Cam wants his mommy to be happy and it sets off a chain of events that just might give him what he wants most for Christmas.

A/N – This was just going to be a one shot, but I'm splitting it into two chapters. It's AH, so I screwed with the timeline and events, but you'll get the information you need. Merry Christmas everyone!

By the way, I write JO with model Jason Morgan in mind (just picture with green eyes because most writers have given him that - the actor who played johnny on the show had brownish hair and hazelish brown eyes)

Chapter 1 – Mission Impossible

Cam let go of Georgie's hand as they walked into the warehouse. She had no idea why he wanted to see Jason, but the precocious little boy had insisted on it. At five, Cameron Webber was a little spitfire just like his mother and apparently, had a lot on his mind. It was cold out, so they had only stayed at the park for fifteen minutes and he was unusually quiet, making her almost call Elizabeth who was almost finished her shift.

Milo smiled when he saw his girlfriend approach. "Hey! I thought you were going to the park."

"We did, but Cam insisted on talking to Jason."

"I'll take him."

Cam followed Milo down a hallway and then watched as Milo knocked.

"Yeah?" A tired Jason answered.

"You have a visitor."


The door pushed open and a stunned Jason was at a loss for words when Cam blurted out his name and ran towards him.

He chuckled as Cam jumped onto his lap with a big smile on his face. "Hello Cam. Is your mom here?"


"Does she know that you're here?"

"No. Georgie brought me."

Now, Jason is really curious. They didn't have a lot of contact anymore. Rumor had it that she was giving Lucky another chance even though their divorce was final. If he saw them when he was out and about, he would engage, but it was rare and he had had missed them more than he wanted to admit. He had always wished that Cam was his.

"What can I help you with?"

"Well, mommy is sad and I don't like to see her cry."

Jason leaned forward, concern etched on his face. "Did someone hurt her?"

Cam nodded sadly. "She told Aunt Emily her heart hurts and I don't know how to fix it."

Jason's face softened as Cam swallowed hard. "Go on."

He sighed. "Aunt Em thinks Lucky will make her smile again."

"And you don't?"


"Why not?"

"She doesn't love him."

Jason was unconsciously rubbing Cam's back trying to comfort him. "I think your mom and Lucky are complicated, meaning that they've been through a lot."

Cam shrugged. "Her heart is hurt and daddy Lucky did that." It had been hard on Cam to watch them struggle.

"I'm sorry. What do you need me to do?"

"I heard mommy talking to Grams."

"You hear a lot, don't you?"

Cam smiled. "Uh—huh." Mommy always told him eavesdropping wasn't nice, but he couldn't help it if they talked to loud.

"Go on."

"She said that she doesn't love Lucky because someone stole her heart."

Jason's brow lifted. "Really?"

"Mommy says it's not nice to steal."

"Your mommy is right."

"That's why I need you to help me get it back."

Sonny was standing in the doorway smiling. Cam was a really cute kid.

"You want me to help your mom find her heart?"


"Why do you think I can?" He hated that Elizabeth was sad.

"Because you are friends."

"We are?"

He nodded. "I heard mommy tell Aunt Em that you are more friends."

Sonny put his hand over his mouth and Jason shot him a look.

For the last few months, his life had not been his own. He had been covering for Sonny because he had knocked Sam up and he was exhausted from trying to keep up the ruse that the baby was his. Luckily, a few days ago, the secret had come out and he was finally done having to put up with the whiny and annoying woman who conned his partner. Cam was a nice distraction and now, he needed to know who had stolen Elizabeth's heart. She was always the one that got away. They had both made mistakes and his had been trying to bury his feelings, running away when things got dangerous. He just never wanted to see her hurt, but it seemed like that's what he always ended up doing. They always had such a push and pull and she was a reminder of a life he thought he could never have. If he were being honest, he'd have to admit that he had fallen in love with her after Lucky had supposedly died in the fire. When she slept with Zander, his heart broke, but he knew that she didn't regret it, because now she had Cam. They briefly tried to have relationship, but it was derailed because Sonny had to fake his death and Jason couldn't tell Elizabeth. That lie had cost him in so many ways. He turned to Courtney and Elizabeth married Ric, and the relationships both ended disastrously. Their timing was always off and they moved on with their lives, but he still tried to be there when she needed him. At some point, it was easier to just push his feelings aside since she usually chose Lucky over him anyway. Jason wasn't convinced that Elizabeth really wanted to be with him and he knew that she probably felt the same way about him. He understood her connection with the other man, but always felt like she was putting her faith in someone who was selfish and would never put her first or believe in her the way she deserved.

"We are more than friends." Just saying it almost made him smile.

"Then you'll help me make mommy happy?"

Cam was too cute for his own good. Jason didn't think he could say no if he wanted to. And while it would kill him to help Elizabeth be happy with someone else, as long as it wasn't Lucky, he would do what he could because Cam and Liz deserved some happiness.

"I'll do what I can."

Cam clapped his hands together.

Sonny moved forward. "Hi Cam. I'm Sonny."

Cam smiled. "Hi."

"I heard what you said and maybe I can help too."

"My mom needs all the help she can get," he said dramatically, making both men smile.

"What do you know about the man who stole mommy's heart."

Cam pretended to think. "Well, he's yummy."

Sonny chuckled. "Jason, are you writing this down?"

The enforcer rolled his eyes and shifted Cam in his lap so he could grab a paper and pencil.

"He said that the man was yummy," Sonny repeated.

"Like chocolate," Cam added for good measure.

Jason shook his head. "I got that."

"And he makes her heart percolate."

Sonny cracked up. "I think she said palpitate."

"That's what I said."

"Anything else?"

"He's taller than her."

"So, is most of mankind," Jason muttered.

"Well that's good," Sonny said.

"Yeah, cause she needs someone to reach stuff for her."

"Definitely. What else?"

"I think he's really strong cause he can pick her up and keep her safe."

Jason wrote it down. The guy already sounded like a nauseating do-gooder.

"Um and he listens good and is calm."

"He sounds perfect," Jason grumbled.

Milo appeared in the doorway. "Jason, I need you really quick."

The enforcer was glad for the break. The last thing he wanted was to hear more about Elizabeth's perfect man. "Cam, I'll be right back."


Sonny was starting to get a good picture of who Cam was describing, but he needed some confirmation. He sat in Jason's chair and picked up the pencil. "Anything else?"

"Yeah. He's quiet and has absperdays."

Sonny laughed when he pronounced it like it was all one word. This was priceless.

"Oh, and she says he likes to go really fast." Cam had listened carefully, because he wanted his mommy to smile again.

"Fast huh?"

"On a motorcycle. Do you have one?"

"No, I don't, but I happen to know that Jason does."

Cam's eyes got very big. He had forgotten. "Cool!"

"Yeah and he has absfordays too."

Cam didn't know what that was, but it was suspicious that Jason had one too.

"And between you and me, I think your mommy was talking about Jason."

A grin slowly lit up the little boy's face.

"Do you like Jason?"

Cam nodded his head vigorously. "He's nice and pushed me on the swings. Mommy used to smile when she saw him."

"Well, they are both stubborn and need our help. I think that we should keep it a secret and that I'm going to help you put a smile on both their faces. Is it a deal?" He felt like he owed it to Jason for putting up with Sam, even if it was going to piss off Carly, but since they were getting a divorce he didn't care.

Cam held out his hand and they shook. "Deal."

"Now, I'm going to write some stuff down to confuse him and then I'll have him take you to see your mommy."

"On his motorcycle?"

Sonny chuckled. "Maybe when you get bigger, but after all this is over, I'll make sure you get to sit on it."

Cam cheered just as Jason re-entered the room.

"What's going on?"

Sonny finished jotting down that the man had blonde hair and green eyes, not realizing who Jason was going to think it was. "Alright, the description is done. We'll get right on this."

"Thank you Mr. Sonny."

"You are welcome, Cam. Jason, why don't you escort him and Georgie to GH so you can pick up the package."

Jason shrugged. "Come on, Cam." He grabbed his keys, glancing at what else Sonny put on the list and then headed out.


Liz was shocked when she saw the trio approaching her. She turned to Johnny. "I guess he's here to pick you up." It still didn't explain why he was holding her son's hand as Cam talked a mile a minute.

Johnny was surprised to. "Can I get out of the chair now?" He was recovering from a car accident where he had gotten pretty banged up.


He pouted and she pinched his cheek, making Jason's eyes narrow. The closer he got, the more he began to think that maybe Johnny was the man Liz was pining after, especially after the wink he had just given her and the physical description fit. Asshole!

Johnny met his gaze and was surprised by all the shade. "What's his problem?"

Liz had noticed that Jason was especially tense too. "Who knows." Damn he looked good when he was pissed off. She involuntary shuddered and then fussed with Johnny again.

"Mommy, Mr. Jason drove us here."

"Well that was very nice of him. Did you thank him?"

Cam hugged Jason's legs. "Thank you."

Jason's demeanor softened. "You're welcome."

"Are you ready to go to Grams?"


Georgie left and Liz said goodbye to Johnny.

"Now you behave and rest. I'll know if you don't."

Johnny grinned. "Maybe you should check on me later."

Epiphany was watching and started to chuckle. Jason looked like he was going to pop a blood vessel.

Just to mess with his boss, he tapped his cheek twice. Liz rolled her eyes, but gave him a peck on cheek.

"Thanks, babe."

Jason slightly growled. "Let's go."

"I'll push him to the curb," Epiphany said.

"Or off it into traffic," Jason mumbled.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I said, bye Cam. Elizabeth, it was nice to see you."

Liz nodded. She wasn't sure what it was that made her brain scramble whenever he was around. He just had it all going on. The jeans were just tight enough and he could wear a black t-shirt like no one else. Maybe it was his swagger or piercing blue eyes. Damn him. After all these years he still made her heart skip a beat.

Jason turned to go and then Cam cleared his throat, making him stop. "Cam?"

"You forgot something?"

"What's that?"

"You didn't kiss mommy on the cheek."

Everyone grinned except Jason and Liz who turned varying shades of red.

"Yeah Jason, you forgot the kiss. Wait—should I be jealous?" Johnny asked.

Liz rubbed her hands on the side of her jeans. "You don't have too."

"Yes he does mommy."

Epiphany shrugged when she locked eyes with the baffled nurse.

Jason took an awkward step forward and then quickly kissed her on the cheek. "Bye." Her hair smelled like lavender and he wanted to tug on it while she was screaming… That's it. He was officially losing his mind.

"See you later," she said before grabbing her son's hand. His aftershave hung in her nostrils and another scent that was uniquely Jason. She didn't know whether to kiss her son or punish him for life.

Jason shot Johnny a look and then hurried to get the elevator. He and Johnny really needed to have a talk.


Sonny called Francis into his office. "What do you know about Elizabeth and Jason's relationship?"

"You mean lack thereof?"

"Well, I know their history, but I didn't think they were in touch since before he married Courtney."

"There were times they connected on and off. For the most part, they stay away from each other. Why?"

"Cam was here earlier and asked Jason to help him find some man that made his mommy's heart percolate."

Francis chuckled. "He's such a cute kid."

"Well, he described Jason to a tee who is clueless because he's so dense. When he had to leave the room, I changed the list we were creating to throw him off. I said the guy had blonde hair and green eyes."

Francis choked on his coffee. "Are you trying to get Johnny killed?"

"What?" Sonny's eyes grew big. "Shit. I sent Jason to pick him up."

Francis called Jason, but there was no answer. "Damn." He called Milo. "Has Jason come back yet?"

"No. I don't know what is taking him so long."

"Find him. It's an emergency."

"I'm on it."


Johnny frowned, even after trying to goad Jason about Elizabeth several times, his friend didn't bite. His grip on the steering wheel was giving Johnny pause, clearly Jason was pissed and he had no idea why. His phone buzzed and he started to answer it, but Jason shot him a look.

"Don't answer it." His phone was practically burning up in his pocket and he figured whoever it was decided to call Johnny instead.

"Okay… Jeez."

Once again he was given the silent treatment and went back to his thoughts. Maybe Jason was mad because he had to cover for him. It wasn't his fault that a deranged Carly had run him off the road after she found out about Sam. He had tried to avoid the lunatic, but she had to be one of the worst drivers ever.

Across town, the guys had finally caught sight of Jason on a traffic camera and Francis grabbed his keys.

"I'm coming with you," Sonny said, knowing where Jason was probably headed.

Milo stepped forward. "Me too." They would probably need all of them to hold Jason back.

"Max, you're holding down the fort," Sonny said as they ran for the car.

He shrugged and plopped into a chair, not understanding what the hell was going on.


Jason pulled into a driveway and shut the truck off. When he got out, Johnny was a little panicked. They were at a safe house and he couldn't for the life of him figure out why Jason was tripping.

He glanced at his phone as his boss came around the back of the car. There was a text from Francis that said, "Run."

"What the fuck?" he muttered. There was no way in hell he could run right now and he didn't have his gun. "Shit."

Jason went to open the door and Johnny pushed the lock button for which he received a glare.

"What is your problem?"

Jason pushed the unlock button on the remote and Johnny quickly pressed his. "Johnny…"

"No. I'm not getting out of this car until you tell me what the hell is going on." Right now, it was his safe place.

"Touch that lock again and I'll break your fingers before I put a bullet in your head."

"How you lost your mind?"

"You know what you did!"

The fury in Jason's eyes shocked Johnny.

"No I don't. Why don't you just ask me instead of going fucking psycho on me. Is this about Carly?"

"Dammit Johnny! You did the one thing that I can never forgive you for. You know what she means to me!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Johnny threw up his hands and Jason took advantage of his distraction and pressed the remote and jerked the door open. Before Johnny knew it, he was yanked to a standing position and shoved against the side of the car.