"A Raven and A Swan

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters!

Chapter One: The Raven

"But Daddy, I love her! I don't care if she is Snow White's daughter." Regina yelled. She knew the consequences of falling in love with Emma White but she still didn't care. Emma was in line of the throne and needed a "king" to help her rule, not a simple princess. Regina's father, Prince Henry, didn't care if Regina fell in love with a woman, much less a princess but Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter was out of the question.

"Regina, my love, I know you love Emma, but you two will never be accepted. She is going to be the new Queen. If I was king then I would change the laws for you. But I am not." Regina turned around so she could hide her tears, even though she had been crying for the past two minutes. Her blue riding outfit was stained with mud and grass and her braided brown hair smelt of sweat but she preferred to be this way instead of dresses. "Regina-"

"Regina Raven Mills!" Regina and Henry turned around to see Cora blurts through the doors, speed walking to them. As soon as Cora was in reach of Regina, she raised her hand slapped Regina so hard that it echoed through the room.

"Cora!" Henry yelled.

"Stay out of this, Henry!" And lifted her hand and Henry was pulled out of the room by magic and the doors shut. Regina stood there, looking at the bookshelf and holding her cheek from where her mother slapped her.

"What in the world is the matter with you? How dare you kiss a woman, the damn princess Emma White in fact? Are you mad?" Cora screamed but Regina stayed still and said nothing.

"Answer Me!" Regina winced.

"I don't know, Mother." Regina said quietly.

"You don't know?" Cora laughed. She grabbed her daughter's face and forced Regina to look at her.

"You are no longer allowed leave without permission."

"What?" Regina's eyes got wider.

"You are no longer allowed to be alone when you ride, you will have a guard with you at all times."


"Let me finish, Regina!" She stayed quiet and let her mother speak.

"You will be at dinner every night until you become a proper Princess. And you will no longer speak of, think of or see Emma White ever again. Do I make myself clear?"

Regina tried her hardest not to cry in front of her. She knew that she will never get to see Emma ever again. "Yes, Mother."

Cora sighed and caressed Regina's cheek, "I am only doing this for your own good. I don't want rumors spreading around saying my daughter is ill natured. Now go up to your room and get ready for dinner. It is in two hours. We will be expecting guests."

"Yes, Mother." Regina silently made her way up stairs and until she knew she was out of ear shot, she ran to her room, locked her door and threw herself on to the bed and wept.

Two days had past and Regina was missing Emma but she was talking to her right now. It had been at least two hours that she last heard from her but she can't complain. Her bird was loyal and so sweet. As soon as she came into her room after Cora told her to get ready for dinner two days ago, she immediately wrote a letter to Emma.

Two Days Ago

My dearest Emma,

I'm so sorry that I haven't seen you today but my Mother isn't going to let me see you ever again. I dont know how I can go on living. I miss you so much and you mean the world to me. I planned on telling you this in person but I love you Emma Swan White! I always have and I always will. Please don't forget about me.



Regina folded it and rolled it up and tied a black ribbon around it to secure it. She slowly walked toward her window and whistled softly. After a few seconds had past, a small blue bird glided down to her window seal and Regina petted its head gently.

"Hello, beautiful. I need to ask you a favor." It chirped. "Will you deliver this note to Princess Emma White for me?" It chirped again and landed on her finger. Regina tied her note to its leg and kissed its head. "Thank you, beautiful!" And the bird flew away.

After having her dinner with her parents and some guests, she quietly laid on her bed, reading a book passed down from generations on her father's side. As she was reading, a sound came from her window and she saw it was the bird. She smiled wide and ran to the window and opened it.

"Hello beautiful!" She looked down at its leg and saw a note with a white ribbon around it. She smiled knowing that it was Emma's. "I'm so proud of you!" She petted its head and reached for her fruit bowl that laid beside her bed and grabbed two cherries. "Here you go. Thank you for doing this." And she untied the note from its leg and gave her the cherries in return. The bird flew off and Regina closed the window and sat back on her bed. She took a deep breath and opened the letter and read it's contents.


I'm so sorry this has happened! This is all my fault! I shouldn't have kissed you No, I don't regret kissing your lips, Regina. I miss you so much! When I got your letter, my heart skipped and screamed. I'm sure we can figure out something. I would do anything for you. I love you, Regina Raven Mills. Always.

Cute Bird by the way,


Her heart swelled as she reread the words and gently touched the dents the quill has made. She heard the squeak of the floor board on the third step on the stairs and she hid the letter in her pillow case and grabbed her book and tried to continue her reading.

"Regina, darling." Cora said sweetly behind the closed door. "May I come in?" Regina sighed and made sure the letter wasn't noticeable beneath her pillow case.

"Yes, mother." Cora entered with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. Regina has never seen her mother bring her in food, especially sweets.

"Your father asked me to bring you these." Ah, that makes sense. Regina thought.

"Darling, you know I do everything that may seem like punishment," She gestured the room and pulled Regina's book from her hands and magically moved it to her nightstand. "But I just want what's best for you."

"Mother-" Regina began until her father was at the foot of her doorway. Cora looked behind her and gave Henry a glare.

"What is it?"

Henry gulped, "He is here."

Cora smiled and stood up, flattening her dress. "Regina, I want you to wear that blue dress I bought you and come down stairs." Cora shoved passed Henry and made her way down. As soon as she was out of earshot, Henry walked towards his daughter and held her.

"Daddy, who is here?" She felt his chest rise and fall.

"Sweet heart, I fear your mother has found you a suitor. A prince." Regina looked up at her father and backed away from his embrace.


"His name is Prince Leopold."

"But Daddy." It broke his heart to see the fear and pain in his daughters eyes.

"Regina, sweet heart-" Henry was cut off when purple smoke surrounded his daughter and it vanished, revealing her blue dress and her newly curled hair that was pinned up to perfection. Regina looked down at herself then headed to her mirror and knew her mother was the cause of this change.

"Daddy..." Regina turned to her father but found herself alone in her room. She quickly grabbed her quill and wrote a note and wrapped it in a black ribbon and went to the window. She saw the beautiful blue bird flying to her and she quickly tied the not to her leg and said, "You know what to do." Then the bird flew off into the dark sky.

As she descended from the stairs, she saw her mother stare at her and motioned to stand up straight. Regina bit her tongue. A tall man that had been speaking to her father suddenly looked up and noticed someone new in the room. When their eyes met, she felt a disgusting feeling in her stomach and felt the food she ate earlier that day come back up and greet everyone.

The man's hair was thinning so much that his scalp glistened in the light and his silver facial hair glowed with age yet his attire screamed money and power. He wore many medals on his chest and a fur cape that touched the floor. His white clothing shined as did his golden buttons. He smiled and his brown eyes squinted. She quickly looked to her parents for an explanation to why a man 30 years older than here.

"Mother?" Regina asked as calmly as she could. Cora just smiled.

"My darling daughter, I would like you to meet Prince Leopold. He is from another kingdom far from here."

"Yes, in fact I traveled two days and three nights just to meet you." He said as he rudely interrupted her mother. His voice was deep and angry.

"I am very sorry for your troubles, Your Highness. But may I ask why?" Asked Regina in her sweet voice. He looked at her mother questionably. She opened her mouth but was rudely stopped as Leopold lifted his hand to silence her.

"I am here on behalf of our betrothal." Regina's eyes widened. No. No! They can't do this to me! No! She looked at her mother in horror and found no mercy.

"I refuse."

All of their eyes widened.

"I refuse to marry you, Your Highness. I hope you can understand that I am not ready to be a wife much less a mo-"

"A Queen" He interrupted.

"A Queen?" She asked, not realizing that she had said it.

"Yes. I am next in line for the throne."

Regina took the silence as a chance to run up stairs and into her bedroom. She needed Emma. She needed to be away from here but the bird never came back.

AN: I apologize if I had made any mistakes on here. This is my first SwanQueen Story. And no, Leopold isn't related to the "Whites", he is in fact in another kingdom. I hope you liked this! I will update once a week!