Chapter 1: Moving Day

Welcome to my novelization of the game Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. Hoenn's my favorite region of all time, though Alola is a close second, and I am so looking forward to writing fanfics for all of the games (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire) as well as the ORAS demo and the Delta Episode. This fic does borrow a tiny bit of plot from the Ruby/Sapphire Adventure Mangas, but not too much.

This story's featured OC is Sapphire "Alpha" Rockwell. No, she is not the same as the female character avatar, she is a unique character.

Disclaimer: Pokémon, sadly enough, does not belong to me.

It's the big day! Come on! Get up! Time to get ready to leave!"

The girl angrily slammed her door shut, cutting off her mother's cheerful voice. She hated this! Why on earth did she have to move from Goldenrod City out to the boonies? And to make matters worse, it wasn't moving out to the boonies like her best friends Ethan, Kris, and Lyra did when the three of them went off to New Bark Town. No, she was being uprooted from her life and forced to go live in Littleroot Town, in the Hoenn Region of all places! Why on earth did she have to leave? She was thirteen years old, far older than most new trainers. Yet her mother had insisted that she stay at home, and not catch any new Pokémon. The only one she had was her trusted partner, a male Sneasel named Shade. Her mother had no idea that her often absent father had given her a Pokémon for her tenth birthday as Sapphire had kept Shade at the Pokemon Daycare that was just south of the city. The girl had been volunteering there for years since it provided a convenient excuse to visit her best friend. Besides, it was good experience for when Sapphire would leave home to start her Pokemon journey.

"Come on, Sapphire. You need to come and eat breakfast, and if I'm not mistaken, you wanted to go say goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Gold before we left."

Sapphire rolled her deep blue eyes and began to pull on her everyday clothes, which consisted of a jewel blue tank top, ripped black jean shorts, and a black jacket. She pulled on her blue, black, and white sneakers, tying the laces in a triple knot. The teen then tied her hair back with a mottled blue, black, and gray bandanna, before picking up her necklace. It was her other gift from her father, a simple silver chain with a chunk of sapphire hanging from it. If one looked at it from the right angle, they would see the greek letter alpha suspended in the delicate crystal. It was the only piece of jewelry she wore. Anything else was too girly for her.

Sighing, she realized that she wouldn't be able to put this day off any longer. Resigning herself to her fate, the teenager forcefully opened her door and stormed down the steps. It took her longer than normal to reach the kitchen, but she didn't care. Sapphire didn't want to take the quicker route through the living room. She didn't want to see all the cardboard boxes that had her clothes, her sketchbooks, and all her guides on raising Pokemon. She didn't want to see all the reminders that soon the family would be leaving their house in Goldenrod city for good.

"Good morning, sweetie." Her mother said, attempting to be cheerful. Sapphire ignored her, and instead grabbed her breakfast. Silence descended on the kitchen as the girl ate. She then stood and walked out of the door. Her mother sighed. She knew that her daughter resented the coming move, but still was hoping that Sapphire would come to love Hoenn. Her dear husband, Norman, had already been there for a few months, and so far had nothing bad to say about it. In fact, he loved the place, and couldn't wait for his family to come and join him.

Sapphire was a lot less enthusiastic. She had instantly started giving both her parents the silent treatment, and instead started retreating even more and more to the Daycare that she volunteered at.

The woman sighed and went back to washing the breakfast dishes. She had to pack up the breakfast dishes and supervise Machoke Movers Inc as they loaded the boxes onto the moving truck, transport them to the Magnet Train, get on the train with her daughter, get off at Saffron City, transport everything to Vermillion City, hop on a boat to Slateport City, and load up a moving truck, and make the drive out to Littleroot Town. All before she went to bed tonight. Talk about hard work.

Now she just need to make sure that Sapphire came back before it was time to leave.

"I hate this!" Sapphire fumed as she stormed towards the Daycare, startling a few Ditto that were lazing about in the tall grass. "Why do I have to leave? Just because Pops got a new gig as a gym leader doesn't mean that I have to be uprooted and moved to Hoenn of all places! Well, I'm not going to play along with this little game. Not if I can help it."

She continued fuming all the way to the large wooden building. Even from this distance she could see the Pokémon playing in the enclosure, some battling each other, others eating their morning berries, and one pair of Sentret playing a game of tag.

Sapphire almost threw open the door to the Daycare. Instantly Shade dropped down from above the doorway, landing on his familiar perch on her shoulder. Sapphire smiled, feeling a little bit better. At least she would have her best friend by her side.

"Oh, Sapphire!" She looked up to see Mr. and Mrs. Gold standing in the doorway. "I was wondering if you were going to come before you left."

"I wouldn't leave Shade behind." Sapphire replied. "Thank you for the opportunity to work here."

"Thank you for helping us out. I hope you'll come back and visit us sometime in the future." Mr. Gold said. Mrs. Gold smiled.

"Yes, feel free to stop by anytime you're in the area." She added. "We enjoy having you around."

"Hey, do you think that I could just stay here?" Sapphire wondered.

"You know we can't do that." It was the answer she had been expecting, but it still came as a disappointment to the girl.

'Yeah, I know." She sighed. "I'd better get back to the house before my mother panics and calls the police. Can I have Shade's Pokeball, please?"

"Sure." Mrs. Gold said as she handed over the high-tech device. "Make sure you take good of him."

"I will." Sapphire sighed. "I better get going. "Don't do anything too strenuous."

With that, their final goodbyes were said, and then Sapphire was on her merry way. Neither of the Daycare couple questioned her sudden, abrupt exit. They were used to Sapphire and her ways. She hated saying goodbye.

Sapphire sighed as she walked towards Goldenrod City. She didn't want to leave, but she didn't have any choice. There was perhaps maybe one way that she could get back to her beloved Johto, although she knew that it was risky, and her parents would hate her.

Although right now, she hated them too, so at least the feeling would be mutual.

"Oh, I was wondering where you were." Her mother crushed her in a hug as soon as she stepped into the Magnet Train's station. Sapphire rolled her eyes, silently hoping that Shade was alright inside his Pokeball. The mischievous Dark and Ice-type hated being trapped in there. "Come on, hurry up! The train will be leaving soon, and you don't want to be left behind!"

"Actually, I do." Sapphire muttered to herself as she let her mom push her through the crowd, up the steps, through the ticket check, and onto the train, where she sat the pair down in an almost full car. Sapphire groaned. Even though the train ride was only about an hour, she didn't relish spending it with strangers that were trapped like Magikarps in a can.

Soon the announcement rang over the paging system, saying that they were about to depart for Saffron City in the Kanto Region, and thanking them for choosing to ride on the Magnet Train.

Then there was a slight lurch as the train began to move, levitating a full foot above the track. with nothing more than a quiet hum, it began to pick up speed, going faster and faster. Sapphire watched as it left Goldenrod City, the tall building shrinking as her home grew farther and farther away. She couldn't help but let one tiny tear slip out of her eye as the magnificent skyline vanished, and the view from the windows became a blur of trees and sky. There was no turning back now. It had begun.

She was on her way to Hoenn.

So, what do you think? Any comments, constructive criticisms, and compliments can be left in a review. Flames will be frozen solid by Shade's Icy Wind.