AN: So I saw a prompt on tumblr and was inspired to write this little winter/Christmas AU. It will be short, only six chapters, but I hope that you will all enjoy it! Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this! :)

Clarke set her suitcase down and flopped back onto her bed, feeling tired after the two-hour car drive that she had just taken with Octavia and Raven. It wasn't that she hadn't enjoyed being in the car with her friends, but two hours was a bit of a long time to be cooped up in the car. The blonde was just glad that they were finally here.

The three of them had decided to spend a week in the mountains of Polis for winter break to get away from everyday life for a while. It was kind of a last-minute decision, brought up by Raven two weeks ago on a whim. Clarke and Octavia had been quick to agree to go, and they were lucky to find that there were still four spots left: one full cabin, and two other cabins that had one room left. They all wanted their own rooms, but none of them wanted to share their cabin with a stranger, so they decided to draw straws. Clarke had drawn the short straw, meaning that she would be sharing a cabin with someone she didn't know for a week, while Octavia and Raven got to share the one next door.

Clarke supposed that it could have been worse, though. At least, she and her cabinmate had their own room. She probably wouldn't even see this cabinmate much because she planned to spend most of her time at her friends' cabin anyway.

The soft quilt that was now beneath Clarke felt warm against her cold skin, and she was tempted to just crawl under the covers and take a nap while she waited for Octavia and Raven to get settled into their rooms. Clarke knew that she should probably get settled as well, but she was more of the type of person who unpacked items as she needed them. She was fine with waiting, but she didn't want to fall asleep because she was afraid that she might not hear her phone go off if she did that. Since she had a bit of free time, she decided that she might as well go across the hall to introduce herself to the person that she would be living with for the next week.

Clarke knocked on the wood and waited for an answer for several long seconds. She was just starting to wonder if maybe her cabinmate was not in their room when the door opened, and Clarke's eyes widened in surprise when she saw a beautiful girl appear. Clarke had not even considered the fact that the stranger she'd be living with might possibly be so stunning to look at. Her long brown hair fell in loose curls over her shoulder, and her eyes were a nice jade green.

Clarke stuck her hand out for the brunette to shake before she had a chance to say something stupid. "I'm Clarke. I guess I'll be your cabinmate for the next week."

The brunette didn't take the outstretched hand, instead shaking her head as her pretty green eyes widened in what appeared to be horror. "No. You can't be staying here with me. Anya said that no one else would likely rent this out on such short notice." Her eyes hardened a little. "Damn it. I knew I should have paid the extra fifty bucks to upgrade to a private stay."

Needless to say, Clarke was very confused. "What are you talking about?"

"I rented this cabin specifically to get away from people for a while," the brunette explained. "I really can't have you messing this up for me, so you need to leave."

Clarke's face settled in a scowl, shocked at the way that she was being treated. "I can't leave. I've already paid and everything."

"I don't care," the girl snarled. "Get. Out."

Anger bubbled up inside of Clarke. It was completely unfair of this girl to be so cruel to her, and she was seriously losing her patience. "I'll leave you alone in your room, but I'm not leaving this cabin. I have just as much of a right to stay here as you do, so you can either deal with it, or you can be the one to leave."

The brunette's jaw clenched, and there was a dangerous look in those green eyes, but she did not respond, slamming the door in Clarke's face instead. The blonde had the serious urge to punch that girl, and she took deep breaths to try and calm herself down before she went in there and started a screaming match. She knew that she would be going over to see her friends soon, but she felt like it would take much more than that for her to forget about her awful cabinmate. She forced herself to turn away from the door, walking back into her own room to wait for a text from Raven. This was going to be one hell of a week.

When Clarke arrived at Octavia and Raven's cabin, she was pulled into Octavia's room, where she now sat cross-legged on the bed with her friends. They seemed really happy to be here, and Clarke couldn't help but be bitter that she hadn't gotten to room with either one of them. Even though she hadn't seen her cabinmate since the girl had slammed the door in her face, she still couldn't shake her anger with the brunette, and she cursed herself for picking that stupid short straw.

She listened to Octavia and Raven gush about how excited they were and how nice their cabin was, and Clarke agreed. The cabins were spacious and pretty homey inside. It was just the girl across the hall from her that made it less impressive. When her friends finally asked Clarke about her cabin, she was more than ready to tell them about her lovely cabinmate. "I mean, the cabin's really nice, but the girl I'm living with isn't. When I tried to introduce myself to her, she told me that she didn't want anyone else living with her, and then she slammed the door in my face."

"Wow, that bites," Raven said. "I'd offer for you to share my room, but I want the room to myself."

Octavia shot her own cabinmate a reproachful look before turning back to Clarke. "You can share with me, if it gets too bad."

"That's okay," Clarke said. "I know that you want the room to yourself, too. That was kind of the point of us drawing straws anyway. I'll deal with it. I can always just ignore her."

"And let her win?" Raven arched an eyebrow. "Seriously? She was rude to you. Don't let her get away with it."

"Well, what do you want me to do?" Clarke asked exasperatedly.

"Throw a party or something," Raven suggested. "We can come over and be extra loud to make her mad and show her who's boss. Let her know that you're not going to take her shit and that she might actually have to talk to you like an adult if she wants you to be respectful to her."

"I don't know, Raven," Octavia said carefully. "That sounds kind of extreme. Maybe Clarke should just ignore her like she was going to. That way, you guys don't start anything with her."

Clarke almost didn't even hear her, already smiling at Raven's idea. "She already started something when she slammed the door in my face. I really like the sound of a party, Raven."

"See? Clarke likes it, O," Raven said with a cheeky grin. "Two against one. Are you in?"

Octavia shrugged reluctantly. "I guess I don't want you to go by yourselves."

That was how Clarke found herself back in her cabin, surrounded by her friends as the three of them talked and laughed obnoxiously loudly. When they didn't get a rise out of Clarke's cabinmate, Raven hooked her phone up to her portable speakers and blasted Christmas music at top volume. Clarke laughed even louder when Raven turned on a football game and started cheering loudly for the team. Clarke knew that her cabinmate would be down in a matter of minutes with how loud they were being now.

"Touchdown!" Raven yelled at the top of her lungs. Clarke and Octavia added their loud cheering to the mix as well, and that was when they heard a loud bang from upstairs that could have only been a door, followed by angry footsteps that were getting closer by the second.

"Here she comes," Clarke told her friends quietly. "Be ready to get bitched at."

Clarke's cabinmate appeared at the bottom of the stairs, and Clarke thought that the brunette appeared to be fuming. It didn't even take her two seconds to explode on the three girls who were sitting on the couch. "What the hell are you doing?"

Clarke made an obvious show of looking at the TV before her eyes turned back to the brunette. "We're watching football. What does it look like we're doing?"

"Being loud and obnoxious," the girl fired back, looking like she was trembling with fury. "Turn that awful music off, and for the love of God, stop yelling."

Clarke wanted to laugh at the other girl's anger, but instead she decided to tease her further.

"You don't like Christmas?" she asked in a mock-offended tone.

"What are you? The Grinch?" Raven added, causing laughter to escape from Clarke's lips.

The girl growled furiously, shaking her head at the three friends, before she stormed out the door, not even bothering to grab a jacket on her way out. Clarke found that to be more than a little odd because it was snowing outside, but she didn't really care at all.

"You're right, Rae. She's definitely the Grinch," Clarke agreed with her friend.

"I can see that. It really blows that you got stuck with someone like that." Raven finally tore her gaze away from the door. "It's a shame that she's such a bitch. She's cute."

"Maybe we're being a little too hard on her," Octavia spoke up.

"More like she's being too hard on us," Clarke said immediately, and Raven snickered in agreement.

Octavia looked like she might be starting to regret what they had done this evening, but Clarke knew that that was just how the other girl was. Octavia was always the first one to care about others, and she was always the one who kept Clarke and Raven out of trouble. Clarke was just glad that Octavia hadn't tried harder to stop her and Raven tonight, and she was kind of surprised that the other girl had agreed to take part in this at all. The blonde supposed it was because they weren't actually getting into any real trouble. Clarke's cabinmate deserved everything that she had gotten tonight, and Clarke didn't regret any of it.