Hi Guys!

So I finished my other story today, but we're sick with the flu so no school! :D So it gives me a bit more time to type. I've started this one because (as you all know) I'm so EXCITED FOR THE NEW SEASON OF RACE TO THE EDGE WHICH IS COMING OUT ON JANUARY 8TH! SO THRILLED! But I had this idea going around in my head for awhile now and thought I'd write it down and see what you all think of it! Let me know :D

Hiccup looked down the sword and to the person holding it. Malla's face was taught with anger as she advanced a bit, forcing Hiccup to back up into Astrid even more. He could feel her stiffen, as she pulled out her axe, reading to fight if it came to it.

Hiccup decided to try to defend them in the best defense mechanism he had- talking. "Malla, we're not dragon hunters! We hate Viggo as much as you do! He's been attacking us for months- and even captured us a couple of times-"

"Silence!" Malla said sharply, angrily. "You've captured our great protector, and that is an unforgivable crime!"

Hiccup then heard a little gasp from behind him, and he whirled around to see Astrid's eyes fluttering, as her arms fell to her sides, her axe slipping from her grip.

Hiccup panicked. "Astrid!" he shouted just as she crumpled to the ground, her eyes sliding shut. He caught her before her head hit the hard rock, and he knelt down, gently cradling her body against his, searching for some sort of wound that had forced her unconscious.

Hiccup looked up at the men or woman (Hiccup couldn't tell behind the masks) who still pointed their swords towards the two dragon riders. His eyes narrowed and he hissed, "What did you do to her?"

Malla didn't look any different. In fact, she looked angrier. "We are not foolish enough to fall for your tricks. She is playing dead, and we can see right through another of your lies." She stared right into Hiccups eyes, "You are foolish to even try." She raised her sword, as though to strike but was stopped as a large black mass crashed into her.

Toothless let out an angry roar as he attacks Malla, pinning the tribes queen to the ground. The other guards that stood around Hiccup and Astrid rushed forward to rescue Malla from the angry Night Fury, who looked ready to kill Malla at any second.

Toothless's mouth opened and his throat turned purple as he prepared to fire a plasma blast into the queen's face.

Hiccup couldn't watch the queen be killed. Especially with this just being a big misunderstanding. "Toothless NO!" he shouted to his dragon. Toothless's shriek died down and his mouth closed. He turned around and stared at Hiccup with the same eyes he'd given him the day he stood over Hiccup's father in Berk's training arena- now the Dragon Academy. Hiccup breathed heavily as he stared back at his dragon, silently telling him not to hurt the queen.

Toothless was then brought down, the guards pushing him off the queen, and forcing him to the ground. They weren't hurting him, just making sure he couldn't hurt anyone else.

Hiccup turned back to Astrid who still lay in his arms. She was breathing deeply and her breath was raspy. He again looked her over, put couldn't find any wounds on her anywhere. Then he remembered her leg. The leg that had been shot by Viggo's arrows. He grappled as he began to pull up her leggings to right above her knee, where the bandage was. He began unwrapping the thin bandages, revealing the small wound. She'd been right. It wasn't very deep. Perhaps only a half inch in her flesh. But enough to leave a scar. But Astrid probably didn't mind that, Hiccup thought, remembering her old quote "It's only fun if you get a scar out of it".

But he was really starting to get worried. The wound wasn't that deep. So, what had caused her to suddenly go unconscious like this?

"Astrid." He tried, shaking her shoulders. "Astrid! Come on, wake up, Astrid!" his voice was shaky and uncertain as he tried to wake her.

Malla's voice came from behind him. "Where did she get that wound?" her voice was shaking even more than his was, and he figured it was from the dragon attack she'd just survived.

Hiccup looked over his shoulder. Malla was on her feet, her sword placed back in its scabbard at her hip. She was shaking, and didn't look nearly as sure of herself as she had a few moments before. Her four guards were holding down Toothless, who was struggling a bit, merely because he wanted to keep the guards from hurting Hiccup.

"Viggo." Hiccup's voice was raspy as he fought the urge to cry. "But- it shouldn't have been poisoned- only with dragon root- which isn't dangerous to humans."

Malla came forward, her head bowed. "I am sorry, Hiccup Haddock. I see that you are speaking the truth. Your dragon has proven that you are indeed a friend of dragon's, and your friend has proven that you are not in liege with the Dragon Hunters."

Hiccup looked back at Astrid. "It's alright… but please help her." He hugged Astrid closer to him, placing a kiss on her hair.

Malla bent down, looking at the wound. "I don't know much of these things. But our healer, Crionna I'm sure will be able to help you." She turned and motioned to the guards. "Release the dragon."

The guards looked hesitant as they released their hold on Toothless. The dragon hurried over to Hiccup, and whined at the worried look on his friends face. Toothless turned to Malla, a quiet growl rising in his throat.

Hiccup stood, holding Astrid in his arms much as he'd done the day she'd gotten sick with the Scourge of Odin (Season 3 Episode 5 The Buffalord Soldier) He climbed onto Toothless, clicking his prosthetic into the petal.

"Where does she live?" Hiccup asked Malla, the worry on his face apparent as he holds Astrid in her arms.

"The building I pointed out while we were showing you around. Don't you remember? She helps care for dragons as well."

"Oh, right." Hiccup then clicked the petal. "Come on, Bud." He whispers to Toothless and they take off into the sky.

Toothless seems to know where to go, so Hiccup just follows the direction his dragon wants to go. Lava was beginning to leak down in little streams towards the village, and Hiccup didn't like the look of that.

He then looks back down at Astrid. Her face was pale, her breathing shaky, and her body limp. If she was poisoned, there had better be a cure or else Hiccup didn't know what he'd do. What if Astrid..? No. She would be fine. There's a cure.

Hiccup held her even tighter. "You're going to be okay." He said into her ear, more to reassure himself than her. She didn't move or make a sound, and that worried him even more.

"Hurry Toothless!" Hiccup shouts to his dragon, and Toothless grunts in reply, diving towards the village below.

If you want more let me know and drop a review! ;) Sorry this is so short…