A/N: So anyone whose read my stuff may know that I lost my old computer, well, I got a new one, but I'm still working on recovering everything.

You may also remember the Summit Project. Well, say hello to its replacement! (As I don't think we'll ever be able to work on the Summit Project again) The Pergrande Project! A three story project that is written by myself, MyDearWatson and Origm2012. I'll have more to say at the end, but for now, enjoy the prologue of the Pergrande Project: Silver Dominion!

I don't own Fairy Tail!

I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Prologue: The Seraph

July 1st, X823

A man sat alone in a dimly lit office made entirely of gray stone, a faint blue light emanating from the many lachrima crystals that lined the side walls, barely illuminating the many silver and gold tapestries that hung between them. On the tapestries, one could make out the insignia that was embroidered into them in white, a symbol that resembled two, upward curving wings that curved out and then in again, meeting at the top and bottom while leaving an open space between them that was filled by a four-pointed star.

The middle-aged man sitting at the dark wood desk leaned forward onto it, the leather chair beneath him squeaking against his black leather duster as he placed his elbows on the desk and clasped his hands, which were concealed by a pair of white gloves, in front of his chiseled and rugged face, the dim light catching in the large diagonal scar that marred it as he rested his chin against his gloved hands before he let out an agitated sigh and opened his slanted dark blue eyes before standing up to his full height of 6'4" and revealing his muscular build. The dim blue light reflected off his short and thick, slicked back blond hair and distorting the color of his tanned skin. As he walked through the office, the light did little to illuminate the rest of his dark outfit, which consisted of a dark gray dress shirt worn under his duster, a pair of black slacks, which were tucked into a pair of black boots while a silver pendant hung from his neck via silver chain necklace. And though one could not see it, across his entire back in silver was the same mark that adorned the tapestry, the guild mark of Silver Dominion.

The man walked to the end of his office and slammed open the large, wooden double doors and stepped out into the next, much brighter, room, which would have startled the woman who sat at her own desk within the room had she not been so used to the man doing so.

"The doors did nothing wrong, Samael," the woman sighed sarcastically as she glanced at the man as he passed, Samael glaring down at her as he came to a stop.

"Any word?" he asked, ignoring the woman's quip.

"On the Royal Guild? Or Nerys in particular?" the woman responded as she looked up at Samael.

"I don't care which," Samael growled, "Now is there any news or not, Magdalena," he asked again.

The middle-aged woman looked up at him, then smiled, "I think we both know which one you're more interested in," Magdalena said as she stood up from her own desk, reaching her full height of 5'9", her round, blue eyes looking up directly into Samael's more severe dark blue ones as she challenged his gaze.

Samael looked down at her for a brief moment before letting out a huff and turning away.

"That's what I thought," Magdalena stated before sitting back down and opening up a lachrima display screen by tapping the crystal on her desk.

Magdalena had fairer skin than Samael did, but her physique was still quite toned. Her long, platinum blond hair fell down and around her back, while two, silver studs were pierced in each of her ears. She wore a long, blue dress that had gold trimmings along the edges and long slits along the sides while underneath her large bust was wrapped in bandages while she also wore a pair of black shorts and a pair of flat, dark blue shoes on her feet. Magdalena also bore the mark of Silver Dominion, though it was on her right forearm in white.

"So, is there any news or not?" Samael huffed.

"Nerys is still out in Pergrande somewhere, but as usual, her work is classified by the Royal Guild. So, no, nothing new," Magdalena answered.

"Tch… I know that harlot is up to something," Samael growled.

"That's not a very nice way to address your ex-wife, Samael," Magdalena teased as Samael let out another growl, "But don't worry, as the Cherub it's my duty to look out for the Seraph's interests, so I'll be sure to tell you right away if I learn anything new."

"Very well," Samael replied before he began walking off again, "I'm going into town to clear my head," the man walking through another doorway and entering a hall before he came to a large sliding metal door and placed his hand on the wall next to it, the wall lighting up with a light blue magic display in the shaped of a number pad, Samael entering the number '333' before the display vanished. A few minutes later and the doors began to slide open, revealing a metal elevator with windows on the walls.

Samael stepped into the elevator and placed his hand on the wall next to the doors, another magic display appearing before Samael pressed a single button that caused the door to slide shut and cause the elevator to begin its long descent from the 497th floor down to the 333rd.

At first the descent was slow, allowing Samael to look down at the next two floors of the massive tower that housed the guild Silver Dominion, but also the near entirety of what was known as Onyx City. The tower that housed both the guild and city was a massive super-structure that was built long ago and was held together by powerful ancient magics that also allowed the denizens of this tower to live comfortable lives in the upper floors. The next several floors of the tower that Samael zoomed past in his descent were home to several businesses and offices, nothing of real interest to the everyday person unless they worked there. But as the elevator began to slow as it entered the next section of the tower was truly the heart of civilization in Onyx City, the residential district, home of the people and the main entertainment zone of Onyx City. Though Samael's destination on the 333rd was much less flashy than most peoples.

As the elevator began to slow to a crawl in its descent after a few minutes, Samael was able to look down on the 333rd floor, a view that would remind anyone that Onyx City was entirely indoors beyond the Hillside District that sprung up around the tower. But as far as Samael could see, several homes and buildings stood tall down beneath him, from one wall to the other, but the building that dominated this floor was a large cathedral that stood proudly above all the rest, its beautiful stained glass windows shining in the artificial light of Onyx City. Even as Samael reached the ground level of the 333rd floor, the cathedral was still in view, its towering spires standing tall and directing the people's gaze ever upward to the heavens, or in this case, to the ceiling as there was no view to the outside world in Onyx City.

Samael stepped away from the elevator, looking over to the trolley station to see if any were in and available for quick transport across the 333rd floor. Seeing that one of the sleek metal trolleys were available, Samael quickly marched over to it and stepped aboard.

"Seraph Samael!" the driver squeaked in surprise, "W-what an honor! Is there someplace I can take you to?"

"The cathedral," the Seraph stated bluntly before taking a seat on board the long vehicle, "Feel free to wait for other passengers. I'm in no rush."

"Of course, sir!" the driver responded nervously as Samael leaned back into his seat and shut his eyes as he waited. Several minutes and nervous greetings towards Samael later, the trolley began to move after it had filled up with passengers, making all sorts of stops throughout the 333rd floor, dropping off civilians here and there, mostly at their homes though until it had reached the cathedral and Samael stepped off, leaving a tip for the driver as he exited the trolley.

Samael stopped short of the cathedral though and looked up at the stained glass window, its colored glass panels bearing a depiction similar to that of Silver Dominion's guild mark. Letting out a huff, Samael stepped through the open doors and into the dimly lit main room that was lined with stone pillars and wooden pews, the aisles being adorned by beautiful red carpets. Samael walked all the way down the aisle, his footsteps being the only sound within the large room as he stepped up to the alter at the back of the room.

"Ah, Seraph Samael, my child, what brings you to us today?" Samael heard an old man ask from the side of the room.

"I am here to clear my head, Father Roland," he answered without looking over to the robed priest, "The weight of leadership is a heavy burden to bear when enemies claw at the guild and the city from both the north and the south."

"I would imagine so, child," Father Roland responded as he walked over to stand next to Samael, "But who better to lead Silver Dominion and our beautiful city than one who was once a man of the cloth? Your cause is righteous and your hand is guided by the divine itself."

"Heh. You wouldn't have dreamed of saying so all those years ago. You called me a rash and foolish child for leaving to join the guild," Samael said as he turned to look down at the priest.

"I was concerned for you and your obsession with power. You were rash and headstrong, but I was a fool to try and stop you after the Holy Guardians chose you as their conduit and master," Father Roland explained, "You have truly proved this old fool wrong about his initial assumptions, child. There is no need to worry about that."

"You're certainly more agreeable than the priests in Alexandrite. They've been trying to use my time here as a way to make me and all of Silver Dominion subservient to them," Samael stated with a huff.

"Bah. Those windbags up in the capital have gotten too full of themselves. Every priest outside of Alexandrite knows that," Father Roland huffed as he started to turn and walk away, "You take care of yourself, child. This entire city relies upon the might of Silver Dominion, nay, the entire south of Pergrande does."

"I am aware, Father Roland," Samael replied as he turned to look up at the stained glass window behind the alter, "You need not worry, I will maintain order and enforce justice across the south."

"I'm certain that you will," Father Roland said as he briefly stopped in front of the wooden off to the left of the alter, "You have certainly become the man that you dreamed of being, child," the old priest added softly before opening the door in front of him and stepping through its threshold, the door quietly shutting behind him as Samael continued to look up at the stained glass.

A/N: Okay, so that was the prologue, so I hope you enjoyed it!


The Seraph, Samael Baalsaar – Dreadburner94

The Cherub, Magdalena "Maggy" Wall – Origm2012

Anyways, as I said above, this story is part of a three-story project called the Pergrande Project that is replacing the Summit Project, which has been put on indefinite hold. But the three of us, MyDearWatson, Origm2012 and myself still wanted to write a project like this, thus we got together again and began working on planning out this new project of ours.

There will be more in-depth rules and OC forms unique to each of our stories on each of our profiles, but I'd like to address some things here as well.

As you may have gathered by the title of the project, the Pergrande Project takes place in the far eastern country known as the Pergrande Kingdom and begins on July 1st of X823. Please remember this important detail when creating your OC.

The cities in Pergrande will be following a gemstone naming theme. So keep in mind if you create a town for your OCs history that the names Onyx, Citrine, Paraiba, Alexandrite and Peridot have been taken.

We have chosen to not accept any sort of Slayer magics, any sort of machias, any sort of demon/etherious or gods. This was a personal preference that we agreed on, so if you send in a Slayer or one of those other things listed, we will have to ask you to change them.

You are allowed to submit up to three main character OCs, but you can only send in one to each guild. So if your first submission is sent to Silver Dominion, your second must go to either Solar Plexus or Nereids Path and then your third to the remaining guild. You do not have to submit three characters, if you only want to create one OC, that's fine. We are also limiting the number of siblings accepted into the project.

Also, be sure to send in your submissions to the appropriate person. If your character is for Silver Dominion, send them to me. Solar Plexus, MyDearWatson. Nereids Path, Origm2012. And please title your PM with the format Character Name – Guild Name. It makes it easier on us. An example would be Samael Baalsaar – Silver Dominion.

For Silver Dominion, I will be taking 30 mages – 4 Thrones, 6 Powers, 5 Virtues, 3 Dominions, 3 Principalities, 4 Archangels and 5 Angels. There will be a list on my profile stating what is available and if there are any restrictions on OCs in terms of magic, gender, personality, etcetera. You if you send anything in that is no longer available or that has been restricted, I will ask you to change it.

Here is a brief rundown on the different ranks within the guild. There will be a more detailed description on them and the hierarchy of Silver Dominion on my profile.

First Sphere Seraph – The Guild Master

First Sphere Cherub – The Second in Command

First Sphere Thrones – The S-Class

Second Sphere Powers – Caster Type Mages

Second Sphere Virtues – Holder Type Mages

Second Sphere Dominion – Mages that practice any sort of summoning magic, regardless of whether or not it is a Caster or Holder Type

Third Sphere Principalities – The teachers and mentors of the guild

Third Sphere Archangels – Mages that need additional training/Mages that are reckless trouble-makers

Third Sphere Angels – New Recruits

If you are planning on sending in a Throne, be sure to contact me first because there are story specifics that you need to be aware of first for some of them. Also, the Thrones must be at least 24 years or older, as mages tend to hold their positions for a long while and must have proved that they are capable of leading a large group of mages. I will not negotiate this.

That's it for now. The rest of the rules and information will be on my profile along with the OC form. But please have fun and be creative with your OCs!

I'll be looking forward to seeing what all you come up with! And we'll have the next round of chapters up once we have enough submissions, so please have patience until then!

Keep in mind that the titles of the other stories are Pergrande Project: Solar Plexus by MyDearWatson and Pergrande Project: Nereids Path by Origm2012.

Your host,
