, engulfing Natsu and much of the hulk. "Natsu…!" Lucy shouted, only to be stopped from moving forward by Happy.

"Dealing with loudmouth weaklings like you is such a pain…" Bora began to say as he turned his back on Natsu.

"Disgusting," Natsu suddenly said, and Bora turned only to see Natsu standing there, unharmed, actually sucking in the flames and eating it. "Are you really a fire wizard? Those are the worst flames I've ever tasted. Oh well, thanks for the meal, so let's get started! Fire Dragon's Roar…!"

Holding his hands up to his mouth, Natsu blew out a blast of fire so intense it thunderously displaced the air in front of it, and forcing Bora and his men to scatter and Lucy to shield her face. "He eats fire, and attacks with it?" she asked in disbelief. "That's some Fire Magic there!"

"Fire can't hurt Natsu." Happy said cheerfully, watching with Lucy as Bora desperately tried to fight back only to get kicked around by Natsu. Purple and bright orange flame lit up the surrounding sky, explosions punctuating the on-going battle. "He has dragon's lungs that let him breathe fire, dragon scales to absorb fire, and dragon's claws to attack with fire. It's an ancient magic that turns one into a dragon, and one that almost doesn't exist anymore."

"Almost…doesn't exist anymore…" Lucy echoed, and glanced down at her bow. After a moment, she looked up and back at the battle.

Happy nodded, and then continued. "It's a magic originally used to fight dragons." He said. "That's why it's called Dragon Slayer Magic, and it was taught to him by Igneel."

"Dragon Slayer Magic…?" Lucy echoed.

A powerful blast of displaced air rippled outward as Bora unleashed his most powerful spell, only for Natsu to eat it up. "Now that's a good meal!" he said happily. "It's not bad at all! Even so, I'm going to cook you up!"

"You're what?" Bora shouted incredulously.

Natsu slammed his fists together in an explosion of fire, heat, and energy. "Fire Dragon's Fist…!" he roared, charging forward at the screaming Bora and with a punch sending him flying across town, through several buildings and into the clock tower which clanged repeatedly as it collapsed on the defeated fire wizard.

"Amazing," Lucy breathed at the sight. And then she blinked, and took in the brightly-burning ruins around them. "Though…!"

At the same time the sound of armoured boots striking the ground in time could be heard coming up the road, but when Lucy tried to look she found her hand grabbed and pulled along by Natsu. "The army's coming!" he shouted in sudden panic. "Let's get out of here!"

"Good idea, but where are you taking me?" Lucy demanded, struggling to get in pace with Natsu.

"You wanted to join Fairy Tail didn't you?" Natsu asked over a shoulder. "So come on!"

Lucy blinked, and then nodded with a grin. "Alright…!" she said, running up to Natsu's pace.

Sorry mother, but despite being a Quincy, I'm going to chase after that excitable bunch called Fairy Tail.


And crossover…!

Some of you have probably noticed that Lucy's considerably different from in canon, which is to be expected. She's a Celestial Spirit Wizard and a Quincy, and the latter comes with a mind-set of its own.

No pairing in mind yet, so suggestions?