A/N: This has been a story swirling in my head for a while. I figured I'd get it out. I'm going to do my best to have updates at least every other week, sometimes more often. In the story Christian and Ana have different backgrounds. There is no BDSM. It's also duel POV. Thank you for reading. Enjoy!

"Dude, there are already some fine ladies in there.", Rocco Kincade tells me as I hang my coat in my locker. He and I are working the bar tonight. I change out of my white button up shirt and into the black tee with Delirium printed on the front. The club is the hottest place in Seattle, and tonight, Saturday, is the busiest night of the week.

"It doesn't matter how many women are in there. You have to have the moves to attract them." He places his hand on his chest and feigns being wounded.

"Are you insinuating I don't have moves? I'm hurt."

"You're ok with taking drink orders, but you babble when it comes to flirting." I close my locker door. "Just the other night you had a hot girl in front of you. She was practically undressing you with her eyes, yet you somehow started telling her about your cat."

"She liked hearing about Mr. Jingles.", Rocco counters with a frown. "Or I thought she did."

"She might've liked hearing about Mr. Jingles to an extent, but there was no reason to pull out your phone and show her pics."

"I can't help if Mr. Jingles is so damn adorable."

"Let's curb the talk about girls and get to work."

"Hell yeah! Let's do this!" To say he's passionate about his job is an understatement.

"What can I get you?", I ask the buxom, leggy blonde who just sauntered up to the bar. She runs her tongue over her lips and smiles.

"I don't know. What do you suggest?", she replies, leaning closer and giving me a better view of her cleavage which is pushing through her red mini dress.

"Sex on the Beach." The twinkling in her eyes is a sure sign she likes my answer.

"Sex on the Beach, huh? I can't say I've ever experienced it, but you seem like the perfect guy to give it to me." I wink and turn to make her drink while feeling her eyes on me the entire time. Do I find her attractive? Sure. I've fooled around with customers before, but I'm also trying to be on my best behavior. Well, the best behavior possible for me. Lisa Abernathy, the owner of Delirium is standing by the left wall. Her eyes are going back and forth from me to Jack Hyde, the club's resident dj and asshole. He and I don't mesh well and have had a few heated conversations which have led Linda to keep a watchful eye on us

I finish making the drink and slide it over to the blonde. She seductively links the rim and takes a drink.

"This is good and just what I needed."

"I'm glad to have helped." I'm about to head to walk away when I feel her hand on my arm. She grabs a napkin and writes down a phone number.

"You should call me.", she says. I take the number and put it in my pocket.

"This is for all the single ladies!", Jack shouts from his booth. Beyonce's Single Ladies starts playing through the club, and everyone's swaying to the music. I see Jack leave his booth and head towards the bar. "Grey, give me a gin and tonic." I ignore him and continue wiping the bar. "Did you not hear me?" I set my towel down and walk over to him.

"I heard you. However, I chose to ignore what sounded like a demand. When you learn how to ask politely then maybe I'll get you a drink. Until then...sorry."

"You wouldn't want me to tell Lisa that you're being rude to me, would you?" I clench my fists and imagine myself knocking the smirk off his face. "Be a good little boy and get my drink."

"Jack, how about I make your drink?", Rocco asks as he steps in front of me.

"Sure. You're a better bartender than Grey anyway.", Jack snorts.

"At least women don't feel like they're playing Where's Waldo when it comes to finding my dick.", I snarl. Jack slams his hands on the bar and looks as if he's about to jump across it. However he quickly composes himself at the sight of Lisa.

"Christian, Jack, are the two of behaving?", Lisa asks.

"Why Lisa, of course. Christian and I were just messing around.", Jack says.

"Good, but you need to get back to your spot. The song is almost over, and we need music. Go." She points towards the dj booth, and Jack staggers away like a petulant child. "As for you Christian, go take your break and then Rocco can take his."

I step from behind the bar and head through the back room and outside to get some a bit of fresh air. I should do some writing on my book, but I'm not feeling motivated. Writing has always been a passion of mine, and I'm determined to one day get my book out. In the meantime, I work at the club to pay the bills.

My train of thought is interrupted by the roar of a motorcyle. The machine whirls into a spot only a few feet from me. I stand and prepare to tell the occupant that the spaces are reserved for employees. I watch in shock as the driver removes his or should I say her helmet. She tosses her hair back and places the helmet on the front. Dressed in a black sweater, dark jeans, black boots, and a black leather jacket is a a brown haired woman in her early twenties. She walks towards me, and I can't help but feel mesmerized by her blue eyes.

"Are you staring me?", she questions.

"I was simply admiring...your motorcycle.", I answer, being partly honest.

"It's nice, huh? I got it a few weeks ago. There's something about the vibration between your legs." Fuck! I'll give her a vibration between her legs!

"I should warn you that you've parked in a space reserved for employees. I don't really have an issue with it, but the owner will. She'll make you move it." The girl shrugs and closes the distance between us.

"It's a good thing I work here then.", she says as she walks past me and through the back door with me quick on her heels.

"Uh...I work here and have never seen you." She spins on her heels and giggles.

"Nothing gets past you. I'm a new server and am here picking up my uniform."

"Then we're going to be co-workers." I extend my hand. "I'm Christian." She places her soft hand in mine and slowly shakes it. The sensation stirs a fire within me.

"I know." I raise a brow in confusion. "It's on your name tag." From the doorway someone clears their throat. I see Lisa standing with her arms crossed.

"Lisa, I was just getting acquainted with our server." Lisa crosses the room and hugs the girl. "And you seem to be doing the same."

"Because our new server is also my niece."

"Ah. Well, I still haven't gotten her name."

"Ana.", the new server and Lisa's niece tells me. "I'm Ana."

I only just met Ana, but I feel like she's going to be an interesting addition to the Delirium.