"What a fine day for a picnic!" Luisa exclaimed, settling herself on the large quilt that had been laid out on the grass in a shaded part of the palace lawns.

The weather had been unusually hot that week, even for a tropical country such as Avalor. Things were finally cooling off a bit after seven straight days of a blazing sun in a cloudless sky.

"I think it might even rain tonight," Francisco said happily, peering at the thick clouds on the horizon, his hand shading his eyes. "I do so love the smell of the air after a good rain."

He sat down next to his wife. They were quickly joined by their three grandchildren, Esteban, Elena and Isabel and food was laid out before them by palace maids. They all dug in hungrily and chatted about their current projects with their grandparents. Isabel was working on a formula for a new type of cleaning solvent. Elena was helping train the newly arrived jacquins with Skyler. Esteban had been working on improving palace security measures with the guards.

Of the group, Esteban was the quietest. Of their small family, he was always the most quiet, but today it seemed more pronounced, to Luisa at least. It wasn't anything she had discussed with her husband, just something she had noted that day. His presence was almost meek.

The elderly woman was briefly pulled out of her reverie by the explosive laughter of her two granddaughters. Somehow, jelly from a pastry roll had been dropped onto Elena's head and had made a slimy, sticky trail down her forehead and congealed on the tip of her nose. Isabel vehemently denied throwing it at her, but did comment that Elena looked like a clown. Esteban was quickly drawn into the conversation and then Francisco. Luisa silently watched her family, sipping at her iced tea.

She was reminded of those summer days all those years ago, her two teenage grandchildren bantering back and forth. But, now one of them was no longer a teenager. Luisa studied Esteban's face as he spoke to Elena. Frown lines around his mouth, crow's feet around his eyes, which she noted did not appear to be from laughing and smiling, grey streaking through his once jet black hair. He had always been obsessed with his appearance, almost like a woman, she thought. That was still true.

Luisa thought of Esteban as a child, younger than Isabel. He was always concerned about his appearance and put on airs from time to time, but he was happy and kind. He always had a smile for her when they were together. He always helped her around the house, helped her with shopping.

Now, he is so different, she thought, sadly. That sweet kind boy has to be there still, right? That's how I raised him to be.

She couldn't think of where she went wrong.

It must be something passed down from his father, my son-in-law, she thought. He was always so vain, so stubborn. Esteban is just like him, looks just like him too.

The familiar pang of sadness shot through her at the thought of both her own dead children. Then also the familiar pang of anger shot through her at the thought of how their lives were stolen from them at such young ages. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She didn't want to ruin a perfectly wonderful day by dwelling on the past.

"But, I am of the past, what else is there to dwell on?" she muttered to herself.

"What was that, mi amor?" Francisco asked.

"No es nada, Francisco," she said, shaking her head. "I was just thinking."

Francisco frowned and studied her face. She tried to ignore his intent look and watched Esteban, Elena and Isabel pointing at something in the distance that her old eyes couldn't make out.

"Luisa, I've known you since you were a teenager. I know when something is wrong. Dime por favor."

The woman sighed and looked away from her husband.

"Just revisiting the past."

"Mi amor, you shouldn't do that to yourself."

"I know that. But, it just pops into my head sometimes."

"Won't you tell me about it? What were you just thinking about?"

"About Esteban," Luisa said, nodding towards her grandson.

The younger trio were now clustered around each other, studying a page in a notebook Isabel was holding. The twelve-year-old was explaining whatever it was that they were looking at. Luisa had not been listening to their conversation. Esteban was nodding slightly, his brows furrowed, the fingers of his right hand cupping his chin.

"What about him?"

"He was about the same age as Elena forty-one years ago, now he is close to my age, and yours. He once was a youthful and vibrant teenager who shared in many of the dreams of those of his age. Now, he has more in common with us than he has with Elena. I just marvel at that."

Francisco nodded.

"Just look at him, Francisco! His grey hair, his crow's feet! That is what I see when I look in the mirror. That is not what I should be seeing on my young grandson."

"I understand Luisa. It is incomprehensible really, the leap in his age from how we once knew him. The drastic change in appearance too. In a few ways, it has been an improvement."

"How so?" she asked.

"He is more mature and centered now…and I know he is still very vain and self-centered, but he is better about letting other see his nicer side than he was when he was a teenager. I see a little more of how he was when he was a child, more Isabel's age."

Luisa frowned and thought about what Francisco said for a few moments.

"Maybe a little, but…"

"What?" Francisco asked after Luisa had left her sentence unfinished for some time.

"Did Elena tell you about what Victor said? After the fiasco at the Carnival?"

"Not really. I know that Victor was trying to get back at Esteban."

"Victor told Elena that he and Esteban were partners with Shuriki in the invasion of Avalor. They made an agreement to help Shuriki get into the palace in exchange for sharing power over Avalor with her. But, once the invasion was complete, Shuriki and Esteban betrayed Victor and threw him out of Avalor. That is why he came back during the Carnival, to get his revenge."

Francisco's face turned purple with rage.

"What!" he growled, starting to stand up. "I'll go have a word with Esteban right now!"

Luisa pulled him back down.

"Keep your voice down, Francisco, don't cause a scene. Just listen to me. Elena said she didn't believe Victor. She thought Victor told her a lie so she would hate Esteban. Elena doesn't think Esteban would do anything to hurt our family."

Francisco remained seated, but he was still shaking with rage. He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down.

"What do you think?" he asked. "Do you think he was involved? That would mean he was also responsible for the death of Lucia. He as good as murdered her himself."

Luisa said nothing for a few moments.

"I really don't know," she said. "I can't believe that he would intentionally cause the death of his aunt and uncle…When we were freed from the painting, I didn't recognize Esteban initially. It's been forty-one years, forty-one years that he has lived a life that we have missed. Do we really know him anymore? A teenage boy and a man in his fifties are entirely different beings."

"That I know," Francisco grinned, but became serious again quickly. "I don't want to think this of Esteban. I'm sorry for my anger earlier, mi amor. But, what about forty-one years ago. Would he have made a deal with Shuriki back then? Was he that type of person?"

Luisa said nothing, just thought Francisco's question over.

"I can't-I don't want to answer that question," she said softly. "That would mean the possible destruction of our family…from the inside."

"He was very close with Shuriki. He worked with her while she ruled. I always thought it was because he had no other choice, but now after what you have told me…"

"I understand," Luisa sighed, looking over at her grandson. He was laughing at something Elena had just said. "I can't get this shadow of distrust out of my mind. It makes my heart ache."

The pair fell into silence. Luisa continued to stare at Esteban, it was as if nothing else existed in her mind but him. She almost wished that Elena had never told her what Victor had said. The woman wanted to confront Esteban about this, but what good would it do? He would just deny it.

Maybe I should go find Victor, she thought. Talk to him myself. But, could I trust anything he says either?

Luisa remembered Esteban's strange behavior that day. He was very nervous about Victor being there. He also took all their jewelry from the vault, giving a lame excuse as to why. She never really believed that he did it just so they would look nice for the parade. His reasons for taking the jewels were more in line with Victor blackmailing him into it. Telling him that he would tell his family about his involvement with Shuriki if he didn't get them from the vault. Handing them out to the family was just a cover story he made up when he got caught.

Luisa shook her head.

No, no, I can't think this, she thought. I'm sure that Esteban cares for us. He did choose Elena in the fight with Victor.

As Luisa continued to watch Esteban, she wondered, if Shuriki had survived somehow and returned, where would his loyalty lie? Would their little family be destroyed again?


Mi amor: my love

No es nada: it is nothing

Dime por favor: tell me, please