A/N: Good afternoon everybody! This is my Christmas 2016 contribution, it is three chapters long. I hope you enjoy it, the premise of this story comes from a tradition I used to do for several years when I had my own place in New York. I want to thank my friend and wonderful beta ddgorgeous for all her help with this story. I collaborated with her on certain details and her help was invaluable. A very Merry and safe Christmas to all of you.

Lastly, don't forget you are running out of time to get your nominations in for the Profiler's Choice Awards. The deadline is Dec. 31st 2016 at 11:59pm. Good luck to all the nominees. God bless!

Precious Christmas Moments

The front door suddenly flew open and in came an arctic blast along with joyous voices of the men of the BAU as well as Jack and Henry.

"Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas! We come bearing a huge gift!"

The BAU women rushed over to meet their men and the boys. They all clapped and laughed. "Yayyyy! It's here, it's here!"

Everyone was completely excited and practically bouncing around. It was Christmas Eve which meant tonight jolly old St. Nick would be paying his first visit of many to the new Morgan home. Derek and Penelope were going to be celebrating their very first Christmas together as a couple in their very own home.

Derek finally found the courage to express his true feelings to his lady love over the past summer. He asked her out and their first date was full of love, romance and he gave her the Goddess treatment. They both had the time of their lives. He made every effort to make the whole weekend special. He met his favorite girl at her apartment and whisked her off to Dave's mountain retreat. There he ravished her and spoiled her with an elegant and romantic lakeside picnic with all the fixings. Which included, soft music, candles, champagne, fresh fruit, her favorite dish Chicken Alfredo, Chocolate Mousse and Chocolate covered strawberries and more.

They spent the afternoon into the evening dancing, talking, walking and skinny-dipping. The evening ended with them making slow, passionate love under the stars which lasted until the sun came up the next morning. They finally passed out from exhaustion in each other's arms. Derek wanted their first time to be spectacular and special, something she would remember for the rest of their lives. The rest of the weekend carried through with all the same activities, it was the greatest time and would be with them forever.

The next six months were the happiest they had ever been, they were inseparable except when the team went out of town for cases. Even then neither of them could fall asleep until they spoke to each other via Skype or talked to each other until they fell asleep on the phone.

When the team was home they spent their time in happiness while they worked together to restore an old Victorian home that they purchased to spend the rest of their lives together. It was gorgeous with a huge backyard, a wrap-around porch, a pool, and a small lake behind them in the woods. The house had three stories with six bedrooms and the master bedroom with an attached master suite bathroom with a hot tub and a beautiful garden tub. The house also came with three other bathrooms, three fireplaces, a huge living room, dining room, an office for Penelope, a family room and very large kitchen which Derek turned into a chef's dream.

He wanted the perfect house for his perfect woman and would not settle for less. They put in so much time, effort, and painstaking details, it was priceless and was fit for his Goddess and her Chocolate God. They moved in right after Thanksgiving, so this would be their very first Christmas in their dream home with their family surrounding them.

It was decided they would all be celebrating the holiday together at Casa Morgan. Everyone arrived at lunchtime and would be there until the day after Christmas. The plans were the men and kids would go Christmas tree hunting and then a traditional Italian Christmas Eve dinner. That would consist of much wine, good company, seafood, and pasta galore. Then they would enjoy their tree trimming party which included an admission price which Penelope decided would be each person would have to bring two ornaments that represented something about themselves.

Christmas day would be spent cooking and eating another feast of turkey, glazed ham and all the trimmings. All the women Penelope, Emily, JJ, and Fran would take charge of cooking the meal tomorrow. Whereas, tonight's feast, would be cooked by both Dave and Fran.

The rest of the time would be time for presents, playing, watching movies, and hopefully frolicking in the snow that was forecasted to start later this evening. This had become their annual Christmas tradition over the last two years, the only difference instead of spending the time at the Rossi's mansion this year would be spent at Casa Morgan.

So, began a holiday weekend full of good times, laughter, smiles, great food, love, old and new memories, and lasting traditions.

The mighty hunters arrived home with a swagger of bravado, flaunting their prize as they played off how they spent the day foraging through the woods to cut down their prey. All the girls could do was giggle all the way through there tall-tale.

"I swear Baby Girl, we must have hiked through the whole forest!"

Penelope grinned and let out a huge fit of laughter. "Sure, you did my Chocolate mountain man!"

Derek sauntered over to his lady love and pulled her into a loving hug and a passionate kiss. "Hey woman, don't tell me you don't believe your man?"

She pinched his cheek and winked at him. "Awww, Baby Boy if you want me to believe you, I promise I will give it a try!"

Derek triumphantly grinned with his famous one-thousand watt smile. "You better do more than try silly girl."

All everyone could do was chuckle at the usual playful banter between their favorite couple. Once the men managed to get the huge tree in, it was placed into the previously setup stand and secured in place.

Everyone stood around it and admired its shape and size. The men had done good.

Henry looked up at his mom, smiled and put his arms up to be lifted. JJ leaned down and easily and lovingly brought her son into her arms. "Cool momma, cool! It pretty right, momma?"

JJ smiled at her son as she pecked his nose. "It's very pretty, Henry! You guys picked out a great one! Did you have fun with your dad, Nonno and uncles?"

Henry giggled. "Me had wots and wots of fun momma! We gots to pway in da snow!"

"You did?"

"Uh huh, and I gots to froow a snowbaw ats Unca Dewek he few down!"

JJ chuckled along with everyone else. "I bet he did, I wish I was there to see it!"

Emily chimed in. "Me too, Unca Dewek?'

"Haha, Prentiss you're a riot!"

Emily smirked. "I thought so!"

Jack rushed over to his mom. "Don't worry mom, you were funny!"

Emily winked at her son and patted his head. "Thanks Jack, you are mommy's hero!"

"Your welcome, mom! Can me and Henry go and play with Clooney and Mudgie?"

Emily looked at Derek and Penelope. "You have to ask Unca Derek and Auntie Pen, okay?"

Henry climbed out of JJ's arms and both he and Jack ran over in front of them.

Jack blurted out. "Can we Uncle Derek, can we please?"

"Yea, can we Unca Dewek, pwease?"

Derek and Penelope looked at each other and smiled and then Derek bent down and picked Henry up. "Do you guys promise to be careful?"

"Me pwomise, me pwomise!"

"I promise Uncle Derek."

Derek gently placed Henry down. "Ok guys, go have fun!"

"Tayyyy!" At that both little boys took off like rockets to go find the dogs.

The adults shook their heads and chuckled. JJ walked over and gave Derek a hug "Awww, you are so good with them. You are going to make a great daddy someday!"

"Thanks, little sister, you think so?"

"I know so, big bro."

Derek looked around as he wrapped his arms around his favorite girl. "Hey guys, I wanted to say something before we all get busy. I need you all to know that I love all of you mucho! Baby Girl and I feel very lucky that we have all of you in our lives and we wouldn't change a thing. We all have been through so much and I can honestly say I trust every one of you. I never thought I would be able to say that to anyone after everything in my past, but now I can. Hotch you asked me a question a couple of years ago and at that time I still had some doubts, but not anymore I swear! I am glad we could all be here together as one big crazy bunch of misfits! Merry Christmas, my family! Now, what's on the schedule?"

Penelope leaned farther back into his arms, tilted her head to the side and brushed her lips on his as one lone tear fell down her cheek. "Awww Angelfish, we all love and trust you, too!"

Penelope then turned her attention to the entire group. "Now, my terrific family of Superheroes and Momma Fran I am the luckiest woman in the world. I have the sweetest and sexiest boyfriend anyone can ask for! I also have the best family and mom I could have wished for. I had been on my own and alone for what seems like forever. You all know I lost my parents when I was sixteen and my selfish and spiteful brothers disowned me following their deaths. My past love life has been horrendous and meaningless so unfortunately, I never wanted to put my shield down. Then the most interesting thing happened one day, I was arrested and offered the best job ever, all in one day. I also met my future that day, Eyebrows! Thank you Bossman, that day changed my life forever and now all my dreams have come true! Now, my doves I love the bestest people I know including my two uber special nephews!"

Penelope giggled and was suddenly twirled around and Derek brought her in for the most passionate kiss he could muster.

Emily blurted out. "We love you too, PG! GET A ROOM!"

Fran walked over in front of them, Derek let go of his girl and pulled his mother into his arms and they hugged. "I love you so much, Baby Boy! I'm so proud of you and wish you nothing but happiness and love with your Baby Girl. I am so glad you two finally pulled your heads out of your butts and admitted something we all have known for years. I love you both!"

Everyone broke out into laughter and Derek sheepishly grinned at his mom. "Thanks Momma, I really am happy and the luckiest man on earth. I love you, too! I just wish Sarah and Desi were able to make it for Christmas!"

"I know son, I wish that as well! On the bright side, we all will be together next year. We just need to be patient, once the school year is over Sarah can move and transfer to teach in a pre-school here. Desiree is counting the minutes until she graduates Northwestern and will be working close by. Looking around I also wanted to say I am indeed truly lucky and blessed. When I started dating my now wonderful hubby and moved here, I originally began with one son and two daughters. Now, God has given me more of a tremendously special family. I have been entrusted with a perfect husband, two more sons, three more daughters and two wonderful grandsons who I cherish and get to spoil rotten. You all mean the world to me and always will. I know I am not your real mom, but even if you need a hug or an extra ear I will always be here for you, as well. I love all of you!"

Dave took his turn and spoke up. "I think we are all lucky and I love each and every one of you! I had been all alone for so many years and I thought I wanted that. Now, I know I was miserable and all I ever wanted was a family and now I have the best one anyone could ask for. Even though you all drive me nuts, I wouldn't have it any other way. The best gift I was lucky enough to receive was the love of this very lovely lady right here, my wife Fran Rossi!"

Fran sniffled, smiled, and jumped into his arms. "I love you very much too, my darling husband! I never thought I could be this happy again after I lost my Hank, but you proved me wrong. Thank you for loving me just as much as I love you!"

The happy couple began kissing passionately as they heard all the girls giggling.

"Awwww, how sweet!"

Spencer jumped in next as he wrapped his arms around the love of his life. "I want to say something, as well. Things were always bad for me especially after my dad abandoned my mom and I. Then I somewhat lost my mom when I had to have her committed. I have also known loneliness for so many years and too many people just up and left me. The first best day of my life was the day I joined the BAU and found my new family, I didn't feel all alone anymore. My second-best day, was the day I married my beautiful wife Jennifer Jareau Reid. My third-best day, was the day that my perfect son Henry was born. Trust me when I say I have had many other great days because of all of you. You accepted me, for me and never judged me. I love you all very much and am proud to be part of this family!"

JJ was crying and smiling at the same time as they hugged each other tightly. "Ohhh Spence, I love you so much and will forever!'

"Way to go, Pretty Boy! Well said and we love you to little bro! That will never change and you are stuck with us now."

Spencer blushed and smiled as he and JJ pulled out of their hug. Penelope had walked over to him and hugged him next. "Awww, my heap of gray matter we love you too!"

When they pulled apart Derek brought him into a huge brotherly hug. JJ cleared her throat with tears still traveling down her face and announced. "My turn now! I just want to say that when I lost my sister Rosaline I was devastated. As time went on I received two more beautiful sisters Garcie and Emily and I couldn't ask for anyone better. I also am lucky because I have two brothers that are the best I could ask for in Derek and Hotch! Of course, I also have a great second mom in Fran and great dad in Dave. I love you all so much! Then of course, the two best things in my life are my hubby Spence and my joy, my son Henry! I am truly lucky and wouldn't know what to do without any of you in my life. You guys are the best!"

When she had finished, everyone moved in for another round of hugs. Emily decided she would go next.

Emily raised and waved her hand around. "I want to say something, too. As you all know, I traveled around my whole young life so I did not connect with anyone at all except for two friends in Rome. Other than that, I really had no one. My mother was never around and we never really got along. It was always just me until I became a part of this team and family. Now I have brothers, sisters, a second mom and second dad. The best parts of my life though, are my wonderful husband Aaron and my handsome son Jack. I am thankful and love you guys forever."

Hotch leaned in and pulled her in for a hug and a very passionate kiss. They remained like that until Penelope squeaked out. "Your turn, Bossman!"

Hotch pulled back slightly from his wife and looked around at the group that was his family and took a deep breath. "You know things like this are hard for me, however this seems like the best time to speak out. I know I can be tough and appear standoffish and I know I don't smile enough, but I am working on that. I know I don't always show it or express it, but I love you guys. You are my family! My father was abusive, my mother never cared enough to stop any of it and my brother Sean and I always had a strained relationship. So in essence, I chose all of you to be my family as you chose me. By far the best parts of my life are my gorgeous wife Em and of course, my great and energetic little boy, Jack! I love you, Emily now and forever. I love all of you too, even though I feel like I run a Romper room a lot of times!"

Everyone busted out laughing in response to Hotch's last statement. Even though, deep down they knew there was some truth to it.

"Alright everybody, group hug time then it's time to get moving along.

Hotch crinkled his nose and groaned out. "Garrrrcccciaaaa!"

"Come on Bossman, don't be a fuddy duddy!"

The bunch of them chuckled and all pulled into a group hug as the boys came running back into the room.

They both yelled out. "Me too, me too!"

Their respective fathers bent down and picked up both little boys as everybody squeezed into a tight group hug.

When the family pulled apart Dave clapped his hands and grinned. "Alright peoples, it's time to get busy! Fran and I will be in charge of the kitchen for tonight. I say that Aaron, Derek, and the Kid should go and get all the Christmas things from the shed and bring them in. You guys also need to check the lights and put them on our tree. Ladies, please help with setting the table and start working on any remaining wrapping to be done. Jack and Henry, we thought you might want to watch Rudolph, Frosty, The Grinch and Santa Claus is Coming to Town. What ya say?"

They immediately ran towards the family room clapping and joyfully cheering. "Yayyyyy!"

Fran commented with a huge smile on her face. "Well Nonno, you just made two little boys very happy!"

Everyone chuckled and shook their heads with complete amusement.

Dave grinned and winked at his wife. "Well, after all I am the best Nonno in the world! Does everyone agree with their assignments?"

In unison, the group let out a resounding response. "Sure thing, Dad!"

The teams all split in their own different directions laughing the whole way.

The next couple of hours flew by as everyone stayed busy with all their different tasks. The house was abuzz with wrapping, cooking, and checking what felt like a million Christmas lights. The house was filled with the most delicious aromas from the evening's feast yet to come.

The boys were bouncing from room to room checking on the progress with the lights and when dinner would be ready. They also watched a marathon of Christmas specials Dave had setup for them along with playing with the dogs.

Finally, it was time to sit down and partake in all the wonderful homemade goodies that Dave and Fran carefully and lovingly prepared. The meal began with a blessing lead by Jack and Henry, which was then followed by a toast from the family patriarch Dave.

From the appetizers, all the way through to the dessert everything was pure perfection. Dave and Fran had outdone themselves, the whole meal was scrumptious. They enjoyed the huge spread as they laughed, talked, and reminisced all the way through. A good time was had by all.

After supper was over the whole family pitched in on the cleanup, they figured the quicker the cleanup the quicker they could start decorating the tree. It all went like clockwork and now Penelope's favorite part of the night was ready to begin.

To say Penelope was excited, was the understatement of the year. She was practically bouncing off the walls. This would be her very first Christmas as a couple with the man of her dreams along with the fact it would be spent in their brand new first home. Life couldn't be any better except for the surprise gift that awaited her Chocolate God.

She stood there gazing at the tree before her with a huge smile on her face. This would be a Christmas they both would never forget. Suddenly, she was pulled out of her reverie when she felt two strong and loving arms wrap around her. Derek had pulled her tight against his chest as he began to pepper the back of her neck with soft butterfly kisses. She loved the feel of his body next to hers and relished in his soft touches, kisses, and the full extent of his love for her.

Derek grinned as he soaked up the essence that was his gorgeous Goddess. "Penny for your thoughts, Princess?"

She tilted her head to the side and looked directly into his sexy face and soulful eyes, grinned and snuggled further into his perfectly sculpted body. "I was just thinking how happy and lucky I am. I have the greatest guy, the finest family in the world and I don't remember ever being this happy. We are just starting our lives together and creating a whole slew of new memories, traditions, and times I would never want to change, Handsome. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I cherish every single second of our time and life together. I just hope I never let you down. I love you so much, Hot Stuff!"

Derek squeezed her tighter as he leaned in and pecked the end of her nose. "I love you too, Baby Girl! You could never let me down. You make every day of my life the best that it can be. I am the lucky one here, you have the biggest and kindest heart of anyone I have ever known. You are my best friend, my safe- haven, my God-given solace, and the love of my life. I trust you with my heart, my life, and my soul! You have made me the man that I thought I never could be. I would do anything for you and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, loving you and protecting you."

At that she turned around in his arms to face her Noir Hero, the man of her dreams and they leant in for an extremely hot and passionate kiss that lasted for the longest time.

They pulled back from each other gasping for air when they heard Dave trying to capture their attention.

Dave smirked and chuckled. "Hey you two, not in front of the kids! If you think you can pull yourselves away from each other long enough, we are ready to get this party started."

The happy couple blushed and let go of each other and Derek said. "Sorry guys, we are ready when you are."