The Outcasts were up to no good and were trying to get their hands on Hiccup again. Alvin the Treacherous and his men have gotten their hands on a Strike Class dragon known as a Skrill. Alvin has heard that the Berserkers of the Berserk Tribe had used Skrills a long time ago as live weapons that can shoot lightening at their foes!

"Another reason to get the Dragon Conqueror" Alvin thought to himself, as he laid his eyes on his newest dragon.

Alvin has had his right hand man, Savage and some of their best men to round up wild dragons for Stoick the Vast's son to train when they get their hands on him. Alvin still remembers that day when he saw Stoick's little embarrassment ride on the back of a Night Fury. He had tried to get their little dragon book, hoping that it could help him to train a dragon army to attack Berk, but he and Savage gave that plan up and started to come up with ways to get Hiccup. They had almost had him when he appeared on their island, but escaped with the help of his Night Fury and a Berkian boy. But he won't give up until he has him and when he does, he won't let him go or die until he has a dragon army to destroy Berk.

The Skrill was a real fighter and kept on struggling to brake free, the more the dragon fought back, the more Alvin wanted it to join his dragon army collection he has in his Killing Ring and in his Dragon Cell Den.

The Outcasts were having trouble bring it into the Den, where are kept all their dragons, that aren't used for training, in cages. The Skrill nearly shocked Savage and some of the Outcasts holding it down.

"I'm getting sick of this" Savage rubbed one of his shoulders, "The sooner we have the boy, Alvin, the easier it will be to hold down these dragons!"

"They are becoming a bit of a nuisance," Alvin agreed, "And after hearing those words of yours, Savage, it really makes me want to get him too. The sooner we have him; the better we get to create our dragon army." Alvin sneered as he imagined the state of Berk when he is done with it. "Has the trader come yet and has he brought what we asked for?"

"Not yet, but-"

Before Savage could finish what he was saying, five Outcast soldiers came running up with new weapons and a small bag. The Outcast with the bag handed it over to Alvin; Alvin opened it and saw that his order has arrived. Alvin smirked as he saw it.

"You got the instructions from Trader Johann?"

"Yes," the Outcast repiled, "He said that it works just like the way it says it does!"

"Good," then Alvin turned to the other Outcasts, "Get those dragons in their cages and then get to the ships; we got a Dragon Conqueror to pick up!"

While Alvin and his men were planning their next 'visit' to Berk to get the 'Dragon Conqueror', Hiccup and the rest of the riders were trying to get Rip and Jaw, the Monstrous Nightmare and Deadly Nadder that hang around Bucket and Mulch's farm to stop landing in the sheep fields to fight, again; that's how the farm animal scaring problem started in the first place and they didn't want it to happen again.

Snotlout and his Nightmare, Hookfang tried to get Rip out of the field and Astrid and her Nadder, Stormfly tried with Jaw, while Hiccup and the others tried to calm the animals down.

It took some time, but they eventually got them out, Rip and Jaw really need to find somewhere else to hang and fight around in, it was the seventh time they got them out this week.

"Rip! Jaw!" Hiccup told them, "You need to stop this fighting; this is a farm, not a fighting ring!"

After Rip and Jaw flew off, Stoick the Vast, Hiccup's father came flying down towards them on his Thunder Drum, Thornado. He didn't look happy and was staring at Hiccup.

"Why does he look unhappy?" Fishlegs asked Hiccup.

"I don't know," Hiccup repiled, "He's always looked angry ever since I was born, but never this angry."

"I'm sure it is fine," Astrid added, "It just might be a problem that he needs you to fix!"

Snotlout looked nervous and worried as Stoick came down. Stoick got off Thornado's back and then walked straight up to Hiccup.

"Hiccup," he started, "Why did you run off after you damaged one of my wood carving?"

"What?" Having no idea what Stoick was talking about?

"When I came home, Hiccup, I found the wood carving I have been working on for the last few weeks next to the fire and half destroyed! Why didn't you stand up like a man and told me what you done than go running off, hoping that I won't notice!?"

"I didn't touch it! I haven't been home since breakfast this morning!"

"A carving couldn't have gotten burn all by itself, Hiccup! As future chief of Berk you need to stop running away after you did something and confess!"

"But I didn't do it!"

"He's telling the truth" said Astrid, "He's been with me and Fishlegs at the Academy all day until Bucket and Mulch asked us to help them with Rip and Jaw again!"

"I understand that you are trying to help Hiccup, Astrid" Stoick told her, "But Hiccup needs to know what he has done."

"But I DIDN'T DO IT!" Hiccup raised his voice. Something Hiccup doesn't usually do, especially to his father.

"Watch your tongue, son! I'm not letting this go or let you fly on Toothless until you confess!"

"What?! But how can I confess to something I didn't do?"

Anger burned in both of Stoick and Hiccup's eyes as they looked at each other. They didn't see eye to eye when the dragon war was going on, but this is different and it might tear them apart.

Rip and Jaw are the names that I gave the Monstrous Nightmare and Deadly Nadder from the third Riders of Berk episode, Animal House!