Disclaimer: I do not own KC Undercover.

Thus, time passed with Brett cementing his status as KC's boyfriend. Once he had obtained that title, he worked on getting her to become part of The Other Side. Using the plan, he catered to KC's injustices such as the environment. He noted that the people in power control the fate of the planet. Slowly but surely, KC began to see things his way.

The end result being that KC joined Brett for The Other Side. Brett explained some of the plan. Her extended family was the Other Side royalty. She would take over via a coup with his father's help. Brett had explained who his father, Zane, was.

The next step was the coup. The coup went off without a hitch. It was decided that Brett and his father would remain the visible leaders of the Other Side. That left KC undercover as part of the Organization. She would begin another coup over there.

KC was successful at that aspect as well. She replaced Agent Beverly and made Agent Johnson the head of the Organization. KC maintained her cover as a low level operative so as to also make sure the Alternate would be under her and Brett's control as well. She as a low level operative capture Brady an agent from the Alternate and had Agent Johnson turn him.

Once that was accomplished, KC installed Brady as head of the Alternate. She also set him up with Marissa. This allowed KC to bring Marissa into the fold. Marissa had discovered her love of fashion and as a result was now making spy suits for KC exclusively. Now, that everything was taken care of.

KC, Brett, and Zane took over the world by using the Organization, Other Side, and Alternate. KC also ended up jailing her family as well. She put them in a gilded prison. They had all the amenities and luxuries that they could ask for. They just could not leave. She also reprogrammed Judy. Imprisoning her family was just an extra precaution.

If anyone could stop KC, it would be her family. Eventually, Brett convinced KC to let Ernie out. Ernie had been receiving the best private tutoring that money could buy while being locked up. Ernie would be living with KC in a new house built specifically because of him. The top floor would have Ernie and KC. The second floor would have Brett and Zane.

The third floor had KC's second-in-command and bodyguard, Amy and her "family." This was all insurance so that Ernie could not escape and break the rest of the family out. Ernie was suspicious about living in the world that KC ruled. He was pleasantly surprised. It was better than before even if no one had "free will" a such.

Ernie really could not complain. He had access to whatever he wanted. In fact, his sister had surprisingly set him up with Zoe. KC even took the time to explain that Zoe was not part of the Other Side and was a part of the Organization. The Organization and the Alternate no longer existed as such because everything was now the Other Side. This reassured Ernie that Zoe was not evil at least. Ernie found himself happy.

Therefore, Brett along with Ernie was able to convince KC to let her grandparents go as well. The same rules applied for them as well. They lived with Ernie and KC. They were also monitored very closely. Once KC noticed no problems, the grandparents, Ernie, and Brett convinced her to let her mother, Kira, out. Kira was placed in the same place with the rest of the family. She did adjust as well to the new world order. This gave Brett and KC's family the leverage needed to push for KC's father, Craig, to be released.

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