Hi! Stick around to the end for some info.

July 1st, X823, Nereid Path Master's Office, Paraiba City, Pergrande Kingdom

To the far east of Fiore lays the largest country on Ishgar, the Pergrande Kingdom. A kingdom forged from the efforts and alliance of 3 guilds; Silver Dominion, Solar Plexus and Nereid Path. Despite their differing opinions on how peace should be obtained and strength should be brandished, the Pergrande Kingdom was born from their efforts.

Nereid Path was founded in Paraiba City. The Founders had felt that a life of peace and acceptance should be the core foundation for every mage, but that one should have the ability to defend that peace if need be. The bayside city resided on the Northwestern coast of the Pergrande Kingdom and within that very same bay, floated Nereid Path. The guild had once resided on the beachfront alongside the countless shops and businesses which resided there. However, acceptance means all types of mages called Nereid Path home and with that notion in mind, it wasn't uncommon in Paraiba City for the guild to be thrown into shambles at the drop of a dime once the mages started quarreling.

Lena Baso, the current master of the guild had decided it was too much of a hassle to have to always fill out paperwork every time they broke something so she had her guild redesigned to float about in the bay of Paraiba. The guild was split into two halves. The top half was shaped like a dome and was merely a huge room holding all the normal commodities of a guild. It's roof was made of a crystalline structure which was transparent on the inside, but a dark blue opaque on the outside allowing normal sunlight for the mages. The bottom half was a tower which rested under the water. There were floors for the dorms, there was a floor for Lena's S-class mages, the Viras and then there was Lena's floor. But Lena wasn't in there, as the mages of Nereid Path know, the only person ever to likely be found in there was Aly Hio.

Aly Hio was Lena's second in command, her Orison. The raven haired beauty was hard at work as usual. She was going over paperwork ranging from property damages by mages, to inquiries for work from the locals, to requests for assistance out around Paraiba.

In a normal guild, the master would be the one doing this sort of work, but Lena was notorious for avoiding things that bored her and paperwork was ever so close to the top of that list. As such Aly was stuck doing it. She was working through the paperwork at lightning speed when wave of frustration hit her.

"At this rate, I'm not going to get any practice in today," she sighed. All sorts of books, toys and games lined Master Lena's walls. She had a collection of things that at some point in her life she'd found amazing which was now thrown about her office haphazardly.

"Ahh," Aly groaned. "Where are you Miss Lena?"

She slipped on her white sandals and dusted off her purple, bell bottomed dress before navigating the maze of junk on the floor over to the large bay window. With the room underwater, the view was mostly water with the occasional fish of some sort.

Then in the corner of the room she caught a glimpse of an old rapier, instantly recognizing it as her old weapon of choice she smiled at the thought of how far she'd come under Lena's tutelage.

"Well I guess that's that for today," she sighed. "I need Miss Lena's signature for the rest anyway, so I might as well tidy up the room before heading out to do my rounds."

Aly's rounds consisted of searching the guild from top to bottom for the master. With a little over a decade of experience in their respective roles between the two of them, Lena had gotten quite good at hiding. Aly was sure that Lena would have to come back for food at some point which was why she had a couple mages stationed in the kitchen staking her out, but Lena hadn't been seen for nearly two days. This prompted a quick inventory which revealed several missing bags of grapes, Lena's favorite snack.

Aly had been in the process of organizing the many treasures back onto the shelves, even going so far as to organize them. By the time she finished there was only a slew of papers on the floor, but there were quite a few empty spots on the shelves, reaffirming that wherever Lena was she was merely hiding from work.

With a slight roll of her eyes she got to stacking the random pieces of paper and quickly skimming them to see if there were any she could fill out without Lena when her eyes read over a piece of paper that made the already pale woman lose all color.

"T-This is from the Hekabe," she stammered. "How could she just leave this here? This is serious. I've got to find her!"

The frantic mage was gathering her things when her eyes suddenly caught something out the bay window. Something tiny, but still big enough to be noticed out in the distance.


July 1st, X823, Outside Nereid Path, Paraiba City, Pergrande Kingdom

Lena Baso truly had outdone herself this time around. There was nowhere in the guild that she thought Aly wouldn't find her and make her do work so she'd slowly been stockpiling supplies and moving knick-knacks to a secret space just under the dome of Nereid Path until a few days ago when she felt the time was right. Without a moment's hesitation she calmly exited the guild, dove into the water, grabbed her things and floated a ways out to sea. So for the last two days, she had been laying atop the water with her white hair floating beneath her.. The entire plan had been so flawless, Lena was truly impressed with herself.

"Hehe, I'll just finish up this last book and then I'll swim back," she proudly declared. "Aly's gonna be so mad," she giggled. "She's gonna want to know where I was hiding so bad."

With each declaration, she flipped a page and popped a grape in her mouth.

"What could possibly go wrong?" she added as the sun beamed down on her pale skin.

Lena had accounted for everything. Everything except this particular bag of grapes having a hole in the bottom, so as she ate out of the bag floating beside her, every now and then a grape would slip out and sink below her.

She was at peace and was certain nothing could disturb her until an ear piercing scream shook her concentration and she sank into the water below her. When she resurfaced, the realization she'd been caught settled in. On the dock surrounding the guild stood an angry Aly with a towel in her hand. What she was yelling couldn't be made out, but Lena was certain she was gonna get an earful from her now.

She sighed, blew the loose strands of wet hair from her face and helped herself back on top of the water before walking back across the water's surface to the guild. Once she was at the dock, she met Aly's scowl with a cheerful smile before taking the towel, her black pants and silver sweater drooping even more than usual from the weight of the water.

"Oh, don't be so angry Aly," Lena teased. "I was gonna come back eventually."

Aly's scowl held in place as she handed the letter over to Lena. One look at it cleared up the reason behind Aly's current mood.

"Not going," Lena said bluntly as she began drying off her air.

"Miss Lena?! What do you mean you're not going?" gasped Aly.

"Those old fools have been asking the same things of me for years," said Lena. "I'm not the old master. I have no intention of leading the Hekabe Aly. Not now, not ever."

"But it wouldn't hurt to just go to the meeting," pleaded Aly. "It'd be good for all the Segeni if you did. At least to show the younger ones that you still care about traditions. You've done wonders for me, think about how many others you could help."

"You think I want more work," laughed Lena. "You as an apprentice is a lot of work as it is."

"Miss Lena," pleaded Aly as she put on her most childlike voice.

"Ugh," thought Lena. "She's doing the voice. She thinks it's cute and that I'll cave at the cuteness, but really it just gives me indigestion. Nope. I can hold out."

"Please Miss Lena?"

"I don't have it in me to tell her that kiddy voice is pretty damn annoying, but if she does it again, feelings be damned."

"Just tell me you'll think about it?"

"Oh screw this," said Lena before turning and leaping back onto the water and running back to her safe haven.

"Miss Lena!" screamed Aly.

"I'll do it!" Lena yelled back, just leave me out here for a little longer.

Aly smiled in triumph. "Baby voice never fails."

Author's Note:

So! The Pergrande Project is appearing today mostly in place of the Summit Project as that has been put on an indefinite hold due to a number of things. But Dreadburner94, MyDearWatson, and myself still wanted to do a collaboration like this. So hopefully it works out just as well as the Summit Project did. We've been working a lot on figuring out the details for this collaboration, especially since it's in a different country and timeframe. But it's been a lot of fun working on a project like this again and I am looking forward to see what's in store!

There will be Rules and an OC Form on each of our profiles, but I wanted to go over some things here.

Like I stated before, this story is set in Pergrande Kingdom in the year X823 and starting on July 1st. Please remember this when creating your character and their history.

Each of the cities and towns are named after gemstones, so if you wish to create your own city/town, please use a gemstone for the name. But do keep in mind that Citrine, Onyx, Paraiba, Alexandrite, and Peridot have all been taken.

We have chosen not to accept any Slayer type magic/character as well as no machia based characters or demons and gods. Those were personal preferences that we chose, so if you send in one of those types, we will ask you to change it.

You are welcome to submit multiple OCs, but they must belong to separate guilds. We are also limiting the number of siblings between the stories.

Just like with the Summit Project, all three of us will be viewing every submission sent in and deciding as a group whether they will be accepted or not.

You must send your OC in a PM and please send your OC into the person who's writing for that guild. So if you are submitting one to Solar Plexus, send the submission to MyDearWatson. If it is for Silver Dominion, it will go to Dreadburner94. And if it is for Nereids Path, it will go to Me. And please title your message as Character Name – Guild Name. Makes it easier on us.

Nereid Path will be sporting a much less structured guild system. So apart from the master, and second in command there will a total of 25 or so spots. A small portion of which will be the S-class mages.

I think that should be it for now. The rest of the rules and everything will be on my profile. But please have fun and be creative when creating your characters!

I'm looking forward to see what you all come up with!

We will all be updating again once we have enough submissions, so please be patient with us!